Lovers Tone

By aabscondd

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Story about the Reader X Five Hargreeves, there will obviously be other characters, just those two are the ma... More

Chapter 1: "Hello there.."
Chapter 2: "Dinner?"
Chapter 3: "I see you like guacomele"
Chapter 4: "FIVE..NO!"
Chapter 5: "On the couch-?"
Chapter 6: "Who the hell is that?!?!"
Chapter 7: "That's an ugly name."
Chapter 8: "Fuck off."
Chapter 9: "Listen here you little shit."
Chapter 10: "...Revenge Date?"
Chapter 11: "Tag your it, Tag tag, your it."
Chapter 12: "Princess"
Chapter 13: "Dinner is served~"
Chapter 14: "Mine. Mine only."
Chapter 15: "You are not a pyschopath."
Chapter 16: (Valentines Day Special)"Happy Valentines day sunshine"
Chapter 17: "FIVE?!?!"
Chapter 18: "Im sorry I couldn't save you like you saved me.."
Chapter 19: "Stay with me..please!"
Chapter 20: "Nuh uh I just like flirting with youuu!"
Chapter 21: "Hungover?"
Chapter 22: "How romantiiicccc"
Chapter 23: "How could you..?"
Chapter 24: "How was the dance..?"
Chapter 25: "Five..? Where are we??"
Chapter 26: "We can be monsters together"
Chapter 27: "Guys would you stop it please?!?"
Chapter 29: "Quite demanding aren't we?"
Chapter 30: "Y-You.."
Chapter 31: "I know..I'm gonna make it all better I promise"
Chapter 32: "Nobody has to know.."
Chapter 33: "Is it a kiss?"
Chapter 34: "Like what you see?"
Chapter 35: "Fine..but keep it down, Five needs his rest."
Chapter 36: "I'm totally a better cook!"
Chapter 37: "Just come home.."
Chapter 38: "Cut the crap Diego."
Chapter 39: "God Y/n I've never seen you get so red"
Chapter 40: "Talk about a lovers tone- Jesus"
Chapter 41: "I'll kill you myself, got it?"
Chapter 42: "Breathe, it's gonna be okay."
Chapter 43: "HA I WON!"
Chapter 44: "I wanted my anniversary present."
Chapter 45: "no matter what happens I'll always be right here."
Chapter 46: "Told you!"
Chapter 47: "Do we have to go back?"
Chapter 48: "Am I really the person you wanna die with Five?"
Chapter 49: "Oh really now? What is it?"
Chapter 50: "Keep Walking"
Chapter 51: "Get Lost."
Chapter 52: "So..about my dads files.."
Chapter 53: "Protect Y/n Adler"
Chapter 55: "FIVE HELP!!"
Chapter 56: "And anootthherrr kiss?"
Chapter 57: "Don't underestimate the things that I will do.."
Chapter 58: "Together."
Chapter 59: "For me."
Chapter 60: "I'm here too see my dad."
Chapter 61: "He's dead"
Chapter 62: "It's one of the five stages of grief."
Chapter 63: "Just stay alive for me.."
Chapter 64: "Maybe I'm too emotional."
Chapter 65: "My dear Five Hargreeves."
Chapter 66: "I'm gonna miss you."
Chapter 67: "Too Five."
Chapter 68: "Y/n Hargreeves."
Chapter 69: "Understand?"
Chapter 70: "Hello there.."

Chapter 28: "Because your gonna be my bride one day."

438 16 4
By aabscondd

Y/n's POV

My eyes widened a little "How long were you standing there Klaus-?"

"Mmmm, probably ever since you two started making out, you just didn't notice me since you were so lost in each other's eeyyyeess!"

"Ha ha very funny, now what do you want? I was enjoying that." Five sighed

I laughed a little then looked at Klaus "Not that we don't enjoy your company buuuuuut we were having a nice timmmee, ya know, just usss?"

"Ugggghhhhhh, but why can't I hang with you guyssss? Just act like I'm not hereee" He came in and sat down in the middle of us and put his arms around us

"Well it's gonna be a little hard to if you're separating us-" I chuckled

"Yeah- can I at least sit next to her if your gonna stalk us??"

"Fine fineeee" he said with an attitude then sat on the edge

Five scooted close to me and smiled "Hello again sunshine" he put his arm around me

I leaned my head on his shoulder "Hello charmer"

"Five I never knew you could be so lovey dovey, I mean you fucked a mannequin one time when you were younger because you were so horny and you didn't have a girlfriend so like-" He explained, so casually

I started laughing "You- You fucked a mannequin?!?!" I kept laughing harder

"Yeah he did!! It was so funny!!" Klaus started laughing

"How does that even work???" I laughed harder, almost crying of laughter

Five sighed and facepalmed "I hate you both so much."

"Why do you hate me? Because-" I struggled to say it because I was laughing "Because I'm not a mannequin?"

Klaus wheezed "HA HAAAA!" He laughed

"No babe-" He stopped himself and his eyes widened

My laugh faded as my eyes widened "Did you just-" I looked at him

"I didn't mean to- I just- it slipped out-" He stuttered

I smiled a little "I was joking, well I mean, I was surprised in all honesty, I never though you would call me babe, but it's adorable"

"So- you liked it..?" He looked down nervously

I lifted his chin up to look at me "I loved it."

He sighed and smiled of relief "Good" he kissed my cheek "Mwah"

I smiled "Your so cute"

"Uggghhhh I feeelll so singgllleee, but I still find it funny that Five fucked a mannequin" he wheezed

I laughed "So how was her kissing Five?"

"No where near as good as yours." He smirked

"Seriously!?!?! I try to make a joke offending you and you guys turn it into a flirting session!" Klaus sighed dramatically and annoyed

I pulled him in by his tie close "I'd sure hope not. Or I will find that mannequin and rip her head off and throw it off a balcony." I smirked and then let go of his tie

"Damn Y/n, you are very jealoussss!" Klaus laughed

"Pleeaaseee!" I scoffed "I don't get jealous."

"Mmmm..nope I know for a fact you get jealous" Five smirked

"What? You have no proof. Name one time where I got jealous!"

"Juliet came over and interrupted our almost first kiss because she was flirting with me and almost kissed me, so you slapped the shit out of her, twice, and told her to get the fuck out and shoved her out the door"

"I- well- thats- that was different- I slapped her for your sake, you didn't wanna kiss her soooooo" I chuckled nervously

"Suurrreee!" He said sarcastically with a smirk

"Wipe that smirk off your face, dumb ass" I laughed

"Naaaahhhhh" He smirked again

I laughed and shook my head "Anyways what do we wanna wa-" I heard someone come in my room as I looked at the door

Klaus and Five looked at the door

Five immediately put his hand in front of me and whispered quietly "Hide behind me. Now."

"But-" I was about to speak up but it seemed all he wanted was me to be safe, he didn't care how hurt he got

"Y/n. Now." He said sternly

I hid behind him

"Luther get've fucking scared her to where the point she's terrified to be anywhere near you. Not to mention you made a huge slash on her back!! She could've fucking been killed if she didn't move fast enough!!! Do you know what the hell you could've done?!?!" He sounded really pissed "Until your ready to apologize and not be a bitch. YOU CAN GET THE FUCK OUT! NOW!" He shouted

I hugged him from behind tight, trying to signal to him to calm down

He looked back at me and nodded slightly "Sorry" he chuckled

"It's okay, I'm not upset or anything, just don't want you to freak out" I smiled

He smiled back then his smile faded as he looked at Luther "So? Going to apologize or not?"

Allison looked at him "Luther..?"

He stayed silent just looking pissed

"Something's gotta be wrong..Luther is over protective and stuff, but he's never gone this extreme to where he wants to hurt someone. Unless they actually did something really bad.." Klaus stated

"Well no offense, I don't give a shit. He still hurt my girlfriend, so if something is wrong with him we need to find out what before he hurts anyone else." Five snapped back

"Seriously Five??? Is all you care about your little girlfriend now?!?!" Diego sighed but realized what he said

"Do you not realize Luther could be really damaged right now, Y/n is perfectly fine!!! She can wait!! Did you know Luther could be dying because of whatever is going on with him?!?!" Allison scoffed, but then she quickly realized what she said. Just like Diego.. "Y/n- I didn't mean it like tha-" I cut her off

"I-It's fine..I get it- u-uhm..I'll be back..I'm gonna get some fresh air.." I blinked to the sunflower field, where I always used to relax and feel all my stress float away

Five's POV

"Are kidding me right now..?" I slammed my hand on the table then stood up

"Five calm down." Ben said quietly

"Calm down??? Calm down??? You guys made her feel like she was insignificant!!"

"We know- we shouldn't have said that..I'm just really worried about Luther." Allison sighed

Diego sighed "Yeah, I just- I just snapped at her because I was worried.."

"I understand that, but you can't just fucking take your anger and worry out on her because your scared, she isn't some pain relief!! You made her feel like she wasn't important."

"We know- we're sorry.." Allison apologized

I stayed silent for a minute, debating on whether to accept the apology "I'm going to find her." I said ignoring the apology as I blinked to where I thought she would be, the sunflower fields, and I was right, she told me she loves going here and missed going here, though it took me a minute to find her

"Y/n!!?!?!" I called out

I heard the sunflowers rustle, I assumed she was trying to hide

I smiled a little and looked around "Cmonnn, come out" I looked around and chuckled when I saw a sunflower move, then I walked towards it and moved the flowers out of the way and saw her "Hello sunshine, found you" I smirked

Her eyes widened a little "How did you know I was gonna be here-?"

"You always told me how much you love this place and wanted to come back here to relax, so I figured you would be here." I smiled

"You remembered-?" She smiled a little

"Of course I do, now cmon let's go back"

She shook her head then looked down "I don't wanna go back..not right now..they made me feel like I'm insignificant"

I bent down on one knee and looked at her
"Y/n. No one is insignificant. Especially not you." I held her hand

She looked at me then back down "Allison has been like my mom for these past few hurt hearing her say that.."

"She didn't mean it Y/n, she was just worried about Luther, you know they love each other."

She nodded "Your right, I'm just being over dramatic, let's go back" she was about to stand up

I pulled her back down in my arms as I smirked, holding her bridal style "hey!woaaahhh, first of all, you are not being over dramatic. Secondly, I wanna stay here for a little with you and relax, we never really get to have alone time since Klaus usually interrupts uuusss"

She laughed with a sniffle "Why are you holding me like this?"

"Because your gonna be my bride one day." I smiled blushing a little

She smiled back blushing a lot "Well I would really like that, unfortunately we're too young to get married right now"

"Well once we hit 17, I'm marrying you. Right on your birthday too."

"Promise?" She looked into my eyes

"Pinky promise." I looked back into her eyes and held out my pinky

Our pinky's locked together as we kissed

I sighed of happiness and continued kissing her

She kissed me back and chuckled

We both pulled away after a moment and smiled

She laid down on her back and looked up at the sky "Come lay down"

I climbed on top of her and laid on her chest

"Aww, your such a softie" she kissed my neck softly and hugged me as we laid down

"I am not a softie" I whined and chuckled at the same time

"Yes you areeeee! You like being babyed you just won't admit iiittt" She started to play with my hair

I sighed and smiled, her playing with my hair feels sooo nice I thought to myself "Okay okay, so I like when you baby me, doesn't make me a softieee"

"It does make you a softieeee" she giggled and kissed my head "Your so cuutttee"

"Mmm shut up I am not cute" I laughed

"Mmm yes you are" she yawned as her eyes started to close

"Sleepyhead" I chuckled and sat up hovering over her then kissed her forehead

"Lay back dooowwnnn" she held her arms open

I smiled and shook my head then laid back down

She put her arms around me again, like a hug then used one of her hands to play with my hair again

I started to doze off "I-I love you sunshine.." I said as I closed my eyes and dozed off into a nap

Y/n's POV

I smiled as he dozed off "He needs a good nap, things have been so stressful for him lately, he hasn't been able to just relax and take a nap.." I sighed and continued playing with his hair "So soft" I mumbled quietly

He muttered in his sleep Y/n...will- will you marry me..? I have this riiiinggg it's your favorite geemmmn do you like ittt?

I laughed "Yes yes I will marry you and even though I can't see the ring, I love it" I kissed his head "Mwah, I'm so glad your needed a break..didn't you?"

He snuggled up to my chest closer and snored lightly

I started to close my eyes and almost fell fully asleep until I heard the sunflowers rustle again, it scared me really bad

Five slowly woke up but I didn't notice

I was breathing heavily as my heart was beating fast, I was honestly terrified of what was near us

He lifted his head up and looked at me "Shhh..why are you breathing so heavily..? What's wrong??" He held my hand tightly

"I heard someone.." I looked around

"Shit.." He grabbed my hand and stood up "Let's go. Now."

I stood up with him and looked around


I spotted Luther, Allison, and Diego "'s just them."

"Oh- well how sad for them, I would like to continue our alone time." He smiled and sat back down

I chuckled as I sat back down next to him "Are you sure? We could just go talk to them"

"Nah I don't really want tooooooo, come lay back down with me sunshine"

I rolled my eyes and smiled "Sooo that gem, what color was it?"

"The- the one in my dream-? How did you know-" I cut him off

"You were muttering about it in your sleep, and I happily accept your proposal"

He kissed me "Good. You are now known as
Y/n Hargreeves" he said jokingly

"Wonderful, I always did love your last name"

"And why is that?" He smirked

"I dunnooo it just sounds so..adventurous and cool, makes you sound mischievous"

He pinned me down on the ground "Like this?"

I fell to the ground "Woah-!" I laughed "Yes exactly like this"

He kissed my neck gently then kissed my cheek, and then my lips "Your adorableeeee"

I smiled and blushed "Finally no interruptions for once" I sighed

He sighed as well "I agree, though before we continue our kissing sessionnnn" he almost started to tickle me

"Five don't you dare!" I already started laughing

He laughed "I'm not even tickling you!!" He started tickling me "Now I am!!!"

"FIVEEE! STOP IT!!" I laughed harder

"WHATS THE MAGIC WORDDDSSS?" He asked laughing

I squirmed around laughing "PLEASEEE?"

"NOPPPEE! GUESS AGAIN!" He continued tickling me, laughing

I laughed harder and harder "FIVEE! LET ME GOOO!"


I laughed harder but then saw Luther, Allison and Diego

"What are you two doing?!?!" Luther asked sternly

"Shit.." me and Five said in sync as we looked at each other


That's all for chapter 28! Not much going on in this chapter but I do really like it because it's cuteee! But more action will be going on in 29! Hope you enjoyed!! <3

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