Hiraeth (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)...

By Crimson_Ros3

459K 18.4K 6.4K

Soulmates, she was never sure what to think of them. Everyone is born with the words that their soulmate will... More

Ch.1 - Prologue
Ch.2 - Robots
Ch.3 - A New Tune
Ch.4 - Quirk Apprehension Test
Ch.5 - Epiphany
Ch.6 - Acceptance
Ch.7 - USJ
Ch.8 - Outcome
Ch.9 - Consternation
Ch.10 - A Kickstart
Ch.11 - Let the Games Begin
Ch.12 - Headbands
Ch.13 - Zap
Ch.14 - Detonation
Ch.15 - Rabbits
Ch.16 - Encounter
Ch.17 - Conflagration
Ch.18 - Fuzzy
Ch.19 - Rescue Trial
Ch.20 - Smokescreen
Ch.21 - Rendezvous
Ch.22 - Shadows Have Shadows
Ch.23 - Falling In Love
Ch.24 - Veracity
Ch.25 - Pâro
Ch.26 - Monachopsis
Ch.27 - Stress
Ch.28 - Wonderwall
Ch.29 - Unfair Setups
Ch.30 - Alexithymia
Ch.31 - Glide
Ch.32 - Long Time No See
Ch.33 - Switch
Ch.34 - Eccedentesiast
Ch.35 - Petrichor
Ch.36 - Expressive
Ch.37 - Glare
Ch.38 - Diamond
Ch.40 - The End

Ch.39 - Altercation

6.7K 332 261
By Crimson_Ros3

Ch.39 - Altercation 

The blood ran down her cheek onto her once pristine school shirt, merging with the red of her tie, eventually dripping onto the tile floor. Senshi's eyes were watering slightly, no tears falling however. It was purely out of shock and frustration. The girl's head remained to the side, until she turned to look her mother in the eyes.

It was only then that everyone else in the room actually saw what had the girl so spooked. Most people covered their mouth in horror, or their eyes simply widened in shock. Senshi took an audible breath in and out, before making a move. 

"Honestly, what was I expecting? You both are just like some pampered royalty that gets everything handed to you on a silver platter, though when it's the truth that is brutally shoved in your faces, you despise it. The only thing that you both are, are two bratty kids that will throw a strop at the word 'no'." Senshi sighed, her sapphire eyes burning like a blue fire.

Her father was the one to make the next move. He strode over menacingly, his frozen blue eyes glaring into her soul. She would have been scared before, but now wasn't before, now was now. The girl stood her ground, her feet digging into the ground through her grey slippers that the school supplied.

He was standing extremely close to her, his right hand coming towards her. She was curious as to what he was going to do, so remained still. She really hoped that they wouldn't fight; as in  physically. He grabbed the front of the girl's collar, picking her up off of the floor. Senshi was panicking slightly, the reason being that the school shirts had thin collars that trapped their neck very uncomfortably. If she could barely breathe normally, she couldn't breathe at all now. She kept her cool though, she was in front of at least fifty people here, plus, she was going to be a hero.

"That's no way to speak to your parents." Her father growled, his blue eyes staring into her own.

"And this is no way to treat your daughter, detective." Senshi smirked, her face slightly red. She then pulled her right arm back, and proceeded to punch the man in the face with the added force of her quirk. Now Senshi wasn't the only person bleeding.

Her father's hand let go of her shirt within a few seconds, and the girl stumbled back taking a deep breath in. Senshi could already feel the sheer amount of gazes that bore into her, and that made Senshi slightly regret her and Katsuki's plan. But the sheer look of slight regret in her parents eyes made Senshi grin like a maniac.

"Tāte Senshi! You did not just punch your father!" Her mother hollered, the girl in question leaning casually against the kitchen island.

"You're correct, I didn't.-" The girl took a breath in with a smile "-I gave him a taste of his own medicine." Her head was tilted to the side like a sweet innocent child that was hoping for a candy bar, or a new toy of some sorts. 

Honestly, the girl couldn't believe how long she was trapped in the illusion that was her parents; her love for them was unconditional, and even now, it no longer exists. Though love is danger, and just like the simple human she was, she followed it, no matter what the damage and pain caused. Her love had burnt out for them, like the fire that crackled slowly in the fireplace. But their fires were still raging, burning like a forest fire, not for love, but for anger at her.

Sometimes, in these situations, Senshi wished to disappear. But sometimes, you think you want to disappear, but all you really want is to be found. And this moment, this moment is the moment that Senshi found herself.

"You, young lady, you don't understand how furious I am right now! All we try to do is talk to you, and you always make everything unnecessarily difficult for us!" Natsuko continued, her rant never seeming to cease. It was this time that the girl seemed to take notice of the blood that was soaking the left side of her shirt, and was spreading over to the right side. Literally, how did she not notice that? Of course she felt it, she knew she was bleeding, but to that extent, no she did not know.

"Me? Making things difficult, for you? You literally cut my face open! And he tried to strangle me! If I'm the one making things difficult, you're making everything impossible." Senshi breathed out in rage.

Senshi's mother was going in to slap her again, though this time it was with the woman's right hand, and not her left. Senshi grabbed her wrist, and twisted it, pushing the woman away. It was only then that Aizawa-sensei began to walk over.

"Come and talk to me when you both have stopped being children, after all, mom, as a teacher you should know that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all." Senshi stated, taking out her hearing aids and walking away.

Katsuki was doing his absolute best to contain his laughter, the absolute power move that was taking out her hearing aids seemed to cause Kaminari to say something; which resulted in his mom smacking him around the head.

The girl put her hearing aids in her small skirt pocket whilst picking up Tsuki and walking off to her dorm. The common room was dead silent after that, Aizawa-sensei sternly forcing her parents out of UA's campus (and quite possibly forever).

After that, it was rather hard to have a fluid conversation.


Senshi walked swiftly to her dorm roof, wiping away the tears she seemed to have accumulated with her left hand as her right was holding a purring cat. Why was she even crying? They literally made her bleed and tried to strangle her! The girl was trying so desperately to convince herself that she was being irrational by crying, that's like crying tears of sadness because someone isn't going to kill you. 

But this wasn't death, it was a simple goodbye. We cry at goodbyes because we know the person leaving won't be the same as the person coming back. And that slightly scared Senshi, they left as bad people, but would they repent? Or would they only get worse?

Such a pretty colour, if only the mesmerising colour of blood hadn't become so normally mundane by now. Her cheek was still bleeding profusely and dripping onto her shirt and covering her face, within a few minutes it had become normal.

The girl pushed open her door and put Tsuki down on the floor so Senshi wouldn't get any blood on his pristine grey fur. Senshi rapidly pulled out some shorts and a T-shirt and sauntered into her bathroom.

The girl placed her clothes on the counter, and then used her hands to support herself on the counter, her arms straight. She looked at her bloodied face in the mirror, her crimson blood mixing with her salty tears in a mesmerising swirl. It almost made her want to never stop.

The girl took a deep breath in, her chest faltering as her sobs continued to possess her body. It was only that the girl realised how light headed she was, and she knew it stemmed from the blood loss she had sustained. The girl placed a wet towel to her face as Tsuki strolled in, his own little pair of blue eyes looking curiously. 

The girl with blurred vision managed to put her hearing aids back in, hearing nothing became too loud after a while. The girl's cries were guttural, yet almost silent at the same times, her breathing and sniffles being the only sound of noise from the girl. It was rather alarming how the girl knew how to cry so silently, but it did come in handy sometimes.

Senshi slid to the floor, her eyes red and puffy as a white towel collected the cardinal colour of her blood seeping onto the cloud white towel. It would definitely stain, but that wasn't her concern as of now, she didn't want to be alone, but she didn't want to talk to most people.

Once Senshi was sure that the bleeding had stopped (that was only a few minutes as most of the bleeding had occurred down in the common area) she pulled out her phone shakily and opened the phone app and clicked on one of her favourited contacts, and rang the phone.

"N-nana?" Her voice was shaky, and she could barely speak properly, but that was the point.

"Sen? Honey what's wrong?" Her Nana's voice was full of concern, and that made Senshi feel slightly guilty, but on the other hand, it was more reliving than ever to hear her Nana's  voice.

"W-well.... it was parents day at school and." Senshi's voice died in her throat as she continued to cry out of sadness, frustration, and embarrassment.

"Honey, I'm gonna need you to breathe okay? And I think I can guess what happened." Her Nana said soothingly. The girl took a few jagged breaths in, and out looking at her cat who was playing with some toilet paper.

"I-it's probably worse than what you're thinking." The girl breathed out.


"Mom, Dad, and I all got into a fight. And I may be b-bleeding and dad might have a broken nose." The girl said, holding her breath in case of any insults, yet it never came. Instead, her Nana broke out laughing.

"Sen, that is the best thing I've heard all day! But are you okay honey? You said you were bleeding." Her Nana replied, her voice still light with joy making Senshi laugh out a little.

"Yeah I'm fine Nana, the bleeding stopped now." The girl's voice didn't hold so much guilt and sadness anymore, as if it had been freed from it's metal chains and replaced with things as restrictive as clouds.

"That's good to hear honey, am I okay to leave you now? You have Tsuki don't you?"

"Yes and yes Nana, I love you."

"I love you too honey, make sure to keep practicing piano!"

"I have been! I swear!"

"Okay then, goodbye Sen."

"Bye bye Nana."

The phone call ended with a beep sound before the room was devoid of sound, and slightly more devoid of love. Senshi changed into some clean clothes, leaving her bloodied up uniform in a washing hamper. Senshi's phone pinged with a message, and as the girl sniffled once more, she saw who it's from.


We will no longer tolerate this behaviour and therefore we have decided that your grandmother should be your emergency contact. If you would like to talk to us, either do so through her or come to talk to us in person.

(You have been blocked by this number.)

Senshi's breath caught in her throat for the second time that night as she rapidly checked her father's contact too. It had the same message. The girl leaned her head against the wall of her bathroom, pointing her face upwards as to keep her newfound tears within her eyes and not out. She did say she wished to cry forever earlier, right?

But she didn't want to feel this way, she only wanted to see the swirl of blood and tears. Her anger and her sadness merging like those two fluids. She had always liked the rain, this was because if she was crying, she wouldn't be crying alone, the sky was crying with her.

Any efforts that her Nana had placed to make her feel better had only lasted as long as a flame under rain, and for once, she didn't want to tell her Nana because that would make Senshi feel bad about wasting her time, and she loved herNanasomuchandevenifsheknewthatherNanawouldneverfeelbadshecouldhelpbutthinkthat- 

Two rattling knocks echoed throughout Senshi's dorm room, Tsuki running off towards the door. Senshi's vision was blurred and her breathing was laboured, her head was pounding and her chest ached. 

"Oi Skater! Let me in or I'll break your door down!"

Senshi shuddered as she stood up and made her way to her dorm door. Senshi knew that he was only knocking to be polite, she never even locked the door anyways. She opened the door to see a pair of cardinal eyes look at her in a concerned manner, though as per usual, there was a slight anger to his brow.

Seeing her so upset, he knew she was upset based on their soulmate bond, but her slightly blood-stained face and her red puffy eyes that spilled tears of betrayal and sadness, he felt as though he should be there for her tonight.

She couldn't say anything. Not that she didn't want to, she did, but her chest was in desperation trying to keep up with her sobs of betrayal and sadness and guilt. Her face was beautifully sad, her face was so pretty, but that's not how she felt. She didn't feel much of anything as of now, and even as Katsuki led her into her room - much how she did for him months ago- he too said nothing.

He sat down on her bed, her sitting down meekly opposite him. He was sat at the head of the bed, she was sat opposite him. He kept his hand in hers. "You told me your parents were pieces of shit, not that they were actual demons from hell."

"I hate them but they're not bad! I just don't understand why-" She took a breath in, her sobs making that simple task so hard."- why they would do that! I never did anything to them! N-nothing at all!" 

She bawled and bawled as she meekly punched his chest, the pressure being nothing more than a weak touch. Katsuki watched sympathetically as his soulmate cried her feelings out as he did nothing more than hold her left hand.

He didn't know what was the right thing to do, but he did know what the wrong thing was to do. And he didn't do that, which was probably a good thing. She was weeping until she could barely breathe, barely move or think, barely cry anymore.

She had long collapsed in his arms, Katsuki leaning up against the head of her bed as his soulmate breathed softly as her eyes barely trickled with tears. Her black blood-stained hair fell over her face, Katsuki coming his hands through it as she had done for him. Her hands gripping tightly onto his school shirt like a small child to their parent. Her head in his chest as her breathing calmed down and her brain felt tired and her eyes were sore. Her chest and lungs ached with emotion as her muscles felt weak and overused from nothing more than her cries.

The room was silent except from a cat's purring, the soft sounds of breathing, and some sniffles and whimpers coming from one girl. Katsuki still combed his fingers through her hair, not sure whether the girl was asleep for awake, though he assumed that she was the latter, as sniffled and whimpers were usually a sign of consciousness.

Katsuki took a breath in, and began to speak. It was unnerving for him, this was like doing a speech to thousands of people you don't know, except Katsuki knew Senshi, it was just that he didn't know what he was doing. "You know, you're stronger than them because you cried. You taught me that." 

Senshi's grasp on him tightened, her having two fistfuls of his white shirt that was never accompanied by a tie. "People don't cry because they're fucking weak, they cry because they've been strong for too long, you told me that. So if you think that you're weak you're not.

And as for your shitty parents, Aizawa-sensei sorted them out. But I think that... I think that you should know that they did everything that they did to you, because they can't come to terms with how strong you are." Katsuki's face was rather flushed, he had never said this about anyone, but it needed to be said, so he was going to be the one saying it.

"Y-you do?"

"Hell yeah! Your parents are pieces of actual shit! And the only reason they are as they are, is because they know that you'll always be stronger than them, whether it's in your fucking head, or when you jacked your dad in the face!"

Senshi chuckled at that, not only at the way Katsuki said it, but at the way that Katsuki seemed so..... so proud?

The two lay in her bed for the rest of the night, talking, nothing more, nothing less. And as the sun appeared from under the horizon, it revealed that the two were sleeping in tranquil as problems were sorted, and feelings were conveyed.

It was a step towards happiness.

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