Thaw [Loki X Reader]

By 3rinisasimp

267K 7.2K 5.7K

Completed! Can you thaw something that's been frozen for thousands of years? Loki Laufeyson is a coldhearted... More

Meet the team
Space Battle
Return to Earth
Long Process
Up Late
Waiting game
Fightin' on Titan
Gauntlet Removal Service!
Space Princess
Sleeping Insomniac
Power Stone
The Beginning of the End-Game.
That one word....
Faded, for good.
A Soul for a Soul
A u T h O r S n O t E
Cooling down
Mission: Entertainment. [VOTE NOW!]
Luxry Cruise!
The Ship has Set Sail
When Life Gives You Lemon....
Hypothermia Cruise
Everything, I suppose.
Vlogs and Mischief
A Question from the Author
The Big Day?
The Big Day!!!
Princess of Asgard
After Party


6.3K 152 122
By 3rinisasimp

[I updated the timeline chapter so go check that out, I left some important stuff out, so pls read that b4 this]

We had spent the past few weeks planning our next move for dealing with The Black Order. Thankfully, Tony hadn't protested when Loki was asked to join in on the planning. He had even made me an official suit, from one of his old models.

"So. What do we have so far?" Fury asked, walking in.

"Thanos is a world ender, he hops from planet to planet, killing and destroying because he can. Hes insanely powerful." Bruce said from a chair.

"Hes collected nearly every infinity stone." Nat added.

"So basically, what youre saying is: were screwed." Fury stated, slumping down into his chair.

"Not entirely." Tony said. "Were gonna round up the posse." He stood up and walked to the screens with images of each infinity stone. "Weve got the last two here, and when he comes for them...we'll be ready." He looked at Stephen Strange, who I had met along with a large amount of others.

"Oh my god." Bruce said, standing up. "Vision!!!" He shouted. Tony's face went white.

"Shit, where is he?" Tony pulled up a screen and searched around a map.

"Scotland." Steve said from a far corner.

"Well, Thanos is headed to Scotland."

"Weve gotta get to this Vision guy before Thanos does!" I said, looking at his face in the screen. "Uhhh...Why is Thanos coming for him?" I asked.

"Hes got the mind stone." Tony swiped the screen and the man's face changed to a deep red color, a large yellow stone was in the middle of his forehead.

"Oh, we gotta hurry." I said, scanning over the image. "If Thanos gets to Vision first, I doubt it will end well for him." I pointed to the stone in his head. I knew that Thanos will not show any mercy to Vision, I had nearly experienced that firsthand. Suddenly, a loud noise rang through the air outside the building. Everyone looked up and Tony rushed outside, followed by the rest. He burst through the front doors and staggered back, I followed him and looked to the sky.

"Holy shit!" He exclaimed. A huge round ship was flying through the air.

"Speak of the Devil!!" I said, to Loki.

"Weve got to get to that ship!" Tony shouted, running inside.

"Time to test out my new costume!" I said, following Tony inside, with Loki at my heels. Tony nearly knocked Bruce over as he ran to his suit.

"What is going on?"

"Weve got company!" I said, racing past him and careening into my room.

I opened the closet and pulled out my new suit, courtesy of Tony. It was similar to Peter's new suit. It was black and green metal, with some cool features. I walked to it and it formed around my body.

"Greetings, YN." The suits AI said as the mask formed around my face. The mask had thin eye slits that wrapped around the entire head, only a space between the eyes.

"Hey, Stan." I said, running back down the hall. Peter caught up with me halfway in his new suit.

"Looking sharp spidey!" I commented as we burst through the doors. The ship was moving at an increased speed, flying toward the city.

"We cant let them destroy the city!" A voice shouted from behind me. I turned to see Loki, rushing towards us. I saw something flying through the air behind him, headed in the ships direction.

"Tony's got a head start, let's go!" I said. Loki looked ready, his face fell.

"I wont make it. Not on foot." He backed away. I motioned for him to come to me. I hopped out of my suit and made a ball of energy under my feet, lifting me up.

"Take my suit for now. I'll do it the old fashioned way."


"Loki, there no time, just get in and let's go!'

He did as I said. "Its talking to me!" He called from inside the suit.

"Its name is Stan, and tell it to follow the ship!" I brought myself higher into the air, followed by Peter. Loki commanded the AI and we took off after the ship. It wasnt long before we caught up to the ship. On the outer rim, was Tony and Stephen.

"Who's in the suit, YN!?!?" Tony asked, Loki stepped out of my suit and Tony gawked at the sight.

"He wasnt going to make it on foot." I walked back to my suit and stepped into it.
"Now, just dont fall, Loki." I added.

"I will try my best. Not quite how I'd like to go out." He said, peering over the edge of the ship. Tony examined the ship and looked to where it was headed.

"We cant let it get to the city!" I said, as Tony searched around the outside of the the ship. "Weve got to find a way to stop it!"

"Aye aye, captain!" Peter said, walking around, looking for an opening.

"Captain!!!" I shouted in surprise.

"YN this is no time for power trips." Tony said.

"No, captain. That's how we can stop this thing! Take out its captain!" I spoke to Stan. "Stan, can you get me some eyes in there?" A projection of the heat signatures from inside the ship appeared in front of me.

"I see the captain. We gotta find a way in." Stephen rotated his hands and an orange, glowing ring formed in front of him. It sparked with energy, and looked like a firework. So, that's his power.

"I can get us in. But we need a plan." He said, making the ring disappear.

"YN, you see the big guy next to the Captain?" Tony asked, I looked on the heat signature map.


"You and Loki are gonna take care of him." He finished, walking next to Stephen. "Me and Strange are gonna get the Captain."

"What about me?!?!" Peter piped up.

"Your'e not fighting."

"Mr. Stark, please!"

"You're saying on the outside the ship, to make sure it doesn't crash into the city." Tony said, Peter perked up, happy to be able to help.

"Let's snap!" Stephen said, forming a ring.

"Never say that again." Tony replied. Stephen finished his ring and stepped in, Tony following. I glanced at Loki before stepping in. I was suddenly inside a dark room, and could hear, but not understand a conversation in a room ahead. Loki appeared at my side and I put my finger to my lips, well, the metal of my mask.

"Got a visual, Stan?" I asked, quietly. The heat signature map reappeared and I saw the large creature, standing alone in the room ahead. "He's alone. We gotta be quick." I whispered, to Loki, who nodded and crept down the hall ahead of me. I caught up to him and formed my mask away form my face.

"I'll go. We have minimize the amount of injured Avengers." He said, stepping out, nearly into the room. I grabbed his arm, pulling him back in the hall.

"Are you crazy!??! That guy is too strong, you'll be killed!" I whisper-shouted. "We are doing this, together . That's the plan." He reluctantly nodded and we both went into the room, seemingly unnoticed by the giant creature. Loki motioned for me to go to the opposite side of the man and I did, mirroring him. I saw the man slowly reach for his weapon. As he swung it at Loki's head, I shot a ball of energy, knocking the axe away from his head, it by an inch. The man turned to face me and Loki jumped on his back, shoving a dagger in his shoulder. The man plucked the dagger out of his shoulder and bent it in half, tossing it to the ground, stalking towards me.

"This is where it gets fun." I said, forming my favorite thing ever. A glowing black and multicolored blade the size of my arm appeared in my hand. I made it into a long sword and held it up, prepping to fight the man. I glanced to Loki and formed another sword I front of him.

"Stan, any information?" I asked.

"This is Cull Obsidian. He's part of the Black Order. A former leader, actually." The man swung his axe at me, I dodged it with ease.

"For a former Black Order leader, I thought you'd be better at this." I slashed in front of him, cutting the strap that was holding some of his armor. He growled, tossing the shoulder piece to the side. I watched Loki, slowly walking up behind him. He brought his axe up like a bat and swung it. I was distracted, and before I could react, his axe made contact and I was sent flying through the air, then slamming into a random control panel.

"Dammit, I just got this suit!" I picked my self up and turned to Cull, who had apparently forgot about Loki. "Do you know how much this thing costs?! Tony's gonna be pissed!" I walked to him, thrusting my sword forward, into his side, missing my original aim, but still a inaccurate hit is better than no hit at all. His reptilian face twisted in rage and pain.

"Oh, you've got a little something there, let me help." Without touching it, I thrust the sword deeper, as Loki hit him in the back and pushed him forward, using a large piece of rubble from the console that broke my fall. I shot a mass of energy behind the man and sent it careening into his back, giving Loki's hit more momentum. The energy sword plunged deeper, nearly through the other side of him. Loki took out the sword I had formed for him and shoved it into Cull's other side, from behind. I rushed forward, and spun around him, kicking his back and causing him to fall forward, onto my sword.

"Damn." Loki remarked.

Cull stood up, plucking my and Lokis sword from his side and crushing them both. I made the particles form around his hand, squeezing it as hard as I could. He whipped around, slamming his fist on the ground, sending the energy flying out of my reach. He brought his axe back up, and used the flat side of the blade to swing at me, it hit my shoulder, sending my body flying to the nearby wall. A large, sharp piece of metal pierced my suit and sliced into my leg, I kept myself from reacting as best I could and tried to stand. I saw Cull bring the other side of his axe flying towards Loki. I jumped up, faster than ever before, despite the intense pain from my leg, and shoved Loki out of the way, just in time. He careened to the floor, in front of Cull, who brought his axe up, then sailing downward. Loki rolled out of the way, in just enough time for him to wedge his axe into the floor, instead of Loki's head.

"Stan, stabilize my leg for as long as you can. I cant afford to stop."

"I'll do my best." I felt the suit form tighter around my leg and I could stand better. I formed another sword for Loki and he attacked Cull, re -stabbing his side wound. He tried to get back his axe, but it was too far wedged into the ground. He fought Loki, using his bare fists to block hits. Loki brought the sword down on one of his hands, barely making a mark. Cull grabbed the sword and smashed it, making it impossible for me to form it back. His hand wrapped around Loki's neck, picking him up from the ground. He barely moved as he was picked up, only his hands tried to free himself. Loki took out a small dagger and thrust it into his arm, in an attempt to get free, only making it worse for himself. I formed more energy and sent it flying through the air, forming into a blade, angled at Cull's head. At the last second, he turned to me and the blade zoomed past him. I brought the blade back up and the man threw Loki into the wall. I looked to him, hoping he would get up. To my horror, he stayed down, lying among what used to be a control panel. Cull looked to where Loki was lying and picked up a piece of rubble, holding it over Loki.

"NO!!" I shouted, sending a ball of energy flying at the man's hand. It hit his hand, making him drop the rubble, directly onto Loki's body. "FUCKING SHIT!!" The man turned back to me, satisfied with what happened. "Stan, please tell me he's okay!"

"I am unsure." The AI responded as Cull got closer.

"Okay, motherfucker, now you've got my attention!" I formed an even bigger sword, the biggest I have ever made. "Let's end this, gator boy!" A noise echoed through the hall and around the room. The entire ship leaned forward, I made an energy rod and held onto it, as Cull slid, to the side and down the long hall. That'll buy me some time. I formed a wall of solid mass as the ship slowly leaned back, returning to its original orientation. I whipped around to where Loki was and ran over. I used all my strength to lift the metal off of him. I used a ball if energy to hold up the rubble, as I pulled him from under it.

"Stan!" I shouted. A vitals scan appeared.

"Can you get him conscious?"

"He is, YN."


Sorry to break the tension lol

Btw, this is what the energy YN forms looks like- thes kinds of colors and tones. It's also a tad opaque (think of the spray on shoes from Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs)

Okay, we need some MEMES

Cull Obsidian, when Loki stabs him with a butter knife:

Me, realizing I didn't use Culls name after it was revealed, and having to re write each time :

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