Divine Serendipity • Stiles S...

By klaussupremacy

48.1K 1.1K 208

Arabella craved an adventure, she had always been one to throw herself in the deep end. She longed for her ow... More



2.1K 45 11
By klaussupremacy

Arabella's POV:

Pulling into the car park, I glanced around in search of my friends before stepping out of my white mercedes making my way over to them.

"So you killed her?" Stiles asks nonchalantly as Scott explained his odd dream from the night before. "I don't know I just woke up, I was sweating like crazy and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before."

"Really? I have. Usually ends a little differently.." Stiles replied earning a playful slap from me as I spat out "Okay please never give us that much detail about you in bed again" furrowing my brows as Scott agreed.

"Noted. Let me take a guess here though-"

"No, I know. You think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow. Like I;'m gonna lose control and rip her throat out." Scott cut him off. "No. Of course not. Yeah- that's totally it."

"Scott cmon, everythings gonna be fine, right?" I turned to Stiles in a silent plea for him to back me up as we walked down the corridor. "Yeah. Personally I think you're handling this pretty freakin amazingly. Y'know its not like there's a lycanthropy for beginners class you can take." He paused before looking at me "Unless you grew up in a supernatural boaring school- look you get my point."

Scott turned in realisation "Yeah maybe not a class, but maybe a teacher." "Derek?" I replied. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news but my logic suggests he wouldn't exactly jump at the oppertunity to help you after y'know- you kinda made him a fugitive."

"I know but, chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus, it all felt so real."

"How real?" "Like it actually happened"

With perfect timing, we walked through the doors staring ahead to a yellow school bus. You guessed it, the door was ripped off the back as the interior and outer area was smeared in blood - law enforcement everywhere. "I think it did."


"Scott shes probably fine-" "She's not answeing my texts guys."

"It could just be a coincidence-" Stiles started before I cut him off. "Scott, really? this is Ally were talking about. We all know you wouldn't do that to her regardless" as we contined down the hall, the McCall's eyes darting around frantically.

Stiles and I lost Scott in the hallway, deciding to head to class after the announcement in hopes Scott would also be there. Unfortunately for us, our teacher was Mr. Harris, clearly everyones favourite teacher, the sweetest in the world.

Hearing their whispers, Harris split the boys up, Scott moving to sit in front of Jackson whilst Stiles took an empty seat beside me. "Hey! I think they found something" A girl called as everyone rose from their seats heading to the window.

Below, we could see an injured man being rolled on a stretcher towards an ambulance. "That's not a rabbit" the three of us shared a startled look before the man bolted up right letting out a scream.

The whole class let out an exaggerated gasp stepping back, my arm instinctivly raisng in front of the two boys as if I was going to protect them. "Stiles. I did that." he muttered.

"Alright everyone back to their seats" the teacher warned as the class dragged on. Painfully, might I add. I would honestly rather listen to Ric's sob story for the millionth time before enduring that again.


Since my arrival, I've alternated between lunch tables, primarily sitting with Allison and Lydia most days and switching to sit with the boys on the days something 'dramatic' happened.

"Why is she sitting with us?" Stiles questioned under his breath refering to Lydia as I placed my lunch down beside him "hey bella" he greeted, turning to face me.

"Hey" I replied before throwing Danny an apple. He caught it, biting into it with a smile, "thanks, killer outfit by the way Ari" he complimented looking my up and down before taking his seat on the other side of Stiles.

"Get up" Jackson ordered a raven haired boy at the end of the table. "Why do you never ask Danny to get up?"

"Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot" he fired back with a small sarcasitc grin causing me to giggle as Jackson sat down. "So I heard it was some kind of animal attack, probably a cougar?"

"I heard mountain lion" the lacrosse captain snapped.

"A cougar is a mountain lion." his girlfriend immediately responded, a pause following as Jackson's face pulled an expression of confusion. "Isn't it?"

Lydia was incredibly smart, a probably literal genius, but I couldn't stand how she played dumb around everyone, hiding her perfect grades etc. She shouldn't have to put on an act to be appreciated, but I doubt she'd listen.

"Hey I- I know this guy" Scott started "when I used to take the bus back when I lived with my dad. he was the driver."

My breath hitched in my throat, Stiles must have noticed, placing a palm gently onto my exposed knee as an act of comfort.

"Can we talk about something more fun please..like where were going tomorrow night?"

Allison and Lydia had discussed the possibility of a double date but as far as I was aware, Scott was yet to be informed. Of course I had been invited to tag along, but honestly being  a fifth wheel wasn't exactly on my to-do list.

"Yeah I guess. Hanging out sounds fun"

"You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork." I guess I liked Jackson, we had become friends to an extent but God he could be a real dick sometimes.

Lydia gasped "How about bowling, Jackson you love to bowl!" she suggested "yeah, with actual competition"

"How do you know we're not actual competition" Allison argued "You can bowl right?"

"Sort of." "Yes, In fact, I'm a great bowler" Scott lied making both me and Stiles giggle in unison as all eyes to fell on us.

"Ari you need to come with us! oh my God we can make it a triple date" Lydia beemed as Allison and I shared a glance. "Being a fifth wheel doesn't exacty count towards the date Lyds" I replied amused.

"Bring Stiles." Allison chimed in, earning a glare from me as a faint blush appeared on my face. "Wh-what?" he asked from beside me, his hand still on my knee.

"Perfect idea Allison, we can get ready at my place." Lydia grinned. God why was it so hard to say no to her? "Fine" I huffed. "I'm in."


"Scott you're a terrible bowler!" Stiles called as we walked down the stairs. "I know! I'm such an idiot"

"God it was like watching a car wreck. I mean first it turned into that group date thing, which now we're apparently crashing" "Thanks for saving us by the way Scotty" I added sarcastically.

"Then out of no where comes that phrase-"

"hang out"

"You don't hang out with hot girls okay-" I cleared my throat before he could finish. Smirking to myself.

"Fine you don't just hang out with hot girls except Belle. You might as well become their gay best friend, then you can hang out." Stiles corrected himself immediately, as if he didn't habe to give it a thought.

My grin grew as I raised my eyebrows putting a hand on his shoulder. "flattered that you think I'm hot Stilinski" I said into his ear before walking away down another corridor. I didn't catch his reaction, just the sound of his pulse jumping at my words. Arabella 2-1 Stiles.


At the sound of the final bell, I jumped into my car, crusing home before relaxing on to my sofa before an idea sparked in my brain.

I texted D, making sure she was at the compound before grabbing candles and a grimore from my closet.

I was finally going to try the projection spell I learnt like a week ago. I cleared my floor space sitting criss-crossed on the hard wood, circled in candles.

 I concentrated my magic, drawing extra energy before beginning the spell.

"Belle?" D called as I projected in front of her. "It worked!" 

"I have to say, I'm impressed little witch. I'm glad my grimores are finally being put to some use" Uncle Kol chimed in from beside his wife, an arm snaked around her waist comfortingly.

We spent around an hour catching up, Kol spilled all the details of the latest events unravelling in New Orleans. Such a gossip, but I loved him for it.

Davina was still the only person I had told about Scott, the Argent's and Derek alike. Of course she knew all about my friend's, particularly Stiles, although I never realised just how much I talked about him, strange huh.

"Rebekah is still in Europe, she's taken a particular liking to France this tike of year-" Kol was cut short by three knocks on my door.

"Shit. D I completely forgot Stiles was coming over to study for econ. "Do you want me to-"

"He knows, doesn't he?" Kol cut me off with a twinkle of an idea glazing his eyes. "Uh- yeah. Why?" I eyed him suspiciously.

"One second!" I called out to Stiles behind the door. "I think its time we finally met this friend of yours little witch, wouldn't you agree darling?" He turned to Davina before sharing a mischevious grin.

"Okay, okay." I contemplated. "I'll be back soon." I finsihed before dropping the spell and opening the door.

"Hey Stiles!" I began stepping tot he side allowing him to enter, my set up still arranged perfectly on the floor as he eyed it curiously placing his bag on the counter. "Hey Ari, what's all this?"

"Well I uh- I was talking to my aunt before you came. A projection spell." I smiled nervously.

"Man that's awesome! So it was like you just appeared in New Orleans or what?" 

"Sort of yeah. Speaking of, d-do you maybe wanna meet them?" I asked as his eyes widened before a grin painted its way onto his face. "I mean it would just be my aunt and uncle, you don't have to if you would rather we just study-"

"I'd love too, are you kidding?!" he cut me off as I grabbed his hand gently, walking towards the candles.

"Ready?" he nodded, as he sat in front of me. Our hands were clasped together as we closed our eyes. I mumbled the incantation before Astral projecting back to the compound.

"Woah.." Stiles murmered, opening his eyes looking around before his gaze fell onto D.

"Stiles, this is my aunt Davina and Uncle Kol" I informed as the pair stood before us, the same mischevious grin washing over their faces. "Uh finally!" D chimed, "I've heard a lot about you Stiles, its nice to put a name to a face." Really D? We're playing that game huh?

"Oh really? All good I hope." Stiles' grin reached his ears as he turned to me "how the tables have turned Bella" he finished before turning back to my relatives. I sent D a glare that only amused her more. "It's a pleasure to meet you both- really. Bella's told me stories about the two of you aswell."

"Of course she has. We are the superior Mikaelson's after all. And the favourites." Kol shrugged, "don't tell your dad I said that Belle, I quite enjoy spendng my time with my wife as opposed to being whelled around in a coffin dessicated" he entertained causing me to burst into laughter.

The four of us talked for a while as my best friends got to know each other, it was wonderful, everything felt weirdly at peace as I was more than content with my company. Another ten minutes passed as the clock chimed 6:30 - we decided to leave to actually get some studying in whilst the sun was still casting over us.

We said our goodbyes as uncle K piped up, "Oh and Stiles" here we go "Friendly reminder if you so much as think about hurting my niece, I will rip-" 

"That's quite enough K" I cut in giggling as Stiles widened his eyes before dropping the spell. I could not believe that just happened. I just introduced Stiles Stilinski to an original.

He seemed to share my look of bewilderment as we locked eyes, slowly dropping our hands. "Thank you, Stiles. You really didn't have to do that, it means a lot."

The atmosphere was comfortable as we began studying, going off on all kinds of tangents in between. Y'know, I think I'm really starting to like this boy. 

A little while later, Stiles' phone rang as he put it on speaker. Scott, of course. He had gone to Derek for advice, saying he needed to go back to the bus to remember, of course we would be tagging along.


A/N: Really don't know how I feel about this chapter, but finally Stiles and Davina met!

Cutting the episode here because I've written 2.2k words, of course it'll carry over into the next chapter. I'm thinking about making Arabella's character more bold, especially towards Stiles in future chapters maybe?

Until next time..<3

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