بواسطة hOlymOly457

2.3K 133 388

taehyung is a criminal who likes to work alone and prefers when the job is done quick and precise, so it wasn... المزيد

𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚

2.3K 133 388
بواسطة hOlymOly457

what a life - scarlet pleasure
1:05  ───|────── 3:05
|◁              II             ▷|
∞            ↺

Contains: blood, blood play,
extreme masochism, smoking,
weapons, cross-dressing,
grey morals, and criminality.


Darkness. The whole city is dead silent. Not a single star is to be seen on the pitch-black sky. Not a single human being nor a single animal.

An almost pathetic try of light comes dripping down on the sidewalks from the few lamp posts along the many wide roads around the big city, highlighting some of the small cracks on the tiles.

The night is thick with an unexplained wariness: a fear of the worst happening and living in the shadows. The perfect night for stealing, drugs, murder, crimes. And of course, it would be such a shame to let that beautiful yet cruel opportunity slip.

A muted sound of shoes hitting the tiles of the sidewalk deep inside the shadows played gently in the thick night air, quickly followed by a powerful jump.

For a millisecond a silhouette of a man is seen under the dim light of the lamp posts. When he is in mid air from his jump he grabs a metal ladder hanging off of one of the many apartments. He lifts both his legs up in a rectangular angle, using his abdominal muscles. He starts swing back and forth, pulling his legs back when he's going backwards and one second after he grabbed the ladder he makes a swift motion and lets go and flies through the air before grabbing onto a gutter and crawling up on a second apartment's roof, his arm muscles flexing under the tight-fitting, picth-black tank top.

He runs over the roof, jumping from one to another, still completely silent like a ninja in the night but then stops abruptly when he sees his destination. He stands on top of one of the thousand apartment roofs with his head slightly turned to the left and staring at the big city museum three apartments down the road, his dark brown hair gently dancing in his eyes due to the soft breeze.

He turns his whole body towards the big building, leaning his torso forward while sliding his right black-ripped-jeans-covered leg out behind him, burying his foot down in the light layer of gravel on top of the roof. He narrows his eyes, focusing them completely on the museum while reaching out behind his head and tightening his blood-red bandana with his black-half-finger-gloves-covered hands. He pulls his black face mask higher up on his sharp nose, takes a deep breath with his nose and exhales through his mouth. He feels the damp air from his mouth hitting his eyes.

His hands fall down onto his thighs. His body tense up. He grabs at his thighs and then sprints towards the edge of the roof and sets off with his muscular thighs.

He flies through the air and latches onto the city museum and lets out a grunt. His finger muscles hurt by the weight they're holding. He lets go with his right hand and takes out a narrow steel spatula from its holder in his belt.

He silently curses under his breath about the pain in his finger muscles while he hammers the blade into the joints of the brick wall. A few seconds later he has created a small dent in the joint, just enough space for his hands to get a better grip on the wall.

He sticks his fingers into the dent and grabs tightly around the now half free brick while letting go with his left hand. He shakes it while cursing before switching the steel spatula into his left hand instead and starts doing the same he did before but this time making it even deeper.

When the brick is almost completely loose he grabs it and pulls it out with much force. He looks down and sees an open container. He drops the heavy brick and lets it fall into the container, landing on cardboards and paper so it doesn't make any noise. He then focuses back on the wall and does the same to another brick just beside it. He continues doing the same with fifteen other bricks until he's at the last layer. He pulls out the now loose brick and sees what feels like heaven.


He pulls his arm back and punches at the edge of the loose brick just beside the hole in the wall and around twenty bricks crash onto the floor on the inside of the museum. He gracefully swings himself through the hole and makes a dive roll, making sure not to break his legs by the harsh fall.

He looks around the museum, panting lightly while pulling his face mask down under his chin. His eyes then fix themselves on a beautiful glass cage containing a big necklace with big, shining diamonds decorating it.

A satisfied smirk crawls its way onto his face. He scans the big hall and sees small electronics placed all over the roof but no security cameras. He scoffs and reaches down for one of his belt pockets and takes out twelve small knives. He then aims at one of the electronics and throws a knife, hitting right in the middle of the device, making it completely turn off. He smirks and aims at the next one and hits perfectly like before, turning it off.

He continues throwing the knives until there's no working electronics left. He smirks to himself while putting away the maintaining knives and folds his hands, stretching them out before him and stretching his neck to both sides while still holding a piercing gaze towards no specific place in the hall.

He walks with a fast pace towards the now laser-free, big glass cage. He examines the fragile cage, touching the edges. He then gently grabs at the glass and lifts it up and places it down on the floor beside him. A big smirk plays on his lips while he reaches out for the accessory until a big crash and then a yell rips through the air.

The smirk is immediately replaced with an irritated look and an eye roll. He lets out an annoyed groan while turning around and sees, as he predicted, a guard coming running towards him, yelling, with a gun in his hand.

"Hey! Do not touch that! I have a gun so you better listen!" He yells with what is supposed to be dominance in his voice, but only comes out as a whimper instead.

"Right... Like that'll stop me," He lets out a bitter chuckle. "Pathetic."

He is about to take out his gun when he sees a shadow just behind the guard and then hears the sound of a sharp blade cutting through skin.

The guard widens his eyes and then drops to his knees, blood oozing out from the deep cut in his neck. Behind him stands a tall man in all black clothes, black boots, a tight, black T-shirt stuffed down in some tight, black, ripped jeans, showing off his thick, meaty thighs, held up by a black leather belt with different holsters and chains attached to it, a black leather jacket smeared up his arms, tattoos on display and a silver chain around his neck, hanging down to his very prominent collarbones, a black face mask covering his mouth and his black, silky, wavy hair tied up in a small, fluffy ponytail and his bangs hanging down in front of his eyes.

His eyes.

They're a warm, cozy hazel brown color, big, beautiful, playful and shining like a thousand stars, no hint or sign that he just cut an innocent man's throat.

"Oops, sorry. Were you about to kill him or..?" He says with a silk-like voice, and a hint of playfulness, his words being muffled a bit by the face mask.

The man with the bandana only chuckles deeply and huskily.

"Yeah, actually. But guess I can put this back now then." He says, twirling the gun around his finger before swiftly putting it back in its holster. He looks back up, expecting to see the male from before but only sees the spot he stood before, empty.

"So, what do you have your eyes on here?" A voice suddenly came just beside his ear. He turns around and sees the ravenhead twirling a big necklace around in his hand before stuffing it into a big pocket strapped around his thigh and attached to his belt, his face mask now hanging down from his ear, showing a cute button nose, a plumb bottom lip and a small mole under it.

"This necklace right here so don't you fucking dare touch it." He answers sternly while grabbing the necklace. The younger only watches him take it.

"Now, that wasn't very nice said, was it?" He says in a sickening-sweet voice.

The bandana man only smirks and shakes his head while stuffing the necklace down in his belt pocket.

"Darling, I'm a criminal. I'm not exactly known to be nice." He says in a deep, smooth voice, facing the other, their faces only a few inches apart. The ravenhead only smirks playfully, the air getting thicker with an unspoken tension.

"Oh really? Couldn't have guessed. Thought you were a florist."

The brunette chuckles again.

"Hm, maybe that's what I should've gone for instead."

"Nah, I think this suits you much better actually," His smirk changes into a playful bunny-like smile. "Oh, well. Gotta run before the cops come. It was nice running into you, bandana!" He says before swinging out the hole in the wall the bandana man made but of course not before flexing a big, beautiful accessory with big diamonds dingling in his hand and that pulls the brunette out of his small daze. He quickly looks down and fumbles with his belt pocket, seeing that it's empty.

He curses under his breath and quickly swings himself out the hole in the wall, going after the mysterious bunny-like man.

He flies through the air and gribs at a balcony, crawling up on it and climbing up four more floors before finally reaching the roof.

He sprints over the roofs, running after a giggling silhouette. He jumps from roof to roof, slowly catching up on the other and finally, tackling him. They roll around on the roof until they come to a stop: The bandana man on top of the ravenhead. He grinned up at the man playfully, both panting by running.

"Now, this is quite a suggestive position, don't you think?" The younger says while trying to catch his breath.

"I do, but I also think you have something that belongs to me." The older says, almost growling. The other only reaches up to tap his chin in a fake, thoughtful manner.

"But does it though? I'm pretty sure I saw you steal it from a museum just three minutes ago."

This causes the brunette to growl even more.

"You know what I mean." He snarls, leaning more of his weight down onto the male underneath him.

"Do I?" The ravenhead asks, tilting his head, fake innocence laced in his voice.

The other chuckles bitterly. "You sure like playing with fire don't you?"

The ravenhead quickly nods his head, grinning.

"Always has."

"Now, darling. May I have my necklace back?" He asks, deep and smooth.

"Kinda thought I could keep it though. After all I did manage to steal it from you." The younger says, a smirk slowly crawling its way onto his lips again.

"Hm, fair enough." The brunette says leaning closer to the other's face, copying the other's smirk. "But no."

"Aw, such a shame. All this for nothing." He says, pouting playfully and takes out the necklace.

"Mhm, such a shame." The older repeats, taking the accessory and stuffing it down in his belt pocket, sealing it closed. "Now don't steal it again or else there will be much worse consequences than just a small chase around the city."

"Ooh, kinda tempted now. Sounds kinky." The ravenette smirks and arches one of his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

The other chuckles. "So greedy. You're already completely under me. What more do you want, hm, darling?"

The ravenhead smirks and leans up to the bandana man's ear and whispers with his silk-smooth voice.

"Well, you could be inside me instead though."

The younger makes a smooth hip thrust up into the other's groin, grinding their members together, teasingly slow. He purposely lets out a high pitched moan, causing a burning heat to invade the elder's body, making him grunt lowly. But before the bandana man had any chance to react, sirens came piercing through the night air. The ravenhead then leaned back and grinned an innocent bunny smile, knowing he just gave the older a very prominent boner.

"Let's go, bandana. The cops are already here." He rolls out from the other's addicting body heat and stands up in one swift motion, already running across the roofs, his fluffy ponytail lightly bouncing on his head. "Come on, bandana! A boner can do many things but I'm pretty sure it doesn't prevent you from moving!"

The brunette quickly gets up from his previous position and chases after the bobbing ponytail.

"Shut up!" The other only turns around for 2 split seconds, now running backwards.

"Can't do, sir!" He grins before turning around again.

The bandana man grumbles under his breath now running beside the other. They both jump after a ladder and swing themselves successfully down onto the ground. They stood, catching their slightly uneven breaths for some seconds but those seconds were enough for cops to run around the corner and come running down the dead end they were standing in.

They both groan in annoyance while taking out their weapons, the first one to run forward being the ravenhead. He charges directly at the first cop, jumping up and kicking him in the face and punching another one before going down and slicing both their necks with the blades in his hands. Right after the first two cops are down, three loud gunshots are heard in the alleyway and shortly followed by three thuds, meaning that all the cops are now dead.

"Ever heard of a sound canceller? Geez..." The ravenhead says with a playful eye roll.

"Sure have, but where's the fun in that?" The burnette grins smugly.

The younger chuckles while walking closer to the other.

"Yeah. Where's the fun in that." He smirks. "How's the boner doing, bandana? Need any help?"

The brunette stareds into the captivating eyes of the younger and collects himself.

"And what are you hinting at, darling?" He smirkes, getting a bit closer.

"Oh, I don't know. That's up to you to decide," He reaches up to the brunette's shoulders, slowly tracing a long stripe up his nape making his hairs stand up on the places being traced and sending shivers down his spine. He leans close to the brunette's ear and whispers, his lips gently gracing his earlobe. "—Another time. Because I gotta run now. See you later, bandana." He pulls away, smirking and then runs away.

The older is left dumbfounded, staring after the ravenhead. He then lowers his gaze down to the obvious tent in his jeans. He scoffs.

Great. Another thing to take care of, he thinks to himself before sprinting through the pitch-black streets looking for a somewhat lonely apartment or house he could stay at for the night. He stops at a little house at the outskirts of the city.

Nice, he thinks. He checks through the windows and sees a man in his 40s sitting on a couch in front of a TV, pizza in right hand and beer in the left. The brunette shakes his head, whispering a soft "Pathetic."

He takes out his gun and barges through the door startling the poor man. He quickly shoots him before he can make any loud sounds. The man falls back into the couch, blood now soaking his dirty, white undershirt, the pizza falling onto the couch and the beer spilling everywhere.

The brunette rolls his eyes while putting the gun back in its holster. He closes the door behind him and sits down on the other end of the couch with a sigh, closing his eyes. He then takes off his shoes and throws them in a corner along with his belt, gloves and his bandana. He slumbs down a bit and lightly ruffles his long, brown locks.

He got up and searched through the cabinets until he found a pack of cigarettes. He grabbed the package and a red lighter just beside it before leaning against the counter, lighting a cigarette. He puts it up to his lips, inhaling the intoxicating air. He exhaled and a grey cloud of smoke came out.

He closed his eyes taking another inhale. His mind wandered back to the male from earlier. His thick, mouthwatering thighs along with his small waist, the two complementing each other way more than what should be legal. But then again, criminals don't actually care about stuff like that. They're used to breaking laws so it's really no surprise the ravenhead has a body like that.

He chuckles lightly at his own joke before taking another inhale and lets his thoughts run wild again. His little, cute, fluffy ponytail and the way it bounced lightly when he ran. And his eyes. Oh, his eyes. If he ever saw those eyes under a different circumstance he would've never imagined they belonged to a criminal, or a murder to be exact. They're too innocent, big and shiny. Too beautiful.

He groans. He would be lying if he said the boner isn't distracting, but he has to take care of some other things first. He takes another inhale and exhales through his nose this time. He takes another inhale though this time in through his nose, smelling the addicting smell of cigarette smoke. But then he scrunches his nose up in disgust, smelling slowly stiffening blood. He groans for a second time before sticking the cigarette between his lips and going over to the smelling corpse.

He lifts it up, wrinkling his nose in disgust again and drags it out of the back door and out into the backyard. He looks around contemplating where he should put the body. He then decides on the bushes and throws it into them.

He dusts his hands and walks back inside the house, taking another inhale from the cigarette and closing the door. He can still smell a bit of the stiffening blood and concludes it must be from his clothes so he decides on taking a shower.

He finishes his cigarette and takes off his clothes and puts it in a washing machine, continuing out to the bathroom. He gets under the hot stream of water and grunts by the water that hits his boner. He hesitates a bit but then grabs around his length and moans slightly by the tightness of his grip. He starts to slowly move his hand up and down, letting out breathy groans. He stretches his thumb out and digs it into the slit before going back to the shaft and turning his wrists just in the right way. He closes his eyes in pure bliss and starts to go faster, his pants and breathy sounds of pleasure playing off the walls in the bathroom along with the sound of the harsh stream of water.

His mind then suddenly wanders back to the ravenhead again but this time in a bit of a different way. The male's mouth is wrapped around the brunette's member and tears lightly brimming in his eyes as he hungrily sucks around the other's length. The ravenhead grips tightly around the other's thighs, trying to hold onto the last bits of sanity he has left. He whimpers loudly when the tip of the older's member hits the back of his throat, his length getting swallowed completely by the younger.

The brunette groans lustily and starts moving his hands faster, imagining the ravenhead bobbing his head forth and backwards and his little ponytail bouncing on his head in sync with his head. He imagines himself gripping at the younger's silky locks along with his ponytail and starting to thrust harshly down into the ravenhead's throat. He growls and starts praising the other unknowingly.

"A-ah, yes just like that, darling. So g-good for me, hm?" He grunts under his breath, moving his hand more obnoxiously and aggressively. He can feel himself slowly nearing his limit. "Almost there, k-keep going darling you're doing so good." A subtle warmness starts forming in the pit of his stomach, making his hands stutter slightly. He can feel his orgasm building up and his shaft growing slightly in his hold. He moans as comes on the tiles of the shower while imagining instead of coming on the bathroom tiles he comes on the younger's face and the ravenhead taking it all like an obedient puppy.

He growls possessively by the sinful image playing in his head while riding through his high. He slowly opens his eyes, still hooded from the activity and watches the white substance mix with the water from the shower and run down the outlet.

He lets go of his member and stares at the tiles, trying to calm down from his orgasm. He reaches out for a bottle of shampoo, that he takes with him everywhere he goes, he had placed on the bathroom counter before he got into the shower and starts washing his hair with it. He may be a murder and all that shit but he still has preferences.

When he finishes washing himself he grabs a towel and starts drying himself, thinking back to the sinful images he imagined in the shower. The way the ravenhead's lips stretched so prettily around his cock and his big, beautiful eyes complementing his tinted, tear stained cheeks. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying not to let his hormones get the best of him. He silently curses under his breath when he's unsuccessful in his pathetic try and his member starts slowly awakening again. He steps back into the shower, standing over the outlet and starts all over again.

I mean, why take a cold shower when he'd have an excuse to get off from the mesterious bunny-like man again?


The sky is slightly clouded but not enough to block the moon. The moonlight shines through the holes and pauses of the clouds and lights up the streets in a comfortable, almost magical nuance. The brunette comes walking down the sidewalk, casually, in his usual tight-fitting, black tank top and black ripped jeans with his red bandana, black face mask and black half finger gloves.

He's walking towards a specific abandoned house at the outskirts of the city where a meeting between two drug dealers will be taking place. He heard that one of them would be paying a ton of money to get their hands on some of the other's drugs, and who is he to not come and take a little look at that beautiful cash.

He turns around the corner and reaches a completely destroyed house. The door is missing along with the whole front of the house, the only thing indicating the front being the once white-painted wooden door frame that still stands tall and lonely. Half of the roof is missing, making place for moonlight to shine down inside the house.

A discarded, dusty carpet is lying pathetically on the tawny wooden floor, all its colours gone. An old sofa is placed rather randomly on the floor, half on top of the carpet. It had clearly been dragged across the floor, judging by the cruel marks in the planks, stretching from the sofa's legs and a few feet back behind it. A fallen chandelier is lying on the middle of the floor, its decorations shining beautifully by the light coming from the moon hitting them.

The brunette fights his way through the overgrown garden and walks directly into the once beautiful house. The remaining walls' paint is falling off, showing the skeleton of the house. There's some big holes here and there but not enough to expose the insides of the building.

He stops examining the hurting house when he hears footsteps approaching. He quickly jumps up and grabs one of the rafters that's surrounded by the most roof and pulls himself up and sits on it in the dark — the roof shielding him from the moonlight.

He sees a woman walking into the abandoned house. She stops in the middle of the room and crosses her arms, letting her hip slide out to the side, clearly waiting for the other to come. She checks her long, black coat, shuffles a bit around with the contents and closes it again, crossing her arms just like before. Not long after, a tall, slender man comes running towards the house with a briefcase in his hands. He waves to the woman, signaling that he had arrived.

"Got the money?"

The man nods his head hurriedly before handing over the briefcase. The woman takes it and opens it, hundreds of dollars being displayed. She takes her left hand and delicately runs her fingers over the money, then humming and closing it again. She sets it beside her and opens her coat, taking out all different kinds of drugs.

The bandana man watches attentively with sharp eyes while they shake hands and are about to part ways. He grips the rafter he was sitting on with his gloved hands and tenses up his muscles in his thighs when he sees movement in the corner of his eye. He swiftly turns his head but sees nothing. He then hears something that sounded like nails tapping on the skeleton of the house, and he hears how the sound moves all around the house slowly.

The pair looks around frantically, visibly gulping and blood freezing. The brunette feels on edge. A sweet humming then filled the air and the sound of chains dangling.

Oh my god.

One throw, dead. The woman falls to the ground with a dull thud, the throwing knife sticking weirdly out from her head, eyes wide and frozen in shock yet empty for any kind of life. The man steps back in shock, his legs giving out and his breathing turning ragged. He looks around, horrified, not seeing any movement. But just as he scrambles to his feet in a desperate try of escaping, a weight is placed on his back, making his chest hit the floor.

"Now, aren't you cute. Thinking you still have a chance of living?" The bunny-like man grins above, his knee placed comfortably between the man's shoulder blades. He begins crying, pleading for his life.

"Aw, poor little thing. Does it hurt?" The ravenhead asks in fake pity as he presses harder with his knee onto the man's back.

"Y-yes! Yes, it h-hurts. Please! P-please let me go, let me live!" He sobs.

The ravenhead hums and runs a hand through the victim's blonde locks, gently massaging his scalp. He then dips his head down to the man's neck, breathing teasingly on his neck. "And why should I do that?" He rasps. The man shivers and stays quiet, panting. He doesn't know what to reply. "Hm, nothing? Guess you don't care then." He pulls out a knife from his belt and presses it against the man's neck, making a small bead of dark red blood slide against the sharp, glistening blade and drip off of it, hitting the wooden floor.

The blonde man chokes on his sobs and quickly denies the younger. "No! No! Please, I wanna live!"

The ravenhead just giggles. He lets his left hand that previously was in the man's hair fall and grip his shoulder instead. He traced the muscles with a featherly touch, causing the man to shiver again.

"I love it when they plead." He whispers into the blonde's ear, biting it. The man groans as the ravenhead slowly trails his fingers under him, brushing past his stomach and towards his belt. He giggles and licks the man's earlobe, knowing exactly what he is doing to the presence behind him that he had been aware of the whole time. He gropes the blonde's member through his pants and smiles at the way it twitched.

But a loud gunshot then cuts through the air. The younger doesn't even flinch, just stops his movements. The sound of shoes hitting the wooden floor is heard behind him.

"Don't you think you've whored around enough now?" A deep voice resonates in the toren house.

The bunny-like man drops the now lifeless man from his hands and stands up while dusting his clothes, chains clinking. He reaches up to tighten his ponytail, knife still in hand and then turns halfway around with a smirk, now fingering the bloodied knife. "Surprised you didn't shoot him sooner. I almost started to get bored."

The bandana man chuckles and puts the gun back in its holster. "Well I'm sorry I ruined your opportunity to get dicked down."

The younger just shrugs, lightly poking the tip of the sharp knife into his finger, seeing how the skin turns pale and then red as the knife prickles through the delicate layer of skin, a dark red stripe trailing down his finger pad. "Wasn't interested." He turns around and smoothly stalks towards the elder, eyes still focused on the knife and the glistening blood slowly trailing down his finger. "Why should I when I have a much better opportunity right here?" He smirks and looks up at the brunette with hooded and playful eyes.

The elder snorts and crosses his arms. "And who says I'll participate?"

The ravenhead giggles and collects the blood on his finger with the knife. He turns the knife in his hand, watching how the blood gildes against the silver blade. He then puts it up to his lips and sticks his tongue out. He licks the dark blood off the weapon slowly and then looks up at the elder again with seductive eyes, tongue flicking and gliding against the blade. He removes the knife from his lips and attaches it to his belt, keeping the eye contact, and catching the subtle movement of the brunette's Adam's apple and tongue against his bottom lip.

The younger licks his lips, the blood giving it an extra red tint, making them look even more captivating. "You're obsessed with me." He whispers.

The bandana man lets out a shaky breath he didn't even know he had held.

"You're one of a kind, darling." He states, breathless.

The younger grins playfully and rubs a hand against the brunette's neck, stroking the smooth, tan skin. He lets it trail all the way past his collarbones and onto his pecks. He gently rubs his chest through his black tank top. "I know." He leans forward and presses a delicate kiss to the end of the brunette's mouth, his lips lingering there for some seconds before pulling away and smiling at the other.

And to say that the brunette is speechless is a definite understatement. He is absolutely stunned by the other male.

But of course, the police.

"Come on, bandana." The ravenhead giggles, dragging the elder out of the destroyed house, grabbing the money-filled briefcase with his free hand, sirens slowly filling the air. They run down the street, hands intertwined as yells are heard behind them. They laugh as their footsteps echo in the empty streets, adrenaline rushing through their bodies and filling them with excitement with the nearing cops.

The ravenhead then slowly stops running and pulls the brunette into an alleyway, pressing himself against the elder, causing him to collide into what feels like a thin wooden board. But the wooden board fell backwards, making them both fall with it. The bandana man grunts as his back hits the floor and does again when he feels the younger's weight on him.

But he can't complain when he then feels a pair of soft, plush lips against his own. He immediately wraps his slender fingers around the younger's hips as the other grips his shoulder with one hand and the other cupping his cheek. Tongues are quick to get involved. The ravenhead playfully sucks the elder's tongue and then bites down causing him to groan and tighten his grip around the younger's hips. They don't pay any attention to the officers sprinting by outside their little hideout, yelling and stomping — they only continue to make out on the floor.

The ravenhead trails his hand that was cupping the brunette's cheek higher up, gripping harshly at his brown locks and pulling them to the right, forcing the elder's head to tilt to the side while he tilted his own to the opposite way, nails digging deeper into his shoulder, wrinkling the tight-fitting tank top.

The elder growls as the younger thrusts his tongue deeper into his mouth. He grips his hips even harder, definitely leaving bruises, and grinds the younger's ass down onto his cock, causing him to let out a high-pitched moan, slowly losing his grip on the brunette's hair, falling weak in the arms of the elder. The bandana man raises his head slightly, trying to get more of the male above, the younger hungrily kissing back.

"Jeongguk." The ravenhead manages to stutter between the kiss. The elder slows their make out session and raises an eyebrow. "My name." The younger explains in the form of a breathless mumble against the brunette's lips, continuing to devour the other's plumb lips.

The older male chuckles into the kiss, placing a hand on Jeongguk's cheek.

"Do you norm- ally just say... your nam- e to strangers... like this, darling?" The bandana man mumbles between the kisses.

Jeongguk giggles causing him to finally break the kiss, leaving them both breathless. "No, you just felt special."

The brunette smirks at the other's confession. "Well in that case, the name's Taehyung."

"Taehyung..." Jeongguk tastes the name on his tongue while tapping his chin in thought, now sitting fully up on the elder. "Would prefer daddy but guess this works as well."

Taehyung rolls his eyes playfully before wrapping his fingers around the younger's muscular thighs, giving a stern tug, causing him to slide higher up on the older's stomach.

"Oh," Jeongguk gasps, placing his palms on Taehyung's broad chest. "Strong." He giggles.


Low chatter, clinking glass, classical music, and fancy clothes. Taehyung sits leaned back in his seat on the fancy, red couch. He taps his finger impatiently on the round, black table, expensive, golden rings clinking as it hits the smooth, wooden surface. His dark eyes run over the restaurant and all the customers inside.

Oblivious, he thinks. So oblivious.

He snorts and looks away, foot stuffed in black designer shoes, tapping against the shiny floor. His thighs are resting in a wide man spread as his left arm rests on the backrest of the couch behind him. He glances down at the expensive watch on his wrist and takes his hand that tapped on the table and runs it through his styled, brown locks.

One more minute and he'll be here.

His suit is fancy, fancy like all the other suits and dresses that are worn inside the restaurant. It's simple yet fancy. Blood-red button up with a strong-black suit.

The bell dings and in comes the man he's been waiting for. Dong Howon. A stinking rich, snobby man. Has a ton of money on him all the time and his clothes are practically made of gold. He has a meeting with an unknown male that he has to attend at 11 PM exactly and Taehyung knew that and decided to stop by and say hi.

He smirks as his piercing eyes follow the big man in his fancy, forest-green suit. He walks directly into a private room of the restaurant, too snobby to be around other wealthy but not as wealthy people as him.

But just as he's about to get up and sneak inside, hand reaching down to grab at the gun hidden in his suit, his smirk is wiped off his face in an instant and he freezes.

Because the bell dings again and in comes the one and only Jeongguk.

Clad in a midnight-blue, tight-fitting slip dress with a cut all the way up to his milky thigh, high heels, long earrings, and curly locks tied up in a loose man bun.

The male glances to his side and eyes Taehyung up and down, a smirk finding its way onto his subtle, red-tinted lips. He stares the older in the eyes, blue, misty eyelids, sparkling in the light as he strolled. His eyes are playful and seductive as he continues forward, hips swaying as he walks through the door to the private room, Howon holding the door open for him while he stalks inside with so much confidence as if he owns the place.

Taehyung stares at the closed door, mouth hanging agape. He looks around and sees others looking at the door in awe as well.

Fuck, it's suddenly tempting to pluck out the eyes of every single costumer inside this restaurant.

He curses under his breath as he makes his way over to the kitchen. A server comes walking, just about to open the doors to the kitchen when Taehyung grabs her and drags her off to a closed area in the restaurant. He throws her to the floor and clamps a hand over her mouth, muffling her screams. He clicks his tongue when he realizes that he only brought a gun and no knife, and of course, no silencer. So he quickly looks around and spots a regular cutlery knife. He rolls his eyes and grabs it with his free hand, thinking it's the best he's got at the moment. He swiftly bores it down in the server's throat with much difficulty due to the knife not being that sharp. The woman cries but her sobs are muffled by Taehyung's hand. She grabs his hand, desperately trying to pry it off but then her limbs fall to the floor and she's stopped struggling.

Taehyung clicks his tongue again and let's the knife sit in her throat, not bothering to take it out. He snatches her iPad, pen, and apron, getting up and walking out. He ties the little, black apron around his waist as he walks towards the private room, dark eyes boring into the door. He sternly knocks twice and steps inside.

The first thing he's met with is Jeongguk's bare back, since he's the one facing away from the door while Howon has a full view of Taehyung.

That dress is a true sun.

"Decided on anything to eat yet?" He says in his deep, velvety voice. He can see Jeongguk's head peeking up a bit and can practically feel the small smirk that tugs at his sinful lips.

Howon looks down at Jeongguk with a flirty smile and lifts a bushy eyebrow. "What do you say, gorgeous?"

Jeongguk tilts his head as he crosses his bare legs over one another. "Oh, I've definitely decided on what I want to eat." His voice comes out silky smooth.

Taehyung holds back a scoff, clutching the iPad hard in his hands. But of course Jeongguk can feel the elder's tense demeanor and smirks. He slowly leads the tip of his shoe to brush against Howon's leg, sensually tracing it higher and higher. Howan's hairs on his neck visible stand up and he gulps.

Taehyung is having none of it. He lets go of the iPad and the device crashes to the ground as he pulls out his gun and shoots Howon right in the heart. He immediately slumps in his seat and a dark, red colour slowly paints his white shirt.

Taehyung growls as he puts the gun back into his belt, walking over and taking out all the valuable things in the older man's pockets. "You sure seem to like doing this a lot." He snarls as he glances at the smirking, calm male sitting on the red couch.

"Sure do, your reactions are always fun." He hums and watches with hooded eyes as the older keeps emptying Howon's pockets, completely ignoring the metallic smell in the air from the pool of blood collecting on the couch in front of him. The younger gets up and strolls forward to the other. "So possessive." He grins and with still hooded eyes as he hisses out his words. He grabs Taehyung's tie and smashes their lips together.

Taehyung is already under Jeongguk's spell and kisses back immediately, hungry like he hasn't had a meal in weeks. He drops the watch he was about to put in his pocket and tugs the younger forward, flushing their bodies together.

Taehyung's head keeps going back and forth as he chases the younger's lips with every ounce in his body, addicted to the luscious, soft lips of the other.

Jeongguk is quick to force his tongue into the older's mouth and tug his tie into his own chest, Taehyung coming even closer to the younger. The brunette grunts and gropes Jeongguk's muscular cheeks, massaging the globes and moaning at the feeling of the muscles moving under his veiny hands.

But when they faintly hear the bell ringing repeatedly and shouts coming outside from the restaurant, Jeongguk moves Taehyung in front of the couch he sat on earlier and pushes him back so he's sitting down. He quickly hoists up his leg on the table, bare thigh right beside the elder's head due to the cut in his dress, and pulls a knife out from its holster around his muscular thigh, staring deeply into Taehyung's widened eyes as he throws it at the door that just opened with cops rushing inside and hitting one right in the chest. Taehyung can clearly feel how his member liked that very much.

He smirks one last time at the elder, giving a quick peck before turning around and wiping the legs out under one of the cops and punching another one right in the neck.

Taehyung feels like he has been victimized by a sucker punch — all his air is knocked out of his lungs as he stares at the elegant moves of the younger and the way he dodges every hit and taser.

A cop has locked him from behind but he quickly snakes a leg between the cop's and pulls it backwards, knocking the cop off of his feet. With the cop lying on his back, he uses him as a shield from the bullets that suddenly get fired at him. He throws the shot dead cop off and swiftly grabs his knife that sticked out from a cop's chest and kicks one of the guns out of a cop's hand, stabbing him right in the neck and moving it around in the skin and shooting another cop with the gun.

One last cop was left and Jeongguk pulled out his bloodied knife and kicked her hard in the chest, sending her flying through the big window in the room.

He breathes out and tightens his man bun before walking over and calmly wiping his knife in the shirt of Howon that lies on the also bloodied couch, completely lifeless. He glances over at Taehyung and catches him staring at him with dark eyes and smirks.

He once again hoists his thigh up on the table, sticking the knife into its holster, keeping eye contact with the older. He puts his leg down and walks over to the broken window, heels clicking against the smooth floor as a red stain trails behind his dress from the blood of the cops. "Come on, bandana. The police are already here."

Taehyung chuckles huskily as he breathes out and gets up to run after the younger male. They run across the street, hand in hand once again.

The sirens grow louder and louder as they run and Taehyung quickly spots a motorbike, tugging the other in the direction of it. He pulls out his gun and shoots the guy right in the head as they run. He quickly crouches down and pulls out the keys putting them into the black vehicle.

Some officers get out of the cars and run towards them but Jeongguk is quick to take off his heels and throw one each at them, hitting them right in the head.

Taehyung snorts as he hops on the motorbike, turning the engine on and waiting for Jeongguk to follow after. The younger gets on and the brunette immediately races forward, Jeongguk's arms holding his waist tightly.

Jeongguk giggles as he leans his chin on Taehyung's shoulder, hair tie long gone in the wind. They're chased by ten cars and they faintly hear a helicopter nearing as well.

But holy shit they are living.

Both their bodies have adrenaline rushing through their systems, exciting them both to the near edge. They laugh loudly, clothes moving wildly behind them in the wind.

Jeongguk can feel the air hitting his bare feet, tickling them, causing him to giggle even louder.

They rush through the streets, racing down small alleyways and streets, trying to shake off the police. They near the outskirts of the city and they drive into the forest, following the small path with the trees hiding them from above.

They drive and drive, drive until the sun rises, drive until they're out of town completely, drive until they're in a quiet place in the new city.

Taehyung slows down and parks the motorbike in front of a small, lonely house. They get off and break into the house, the sky all kinds of colours.

A middle aged woman stands frozen in the kitchen as she sees the two men, one with a gun in his belt under his suit and another with a midnight-blue, bloodied dress. And just as she is about to scream, Taehyung pulls out his gun and shoots her, rolling his eyes in the process.

Jeongguk clicks his tongue and shakes his head, walking into the kitchen. "So impolite, sir."

Taehyung scoffs and puts the gun back into his belt, crossing his arms over his chest. He watches Jeongguk with dark eyes as he explores the counters and cabinets, tracing the different furnitures delicately with his fingertips and stepping around the dead woman like she was a plain dent in the ground, not a corpse.

He then hums and looks around again. "Hm, looks like an okay place to fuck." He then turns around and walks out of the kitchen and up to Taehyung, approaching with playful eyes. He gives him a stern shove, Taehyung falling onto his back on the wide, white couch. Jeongguk crawls onto the couch as well, sensually moving forward with hooded eyes, shoulder blades moving smoothly on his naked back. He smirks as he gets on top of Taehyung, settling with both thighs spread wide on each side of his hips, straddling the older male.

Taehyung looks up with clouded eyes, hands settling on the younger's slim, outlined waist.

Jeongguk giggles as he stares at the older male. "I'm surprised you haven't fucked me before this."

Taehyung gulps as his fingers tighten around the younger. "Me too." He mumbles huskily.

Jeongguk hums and watches the brunette as he slowly, teasingly lifts the cut of his dress higher and higher up his thigh, exposing more and more skin. He watches how the elder bites his lip slightly, practically undressing him himself with his eyes.

He slowly trails his fingertips up his own thigh, brushing over the holster. He goes to the inside of his thigh, lightly massaging the skin and moaning quietly with closed eyes. He smirks when he feels Taehyung stiffen slightly and something poke him underneath. He moves his hand back to his holster and continues up, brushing against the end of the cut.

He watches the older male as he slowly lifts the cut even more, going over his hip. A wide smirk spreads across his face when Taehyung's breath hitches at the sight of the edge of thin, lacy panties. He delicately snakes a fingertip under the material, pulling it out a bit. Taehyung gulps, lust evident in his dark eyes as he watches every single movement of the younger. Jeongguk lets go of the lingerie and it flies back to his skin, smacking it.

Taehyung breathes out at the sound, and tightens his grip around the younger's waist. "Darling, you're testing my patience."

Jeongguk giggles and leans down, breathing against the older's neck. "Haven't I always?"

Taehyung lets out a growl that came deep down from his throat and smacked his ass, causing Jeongguk to gasp lightly and move forward in shock. "Sure have."

Jeongguk giggles again and kisses his neck, softly nibbling the skin. "I love it when you do that." He purrs. "So strong." He then slowly starts grinding down on the older, a deep moan slipping past Taehyung's lips. "Do it again."

The brunette gropes the younger's cheeks again, massaging the silk covered skin, before landing a hard slap to his right cheek.

The ravenhead flinches again, grinding down extra hard. He lets out a breathy moan due to the pain, right into Taehyung's ear, and the older can feel his member twitch in his slacks.

He can also feel Jeongguk slowly getting worked up because of a few slaps to his ass. He grins darkly at the thought.

"Do it again." Taehyung moves his hands from the younger's globes, receiving a complaining whine. He snakes them up under his dress, sensually gliding them up against his thighs before he reached his ass. He gives it a hard squeeze and grinds upwards.

Jeongguk moans breathily again and bites down on Taehyung's neck. The elder lets out a chuckle mixed with a groan. "Vampire."

The younger only takes his hands and pins them down beside his head before he starts rocking forward and backwards, head thrown back as he moans.

Taehyung growls but doesn't move. "Just using my body for friction to your greedy, little hole, huh?" Jeongguk grunts as his head comes lolling forward and hangs with closed eyes, hips moving faster.

Taehyung moans as Jeongguk rocks his hips on top of him, but he's still impatient. He thrusts up towards the younger, watching how his mouth opens slightly and how his body raises.

"Jeongguk, move on. Next step." He orders.

The said male giggles softly and sits up fully. He makes sure to spread his thighs out extra much and locks eyes with the older.

He hums as he slowly peels off his dress, keeping eye contact as he strips. He throws the bloodied slip dress to the floor, now only sitting in a pair of lace panties and a knife holster around his thigh. He lifts an eyebrow as he smirks at the older. "Better?"

Taehyung runs his eyes over the younger's body, taking in every little curve and detail. Jeongguk then gets up and walks over to a wall, back facing the other. He slowly peels down the panties, letting them pool around his feet before stepping out of them. He then slowly bends over and stretches his arms out in front of him, palms resting on the wall. He looks behind him with teasing eyes and a raised brow. "Come on, big boy. Use me."

Taehyung practically howls and springs up over to the younger, grinning smugly. He quickly fumbles with his belt but only gets to pull his pants halfway down his thighs before Jeongguk stops him. "Keep it. Wanna get fucked while you're fully clothed."

And of course Taehyung isn't complaining about that. He snorts and pulls down his underwear, hissing when his member comes in contact with the cold air. He looks at Jeongguk with dark eyes. "Let me guess, you like it raw?"

Jeongguk scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Yes, I like it ra-" Jeongguk screamed out when Taehyung immediately thrusted inside, the brunette groaning loudly at the extreme tightness of the younger.

Jeongguk's head hangs as he pants loudly, small cries escaping his mouth. "Fuck! So b-big... Tae!"

Taehyung throws his head back as the younger keeps pulsing and clenching. Small droplets of blood glide down his shaft as Jeongguk adjusts. He presses himself more into the younger, his member sliding more into Jeongguk's hole. Jeongguk screams again and rests his forehead against his arm that is stretched out in front of him. He reaches down to his holster and pulls out his knife, boring it into the wall and grabbing around the shaft with both hands. "Deeper, p-please."

Taehyung grunts and pulls the younger's hips back, his ass flush against his pelvis. Jeongguk groans loudly and pushes back.

"M-move." He orders, voice restrained. A raw moan slips past his lips as Taehyung starts thrusting. He clearly hasn't adjusted yet but that's the point.

Taehyung's nails dig into his hips as he moves inside the younger with stern, powerful thrusts, rocking them both back and forth. His belt repeatedly hits Jeongguk's thigh everytime he moves inside him, adding to the pain.

Jeongguk lets out loud moans and grunts with every thrust. He can see the big rings that shine on Taehyung's fingers around his hips and he bites his lips. But then suddenly when Taehyung moves backwards, ready to thrust inside again, Jeongguk moves away and turns around, pulling himself up by the knife and wraps his legs around the older male. Taehyung immediately reaches up to hold the younger, though confused, and Jeongguk lets go of the shaft of his knife and wraps his arms around Taehyung's neck instead.

"In. Put your cock in me again." Jeongguk says, staring directly down into the older's eyes.

Taehyung is a bit taken aback but then smirks and chuckles. "Sure thing, babe." He places his hands under Jeongguk's ass and swiftly guides him onto his curved, red member. Jeongguk moans loudly and throws his head back as the older's cock rubs dryly against his walls. It brings a bit of discomfort but he loves that discomfort. He feels himself being ripped open again and new droplets of blood slide down Taehyung's shaft, meeting at the underside and dripping down onto the floor, some staining his slacks.

Jeongguk shivers at the sound of blood hitting the wooden ground and lets out a shaky breath combined with a wine.

Taehyung bottoms out and grunts, throwing his head back. He quickly starts to thrust again and feels warmth settle at the pit of his stomach at the sound of dull skin slapping resonating in the living room, accompanied by rustling of clothes and belt clinking. He gropes hard around the younger's cheeks, nails digging into the milky skin. Jeongguk groans continuously, feeling his head getting lighter and lighter. Taehyung then hits his sweet spot and he gasps loudly, eyes widening. He grips strongly around the brunette's clothed shoulders and lets out a cry.

"Bite me!" He gasps, eyes clenching shut.

Taehyung quickly obeys and bites down hard at the junction of his shoulder and neck, a scream ripping out of Jeongguk. He moans and grips at the elder's hair, fisting it tightly in his hands.

Taehyung pulls away from his skin and watches with dark eyes as blood trickles down his chest, still snapping his hips inside the younger. He moves one hand up and presses on the fragile skin underneath, pushing and forcing more blood out of the wound. It glides down his chest, over his pecs and over his abs, some collecting at his navel.

Taehyung licks across the wound, collects some blood on his tongue, and moves up and attaches his lips to the younger, thrusting his tongue inside Jeongguk's cavern. He moans high pitched at the taste of his own blood and hungrily kisses back, head bobbing forwards and sucking on the elder's tongue, milking him dry from the deep-red substance.

They break apart and gasp. Jeongguk swiftly forces Taehyung's face down into his neck, feeling his nose and lips on his wound. He grunts at the pain of the pressure and quickly guides his face up to his own face again. He attaches his lips again but instead of pushing his tongue inside the brunette's mouth he just licks around on his lips, still kissing him. He lightly pulls his hair backwards, tilting the older's head and licks around the tip of his nose, sucking on it as well. He giggles as he teasingly bites down on it.

Taehyung growls and speeds up his thrusts. He presses Jeongguk more into the wall, letting his hands run freely around on the younger male. He moves both hands all the way from his stomach and up to his chest, hands getting bloodied and smearing at around on his body. He brushes past his erect nipples and flicks and tweaks them, earning some pretty whimpers.

He purposely brushes past his wound and digs a nail into it, a scream ripping from Jeongguk's sore throat again. He throws his head back and fists the older's brown locks extra hard, pulling them in different angles. Taehyung groans at the pain and digs his nail harder down, drawing more blood.

A tear slips down Jeongguk's flushed cheeks as he squirms around while his back rubs against the white wall due to the brunette's hard thrusts. His legs tighten around Taehyung, desperately trying to take more of his member. He gasps again and his muscles tense. "M-more, please. I want more."

Taehyung clicks his tongue and lets his hands fall down and place themselves under the younger, lifting him off the wall. They both fall down on the couch and Taehyung pulls out only to thrust inside again, holding Jeongguk's legs spread. The younger moans loudly and arches his back off of the couch, eyes closed. Taehyung moves his hands from the younger's thighs after giving them a hard squeeze, and places one hand on his hip and another beside his head.

He slams into Jeongguk's ripped open hole, hips slapping against the ravenhead's red globes. He moans huskily and grips at the couch with his left hand. Jeongguk grunts and guides Taehyung's face down to his, kissing him roughly. Their lips move clumsily against each other as Taehyung also has to focus on moving his hips repeatedly.

Jeongguk leads the kiss and nibbles happily on the older's swollen lips. He bites down, Taehyung groaning at the pain and hips stuttering slightly. Jeongguk tastes the metallic taste of blood and hums as he sucks on the older's bottom lip, tilting his head and continuously, softly chewing down on Taehyung's lip, practically eating it.

The brunette moans as he feels his lip getting abused, slapping the younger's stomach. Jeongguk gasps as some of his air gets knocked out of his lungs and lets go of the other's lips.

Taehyung growls, licks his own bleeding lip and places his hand under the younger's knees and bends him even more. His grip is hard and stern on Jeongguk's skin and he quickly picks up his speed, ramming into the male under him. Jeongguk chokes out a restrained moan, his prostate getting completely abused. His thighs shake around the older but he still tightens them and helps the other go deeper with every thrust. He mewls and throws his head back, back arching again. He clings to Taehyung like his life depends on it as he gets fucked out of his mind.

He runs his lips over the elder's tan neck, moaning against the smooth skin. He sucks on Taehyung's neck as hickeys blooms all around. His nails scratch in long patterns on the back of the brunette, grunts and small cries of pain escaping the older male's lips as the younger's nails create painful, red marks on his skin.

Jeongguk lets out a loud groan, lifting his head off the couch slightly before letting it fall back again, continued small 'ah's spilling from his lips. He opens his eyes slightly, peeking up at the male above. His wet hair, his black suit and red button up that clings to his wet skin, his furrowed eyebrows and his abused, swollen lips. Jeongguk can still feel the cold of the many expensive rings around Taehyung's fingers on his thighs and the belt smacking his ass as the older thrusts rapidly.

He breathes out heavily, chest raising and falling. He can feel himself getting close and the same with Taehyung — his cock pulses evidently and has grown slightly inside of him.

He tightens his thighs strongly around the older, preventing him from trusting inside. He quickly flips them over and looks down at the other with hooded, dark eyes. He starts rocking forth and backwards, and slowly starts to bounce. Soft moans leave his lips with every bounce, the new angle doing wonders for them both. Taehyung moans loudly and throws his head back, hands gripping tightly around the younger's hips.

Jeongguk bounces up and down, muscles aching. He slams himself against the older, bathing in the feeling of Taehyung's growing cock dragging and rubbing against his sensitive walls. The thrusts are much more smooth now that Taehyung's precome is working as a lube for them. Jeongguk rises and falls back down onto the brunette's pelvis as his hands rest on his clothed chest, fisting the already wrinkled shirt.

He proudly shows off himself to the elder as he moves on top of him, moaning loudly with his head thrown back, neck bared with prominent hickeys all over. His black, long hair is curled up and stuck to his forehead, mouth open and letting out pretty sounds with every drag against his walls, black knife holster wrapped around his thick thigh, big earrings dangling, milky skin glistening with sweat, and Taehyung's bloodied handprints smeared all over his body.

Taehyung bites his lip as a loud moan threatens to fall from his lips and subconsciously makes a small thrust upwards, but is stopped by a snarl and a hand to his throat. Taehyung chokes out a grunt as his cock twitches inside the younger. Jeongguk tightens his fingers around the elder's throat with dark eyes. "Let me."

Jeongguk makes a hard, slow grind down onto Taehyung, the brunette mewling softly. He then slams himself down again and moves swiftly on top of the other. Taehyung's nails dig into the younger's hips and scratches across the skin, smearing the blood on his body out more.

Jeongguk moans and fists the older male's wrinkled attire. His thighs shake as he bounces but he's desperately chasing his release, so he picks up his pace. Precome drips down his member while it bobs against his toned stomach as he moves. He clenches strongly around the brunette's member and Taehyung's cock twitches again and he throws his head back as he groans loudly.

A weak scream rips out of Jeongguk's throat as he comes untouched on top of the other, thighs quivering and a few tears sliding down his flushed cheeks. Taehyung comes at the same time and wraps his arms around the younger's waist, holding him in place as he buries himself deep into the ravenhead and empties his load inside him. He moans loudly and breathily, chest heaving quickly.

Jeongguk lets himself collapse on the older male's clothed chest and breathes out contentedly. They both lie in silence as they pant.

The younger reaches up and runs his fingers through Taehyung's sweaty locks as he rests his chin on his chest, looking up at him. He giggles teasingly as he wiggles his ass lightly, rubbing Taehyung's sensitive member against his walls again, causing the older to groan and grip his hips. Taehyung chuckles huskily and places a light smack to one of the younger's asscheeks. "Naughty."

Jeongguk grins and continues to run his fingers through the other's strands of hair. "Born naughty."

Taehyung chuckles again and softly caresses the younger's bare back, tracing his spine. "Don't you think we should get cleaned up? You have blood all over you, darling." He nearly whispers.

Jeongguk only shushes him and snuggles closer into the elder's sweaty button up and closes his eyes. "Sush and let me cock warm you, bandana." He answers, voice hoarse.

Taehyung's chest rumbles slightly as he laughs softly but he just hums and holds the younger in his arms, closing his eyes as well.


Glass splinters fly everywhere as the glass breaks and a cop flies out the window from the fourth floor. Taehyung shoots a cop right in their chest and smirks as they fall to the floor with a dull thud. He grips tightly around one of the bags filled with money but just as he's about to turn around a cop is right behind him and points at him with a gun. "Turn around slowly, hands behind your head!"

Taehyung sighs and rolls his eyes before letting go of both the bag and the gun, turning around with his hands at the back of his head. He looks at the cop with bored eyes and a raised eyebrow.

And just as the cop opens his mouth, a quick shadow is seen behind him and he falls to the ground, blood pooling under him. Jeongguk stood behind the dead cop and swiftly put his knife back in its holster on his belt, chains dangling against his hips.

He walks up to Taehyung, grabbing his gun and bag. He wraps his arms around the older's neck and kisses him on the lips, mouth opening and closing as his lips move against Taehyung's. The brunette is quick to wrap his arms around the younger's waist as well, tilting his head. They pull apart and Jeongguk gives one last peck to the end of his lips. "Sorry I'm late, babe. There's more cops on the third floor than you'd expect." Taehyung chuckles and gives a playful shove to the younger, crashing their bodies together. "Doesn't matter, glad you could join the real party, darling."

Jeongguk giggles and rubs their noses together. "Of course, bandana." He says before pulling down the older male's bandana over his eyes. Taehyung gasps dramatically, grumbles playfully and hits the younger's ass before putting it back up in place.

New cops come stumbling through the hole in the wall, panting as they point at the couple. "There!"

Jeongguk rolls his eyes and grips Taehyung's hand, both grabbing different bags of money and running through the big bank, breaking windows and tipping tables. They run to the farthest part of the floor, entering an office where Taehyung is quick to seal the door. The ravenhead takes out a long robe from a pocket in his belt and wraps it around the heavy bags of money. He grabs a chair and throws it through the big window, crashing it, a faint splash of water heard as it hit the surface of the lake. He quickly ties the end of the robe around the now free window frame and throws it out the window, the bags bouncing as the rope reaches its limit in length.

The cops bang against the door with different items, trying to get it up as they shout loudly.

Jeongguk turns to the elder with a smirk. "Ready to get wet?"

Taehyung chuckles and quickly strolls over to the younger, wrapping his arms around him and letting them both fall through the window. Jeongguk giggles and wraps his arms around the older male's neck, connecting their lips as they fall. Their bodies hit the water, a bit air getting knocked out of them while they swim to reach the surface again. They breathe heavily when they break free, heads thrown back.

They swim to the shore and get out, clothes soaked. Jeongguk grabs around his slippery knife and throws it at the dangling bags of money. It settles right above them, cutting the robe, causing the bags to fall. Taehyung catches them and they run away, clothes squeaking as they move.

They run into the forest and find their parked car and get in, laughing loudly. Taehyung had thrown the bags in the backseat and lifted Jeongguk onto his lap before he crashed his lips onto the younger's. Jeongguk fists his brown, wet locks, pulling off his red bandana. He rubs his nape and neck, feeling the smooth skin under his fingertips and palms.

Taehyung's head is tilted upwards as his hands have found their way under Jeongguk's soaked leather jacket and black shirt, gliding his hands over the wet, slippery skin. Their tongues clash and dance together and their lips seal unspoken promises.

Their heads move around, chasing each other while their bodies are flushed against each other and hands all over one another.

They break apart due to lack of oxygen and breathe heavily. They both grin dumbly at each other, snickering like the criminals they are.

Taehyung squeezes Jeongguk's ass and smiles a crooked, smug smile. "So wet." He says huskily. Jeongguk giggles again and hits the back of the brunette's head.

"Shut the fuck up, you wet ass pervert." They both laugh and settle in before Taehyung starts the convertible, racing off into the forest. Jeongguk has gotten rid of his leather jacket, gloves and boots and Taehyung, his bandana and gloves.

The ravenhead lies comfortably in his seat, feet resting up near the windshield, and sun glasses resting on his button nose as he bathes in the sun rays coming from above and spilling through the trees, and the wind hitting their faces and ruffling their hair.

Taehyung is driving with sunglasses on too, one hand on the steering wheel and the other resting on top of Jeongguk's as he holds around the gear lever. The sun has dried their once soaked clothes and warmed it up and now shone brightly down upon them, heating their skin deliciously.

They drive through the green forest, backseat full of stolen money, and fingers intertwined, racing towards a new city they can crash in.

Jeongguk snorts lightly as he glances out to his side at all the green trees and colourful flowers, smirking. "What a life, huh?"

Taehyung chuckles and brings their interlaced hands up to his lips, kissing the younger's knuckles. "Yeah, what a life."


I- uhm- hi. How was it?💀

Anyway that was the kick start off to this one shot book, scarlet pleasure. I hope you will like and keep reading this series of 'short' stories. Can't wait to see your response! :D

And this surely was long tf happened-

Word count: 11800+

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Jungkook is just a cute and kind college student who wants nothing but to be happy. What will happen to his now peaceful and happy life when his dad...
Nightmare {VKOOK} بواسطة

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913K 31K 39
Taehyung is a normal boy, after school he works in a local restaurant. One day he has a feeling that someone is watching him.... His life completely...
142K 6.6K 30
Jeon Jungkook, an handsome boy in his twenties works in the perfumery industrie. He has seven big sisters. He is the youngest and the only boy of the...
289K 13.3K 48
This is a story between 2 college besties,now in different fields completely opposite to eachother.One having love in his heart for other. Kim Taehyu...