Obliviate {Draco Malfoy}


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(A sequel to Revenge) (WILL NOT BE FINISHED) "No! Please don't do this! Please! I'd rather you kill me than l... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 | Part one
Chapter 11 | Part two
Chapter 11 | Part three
Chapter 11 | Part four
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
I'm alive

Chapter 12

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In a mixture between dreams and reality, I began to hear the soothing tune of singing birds, flying happily past our dormitory window as they engaged in a playful chase. I could feel the sun's warmth peering through the glass all the way towards my face, the back of my eyelids going from pitch black to almost a reddish color at the brightness shining behind them. Even though the room itself is still rather chilly, the covers wrapped around my body provided a cozy warmth I never want to escape.

Truthfully, I couldn't think of a better way to wake up. The birds sing, the sun shines, the leaves ruffle. I could stay here all day if I could. It's almost too good to be-

The small, yet powerful alarm clock sitting right on Hermione's nightstand broke into a series of loud rings, rudely snatching away my pleasant morning. My whole body jumped, the sound being so deafening it penetrated through my earlobes all the way up to my brain, making it feel almost as if it rattled along with the vibrating clock.

I let out a loud groan, pressing both ends of my pillow against my ears to block out the horrific sound. But of course, my pillow was no match against the old rusty clock.

With my eyes still closed and my back facing the wall, I groaned once again. "Hermione! Turn it off!"

I waited for the ringing to stop, clutching the ends of my pillow harder against my ear, but it didn't. The clock continued to rattle, not a single sound coming out of Hermione's mouth in response.

Why isn't she doing anything? The clock surely would've woken her up by now, it's sitting right next to her bed!

"Hermione!" I called out again, quite hesitant to open my eyes and expose them to the bright sunlight shining against my face. Why is she ignoring me? How careless could she be to not turn off the stupid clock?

Is she even in here?

I peered my eyes open, squinting at the bright rays illuminating the room. To my surprise, I quickly found Hermione, sitting on the edge of her bed while being already dressed in her Gryffindor robes. She stared blankly at the wall above my bed, her hands lying still on her sides. Even through my blurry, sleepy vision, I could still make out the unusual whiteness taking over her face.

I furrowed my eyebrows, sitting up straight on my bed. "Hermione!" I tried to get her attention, maybe she didn't hear me the first time.

But she stayed still, staring shockingly at the wall as if she'd seen a ghost rush right through it, completely ignoring my presence.

What the hell?

The ringing coming from the clock became impossible to tolerate, yet it seems as if she hasn't even noticed it's gone off. There isn't a single sign of life inside her body, except for her occasional blinking.

After letting out an annoyed huff, I swung the covers off my body, standing up from my bed and stomping over to Hermione's bedside table. I slammed my hand against the button on top of the clock, finally shutting off the loud ringing.

Feeling relief from the lack of noise, I gazed over at Hermione, my brows knitted together before I slowly made my way towards her. She stayed still, swallowing loudly as she kept her stare glued on the concrete wall.

"Mione...you alright?" I carefully asked, concerned for my petrified friend. She stayed quiet, the only sound coming from her mouth being her steady breathing.

Now overly concerned, I spoke again. "Hermione if you don't move, or give me at least a sign that you're alive I'm calling McGona-"

"I kissed Viktor last night" She suddenly let out, her tone filled with horror as she finally moved her mouth to speak.

I let out a sigh in relief as she spoke, "You scared me! What are you even-". Wait a minute, did she just say she kissed Viktor Krum?!

My eyes went wide. "What?" I asked, taking a seat next to her on the bed. "What do you-"

"We were just dancing and having a good time until I just...I kissed him. I don't know what came over me, I was drunk and...I kissed Viktor Krum" She breathed out, her face filled with disappointment. I couldn't help but part my lips in awe. Hermione Granger, getting it on with the famous Quidditch Player/Legend Viktor Krum?!

My lips curved into a smile, as I watched her continue to stare at the wall with a rather worried look. "Miss Granger! You are a rebel!" I joked, letting out an impressed laugh. As much as I try, I just cannot picture Hermione snogging a boy in the middle of a party while being completely wasted, it's just impossible.

For the first time since I woke up, Hermione gazed away from the wall, slowly moving her worried eyes towards mine. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her stunned expression. Come on, she kissed a guy, it's not the end of the world now, is it?

She took a moment to find the courage to speak, biting her lip anxiously before letting out yet another confession.

"Ron saw" Her shaky voice said, her face flashing with regret.

My whole face fell, feeling a sort of pang hit my chest at her words. "Oh" I breathed out.

Ron...I can't imagine what he must've felt like. This was one of his biggest fears, for Hermione to fall for Viktor, and now he just watched it happen right before his very eyes. Well, he didn't watch her fall in love with him, but he watched her snog him.

God, I already know it. He's never speaking to her again.

"Hermione..." I began to say before she cut me off.

"I know! It was terrible of me! But I wasn't thinking straight! I just wanted to light a small innocent bit of jealousy in him, and Viktor was right there! To my drunken mind, the opportunity couldn't have been more perfect. Plus, I didn't have anyone around to talk some sense into me. Ginny left somewhere else with Harry, Fred and George were talking with Felix about something because he seemed upset, and you..." She suddenly stopped speaking, furrowing her eyebrows. "Where even were you? I was dancing with you one minute and then the next you were gone"

For a moment, I truly didn't know what to say to her, for I didn't really remember where I was myself. But of course, that confusion only lasted a second, before the memories from the perfect night came flooding in like a tidal wave. Draco almost fighting Felix before dragging me down to the Transfigurations classroom, him yelling at me for getting over him, me taking him to the potions classroom, the both of us drinking the truth serum, three little words pouring from his lips, and then when I thought my night couldn't get any better...the unexpected happened.

Feeling an impulse to tell Hermione all about it, I opened my mouth to speak. However, my opportunity to pour my heart out to her was quickly snatched away from me when her eyes curiously traveled towards her clock. A horror-filled gasp escaped her lips.

"Look at the time! It's almost eight and you haven't even gotten dressed yet!" Hermione's now scolding voice said, sitting up from her bed. She grabbed my arms, pulling me up on my feet before practically dragging me towards the bathroom.

"Hurry up and shower. I'll wait for you here" She ordered, before pushing me inside the bathroom and slamming the door shut.

I let out a sigh, taking a moment to stare at the wooden door now inches away from my face, before slipping out of my clothes and stepping into the warm shower.

Truthfully, I can't help but feel quite disappointed at the fact that I couldn't tell Hermione about last night's events. It would've been rather nice to have someone to talk to about that sort of stuff, mostly because I've never really opened up about my relationship with Draco to anyone before. And now that things are back to being amazing, I'd be lying if I said I didn't crave a companion to talk with about such a special thing.

It's what girls do. They talk about boys. Hermione talks to me about Ron all the time, just like she was a few seconds ago, but I've never been able to do the same with her.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the warm water washing over my body as my thoughts drifted to last night's events. It's all I can think about, the way he said the words, his desperate eyes gazing down at me as he waited for me to respond.

"Isabelle Grimaldi. I love you"

I've heard those three words quite a few times throughout my life. From my mother, from my nanny back at the manor, from Ron every time I give him the last pancake. Yet not one of them had ever given me such an overwhelming rush of emotions so strong that it pierced through my heart like the end of cupid's arrow.

My lips curved into a smile, my heart thumping so fast that I'm afraid it'll burst out of my chest at any moment. The passion overtaking his eyes only made it harder for me to recover from such a surprising confession, as he waited anxiously for my response. I quickly pulled myself together, an astonishing breath escaping my lips.

"I love you too, Draco" I managed to get out, finding it quite hard to believe the events happening before me. Is this truly happening? Am I really exchanging I love you's with Draco Malfoy in the middle of the potions classroom?

Draco's entire expression lifted with relief, a joyful smile growing across his lips as he heard me say the three little words back.

"Do you really? After everything that's happened?" He asked, finding it hard to believe. I smiled, feeling my heart melt at his insecure face.

"Of course I do" I said, noticing how my hands are shaking from the nerves.

He leaned closer to my face, his forehead pressing against mine as the tip of our noses slightly touched. His hand stayed glued against my cheek, slowly caressing my skin with his thumb. Goosebumps took over my entire body, as I began to feel Draco's hot minty breath against my mouth. The desire for him to kiss me grew stronger and stronger by the second, making my lips tingle at the sight of his mouth so close to mine. The pressure inside my stomach increased, as his lips slowly leaned closer and closer to mine. I didn't dare speak, or even move in fear of ruining the moment.

"God, I really want to kiss you" He said, sounding breathless as he gazed down at my lips.

"Then kiss me" I breathed out.

"No" He shook his head, keeping his eyes on my mouth as he spoke. I furrowed my eyebrows, feeling a slight pang on my chest. He doesn't want to kiss me?

"Why not?" I asked, trying not to sound hurt, but rather curious. He smirked.

"Because, we've spent so much time apart, I think this counts as a due over of our first kiss. And I'm definitely not going to have it surrounded by jars filled with human eyeballs and mermaid sweat" He said, chuckling. I rolled my eyes, not being able to hide my smile.

"You're actually being serious?" I asked, raising a brow at him.

He nodded, "Yeah, I mean, this is our second first kiss. And I want to do it propoperly" He said, and I couln't help but look at him in surprise. I never thought Draco was the type of guy to care about the location of a first kiss.

"Our second first kiss?" I chuckled, swinging my arms behind his neck.

"Yes" He smiled down at me, that smile that brought butterflies to my stomach. "What? Dissapointed we didn't get to makeout?" He joked, making me laugh.

"Yes, but I can wait until the moment is right. If that's what you want" I said, playing with the back of his hair as I spoke.

"Good, I'm glad we're both on the same page" He smirked, caressing my thigh with a rather mischievous look on his face. I know what he's trying to to, but for my sake, I act clueless of his actions.

"Look at us, communicating like two grown adults" I said, making him let out a chuckle.

"I know, feels unreal doesn't it?" He joked back, before planting a quick kiss on my head.

"Isabelle! Hurry up!" Hermione's voice snapped me out of my flashback, making me almost slip against the soapy floor.

"I'm almost done!" I lied, grabbing the soap in a hurry.

Once I was finished showering, I quickly dried myself before walking out of the steamy bathroom, earning a glare from Hermione as I hurried to get dressed. Not much longer, I swung my school bag over my shoulder, grabbing my wand from my nightstand. From the corner of my eye, I saw the bright red ruby shining just beside my wand, and I quickly snatched the necklace before Hermione dragged me out the door.

As we rushed down the now empty halls, a random thought occured to me. "Oi Hermione, how come we're not hungover after drinking so much?" I asked, realizing I woke up with absolutely no headache whatsoever.

"Don't know, I reckon Fred and George did something to the drinks to prevent it from happening. Otherwise everyone would be missing class today" She answered, the wind making her fuzzy hair blow all over the place.

"Hm...that's quite smart of them actually"

Being far too late to grab breakfast, we both parted ways once we passed by the door to the transfigurations classroom. I waved goodbye at Hermione, who didn't even glance back at me as she ran towards potions. I found myself hesitant to open the door, hearing McGonagall's voice lecture from inside.

Fuck, I'm late.

I've got no other choice, I'm going to have to interrupt the class if I want to at least sit through half of it. And so, without thinking about it much further, I placed my hand on top of the doorknob, slowly twisting it open and walking inside.

"Ah! Miss Grimaldi! Got lost on your way to my class, I presume?" McGonagall's sarcastic voice didn't waste a second in saying, as I tried to quietly shut the door behind me. I held my breath, as every single head inside the suddenly smaller room snapped my way.

"I'm sorry, professor. I got-"

"Save it, Grimaldi. Five points from Gryffindor. Now take a seat" McGonagall said rather sternly, before continuing to go about the lecture. Jeez, someone clearly didn't have as good of a night as the rest of us.

I gulped, rushing towards the empty seat next to Ron, who raised a brow as I sat beside him. "Where've you been? I thought you died of alcohol poisoning" He whispered under his breath, making me roll my eyes as I glanced at the page number on his open textbook.

"I got caught up talking with Hermione about-" I stopped talking, my eyes going slightly wide as I realized what was about to come out of my mouth. I quickly shook my head, avoiding Ron's gaze as I flipped the pages of my textbook in search of page 278.

Good one, Isabelle. Bloody brilliant.

"Ah, but of course, I bet she didn't waste a second to tell you about her disgusting makeout session with that bloody orange round-shaped pumpkin head" Ron began to say, his voice filled with hate and disgust. I stayed quiet, pretending not to have heard him as I finally came across the right page.

"Well, I couldn't care less about who she fancy's anymore. Whoever she decides to snog, it's none of my business anymore. I'm officially done with her. In fact, I don't plan on speaking to her ever aga-"

"Mr. Weasley!" McGonagall's voice made our shoulders jump. Both of our heads snapped her way, finding her scorned eyes glaring directly at Ron. "How about you tell us what the Transfigurations formula is? I assume you must know it, considering you lack the need to pay attention in my class"

Ron's lips parted, as everyone's eyes made their way towards my white-faced friend. McGonagall rolled her eyes, before moving her gaze towards me. "Grimaldi?" She asked, raising a challenging brow.

I felt my heart sink, forgetting for a slight second that I actually know the answer to this question. Yet, my mind didn't take long to recover. "Well...the intended transformation is directly influenced by bodyweight, viciousness, wand power, and concentration" I said, trying to appear as confident as possible.

McGonagall stayed silent for a moment, her brow still arched, before slightly nodding in approval. "Very well, and how about you, Mr. Longbottom..." She moved her attention away from our table, making Ron and I let out a breath in relief.

"See? Who needs Hermione when I've got you to save my ass?" Ron whispered, earning a deadly glare. He's seriously going to keep talking after he just got the both of us into trouble?

"Shut up, Ronald" I quietly growled, before turning my gaze away from him.

As I moved my attention towards Neville's table, intrested to hear his answer to the question, a bright blue pair of eyes locked their stare into mine, making my heart leap out of my chest. I was so caught up with being late to class that I completely forgot he also attends this lesson.

He gazed back at me, a rather weird look pastered on his face. I was about to crack a nervous smile, even hoping to wave at him. But before I could even process my eyes are staring straight at Draco's, he peered his gaze away from mine, shifting his attention back towards the from of the classroom.

My once leaping heart dropped, for he didn't even smirk my way, or even acknowledge the fact that we made eye contact. He just looked straight past me, as if last night's events were just a figment of my imagination.

I peered my eyes away from him, trying to disguise the wave of disappointment that's just washed over my body.

What if he did forget? I mean, he was absolutely shit faced last night.

No, even though he was really drunk, he wasn't drunk enough to lose his memory.

Has he accidentally obliviated himself?

Confundus charm?


Maybe he didn't see me?

I'm literally right here, he looked straight into my eyes for at least a few seconds, of course he saw me.

I contemplated every single choice, purposely saving the most reasonable for last. But as I began to run out of excuses for him, I could no longer avoid the option.

Maybe he regrets it.

I bit the inside of my cheek, shaking my head at the thought. No. I'm overthinking, just like I always do. I just need to shut off my thoughts and pay attention to the bloody class for once in my life.

And so, with everything inside me, I did. I shut Draco out of my thoughts and listened to McGonagall ramble about the Vanishing spell, and how we'll find ourselves 'stumbling upon it more than once' during our owls. I took as many notes as I could, quite determined to get enough information to study with. I've only got three days until my owls, three, and I've done practically nothing to study.

She talked over a few more spells, reviewing their encantations and functions. Concidering I arrived late, class went by rather fast, coming to an end in what felt like minutes.

"Very well, I guess this is the end of our very last class of the school year. I expect to see most, if not all of your faces in my classroom again next term. I wish you all luck and an excellent holiday. Pip pip!" McGonagall dismissed, almost every student shooting up from their seats as soon as she finished speaking, quite eager to leave the classroom.

It was only then, thanks to McGonagall's final words, that it really dawned on me, today is Friday. This is the last day of class...

Tomorrow is the third task, then on Monday we have our owls, and then on Tuesday we're all sent back home.

And I have absolutely nowhere to go.

"Oh! Miss Grimaldi! Mr. Malfoy!" McGonagall suddenly called, snapping me out of my thoughts at the sound of my name. Ron was already up and ready to bolt out the door, swinging his bag over his shoulder. However, as McGonagall spoke, he raised a brow at me, before sitting back down.

What could she possibly want to speak to us about?! Has she found out we were here last night? Did I leave anything behind?!

The color draining from my face as I quickly stood up, taking a second to mentally prepare myself before walking over to her desk.

I was first to arrive before the professor, yet I didn't have to look at my side to know if Draco was standing beside me or not, for the scent of his expensive cologne already announced his presence as he arrived just a couple of seconds later. Normally, I'd be feeling quite nervous about having him so close by, but right now all I can think about is Tuesday, and whatever it is McGonagall wants to talk to us about.

I can't go home, not when my uncle owns a key to my house and practically lives there. I'd travel to France and stay there, but I'm afraid he also has access to our french manor, therefore it would still be unsafe. So right now, I'm basically homeless.

"I'm sure you remember the deal we established at the beginning of the school year. Grimaldi, I'm glad to say you've passed my class" McGonagall flashed me a surprisingly proud smile, before her gaze proceeded towards Draco. "Which means you shall receive your house points in exchange for your tutoring service, Malfoy" She added, her smirk vanishing as she practically forced herself to let out the visibly painful sentence. I stared at her, trying to gain back some color on my face before she notices my petrified state.

"Professor" Malfoy began to say. "Would it be rude of me to say I don't want them anymore? The house points, I mean" He asked, catching my attention at once. My head snapped his way, furrowing my eyebrows at him.

"You don't want them? Why?" I asked, quite surprised. He shrugged. "I just don't"

McGonagall raised a brow, eyeing Draco in a rather suspicious way. However, it seems she realized something inside her smart brain, for which she suddenly smiled. "Very well, if you insist" McGonagall didn't waste a second to accept, closing down her books and packing them up in her bag. Through my worry, I tried not to laugh at her, understanding her odd behavior at once. If she gives Malfoy those fifty house points she very much promised him, it'll boost Slytherin's spot all the way above Gryffindor. It's quite evident McGonagall doesn't want that to happen.

"Now, I've got a hot cup of tea waiting for me in the professor's lounge. See you both next year!" She sped off, running away from Malfoy before he could change his mind and ask for the house points back. I followed her with my stare, watching as she rushed out the door.

A couple of other students remained in the classroom, packing up their books to leave as they chitchatted about their summer plans.

Feeling rather awkward now, I gazed back at Malfoy, who already seemed to have been looking at me with an insecure glance. He opened his mouth to speak, taking quite a bit of time before actually saying something.

"We need to talk" He said, making my heart fall down to my stomach. Here it comes, the moment I've been dreading. 'Last night never happened' I can already hear him say. 'I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing'

"Yeah, alright" I said, feeling the bubble of stress building up inside my stomach. He stared at me, almost as if trying to figure something out, before looking around the now almost empty room. It would be completely empty, if it weren't for Ron sitting on his desk, looking as glum as ever as he rested his chin against his hand. His stare was focused on the chair in front of his, clearly drifting somewhere else in thought. I don't even have to ask him to know he's probably thinking about Hermione.

"Could you tell your little Weasel friend to bugger off?" Draco asked me, glaring over at my red headed friend. I shot Draco an angry glance. "It's Weasley" I stated, before looking over at Ron.

"Hey Ron, why don't you wait for me in the Potions classroom? I'll be there soon" I told Ron, who looked up at me with a rather confused look. His gaze traveled from me to Malfoy, raising a brow in suspicion. However, after giving it some thought, he stood up from our desk, swinging his bag over his shoulder before walking towards the door and shutting it behind him.

I felt my heart begin to race, as now Draco and I are completely alone...and sober. I can only brace myself for what he has to say, not expecting anything other than a dismissal of last night's events.

Funny how only a couple of hours ago we were yelling at each other inside this very classroom. And now we're about to watch history repeat itself.

I slowly moved my gaze from the door, meeting his bright blue eyes for the second time today. He bit the inside of his cheek, revealing his nervousness. He took his bag from his shoulder, setting it on top of McGonagall's desk.

Why is he taking so long to speak? Is he trying to build suspense on purpose?!

"Look, about last night..." He began to say, and I couldn't help but let out a scoff. Of course, god he's so bloody predictable!

His head snapped my way at the sound of my scoff, his eyebrows knitted together. "What?" He asked, cluelessly.

"Oh, nothing. Just how you're such an asshole to the point where it barely even surprises me anymore. How predictable of you is it to put on the show of your life while being drunk and then regret it the morning after. Like seriously, Draco! You're...Why are you laughing?! It's not funny!" I shot him a glare, watching as he broke into a fit of laughter at my words. I watched him, my eyes wide with anger as he shook his head. Honestly, I'd never wanted to murder him as much as I want to right now.

How can he stand there and humiliate me like this? After he poured out his heart to me last night? He used truth serum for gods sake! I know he wasn't lying! So why is he laughing? I swear he's going to drive me nuts!

"You know what? I'm not going to stand here and watch you laugh at me like I'm some-" But I was cut off, as Draco took a step closer to me, cupping my cheeks between his hands. He smiled cockily, looking down at my stunned stare.

"I was going to ask you if you're still up for what we agreed on last night because I was worried you were having second thoughts" He said, gazing into my eyes as he caressed my cheek with his thumb. I stayed still, feeling rather surprised by the sudden turn of events.

Oh...well now I just feel stupid.

My cheeks went red in embarassment. "God, I'm sorry. I thought...well, I was sure you were already regretting it" I admitted, feeling my skin raise with goosebumps at the feeling of his soft touch against my face.

"Fuck no" He let out, a smile forming on his lips. "I'm not fucking this up, Isabelle. Not this time"

"I know" I said, not being able to hold in the relieved smile growing across my lips. Of course I didn't know...but now I do.

"Good" He said, before suddenly backing away. "Well now that I know you're sober and still in love with me..." He began to say, grabbing his bag from the desk and swinging it over his shoulder.

"Where are you going?" I asked, confused.

"To class, of course. And so are you" He answered, the cocky smirk I've missed so much never leaving his lips. "Come on, I'll walk you" He added, walking towards my very confused self. Just when I thought things couldn't get any weirder, he swung his arm over my shoulder, guiding me towards the classroom door.

Surely he's going to remove his arm once we walk out the door. He'd never allow us to be seen like this in public.

However, even as we walked out into the crowded hallway, his arm stayed put, grabbing my shoulder with his hand and lightly squeezing it as we strolled side by side. I noticed people beginning to stare, surely confused at the odd sight before them. I think it's keen to say I'm just as confused as they are.

Alright. What the hell is going on with him? This is so out of character. I mean, he has his arm around my shoulder, IN PUBLIC.

I gazed over at Draco with a curious look, who's eyes were calmly fixed forward. "Draco...are you okay?" I couldn't help but ask, as we drew nearer to the potions classroom. His lips turned into a smirk at my question.

"Yes, why?" He asked, acting clueless.

"Well, because you have your arm around me...and we're in the middle of a crowded hallway" I said, as we stopped right in front of the door to the potion's classroom. He dropped his arm, walking over to my front with a smirk on his face.

"Why would that mean I'm not okay?" He asked, clearly acting oblivious to the purpose of my question. I twisted my head, looking straight into his eyes with a perplexed face. As much as I try to figure this boy out, I just can't. He's a puzzle to me, a complicated, thousand piece puzzle that I will never finish putting together.

"Because you've...well" I struggled to explain without rubbing him the wrong way. "This just isn't like you, that's all"

He let out a humurous breath, smirking as he gazed down at me. That smirk of his is surely making an appearance more than usual today, but I can't say I feel the need to complain about it. I can tell he's enjoying my confusion, which let's me know he's aware of the exact reason as to why I'm so bewildered.

"I don't know what you're talking about" He lied, shrugging innocently. I rolled my eyes at him, giving up on my interrogation session. It's hopeless anways.

"I should start heading towards Divination if I want to make it on time. That classroom is ages away" He said, making me nod in understandment.

"Alright" I said, reaching for the doorknob of Snape's classroom. Then, quite suddenly, Draco's hand grabbed the back of my head, pulling me towards him before planting a quick kiss on my forehead.

My eyes went wide as his lips graced against my head, feeling my heart physically stop beating against my chest.

"See you, Darling" He smirked, enjoying the shocked look on my face as he began to walk away. I stood still, my eyes wide as I stared at his back. He did not just kiss my forehead...in front of everyone?

I'm hallucinating. The alcohol clearly damaged my brains severely. Draco would never in his life-

"Oh!" Draco suddenly turned back to face me. "And don't make any plans for Sunday night at eight. You've got a date to go to" He smirked, and with that, he turned around and walked away, leaving me wide eyed and speechless.

It took me quite a while to pull myself together enough to realize I've got a potions class to get to, the realization snapping me out of my shocked state as I opened the door to the classroom and walked inside. Thankfully, Snape had yet to arrive, saving me from the embarassment of having to interrupt my second class in a row.

I quickly sat in my usual seat next to Ron, not being able to wipe off the bewildered expression possesing my entire face. I could feel Ron's glance on my cheek as I sat down, clearly curious as to what went down after he left.

"Oh you've got to be joking. What'd he do now?!" Ron asked rather angrily, noticing my state.

"What?-Oh! Nothing..." I waved him off, keeping my stare fixed on the front of the classroom. How do I explain something to him that I can't even comprehend myself?

"Good, because I just realized the third task is tomorrow and I've got to spend hours with Hermione to help Harry prepare" Ron complained, resting his chin on top of his hand.

"Well you better suck it up, because there's no way you're bailing out of our all nighter now. I don't care how much Harry says he doesn't need anymore practice, he's still got a lot of work to do and less than twenty four hours to do it" I said, rather sternly. Ron groaned, rolling his eyes to the back of his head.

"But we both know I won't contribute anything to help Harry! It's always Hermione who does the job" He tried to argue.

"You're going, Ron. End of discussion" I said, raising my brows at him in seriousness. I can't say I'm in my right mind to argue with him right now, not when I've barely processed the rollercoaster I just experienced.

Ron huffed like the child he is."Fine" He gave in, not the slightest bit joyful about his reunion with Hermione tonight. But I didn't care, there's bigger things to worry about now other than Hermione's drunken decision to kiss Viktor Krum. The triwizard tournament comes to an end as soon as tomorrow, which means at least a pound of stress will be lifted off my shoulders. It doesn't intrest me for Harry to win, nor Cedric, it just intrests me that they both survive. As long as I get the two of them back safe and sound, they'll both be the winners in my eyes.

Plus, not only that, but now I've also got to start figuring out where the hell I'm staying this summer, and I only have three full days to do it.

I can't help but worry about what I'll do if I don't find anywhere to stay. I suppose I can book a room at the Leaky Clauldron and pray to the gods my uncle doesn't find me.

Whatever. I've got something else to worry about, something that comes before that other whole mess.

Right now I need to focus on one thing and one thing only, and that is;

The third task.

A/N: Hi! I'm sorry I took so long! I spent a lot of time editing the chapter. I feel like the writing sucks in this one, but I hope you enjoyed reading it! I'll see you guys soon! Don't forget to vote to let me know you want more and comment your thoughts! Have an amazing day! (Or night) Love you guys!

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