Arianna Gilbert - the unloved...

By elljxx08

176K 2.9K 394

What if Elena had an older sister that was hated by everyone in her family except Jeremy? When the Scooby Doo... More

Season 2
Aesthetics and Arianna's Rooms
Chapter 1 - Masquerade
Chapter 2 - Rose
Chapter 4 - The Sacrifice
Chapter 5 - The Last Dance
Chapter 6 - Klaus
Chapter 7 - The Last Day
Chapter 8 - As I Lay Dying Part 1
Chapter 9 - As I Lay Dying Part 2
Season 3
Chapter 10 - The Birthday Part 1
Chapter 11 - The Birthday Part 2
Chapter 12 - The Hybrid
Chapter 13 - The End of the Affair
Chapter 14 - Disturbing Behaviour
Chapter 15 - The Reckoning
Chapter 16 - Homecoming
Chapter 17 - The New Deal

Chapter 3 - Katerina

14.3K 233 12
By elljxx08

Arianna's POV:

I groaned when my alarm went off, then cursed under my breath when I remembered why I'd set my alarm so early.

Great. Time to see my two most favourite people. Note the sarcasm.

I rushed around getting ready, doing my makeup and hair, and getting breakfast. When I had finally gotten ready, Damon text me telling me to get to his house and to hurry. I rolled my eyes, but broke practically every speeding law to get there quick. I even arrived at the same time as Elena who set of 15 minutes before me.

When Damon finally opened the door, it was awkward for him, especially since Elena didn't have a clue that he confessed his love for her last night,

"Hello Elena."

"What am I? Chopped liver!" He just glared at me before looking back at Elena, who completely ignored his greeting,

"Stefan here? He called, said it was important. Don't know why the freak has to be here though." She muttered the last bit, probably hoping I wouldn't hear. However, I did and gave her my spine-chilling death glare.

She shuddered and turned back to Damon when he opened the door even wider,

"Right this way."

"Hey." Stefan greeted Elena.

"What is this about?" She once again, ignored a Salvatore's greeting. He stepped aside to show Rose. I glared at her before turning to Damon,

"Why do I have to be here? She kidnapped me. You're lucky she's not dead yet." I growled.

"You might want to listen to what she has to say." He answered me.

I rolled my eyes, but followed them into the living room.

"Okay, I know only what I've picked up over the years. I don't know what's true and what's not. That's the main problem with all this vampire bullshit. But I do know for certain that Klaus is real." I had to physically stop myself from laughing at what Rose said, but moved my hand to my necklace that held my rings.

"Who is he?" Elena asked. Very rudely, might I add.

"He's one of the Originals. He's a legend." Damon answered for Rose. Wow. Rose is really laying it on thick. Pretending like she didn't know him 500 years ago. She's a good actress, I have to admit.

"The first generations of vampires." Stefan added.

"Like Elijah." Elena stated, more than asked.

"No. Compared to Klaus, Elijah is the Easter bunny." I was trying so hard not to laugh so much, that my sides had started to hurt. "He's a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal." Rose continued.

"Klaus is known to be the oldest." Stefan stated. I refrained myself from rolling my eyes. He is definitely not the oldest.

"Okay. What you're trying to say, but you're trying to say it as to not scare me, is that the oldest vampire in history is coming to kill me?" Elena asked.


"No." Rose and Stefan answered at the same time.

"What she's saying is, if it's even true--"

"Which it is." Rose cut Damon off.

"And she's not just saying it so we don't kill her--"

"I'm not."

"Then we're looking at a solid maybe." Damon concluded.

"Jesus Christ. Just stop babying her. She got herself into this mess the second she decided to date Stefan. So, yes. Elena. The oldest vampire in the history of time is coming to kill you. Oh and just saying before you ask. I will not help to protect you. Maybe I can ask for front row tickets to see you die." I tell her, then leave.

After I left, I went to see Kit-Kat in the tomb, making sure to bring her enough blood bags for a month.

"Hey Kit-Kat." I called out to her. When I saw movement, I smiled but it soon dropped when I saw the state of her.

I rushed to her side and gave her a blood bag.

"Thank you Little Luna. You truly are very caring, why?" She asked me.

"Because, Kit-Kat. You are like a big sister to me. Elena has never loved me, not even a little bit. But you, I can see that you care for me as a sister. And I know you're not just using me to gain your freedom. That's why I care for you. I do not see you as the enemy.  I love you Katherine. And I will persuade Nik to grant you your freedom. Between you and me, Nik wouldn't do anything that would upset me" Kat giggled.

"I'm glad you have someone like that, little sister."

"Me too, big sister. Anyway, a little birdie told me that you used to like Elijah back in the day. Is that still the case?" I smirked, teasing her.

"I- I don't know what you're on about." Kitty-Kat stuttered and blushed! BLUSHED! STUTTERED!

"Oh you know what I'm on about alright. Katerina Petrova is stuttering and blushing. I never thought I'd live to see the day." I laughed while she playfully glared at me. She was about to say something when we heard Elena and Caroline coming to the tomb. We looked at each other and rolled our eyes in sync.

"Tell everyone I wasn't feeling well. I went home from school." Elena ordered Care-bear.

"I can't believe I'm agreeing to this. I'm a horrible liar." Care answered.

"Keep Stefan busy. He can't know what I'm up to. You got it?"

"Oh my god. You know I'm even worse at duplicity."

"You managed to keep me busy when Katherine pretended to be me."

"Yeah well she threatened me."

"Okay, well then, do this or I swear to God I will tell your mum that you're a vampire." When Elena threatened Caroline, I could feel anger bubbling over and my hybrid eyes showing. Seeing this, Kat pulled me into a hug to calm me down.

"I know she's like a daughter to you, but calm down. Klaus needs Elena alive, and preferably alone." That calmed me down. A little bit.

"I wasn't saying that so you would use it as a tactic. Oh come on Elena, you know that Stefan's gonna see right through me." Of course Care thinks Elena's only joking. Little does she know, Elena was as serious as ever.

"Caroline. Do do you promise or not, as my friend?"

"You had to break put the friend code, didn't you? Okay, fine. I'll try my hardest. Why don't you want Stefan to know?"

"Because he would never let me do this."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Care made sure.

"She's the only one who knows about Klaus. She can tell me how to stop him." If only she knew.

"But you're asking someone for the truth from someone who's never given it before. Are you sure you're sure about this?"

"Caroline. I can't just sit and wait for someone to come to town and kill me. Do you seriously want me to do that?"

"Of course not. Fine. I'll do it." With that, she moved the boulder, that I put back in the entryway, out of the way again.

"Katherine?" Elena called out. She turned to Care-bear, "I'll be okay from here."

"Hello Elena. You come to watch me wither away? Goodbye Caroline." Hesitantly, she walked out of the tomb. "Stefan know you're here?"

"Of course he doesn't Kitty-Kat. He'd be here if he knew. Plus you heard their conversation before. Don't pretend you didn't." I made my presence known, "Hello, doppelicious." I smirked at her. She just ignored me and turned to Kat,

"I brought you some things."

"You came to bribe me. What is it that you want?"

Don't tell her I brought you any blood. Play along. Give her the information she wants, but please don't tell her about my connection to Nik. I sent into Katherine's mind. She nodded slightly, as if to tell me she wouldn't.

"I want you to tell me about Klaus." Elena said and threw something on the floor.

"You've been doing some research."

"I also brought you this." She pulled a book out of the bag she brought, "It's your family history. It says in here, your family ended with you. Clearly not, because here I am."

"You think that if you brought me some family keepsake I'd open up? Spill all my secrets, then we'd become best friends." Katherine mocked Elena.

She rolled her eyes and held a bottle of blood up, "I also brought you this." Playing along, Kat tried to rush out of the tomb to get to the blood. From surprise, Elena jumped back a bit, but quickly regained her posture, "You don't look so good. How long before your body shuts down? 20, 30 years? Must be painful to desiccate and mummify. I can't even imagine."

"I can make you feel the pain of desiccation and mummification if you really want me to Elena." I glared at her.

Katherine stopped trying to get past the barrier and sat against the wall, at the same time as Elena poured the tiniest bit of blood into a plastic cup. She pushed the cup with a stick towards Kit-Kat, who greedily drank the blood.

"You have the Petrova fire." Katherine told Elena, with a small Bulgarian accent.

"More blood?" As an answer, Kat just placed the cup on the ground so Elena could fill it up.

"It's a long story, Klaus and I. Goes way back to England, 1492, just after I left Bulgaria. Well, more like, was kicked out." Kat told my bitchy adopted sister.

"Thrown out?"

"Your true ancestors, also known as my family, disowned me. My... mistakes were intolerable at that time. I had a baby out of wedlock. What a shame!"

"It was kept secret." Elena stated.

"Yup. My baby was given away." She said it so casually, but I could tell it hurt her, so I went and hugged her, "I was thrown out of Bulgaria, and banished to England where I learned to adjust. I quickly became English. It was in England that I caught the eye of a nobleman named Klaus. I was taken with him at first, until learned about what he was, and what he planned to do with me. After that, I ran like hell."


Katerina Petrova was running in the woods, trying to escape her fate. Death by the hands of the Original hybrid wanting to break his curse. Until, she tripped over a log. She hid behind a tree stump, when she heard Elijah,

"She's here. KATERINA? I KNOW YOU'RE NEAR. I can smell your blood. IT'S POINTLESS TO RUN. KLAUS WILL FIND YOU WHEREVER YOU GO." Elijah called out. Just then, Trevor appeared and pointed in the opposite direction to where Katerina was,

"This way. There's more of her blood over there." When the vampires left, Katerina tried to get up and run, only to be face to face with Trevor,

"Head east. I can't point them in the opposite direction for much longer."

"I can't run anymore." Katerina answered.

"It doesn't matter. Run just a little further, and you'll find a cottage. You'll find safety there. Go now. Go." With that, she ran like hell to the cottage.

End of Flashback

"So, what exactly did Klaus want?" Elena asked Katherine.

"The same thing he'll want from you. He wants to break the curse."

"By sacrificing the Petrova doppelganger." Elena realized.

"He wanted to drain my body of my blood, so there wouldn't be one drop of it left."

"What does the Petrova bloodline have to do with Klaus?" Elena demanded, whilst giving Kat another cup of blood.

Well Elena, it was Petrova blood that turned him, and it was Petrova blood used to bound the curse, so. You tell me, Elena. Of course I didn't actually say that though.

"It's really boring, but the curse was bound by the sacrifice of Petrova blood. Very crafty, are witches and their spells." Katherine told Elena, "The doppelganger was created to undo the curse. Once a doppelganger is born, the curse can be broken."

"So you ran before he could kill you." Elena stated.

"Something along those lines, yeah."


Katerina Petrova had finally reached the cabin Trevor told her about, so she rushed to the door and banged on it frantically,

"Help me. Please, someone. Help me." She cried before the door finally opened. It opened a little to reveal an old lady, "Please help me."

"I don't invite strangers into my home." The old lady told her.

"No. Wait. Trevor. He said that I would be safe here, that you'd help me."

"Damn you, Trevor." Rose cursed, appearing in the doorway, "Always making promises that I certainly don't want to keep." When she saw who it was at the door, Rose told the old woman to let her in. "Bring her water and food." Rose compelled the lady.

"You must be Rose. Thank you." Katerina thanked her, "Trevor said to show you this. To prove I am who I say I am. That you could keep me safe and help me get to freedom." She said holding up the moonstone.

"You stole this from Klaus?" Rose asked.

"It was a part of the ritual, so I took it and escaped."

"People never escape Klaus. Everyone who tries, ends up back in his grasp. And anyone who shows loyalty to that person, dies."

"I know this is a massive risk that you're bringing on your life."

"I am not risking anything. I will take you back to Klaus at nightfall, and beg him to show the both of us mercy." She said, pushing Katerina in an empty room.

"Rose didn't take you back to Klaus. Did she?" Elena asked.

"Obviously not, otherwise I wouldn't be here. But not because she changed her mind."

Rose walked back into the room Katerina was in with rope, "It's nightfall. Time to go." When Rose tried to pull her out of bed, she groaned in pain. Rose looked her up and down to find a bad wound on Katerina's side, "When did this happen?"

"In the woods. I tripped over a log."

"That's a lie. I would have smelt the blood." Rose started searching Katerina, to find a knife.

"I'd rather die than go back to that monster. Please, let me die. Don't take me back to Klaus."

"If you die, then so does Trevor." She bit into her wrist and force fed Katerina her blood. Little did she know, this was exactly was Katerina wanted. Just then, Trevor burst into the room,

"Where is she?" Rose sped Trevor over to a wall,

"You have just sentenced both of us to death. You realize that, don't you? I just hope Klaus sees the honor in bringing the girl back to him."

"He will sacrifice her, Rose."

"Then so be it. What's so special about her, that you would risk both of our lives for."

"I love her Rose. I really do. I know I shouldn't, but I do."

"He'll kill you. I hope you understand that. He won't stop."

"Then we shall run until we die." Just then, a lot of clattering came from the room Katerina was in. They both rushed in to find her hanging from the ceiling by the rope Rose brought in earlier.

End of Flashback

"You killed yourself?!" Elena asked in disbelief.

"Klaus needed a human doppelganger. The answer was quite simple. I turn into a vampire, and he can't use me anymore." Kat answered simply.

"But it didn't work. I mean, you've been running from him for 500 years."

"I underestimated his love for vengeance. Living on the run, is better than dying just so your blood would be spilled over a petty little rock. What's wrong?" Kat tormented Elena when she noticed her getting uncomfortable, "Afraid you're wrong for once? Too scared of me being right? You don't want to die, yet you don't wanna be a vampire either. I made the choice to be a vampire."


Katerina gasped awake on the bed she was laid on.

"What did you do, Katerina? I could have helped you live." Trevor asked.

"No. You would have helped me try and run. That's never going to be enough." Katerina answered.

"It was enough for me."

"Don't you see it, Trevor? She never loved you. She used you to escape, and me to turn her. Klaus will see our help in this." Rose said.

"And for that, I truly am sorry."

"As am I, for this." Rose sped over to her with a stake only to stab the old lady in the shoulder. When she did, Katerina plunged her teeth into her shoulder and drank her blood.

"Please understand." Katerina said.

"You just signed our death sentence." Rose stated angrily.

"Better you die than I." Katerina replied, then sped out of the cottage.

End of Flashback

"Rose and Trevor spent the last 500 years on the run because you used them. Trevor just got killed." Elena said.

"Oh don't act like you care Elena. All you care about is yourself." I interrupted before Kat said,

"Never thought he would last that long."

"You don't even care that you ruined their lives." Elena said disgusted.

"I was only looking out for myself. Something you're gonna need to learn to do."

"So how much of this whole story you told me, true?" Elena asked.

"I have absolutely no reason to lie, Elena. I have no reason to do absolutely anything but sit in here, reading, rotting and talking to my beautiful little sister." Kat said, smiling up at me. I saw Elena's eyebrows furrow at the nickname Kat gave me, but she carried on anyway,

"Okay, so assuming it's true, that's why you came back. You want to hand me over to Klaus, to earn your freedom."

"Well done, Elena. Yes, 500 years on the run, I hoped he'd be willing to make a deal."

"So you got Mason to get the moonstone. What else do you need to break the curse?"

"Wow. Look who's getting smarter. Look, Ari, she's getting smarter." I smirked at her.

"It's just me and the stone, is it? Or you wouldn't need to trigger Tyler's curse."

"Witches and their spells. So many ingredients, so many sacrifices."

"So, you need a werewolf, a doppelganger and the moonstone. What else?"

"A witch to do the spell. Mine bailed, but little Bonnie Bennett will be just fine."

"What else?" Elena demanded.

"A vampire."

"Caroline." Elena realized.

"No. I'm not gonna touch Caroline. I'll just pick someone from the streets." Kat reassured me.

"So you would just happily hand us over to be killed."

"Better you die than I. Well, except Ari. I'd do anything for her." I smiled at her.

"I'd do anything for you too, big sis."

"Elena." Finally. Stefan arrives.

"Stefan, what are you doing here?" Elena asked.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Couldn't you have come earlier. I officially never want to hear her voice ever again. Seriously, couldn't you have been the hero sooner." Once again, they both just ignored me. I don't even known why I try and talk to them anymore.

"Caroline told you, didn't she?"

"No. Caroline kept your little secret. It's wasn't that hard to figure out what was so important that it needed to be kept a secret."

"I knew you'd stop me."

"Okay, Elena. Whatever she told you is a lie. You can't listen to her. She's a liar. She has been all her life. Do you really think she's going to stop that now."

"What if she isn't lying though, Stefan? You didn't listen to what she told me."

"There's nothing to worry about, Elena. I won't let anything happen to you."

"That's the problem. You won't stop until I'm safe. But you'll die trying. Is that really any better?"

"There's nothing you can do to save her Stefan. Well, unless you turn her, but she doesn't want to be one of us." Katherine reappeared by the tomb doorway, "I haven't even told you the best part of the story yet."


Katerina rode up to her home in Bulgaria on a horse, only to find an overturned carriage and dead bodies. She panicked, and rushed inside. When she walked into a room, she saw her family all dead.

Her father was stabbed through the chest, pinned to the wall. Her mother was laid on the bed, covered in her own blood.

"No, no, no. Mama. No. Mama." She cried over her body.

End of Flashback

"He killed my entire family. All because I ran to save my life. Even if you manage to escape Klaus, it won't be for long . He will get his vengeance. On friends, family, everyone you have ever loved."

"Oh lucky me then. I'll be left alone. I've never been loved by you. This might just be the one good thing to come out of never being loved by my family." I smirked, but Kat could hear the slight sadness in my voice and sent me a small smile.

"Elena. Don't listen to her. Look at me." Stefan commanded Elena, forcing her to look at him.

"Always the hero Stefan. But you must realize her fate is to die. You can't stop it. Unless, you have this." Kat lied, holding up the moonstone.

"You spun this whole thing so we would let you go so we could have the moonstone." Stefan tried to figure it out.

"I didn't lie Stefan. Like I told Elena. I have no reason to lie." Kat told him.

"Wait, let me guess. You want to trade the moonstone for your freedom, you want us to let you out. You psychotic bitch."

"My freedom?" Kat repeated in disbelief, "Have you not been listening to a single word I just told you. I'm not free. And when Klaus shows up to kill us all, which he will, I'll be in here. Where no vampire will ever enter, because they can't get out. I'll be the safest psychotic bitch in town. So thank you Stefan, for putting me somewhere safe. It is very much appreciated." With that, she walked further into the tomb. I smirked at Elena and Stefan, then followed Kat.

"Well, Kitty-Kat. I'd say mission accomplished. We scared Elena." She smiled sadly at me, then sat on the floor reading her family book.

I sat opposite her thinking about what my life would have been like, if I had a family that loved me. Unbeknownst to me, a tear rolled down my cheek, closely followed by more. Katherine, who noticed, came and sat next to me and pulled me into a hug. Eventually, I fell asleep in her arms.

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