Seven Day Saviour

By MissWho77

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"Give me a month, better yet a week" You've lived under the thumb of your protective boyfriend for so long th... More

Author's Note


163 12 0
By MissWho77

You clutch your side as she drags you out the room, the nurse- Yaz -following behind.

"Yaz we're leaving, get the others!" Shouts The Doctor over her shoulder and the woman calls a short reply. You gasp and pull her to a stop where she wheels round and looks at you pleadingly.

"Just a little further (Y/n), come on" she says desperately and you allow her to pull you into what looks like a store cupboard. You stand stock still as you look upon a ceiling height blue box, with Police Public Call Box scrawled across the top.

The Doctor jams a key impatiently in the lock and the door swings inwards. She drags you in, ignoring your protests until you go silent.

"It's bigger... on the inside?" You gasp and she nods distractedly, this clearly not being a problem to her.

"Yaz where are they?" She yells, just as Yaz and two men follow her in.

"Thanks for the warning" the older one mutters as the younger one with darker skin rolls his eyes.

Apparently none of them are at all surprised by the box.

They mutter incoherently, apparently not having noticed you yet as you gaze around in wonder.

The interior is metal based, with beautiful golden shard pillars rising from the floor. The Doctor runs around the centre, flicking switches and pulling levers until the whole ground shakes, making you clutch your broken ribs again. The shuddering stops and you lean against a pillar, a thin sheen of sweat appearing across your forehead.

"Right is someone going to explain why we just had to leave? I thought we were investigating?"

"Yeah well, I got a big enough sample size" mutters The Doctor distractedly. "And this was an emergency" she nods in your direction.

Both the men spot you suddenly and are very taken aback, but don't look ready to attack which is good because the pain has by now reached astronomical levels. You doubt you would even be able to run.

"Hello" says the older man politely. "I expect nothing has been explained to you as per usual. I'm Graham, this is my grandson Ryan, that's Yaz and The Doctor" he points out and you nod, still very lost.

He looks back at the blonde and you take the chance to slide your back down the pillar and sit, panting. You close your eyes against the dizziness, and when you open them again everything is blurry.

"Doctor!" Calls Yaz, and you sense her crouch next to you. You flinch away and hiss at the pain. She raises her hands in surrender and you scrunch your face.

"It's ok, (Y/n) what's wrong?" Says The Doctor, crouching beside you. Tears spring to your eyes and you feel your body slump sideways, laying on the deck.

"Oh shit is she ok?" Says one of the men, maybe Ryan.

"Language! I think so, she's in quite a lot of pain" mutters The Doctor. "Right I'm taking her to the medbay" she says, and before you can protest you've been scooped into her arms and are being carried further into the impossible ship, head lolling weakly.

The Doctor doesn't seem to be in any discomfort from carrying you, whispering reassurances as she half jogs with you. The steady thrumming of her heart soothes you, even if it is going at twice the speed. You worry that you shouldn't be this close to her, that Ethan may be following, but there's no way you could move under your own steam now.

The Doctor is abnormally warm and smells amazing. You don't want to admit it, but you feel safe. She chuckles softly and places you gently in a new bed in a room that smells sterile.

Suddenly you panic you are back in the hospital, but somehow you know that is not the case. You keep your eyes closed as she attaches something to your arm, too weak to try to get away. Besides, Ethan wasn't near enough to see apparently.

"Right, you just rest here (Y/n), try to get some sleep and I'll be back in a bit" she mutters and you don't respond, too exhausted. Whatever she's given you, it's taking the pain away and making you sleepy. Without another word, you drift off to sleep.

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