Best Friends With The Bad Boy...

By TypicalTimes

659K 15.2K 10.1K

After an unpleasant two years away from her hometown, Chloe Woods is excited to return. She's looking forward... More

Best Friends With The Bad Boy
1 - Bacon Is A Great Welcome
2 - Flashbacks Can Distract You From Unfair Mums
3 - Going Shopping Can Give You New Friends
4 - People Will Change Over Two Years
5 - Sisters Know Best
6 - Fix Friendships With Hugs
7 - Make New Friends Helps Forget Old Ones (For A Day Or Two)
8 - Pick Up Lines And Detentions
9 - Detention? Nah, More Like Imprisonment (PART I)
9 - Detention? Nah, More Like Imprisonment (PART II)
10 - Make Like A Banana And...
11 - Deep Staring Contests Are Fun
12 - Never Startle The Burglar
13 - Bug Spray Is A Great Rescource
14 - Complicated
15 - Cockroaches Can Be Handsy
16 - Kiss My Shoes
17 - Make Amends
18 - Clouds Look Like Farts
19 - Shady Company
20 - Answers
21 - Twisted Justice
22 - New Feelings
23 - Queen Bee (PART I)
23 - Queen Bee (PART II)
24 - For The Worst
25 - Paranoid
26 - Songbird
27 - Hard Exterior
28 - Bad Case of Lovesickness
29 - Pitch Black
30 - Warm and Cold
31 - 70 Miles per Hour
32 - Civil War
33 - Mission Successful
34 - When It Rains
35 - It Pours
37 - Silver Lining
38 - Accused and Accuser
39 - Enemy Of My Enemy
40 - Don't Get Mad
41 - Get Even
42 - Fade Away
43 - Stranger
44 - Remember Me
45 - Yours
Cover Gallery

36 - Aftermath

3.3K 86 37
By TypicalTimes

I slowly opened my eyes, immediately squinting in discomfort at the ray of sunlight that hit them. They felt swollen and were most likely red from the crying I'd done last night.

I panicked for a moment at the unfamiliar room but soon realised where I was. Benji's room looked different in the day time, the blue walls appearing lighter. Letting out a yawn, I sat up, frowning. I wouldn't dare look at myself in the mirror because I suspected I looked worse than I felt.

I licked my cracked lips, glancing at the door that led to his bathroom. It was only polite to freshen up; I didn't want to scare him away with my current appearance.

I padded over to the bathroom and after successfully searching for a toothbrush I completed my hygiene routine, minus a shower. As expected the whites of my eyes were red and the skin around them slightly puffy. My eyebrows were pulled down into a miserable frown that I tried to amend.

I sighed, looking away from my reflection and running a hand through my bed hair. I did my best to tie it into a decent looking ponytail at the nape of my neck, my fingers aching when I was done. At least I looked alive, even if I didn't feel it.

I dragged myself back to Benji's bed and got comfortable. After my breakdown he refused to sleep there but a few tears convinced him. I woke up in the middle of the night to find his strong arms wrapped around me. Sleep was much easier after that.

It was unnaturally quiet in a house with so many residents. I glanced at his clock and startled when I saw it was past nine am. My mum would be wondering where I was! I could only hope she hadn't called the police.

Just as I was about to reach for my phone the bedroom door opened to reveal a comforting sight. Benji stood there dressed and ready for the day with a small smile.

I sluggishly got out of bed and hugged him, his scent wrapping around me calmingly.

"Morning," He mumbled into my hair. "I was wondering when you'd wake up from your coma."

I pulled away, rolling my eyes. "Funny."

He shrugged, smiling down at me. "You're a really heavy sleeper. And you snore."

My mouth dropped open. "You're joking." I exclaimed, mortified. Benji chuckled, shaking his head.

"Wish I was. Sounded like I was asleep next to a train station."

I shoved him gently. "Well you looked pretty comfortable to me." I retorted, walking back to his bed.

"Yeah, you're a great teddy bear. So warm and snugly." Benji cooed, wrapping his arms around me before I could get into the bed. I giggled, pulling both of us down. We got comfortable, my head resting on his chest and his arm around me.

"Have you spoken to my mum?" I asked quietly, scared she was panicked. I hadn't seen for over a day now.

"Yeah, I got up earlier and called her. I didn't tell her all the details but she knows something happened." He responded quietly, rubbing my arm. "I have a free period first so I don't need to be at school now."

I nodded, letting out a sigh of relief. I really didn't want to tell my mum what happened, not yet. I hadn't even processed it myself.

There were unspoken words in the air, filling it with tension. I swallowed, knowing I had to bring up last night.

"So last night really happened?" I whispered, looking up at Benji. His face tightened and he nodded, looking pained.

I closed my eyes, fighting back tears. The familiar feeling of dread and anxiety stirred up inside me.

"The post has been taken down and the account reported." Benji informed me.

"But over a hundred people have seen it." I responded, dejected. He sighed, nodding.

I sniffed then sat up, leaving his embrace. Benji glanced up at me questioningly. "I'm done crying and moping around. We need a game plan, to figure out who did this to me and why. I'm sick of people walking all over me how they please and me staying silent, first Dave and now this? Everything on that post is lies, Benji. I love my mum more too much to ruin her relationship. I-I..." My fists were clenched tightly, my nails biting into the flesh of my palm.

Benji gently took my hand in his and it immediately relaxed. His brown eyes were earnest as he spoke. "Whatever you want to do, I'm with you. And the others."

I shook my head. "I don't want to speak to anyone else right now. I know it might not be any of them... but I feel like I can't trust anyone right now." I shot him a quick smile. "Apart from you."

Benji smiled back. "Glad to hear it." He responded, kissing my cheek. "I have to leave for school now, so should we start the investigation after?"

My heart sunk and I couldn't hide my upset expression. "You're leaving?"

Benji nodded, looking regretful. "Yeah, I have an exam today I can't miss."

I sighed, looking at my hands. The pressure from my nails had formed crescent shapes on my palm. I stared blankly at the bedroom door until Benji's face appeared in my line of vision.

He smiled, his dimples poking out. "I can leave school during lunch so we can hang out then?"

I perked up at the suggestion, nodding and glancing at the time. Only two hours away. I could last until then.

"Cool, get ready while I make us some breakfast. I'll drop you at your house, I'm sure your mum wants to see you."

"She'd be at work right now." I responded, getting out of his bed and stretching. I looked around for my things.

"Oh. You'll be alright, alone then?" Benji asked, his dark brows furrowed as he watched me.

I shook my head with a small smile. "No, but I'll find something to distract me. Maybe count the minutes until lunch." I teased and Benji's head ducked, a blush spreading across his cheeks.

"I'm going to make breakfast now." He informed me awkwardly and I made a face.

"I'm actually not that hungry."

Benji turned back to face me, leaning against the doorway of his bedroom. "When was the last time you ate?"

"Um, when I was with Joe I think."

"Cool, how does a chicken sandwich sound?"

I sighed. "Benji, I'm really not hungry."

His expression turned serious. "It's been over twelve hours since you last ate, Chloe. This isn't up for discussion. So, chicken or ham?"

"Chicken." I grumbled, fiddling with my fingers. Benji nodded and left.

It didn't take long for me to find my things so I headed to meet Benji in the kitchen. I stood next to the fridge silently, watching him work like a creep. I was dreading us parting...

I blinked and Benji was in front of me, holding two plates with an amused expression. "Hey, Space Cadet. I called your name like three times. You good?"

I took a plate from him gratefully. "For now, yeah."

We ate quickly as Benji had to get to school for his exam. After I enquired he informed me all his family members had gone to school or work, with Brea at their aunt's house to be looked after. I wished I had someone at home to keep me company.

After a silent drive we arrived at my house. I looked through the window at what was meant to be a comforting image but serve to remind me of my solitude.

Benji's hand rested on my knee and I faced him. "Promise me you won't be in your head too much." Even he knew it was a dark place.

I nodded biting my lip. "I'll try."

He held his arms open and I climbed over the console to hug him. In this position I could settle my thoughts, clear my head. Breathe.

"Two hours." Benji murmured softly.

"Two hours." I repeated, willing myself to not cry. I looked at his face, my eyes skimming his features as if to memorise it. This close I could pinpoint a few freckles scattered across his nose. It made him more handsome in my eyes.

We shared a chaste kiss and I left the car, walking up to my house without glancing back. If I did I wouldn't be able to leave his side.

I checked under the foot mat for our spare key and entered my house. Loud silence met me when I closed the door behind me. If I focused I could pinpoint dust particles floating in the air.

Almost robotically I removed my shoes and headed straight to my room. I placed my phone in my wardrobe. I hadn't dared to turn it on since last night.

I closed the curtains and went to lie in my bed. I wasn't sleepy but I felt lethargic. I wasn't in the mood to use any form of technology, so the best plan of action was to sleep.

I almost cried in relief when I felt immediately felt myself dropping off. Hopefully I would wake up by Benji knocking on my front door.


Harsh knocking startled we awake. My eyes opened and I looked around, trying to settle down.

Excitement immediately filled me when I came to my senses. It must be Benji!

I practically sprinted downstairs and arrived at my front door. I quickly smoothed down my hair, practically bouncing with joy. Without looking in the peephole I unlocked the door and opened it wide.

My smile fell from my face, being replaced by a confused expression. My heart sunk in disappointment as I took in the person standing before me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice giving away my surprise and hostility.

"Can I come in?"


Who's at the door?

Whoever guesses right FIRST will have the next chapter dedicated to them!

I wasn't going to leave it at a cliff-hanger but I asked on my Instagram and you guys said I should, so 🤷🏽‍♀️...

I MIGHT post a mini-spoiler on who a certain someone's POV is... so make sure you go follow! I'm putting my account on public now.

Part 2 of this chapter is being written now!

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