Adopted by my teacher

By KarnnaSmith

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I'm an orphan, Sophie is my name. I was taken to an orphanage by a social worker after the death of my parent... More

Chapter 1 Social Worker
Chapter 2 School
Chapter 3 Adoption Day
Chapter 4 Field Trip
Chapter 5 Adopt??
Chapter 6 The Weekend
Chapter 7 Trouble
Chapter 8 The Ride
Chapter 9 Holiday
Chapter 10 I'm Back
Chapter 11 New Girl
Chapter 12 The Incident
Chapter 13 Family Meeting
Chapter 14 Adoption Day
Chapter 15 Shopping
Chapter 16 Summer
Chapter 17 Family Trip
Chapter 18 My Birthday
Chapter 19 Sleepover
Chapter 20 New Grade
Chapter 22 Babysitting
Chapter 23 Sophie's Project
Chapter 24 Friendship
Chapter 25 Detention
Chapter 26 Family Night
Chapter 27 The Science Fair
Chapter 28 An Unexpected Guest
Chapter 29 Happy Easter
Chapter 30 Summer Days
Chapter 31 Graduation Day
Chapter 32 Sophie's Return
Chapter 33 A Family Addition
Chapter 34 The Finalé

Chapter 21 First Day of High School

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By KarnnaSmith



One click and my eyes were opened.

Austin then poked his head inside the room. "Soph, why are you still in bed!? Get up already, we'll be leaving soon!" he shouted before the door closed behind him.

I pulled the covers over my head and nuzzled my face in my pillow, staring at the beeping alarm clock.


My only thought was to throw my alarm clock straight through the window as I reluctantly pressed the off-switch. Today was my first day of high school.

I managed to sit myself up in bed with a yawn, and stretched my arms. My eyes were still shut as I sat up, soaking up the warmth of my covers before opening them.

Slowly, I made my way out from underneath the covers and placed my bare feet onto the fuzzy carpet, proceeding into the bathroom.

I stood in front of the mirror and cringed at the sight of my disheveled dirty-blonde hair that now reached my shoulders. I decided to get it chopped off during the summer. I was a bit hesitant at first, but now I love it.

I stroked the ringlet of hair from my eyelids before running my bath water. When the water turned cold, I stepped out and into my bathrobe, walking back inside my bedroom to get dressed.

I'd gone for a simple but cute look, which consisted of a white, laced, buttoned front blouse with a denim skirt. Good enough for a Monday morning. The weather was perfect, the sun was shining, assembling a warm breeze in the air; so I didn't think I'd need a coat. I brushed through my tangled hair before tucking a few strands behind my ear.

My phone then lit up as a message from Lottie flashed onto its screen. I picked up the small object from my ruffled bed sheets and tapped on the text to expose a snap of Charlotte with intertwined hair and dressed in her pajamas with the biggest smile EVER. I replied with a snap of my own, though my smile wasn't as bright as hers.

After tapping send, I gathered my packed book bag from the other night and headed downstairs. The flat screen in the living room could be heard from upstairs and grew more audible as I made my way down.

-For today's weather it will be partly cloudy but it should clear up by noon. There will be a high of 53 and a low of 28. At 7am it's 34 and climbing. Next on the show-

53 degrees? That was pretty good for August. Too bad I couldn't just stay in bed... Why did school have to start so early this year? We had to be there by 8:30.

The more the thought grew on me, the more I became reluctant to want to go.

"Why do I even have to go to school anyway?! I already know most of the stuff they teach us in middle school!" I complained, taking my place at the breakfast table where a plate topped with fluffy pancakes alongside a mixture of freshly washed fruits, and eggs was put in front of me.

"Key word most," Austin reinforced with a small laugh as he poured me a glass of orange juice from the pitcher.

With a frown, I took a hold onto the clear cup as he then sat down on the other side of the table to enjoy his own meal.

"I don't think it will be that bad..." he said to me before taking a fork-bite of his scrambled eggs.

"Maybe..." I said quietly as I finished off my breakfast.

"Where's mom??" I asked while placing my empty plate and glass inside the dishwasher. Then I turned back to witness my uncle clearing off the table.

"She had already left to get a head start of the day, so you're stuck with me," he told me after closing the refrigerator door. "Backpack, books, cellular device?"

"Check, check, and check." I smiled with my bag's straps around my shoulders.

"Ok, let's head out. I don't think it's a good idea to be late on your first day."

I sighed with a small nod as I followed him outside of the front door to the car. And we started the long drive to school. Sitting on the passenger side of my uncle's car, I had just about dozed off when the man's voice brought me back to life. "Ready for ninth grade?"

"I don't know," I told him. "I thought jr. high was bad."

"How do you know? You haven't been to high school yet."

"Well," I mumbled. "Just a feeling, I guess."

Austin then poked at my cheek, eliciting an honest smile to form on my lips similar to his. The drive was about 25 minutes long with the busied traffic, which felt like only seconds since my uncle and I spent it fussing over the next song.

Soon we arrived safely at our destination. I peeked out of the glass window at the surrounding scenery that was visible to us as Austin searched for a vacant parking spot before pulling the car into a complete stop in between two others.

It was a relatively medium-sized high school. There were other vehicles as well as yellow buses surrounding the school with parents and bus drivers  dropping off their kids. There were groups of teens hanging out and some kids skateboarding to pass the time and wait for the bell to ring.

"Try to have an awesome day," Austin said while pulling me in for a big hug. "I'm sure you'll do fine. In fact, I know you will."

I smiled into his embrace. "Thanks, I will," I assured him before stepping out of the car with my bag on one shoulder. I took a soft breath to reassure myself and made my way into the growing traffic.

"Sophie!!!" Just as I stepped on campus, I was then tackled into a tight squeeze by my best friend. Seeing her again widened my smile as I wrapped my arms around her neck with just as much force.

"Oh I'm so glad to see you," I told her before breaking  the embrace. There I was able to get a better look of Charlotte's appearance. Her lengthy hair was pulled up into a high ponytail and was wearing a ruffled top and blue jeans as she held onto both of her backpack's straps. "Where's the others?"

"I'm not sure,"she said, searching through the crowds. "You're the first I've seen since I got here. It's packed out here."

"Isn't it," I agreed, looking around. This was certainly not like my old school... At that moment, I felt like a lost kid wanting their mother's comfort. I wished I could have at least seen her before she had left. It wasn't like mom to miss out on my first days back at school.

"At least we have mostly all our classes together, Soph," said Charlotte, bringing me back to reality.

"Right!" I smiled, pulling out my schedule from the side pocket of my book bag. "Let's see, I've got Computer, Biology, English, and P.E. The same as you, Charlotte."

"Yep," she confirmed as we continued down the walkway that led up to the school's entrance. "Look!" she was quick to yell out, startling me as I looked in the direction she was referring to. "There they are, Sophie!" Charlotte pointed out to a group of kids by the flagpole.

"Hey!" shouted Alicia, waving her hand. "They're here!"

Charlotte and I raced over to the group to witness four smiling faces, each one dressed in casual new clothes and backpacks.

"We've been looking everywhere for you two," Brianna told us.

"Same here," Charlotte and I said, causing the girls to giggle.

"So what classes are you girls takin'?" Emma asked as the rest of the girls pulled out their schedules as well.

"Well, we're taking English, P.E., Biology, and Computer together," said Charlotte. "What about you?"

"Great, I'm taking Computer, too. Is one of you taking US History?"she asked.

"I am! Looks like we'll be sharing that class together, too," I told her as she sighed back in relief.

"That makes the four of us," said Alicia, "Bri and I are in that class as well. I'm also taking Algebra, Biology..."

"Me too," Chelsea cut in. "Well, just the math class. I'm in PE and English with you girls, though I'm also taking a Drama class."

"Drama?!" My eyes sparkled with the news. "Me too!"

"We're going to have so much fun!" Chelsea beamed, causing me to giggle.


"Aww!" Alicia whined. "I thought you were going to be in our Spanish class, Soph!"

"I'm taking that next semester," I told her.

"Don't yell, Alic," said Emma. "People will think we're freshmen."

"They all know we're freshmen, Emma!" Alicia snapped back. "They've probably heard us talking about our classes. Only freshmen talk about what classes they're taking."

"Don't tell me I'm the only one who's taking band class??" Brianna groaned.

"Oh I've got that class with you!" Charlotte shouted happily. "My folks thought I should at least give it a shot."

"Well I'm glad!" Brianna added. "You'd love it."

As soon as the bell rung, my friends and I headed inside toward our first period classes.

As I stepped inside the building, I first noticed that the halls were crowded with teenagers and the rush crowd of first day jitters as some caught up with old friends and others, like myself, scattered to find assigned classes. My ears were filled with the sound of multiple conversations going off at once, lockers opening and closing, music playing without headphones.

High school...

When I did find room 203, I was greeted by some familiar faces. Mostly just old classmates though. Charlotte and Emma followed me to three vacant seats that were aligned with the left wall.

"Ok everyone, welcome to Intro to Computers. My name's Mr. Mcintyre. We will be learning about flash players, computers and programming..."

The class went by pretty informatively. Mr. Mcintyre had each of us make an account on the apple computer and gave a lesson on the programs that were on there. It wasn't as boring as I thought it'd be. I just know that when the bell went off, I practically jumped out of my seat.

During my second period, I sat next to Chelsea in the classroom with 21 students, awaiting our drama teacher. As I was about to mention something to Chels, a thin body in high heels entered the room. Her dark curls bounced a little over her red dress topped with pieces of jewelry that hung around her neck. Her piercing hazel eyes locked onto ones that belonged to a male student, who stood up and collected the paperwork from her hands as he then began to pass out the syllabus for the semester.

The woman stood front and center as she announced to the class, "I am Mrs. Patel. Some of you are returning and there are many of you who are new. It is my goal as a teacher for you to achieve the mastery standards for the Visual and Performing Arts. What's being handed to you is your syllabus for the term that goes into further depth of the expectations of my class. If you'll look at page 1, we shall begin."

"So much for fun," sighed Chelsea.

"It's only regulations," I whispered to her. "The first days are always like this."

"Yeah," she said, staring down at her lap. "But I was thinking..."

"About what?" I asked, studying the syllabus that was just given to me.

"Should I join the Book club or the Art club?" she thumbed through the clubs/organizations manual she got in her freshman packet.

I said nothing but slunk down in my chair with rolled eyes.

Soon the bell rung and I made my way to my third period. Although the walls were bare, the windows were quite large, letting in the unsubdued light of the morning. I was one of the few lucky ones who was able to sit next to one. My mood brightened once Charlotte and Emma entered, pulling out a chair to join me at the squared table. The room fell silent as our teacher, Mrs. Holloway, entered. The lesson then began.

After leaving the cafeteria, the girls and I regrouped and sat on a bench for a few minutes as we talked about our classes.

"Well, I think I like high school afterall," I said to the foursome. "It's different, but not in too bad of a way."

"Yeah, it could've been a lost worst," said Alicia. "Like being baits for the seniors to pick on us."

The girls and I agreed just before the sound of the bell went off, signaling the end of lunch.

Back inside, I checked in my morning textbooks in estrange for afternoons. I said my 'see you laters' to the rest of the girls as Chelsea, Charlotte, and I were led into the same direction. My fourth class was one we shared together, and that's English.

I saw a few of the students sitting in the set up chairs. Majority of the squadron were up and about socializing with others.

Calley glared over to me, examining my existence with a disgusted mug.

I gladly struck a pose as she rolled her eyes, turning her attention back on Britney's blabbing mouth.

"What's wrong?" says Charlotte, following my stare to see the auburn haired girl looking away.

"'s them," Chelsea groaned as she twirled onto the fifth row, taking a seat on the other side of me. "Those girls have serious issues."

"Tell me about it."

The class swiftly took to their seats at the sight of the room door opening. A woman with wavy blonde hair walked into the room. All of my attention was nailed onto the beautiful woman as my heart skipped a beat. She then took her place in front of the whiteboard with a warm smile.

"Isn't that your mom?!" The girls said at once as they looked at me, though my attention was focused on the woman who introduced herself as well as the reading materials that were sketched onto the whiteboard behind her.

Throughout the class, I wondered if she knew that I was there, witnessing this moment. I was beyond confused at that point as the girls continued to bombard me with questions I didn't know the answer to.

After the bell, I told the girls I'd catch up later as I waited for the other students to leave the room, giving mom and I a chance to talk. Well, that's what I thought until a group of girls surrounded my mother's desk for a lengthy discussion. At that point, I didn't want to bother her while she was on the job, so I released a disappointing sigh and left out the room without any explanations.

Alicia and Emma, who tugged along Brianna by both her arms, accompanied me on my way to my locker. I needed to grab my gym bag.

"Did you hear!??"asked Alicia and Emma, running up to me.

I nodded, placing the gym bag onto my shoulders. "I just left her class..."

"Well you don't sound so excited about it!" said Alicia.

"I am," I was quick to answer. "Well, I think... I didn't even know that she'd taken a job here."

"I was surprised myself," said Brianna as she straightened herself up. "So surprised I went completely speechless when meeting her."

"Speechless?" Emma placed her hand onto her shoulder. "Try mute."

Alicia and I giggled as Bri swept her hand off, "Do you girls want to be late for class??"

"And miss a lecture of world history from Mr. Newton!? I'd just kill myself!" taunts Alicia as we made our way in that direction.

Finally, the end of the school had approached. The girls and I made our exit from the track once practice was over, heading inside for a quick rinse before it was time to head home. The smell of sweat coated my skin, hair and clothes. A quick shower was definitely needed.

"Well, that was intense," Charlotte breathed, referring to the murderous training session coach Taylor had put us through.

I nod in agreement, too tired to make out any words let alone sounds.

Chelsea and Bri let out a small giggle of consent, tugging me forward.

By this time we had made our way into the girl's locker room, the shower was turned on to the perfect pressure and temperature as I stepped in.

As I made my way inside the classroom, I glared at the familiar woman who was seated behind her desk, going through a load of paperwork.

"Mom?" I silently spoke, startling the woman as she looked over at me with a growing smile.

"I've been waiting for you," she told me as I walked over to her desk, placing my bag down beside it.

"You weren't going to tell me!?" I pouted, falling into the sweet scented embrace of my mother.

I laid my head against hers as she played in my hair with soft touches that made me close my eyes. She laughed softly, "I don't think that's how surprises work, hun."

She then lifted my chin so she could stare into my eyes. "I was given the opportunity during the summer. I wanted to talk to you about it at the time, but I decided to wait. You don't mind, do you?"

I shook my head in her grip with a smile of my own. "I think it's amazing. It'll be just like when I was in elementary."

The woman hummed her agreement as she placed a soft peck onto my forehead. "So how were your classes?"

"Okay-ish," I frowned from the events of the long day. "We mostly just went over class rules and syllabuses."

"It'll get better," she assured me, placing a lock of hair behind my ear.

"How was your first day?" I asked, eliciting a sweet laugh from the woman.

"Pretty much the same as yours," she said, placing the leftover paperwork into a file folder as I stood up so she could pack her belongings.

Afterwards, mom and I made our way towards the car park to head home.

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