By arios2004

373K 10.8K 7.2K

In which Alexandria Miller is her mother's daughter through and through while her sister Ginny was anything s... More



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By arios2004

—4. Bang future Mark Zuckerberg

After school ended that day, Alex joined Ginny in going to Max's house to hang out. They walked into the girl's room and Alex looked around, impressed.

"Your bedroom is amazing," Ginny confessed and Max chuckled in response.

"I know," Max replied confidently, earning a playful eye roll from Alex, "So, how are you two liking Wellsbury? Is it paradise?"

"It's weird," Ginny admitted and Alex nodded in agreement.

"I'm supposed to subtly and casually ask you two if you have boyfriends?" Max suddenly spoke up, causing Alex to smirk.

She tilted her head, a part of her wondering if she asking on behalf of Marcus or Kaden. She hoped it was Marcus.

"Hunter and Kaden want to know," Max replied, a part of her looking excited.

"Oh, uh...No, I don't. I've never had a boyfriend," Ginny confessed, smiling shyly, "I've never even kissed a guy. We move a lot, so I'm always the new girl."

"Please, guys love new girls," Alex scoffed, turning to look at her sister, "They're hot and mysterious."

"That sounds thrilling," Max commented, smiling excitedly at the thought.

"It is. I usually have all the guys wrapped around my little finger, but here..." Alex trailed off and shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know, it's different."

"Well, think about it like this. New town, new you," Max told them, smiling widely, "Like, you can utterly change your personality."

"You'd get along with our mother," Ginny commented, an amused look on her face.

"I would love to get along with your mother. God, she's so banging," Max confessed, earning an aggravated look from Ginny since she hated when people spoke of her mother like that.

"Ah! Well, welcome to the opinion of everyone who's ever met Georgia," Ginny stated, an aggravated look on her face.

"Georgia," Max repeated after Ginny, smiling slightly, "And you're Virginia? And you're Alexandria?"

"It's the city in Virginia where our mom had us," She informed Max in a calm tone, "Our brother's name is Austin. Our mom names after the places we were born."

"Poetic," Max replied, looking intrigued.

"I just can't believe she was with that guy," Ginny complained, causing Alex to turn to her in shock.

"You saw them too?" She asked in surprise and Ginny nodded.

"She always does this," Ginny continued to complain, causing Alex to sigh in annoyance, "She moves us around, and she meets a guy, and then they break up, so we have to move again. Or she meets a guy, and we have to move to go be with him. It's always about a freakin' guy! I guess I can't blame her for Kenny dying, but she promised this would be different. And what, noon on our first day in town?"

"Well, you can't move," Max argued in a calm tone, "I've decided I really like you two."

"Really?" Ginny asked, looking surprised.

"Uh, yeah," Max answered, nodding her head before she moved toward the door, "Uh, do you want soda? 'Cause my blood needs sugar and chemicals to focus."

"Sure," They both answered before Ginny asked, "Do you know where the bathroom is?"

"Come with me. I'll show you," She suggested and Ginny wasted no time following after her, which left Alex alone.

Alex sighed deeply and leaned back in her seat. She took out her phone, smiling as she opened the snap that Kaden had sent her.

"Who's stalking who now, neighbor?" A voice suddenly spoke up, causing Alex to turn to see Marcus standing in the doorway of Max's room.

He was smiling at her teasingly, causing Alex to roll her eyes. "In your dreams. Your sister invited me."

Marcus chuckled lowly and walked over to Alex. She watched him curiously with a confident look on her face. He knelt in front of her, causing Alex to tilt her head and give him a curious look. "What do you think you're doing?" She asked him and Marcus leaned closer to her.

Her breath hitched and she glanced down at his lips, which were dangerously close to hers.

Just as she thought he was about to kiss her, he smirked. He lifted his hand to reveal a bag of weed, which he had taken from a hiding spot that had been located behind Alex.

She sighed in defeat and her smiled faded, pissed that he had tricked her so easily.

"Want some?" He asked her curiously and Alex rolled her eyes at him.

"You're a dick," She snapped at him and Marcus laughed at her.

"Marcus, what are you doing?" Max had asked as she walked back into the room with Ginny to find her twin brother kneeling in front of Alex.

He stood up and showed her the bag of weed, causing her to groan in annoyance.

"Why is that in my room?" She asked him in an annoyed tone.

"No one checks your room," He answered as if it were obvious and Alex smirked in amusement.

"Gross. Get help," Max groaned in disgust, "Also, can you please leave? We're trying to study."

As Max's back was turned to her brother, Marcus turned to look at Alex, smiling slightly. He jokingly saluted her and Alex smiled sarcastically as she flipped him off.

With that, he left the room and Ginny sighed, looking disapproving of what she now realized was going on between her and Marcus.

Only a day there and Alex was already toying around with both Kaden and Marcus.


  Deciding to leave early, Alex walked out of Max's house and was about to return from her own home when she stopped. She turned, her eyes locking on Marcus kneeling in front of his motorcycle.

"So, what's your favorite song by Wednesday?" He asked her tauntingly and Alex walked over to him.

"Last Kiss," She answered, causing Marcus' smile to fade, "You're an idiot because Wednesday is a band."

"No, it's not," He argued and Alex smirked up at him.

"It is. It's a band from the seventies. Sang the song Last Kiss. They weren't the ones who originally wrote it but their version of it is the best. Pearl Jam singing it would be a close second, though. Look it up," She retorted with a confident expression on her face. She stopped in front of his motorcycle, smiling down at it. "Nice bike."

"Thanks. Maybe I'll give you a ride sometime," He proposed, causing Alex to laugh in amusement.

"When, in December?" She asked, causing Marcus's smile to fade as he watched her climb onto his bike as if she were a pro.

Without a care in the world, she placed the helmet on and Marcus rolled his eyes. "Girls always want a pic on the bike," He muttered under his breath as he bent down to search her bag for her phone, "Alright, where's your phone?"

"Get over yourself," She scoffed, starting up the bike at ease, "You think I'm some basic-bitch who posts pics on a bike that's not even mine?" She asked and let out a large laugh as she started bike, "You wish."

Watching her ride off, Marcus' eyes widened in alarm. "Hey! Stop! No!" He shouted, not realizing her father had taught both her and Ginny how to ride a motorcycle, "You're gonna crash! Stop!"

Marcus sighed and watched in shock as Alex raced down the street before returning to him. She came to a stop before him, smirking as she swiftly removed her helmet.

"What were you saying about crashing?" She commented as she smirked at him teasingly.

"You're crazy," He complained, trying his hardest not to smile as she turned to face him.

"You want to see crazy?" She asked, walking toward him. She stopped in front of him, cupping her face in his hands before she kissed him.

Marcus wasted no time kissing her back, pulling her closer to him as he rested his hands on her waist.

Just then, Alex pulled away, smiling up at Marcus teasingly. "How's that for crazy?" She asked in a low whisper.

Marcus smiled slightly, on the verge of kissing her again when he heard a call pull up.

He quickly pulled away, watching as the car stopped in front of his house. "Marcus, let's go," The girl driving demanded and Marcus turned to give Alex an almost apologetic look.

He gave her one last look, just before walking over to the car. "Who's she?" The girl asked, practically glaring at Alex.

"No one. Just one of Maxine's dumb friends," He replied, causing Alex to roll her eyes.

She cursed under her breath, realizing that the girl must have been his girlfriend. "Shit," She sighed in frustration as she ran her hands through her hair, "Not again."


     The moment Alex stepped into her home, she was cornered by her mother, who had witnessed the whole ordeal between her and Marcus.

"And how was your first day, dear?" Georgia asked Alex sarcastically as her daughter walked up the stairs.

"Please, don't start," Alex pleaded in a soft tone as she walked past Georgia.

   "Hey! You get back here when I am talking to you!" Georgia shouted in a stern tone, "I don't want you with that guy or on that bike! He's bad news."

   Alex was on the verge of closing her bedroom door, only to have Georgia stop her from doing so. "It's not what you think," She told her mother as she shook her head, "You don't understand."

"Oh, you think I don't understand? I understand. Believe me, Mommy understands. Hot guy on a bike? You are me, and I was an idiot. I've broken my back giving you and your sister every opportunity that I never had, so of course, you're gonna throw it all away on the first jerkoff Shawn Hunter wannabe you lay eyes on in this town," She snapped at Alex, who stared at her in disbelief, "You know who's sexy? Skinny, nerdy guy in your biology class. Have sex with that guy. Bang future Mark Zuckerberg. Have you learned nothing from what I've taught you?"

"I'm not banging anyone!" Alex exclaimed in a defensive tone, "I just got here and it's different. I don't have guys chasing after me like lost puppies like I usually do so you have nothing to worry about. I'm a nobody here and I intend to keep it that way."

"At least she doesn't show up into a new town and immediately have a boyfriend!" Ginny suddenly spoke up and both Alex and Georgia turned to her in shock since she had appeared out of nowhere, "I saw you today with that guy, Mom."

"What guy?" Austin asked as he walked over to the three women.

Georgia immediately whipped herself around to face her son. She smiled, placing his glasses back on his face. "Hey, honey. Look, I fixed your glasses."

"Why don't you tell Austin, Mom?" Ginny spoke up with an attitude, "Tell him how all your promises are shit because you're already getting your hooks into some guy. So don't give us the sob story on the crap you went through so we could have a better life. Frankly, it's boring."

"Hey, Ginny? Shut up!" Alex shouted at her twin sister as she glared at her hatefully, "I'm not even that rude to Mom. Why is it the only time you take my side is when you're trying to come at Mom's neck for something?"

"Go ahead, Alex. Take her side like you always do," Ginny retorted as she smiled at Alex sarcastically, "We both know it won't be long before you've slept with half the school."

With that, Ginny slammed her door, causing Alex to scoff and roll her eyes. "At least I can get some," She retorted, closing her door as well.

It wasn't long before Austin slammed his door, leading to Georgia becoming aggravated. "Fine! We wanna slam doors?" She shouted as she walked to her own room, "Well, we can all slam doors."


  That night, Alex was lying in bed when there was a knock on the door. She turned, watching as Georgia walked into her room. She walked over to Alex, sitting on the bed beside her.

"I'm sorry for snapping at your earlier," She told her daughter and Alex sat up slightly before her mother wrapped her arms around her, "It's just...Seeing you with that boy, it reminded me of myself with your father, riding around the US on his bike. Your whole life flashed before my eyes and all I could think about you is spending your sixteenth birthday pregnant with that boy's kid."

"I won't get pregnant," She assured her mother in a calm tone, "You have me on birth control, remember?"

"And how many times a month do you come to me, telling me you must have missed a day 'cause you have your period and four of the non-period day pills are still left?" Georgia pointed out, causing Alex to remain silent since she knew her mother had a point, "I love you, you know that, right? I just want what's best for you. You have so much potential and I don't want you throwing it all away to have some irresponsible boy's kid, a boy who will leave you the moment he finds out he got you pregnant."

"Dad didn't leave you," Alex reminded Georgia, who smiled in response, "He stayed."

"Your dad wasn't like other guys," Georgia admitted in a soft tone, and Alex couldn't help but give her mother a curious look.

"You still love him?" She asked Georgia curiously.

"I don't know, buttercup," Georgia replied quietly as she ran her hands through her daughter's hair, "I don't know."


        At the end of the day, Alex was sitting outside of school alone. Her eyes were fixed on Marcus, who was making outside with his girlfriend not too far from where she sat.

"You got plans tonight?" A familiar voice suddenly spoke up, causing Alex to smile as she lifted her head to see Kaden walking over to her.

"Yeah," Alex answered, causing Kaden's smile to fade since he wasn't expecting that response.

"With who?" Kaden frowned in confusion.

"With you," Alex announced and stood up from her seat, "If that's what you were about to ask."

Kaden chuckled, impressed by how bold Alex was. "Tonight at seven sounds good?"

"It's a date," She told him, smirking up at him.

From where he stood with Padma, Marcus turned his head to glance at Alex and Kaden, rolling his eyes at the way they stared at each other. Of course, she went to Kaden, of all people. Why wasn't he surprised?

He scoffed, only to watch as the rest of Kaden's friends walked over, interrupting them.

"Holy shit. Who's that?" Brodie asked, causing Alex to sigh when he saw that he was talking about her mom.

"That is Ginny and Alex's mom," Max informed them and Alex playfully rolled her eyes as Brodie whistled, "I know."

"I'll catch you guys later," Ginny spoke up, grabbing Alex by the arm before dragging her in the direction of their mom's car.


   That afternoon, in her room, Alex had tried on about a dozen outfits before she finally thought she had the perfect one.

Just then, the door opened, and turned to see her mother walking in. "Your date is here," She informed Alex, who smiled excitedly.

Georgia ended up following Alex all the way to the front door, much to her annoyance.

"Have fun, buttercup!" Georgia called out to Alex as she watched her daughter walk over to Kaden's car, "No funny business, Kaden!"

"I promise, Miss Miller! I'll be nothing but a gentleman tonight," He promised, turning to share a smile with Alex.

"You better," Georgia replied before she became quieter, "And don't you dare get pregnant, Alex."


Alex is SO bold like how tf—

I wish I had my oc's confidence 🤣

Anyways, I might post again today

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