Carlos Fries' Adventures of D...

By gregoryschoff

362 5 5

Plot: Meet Carlos Fries A.K.A Mr. Freeze. He was trying to find a cure for his mother, Nora Fries. Then, He a... More

Prologue; Part 1.
Prologue; Part 3.
Prologue; Part 4.

Prologue; Part 2.

52 1 0
By gregoryschoff

(No POV)

Batman finally made it to the Coventry area of South Gotham in Gotham City.

Cop: "8-2, Dispatch. Confirming that code 3 - looks like these Anarky fanatics are taking advantage of the lack of police presence down here."

GCPD Dispatcher: "Roger, 8-2. Continue to monitor. Do not engage without backup."

Cop: "Heh. No chance a'that."

Batman: "I should deal with those Anarky followers, but I need to track down Penguin's dealer and find out where Mr. Freeze has taken Ferris."

And so, Batman went to the Diamond District area of South Gotham in Gotham City and took down all of Penguin's men.

Batman: "Finding Penguin's dealer is the key to finding Mr. Freeze. I should scan this area for clues that might tell me where he went."

While using Detective Mode, Batman approached the frozen officer.

Batman: "Whatever this substance is, it's slowly shutting his systems down - putting him into cryostasis. I won't be able to safety remove him from the ice with the Thermal Gloves into the XE suit."

Batman scanned the frozen officer again.

Batman: "The officer just chanced upon Penguin's men. He wasn't equipped to deal with this cryotech. But the cryogun was leaking."

Batman scanned the leaked spot.

Batman: "If I hurry, this trail will lead me right to Penguin's men. Then I make them tell me where this tech came from. (To a Com link) Alfred. Penguin's men are using cryogenic weapons to encase innocent people in ice. I'm going to need the Thermal Gloves in the XE Suit to break them free."

Alfred: "I'll get to work immediately, Sir. Any idea where these weapons are coming from?"

Batman: "I'll get that answer when I catch up with Penguin's dealer."

Batman followed the trail that lead him to more of Penguin's men. After defeating Penguin's men, Batman grabbed one of Penguin's men by the neck and held him above his head.

Batman: "Where's Mr. Freeze?"

Criminal: "You think I know?"

Batman: "You plan on celebrating the news year in traction?"

Criminal: "Okay. Okay! He made a deal with Penguin - weapons in exchange for some stiff - uh - Ferris Boyle. He's in GothCorp last I saw."

Batman: "You're lying! GothCorp doesn't make weapons."

Criminal: "What?! No! I - GothCorp! I swear! Look - I've got the entry codes."

Batman: "I'll take those."

Batman knocked out one of Penguin's men and downloaded GothCorp entry codes.

Batman: "It doesn't make sense. GothCorp involved in weapons tech? There's got to be more to this."

And so, Batman made his way to The GothCorp building and took down all of Penguin's men. Batman pulled out his Cryptographic Sequencer and entered a password.


After unlocking and password, Batman enters The GothCorp building.

In the lobby of The GothCorp building, Carlos in his mechanized suit and carries a freeze gun walked through a doorway led by Ferris Boyle and a short man named Oswald Cobblepot A.K.A The Penguin.

(Oswald Cobblepot A.K.A The Penguin.)

Penguin: "If this goes sideways, you come runnin'."

Criminal: "Sure thing, boss."

As Carlos, Ferris Boyle and The Penguin left the lobby of The GothCorp building, Batman enters the lobby of The GothCorp building.

GothCorp Security Guard: "What are you doing to do with me?"

Criminal: "You? Heh. Assumin' your friend keeps cooperatin'. I'm sure we won't have to do with anything... y'know... drastic."

Batman silently took down three thugs of Penguin's men.

GothCorp Security Guard: "Those men were armed. How'd you do that?"

Batman: "Where are they taking Ferris?"

GothCorp Security Guard: "Mister Boyle? They uh - they're heading to the Propellant Research Wing. These guys have been raiding the whole facility."

Batman: "Do you have codes to this security door?"

GothCorp Security Guard: "No. I don't have clearance. But my boss does. A bunch of them took him to the Organics Lab. Through the lobby."

Batman: "I'll make sure they don't hurt your boss. Get yourself to safety."

Batman enters The Organics Lab entry and took down three thugs of Penguin's men. Batman enters the vent and took down all of Penguin's men.

Batman enters The Organics Research Lab and saw another GothCorp Security Guard in custody.

Criminal: "You told us you were the boss, so why so shy all of a sudden? Huh? What happened to that spirit of sharin'?"

GothCorp Security Guard: "I - I'm cooperating. I'm cooperating!"

Criminal: "I know, I know. But, we all got jobs. And my job is to shoot you if I don't think you're tellin' the truth."

GothCorp Security Guard: "I told you, there are no weapons here. It's just plants, tissue research."

Criminal: "Yeah, you said."

GothCorp Security Guard: "Then... you believe me?"

Criminal: "You know what? I do. I do believe you, but to be honest, heh, I just really love my job!"

GothCorp Security Guard: "Oh God."

And so, Batman uses the shadows and defeated all of Penguin's men.

GothCorp Security Guard: "Holy crap. I saw you on GNN! You just saved my life!"

Batman: "You have codes I need to access the Propellant Research Wing."

GothCorp Security Guard: "I do. Here. Take them. You're going to save Mister Boyle, right?"

Batman: "It's not save inside GothCorp. You need to get out of here."

GothCorp Security Guard: "Don't worry. I won't be hanging around. And uh, thanks, you know? Not just for me - for Gotham."

And so, Batman downloaded the GothCorp Security Codes.

Batman entered the Organics Lab Entry.

Batman: "Alfred. How's work on the XE Suit coming?"

Alfred: "Slowly, Sir."

Batman: "I'm encountering ice formations impeding my progress."

Alfred: "The Thermal Gloves would certainly help you with that. I'm working as quickly as I can."

Batman: "Keep me posted."

Batman entered the lobby of The GothCorp building and took down all of Penguin's men.

Batman pulled out his Cryptographic Sequencer and entered a password.


Batman enters The Fueling Prep Area and took down three of Penguin's men. Batman went through the vents ups and downs.

In The Propellant Lab of The GothCorp building, Carlos in his mechanized suit and carries a freeze gun was fighting with The Penguin and all of Penguin's men while Batman watches from a balcony.

Carlos: "Bring me Boyle or I'll freeze this entire room!"

Penguin: "I know you won't. Boyle's got the codes you need, an' I ain't givin' 'im up 'less I get what he's givin' ya."

Carlos: "What's behind this door is of no interest to you!"

Penguin: "What I'm interested in is the weapons I was promised. I know you're holdin' out on me."

Carlos: "This will not end well for you, Cobblepot."

Penguin: "Oh-ho! I think you're confused about what exactly is about to 'appen 'ere. As soon as you show us that big fishbowl, my boys'll blow it open."

Then, Batman dropped from and balcony and took down two of Penguin's men.

Penguin: "You again?!"

Penguin and his men fired their wrapons at Batman, who dodged them. Carlos, seeing this opportunity, fired his freeze gun and froze Penguin and all of Penguin's men in ice.

Carlos then grabbed Ferris Boyle by the collar.

Ferris Boyle: "No! Don't!"

Carlos: "Now you belong to me."

Batman: "I'll give you one chance to let him go."

Carlos: "Threats are meaningless to me who is the one who lost my mother."

Carlos fired his freeze gun, creating an ice wall and left The Propellant Lab of The GothCorp Building taking Ferris Boyle with him.


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