
By sammy285

158K 1.6K 635

. . . . . Hermione Granger is invited by her snotty aunts and slutty cousins to their annual family reunion... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Characters
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8: Ball Look of Everyone- Part 1
Chapter 9: Ball Look of Everyone- Part 2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 5

9.7K 112 74
By sammy285

Hermione P.O.V.
Today is the second day of the reunion and we are going to the beach for the morning eat lunch there and then come to the hotel and enjoy exploring the resort.
I woke up then Scorp and Cassie woke up and we had some breakfast ordered to our suite. We had pancakes omelettes and waffles and the we started to get ready for beach.
I wore :

Cassie :

Scorp :  [Imagine him in it]

Then I placed some sunscreen lotions, towels, books, etc. in my handbag and we headed downstairs and we only found Jo and Tristan there.

" Everyone decided that only young ones should go to the beach and elders should go do what old people do." Stated Tristan.

"Becca, Crystal and Solitaire didn't want to wait for you so they went ahead." Jo spoke.

I said," That's fine. Why don't you both come with us in our car"

"Sure "

Then we took our Audi and went to the beach.

In the car we sang songs and talked about our lives. I got to know that Joalin has a boyfriend whose name is Bailey May.

When we arrived there we saw the only three who were secluded from others as they took a place where everyone could see them. And also their small patches of clothes tied with some string also known as their swim suits.




I cringed at them and spread my towel to sun bath while Joalin took of her cover-up.

(She looks a bit like Sabina, doesn't she? If you don't know her she is Joalin's best friend)

She looked such like a beautiful model, which actually is her profession.

Then Scorp took off his T-shirt and I am sure the slutty trio was drooling all over my precious innocent baby boy.

Then Cassie and Scorp went to play in the beach with Tristan and Jo and I started reading. The trio beside me was giggling at my me but as soon as i removed my cover up they silenced.

After half- hour or so the trio started squealing like teenage girls I looked around and saw some people coming their way and they started pushing their boobs up and pouting their lips trying to look sexy.

I saw Harry, Pansy, Blaise, Ginny, Ron, Astoria, Theo and Luna.

I jumped and ran towards them tackled Ginny into a hug " Its been so long how was the tournament ?"

She beamed " We won and Ron's team here came last"

Ron grumbled" Next time you won't even see us coming."

"We'll see" she smirked.

Crystal, Solitaire and Rebecca went near Harry, Theo and Blaise and started flirting with them. 

Ginny shooed them away just with a deadly glare and I smiled over sweetly asked," Rebecca didn't you have a fiancee ? "

" Yes so what ?"

"why don't you tell my best friends his name."

" Sure why not . So everyone I am going to get married to Britain's most eligible bachelor The Draco Malfoy. Sorry guys but I am taken."

And everyone burst out laughing.

"Why is everyone laughing?" She fumed.

Blaise smiled,"Because I am his best friend since we were in our mother's wombs and we tell each other literally everything but I never heard my mate is marrying a second time ."

"Second time????" she shrieked.

" Yup he has a beautiful wife and two kids too, didn't you know?"

"oh..... I...I knew ..... Of course I knew and he is going to divorce her for me".

"Oh is it so? " I asked, nodding understandingly and all my girls giggled.

Scorp and Cassie came running towards us and everyone hugged them.

Scorp frowned " Where is Rose, Uncle Ron."

Ron smirked ," She is at home back England studying for the exams. Which you should too ?"

"OK, I have already studied but if I get to see her I shall also accompany her. Don't worry uncle we will be all alone in the house just 'studying' so no one can disturb us."He smirked that devil's smirk.

As Ron fumed Astoria sweetly said "Scorp darling she will be here in the evening with Albus, Alex ( Theo and Luna's Son ) and Dan ( Blaise and Ginny's son."

"Oh thanks Aunt Asty " 

After that we all went to get some lunch at a restaurant near the beach back to the hotel and enjoyed the rest of the day at the hotel just doing our thing.  

Dinner was quite but at the end aunt Amanda announced," Tomorrow, Jake will be arriving here around evening."

Ugh. Jake is the biggest creep who hits on and gropes almost every girl around him......as per my mum, as I've not met him yet. He even hits on Joalin, now you would think who does that to their cousin that's the thing he is not our cousin by blood. Everyone knows that aunt Amanda cheated on uncle Wilfred and that's how he was conceived. How I wonder he took her back even after that. But whatever............ I just know that he is going to be a big problem for us.


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