Carlos Fries' Adventures of D...

Da gregoryschoff

362 5 5

Plot: Meet Carlos Fries A.K.A Mr. Freeze. He was trying to find a cure for his mother, Nora Fries. Then, He a... Altro

Prologue; Part 2.
Prologue; Part 3.
Prologue; Part 4.

Prologue; Part 1.

73 1 0
Da gregoryschoff

[Batman: Arkham Origins (Cold, Cold Heart).]

Carlos Fries A.K.A Mr. Freeze was in his lab getting ready for a night no one shall forget. Carlos holds a ballerina snow globe his parents gave him and reminisce about better times.

Carlos: "This is how I shall remember you. Surrounded by winter, forever young, forever beautiful. Rest well mother, the monster that took you from us shall soon learn that revenge is a dish..."

Carlos: " served cold!"

Meanwhile, it was nighttime at a great mansion in Gotham City. It was Wayne Manor, previous owners of Thomas and Martha Wayne, the now owner of Bruce Wayne A.K.A The Batman.

In the grand ballroom of Wayne Manor, CEO Ferris Boyle gives a speech aftee earning the humanitarian of the year award.

(Ferris Boyle).

Ferris Boyle: "People caring for people. Compassion. That's the foundation this Gotham was built on. And I have proudly built GothCorp on that same foundation. That's why we're called, The People Company. Thank you so much. Please. No, thank you."

Everyone in the grand ballroom of Wayne Manor begins to applaud. Including Bruce Wayne and his trusted butler, Alfred Pennyworth.

(Bruce Wayne's POV:)

Alfred: "Mister Boyle seems to be aftee your title as Gotham's biggest philanthropic industrialist."

Bruce: "Gotham needs more people like him."

Ferris Boyle walks off stage and goes to greet Bruce and Alfred.

Ferris Boyle: "Bruce! I am blown away by your support."

Bruce: "It's well deserved. You're going to change the world, Ferris."

Ferris Boyle: "Hey, We'll change it together, right?"

Alfred: "Pardon me, Mister Boyle, the press is waiting. This way, please?"

As Alfred and Ferris Boyle walked away, some woman gets on the microphone as I watched from the crowd.

Woman: "Well, I'd say the future is looking very, very bright for Gotham. Now, it's almost midnight and you all know what that means. Now let's give this New Years Eve party going with a..."

The ballroom of Wayne Manor's temperature starts getting colder.

Woman: "Forget to pay your heating bill, Bruce?"

Suddenly, an explosion of ice breaks the wall behind her. Some civilians are caught in the blast and are frozen.  Some henchmen wielding guns entered the grand ballroom of Wayne Manor.

Thug: "Everybody down on the ground!"

Thug 2: "Hands where I can see them!"

Then, someone wearing a mechanized suit enters.

What surprises me was that a kid wearing a mechanized suit.

Bruce: "[Thought] Wait, it's just... a kid?"

???: "Bring me Ferris Boyle!"

In determination, I left the grand ballroom of Wayne Manor.

Bruce: "Alfred. Where's Ferris? [Getting no response] Alfred?"

As I entered a grand hallway, a thug hit me with the base of a gun.

Criminal: "Hold it right there!"

I raised my hands in surrendered.

Criminal: "Yes! Got'em!"

Then, I saw Alfred holding off two thugs.

Criminal 2: " The butler's gone crazy!"

Alfred: "Are you cowards afraid of qn old man?"

Criminal 3: "Just take it easy!"

Then, a thug knocked Alfred to the ground with a vase.

Criminal 4: "I hope that vase wasn't worth somethin'."

The four thugs surrounded me.

Criminal: " So long, Bruce."

Then, I knocked the four thugs with hand-to-hand combat. After that, I helped Alfred back to his feet.

Bruce: "Are you okay?"

Alfred: "I've been through worse. These are Penguin's men. What do they want with Ferris?"

Bruce: "I'm not sure. They're being led by a kid wearing a mechanized suit."

Alfred: "A young lad, wearing a mechanized suit? How uncanny."

Bruce: "I'm surprised and confused as you are, Alfred. But I need to find Ferris before they do."

Alfred: "Well, you're no use to us dressed like that. You need to put on your other suit. The closest entrance to The Batcave is in the study."

As Alfred and I entered the grand study of Wayne Manor, a female reporter named Vicky Vale approach to me.

Vicky: "Bruce? Bruce, do you have a minute? Someone said an iceberg just appeared - exploded - in the ballroom. I need details. What happened? Who do you think..."

Bruce: "Where's Ferris?"

Vicky: "He never made it to the interview. Wait. You're not going out there alone, are you?"

Bruce: "Stay with Alfred m. He'll keep you safe."

As I walked away, Alfred came to me.

Alfred: "With these guests about, you should look for that... item in the wine cellar."

Bruce: "Right."

As I entered the grand library of Wayne Manor, I noticed all of Penguin's men all over the place as I hid behind the stands.

Bruce: "Those men are armed. I'm going to have to take them down quietly if I don't want to get shot."

After defeating four of Penguin's men, I entered the wine cellar of Wayne Manor. As I walked down through the wine cellar of Wayne Manor, I noticed more of Penguin's men talking as I wait for the right moment to strike on the balcony.

Criminal 4: "Hell if I know. Just smash the barrel. Penguin wants it all smashed."

Criminal 3: "Why's Penguin so eager to bust up the Wayne mansion?"

Criminal 4: "The Waynes ruined the Cobblepots in the day. Or so he says."

Criminal 3: "Makes sense. You don't get to the top without steppin' on a few heads, know what I mean?"

Criminal: "Ain't nothin' back there 'cept more wine. Bore-ee-ux? That expensive?"

Criminal 2: "It's not bore-ee-ux. It's bordukes."

Criminal: "Oh. Sorry. Bordukes. Yeah! Is that expensive or what?"

Criminal: "We're inside Wayne Manor, doofus. It's all expensive."

Then, I jumped from the balcony and took down all of Penguin's men in my hand-to-hand combat.

Alfred: "Sir, if you'd come out of that cave more than once a week, you'd know that The Batcave entrance is in the wine cellar's tasting room. Look for the statue."

As I entered the wine cellar's tasting room of Wayne Manor, I approached the statue and pulled the barrel of the statue down as a hand scanner appeared.

I scanned my hand and a secret passageway appeared and I entered the secret passageway.

Alfred: "Watch yourself in that tunnel, Sir. It's still suffering from the damage our... visitor did on Christmas Eve."

After walking through the secret passageway, entered the elevator, which goes down.

Alfred: "Master Bruce, I caught a glimpse of your mechanized-lad. These hooligans are calling him Mr. Freeze. You might consider donning your Extreme Environmental suit."

Bruce: "The XE Suit? It's not ready for deployment."

Alfred: "Oh dear - I hear helicopters. More Penguin brutes. Do hurry!"

After exiting the elevator, I've finally made it to my secret room, The Batcave.

I hurried to the Batsuit Chamber to see The XE Suit.

Bruce: "I don't have time to prep the XE Suit for deployment. I'll need Alfred to put the finishing touches on it."

And so, I got suited up to my hero name, The Dark Knight, The Batman.

Batman: "I need to get back to the manor and find Ferris before Penguin's men do."

I hurried to the elevator to the secret passageway back to Wayne Manor.

Alfred: "Sir, before you ask - the formula we used for your glue grenades were unstable. What was left after Christmas Eve has degraded into dust."

As I made it to the secret passageway, the power started to go short-circuit.

Batman: "Alfred. What happened to the power?"

Alfred: "Sir. You must hurry. They are setting the manor ablaze! I've managed to get most of the guests into the east and south wings, but..."

Criminal: "Hey! It's the butler!"

The all I heard were statics on the other end.

Batman: "Alfred? Alfred!"

I used my Bat-Shock Gloves to open the elevator and ran through the secret passageway. As I made it to the doorway to the wine cellar's tasting room of Wayne Manor. I heard voices on the other side.

Criminal 1: "It must a'bin more than one day."

Criminal 2: "Yeah, but who? No way the cops are here. They're busy fightin' off protesters in North Gotham."

Criminal 3: "Listen - whoever they are, they're still here somewhere."

Criminal 4: "Yeah, right. Let's finish touchin' this place and get out a'here."

I opened the doorway and to my surprise, Wayne Manor was in ablaze. I quickly went through the vent and takin' down Penguin's men.

Batman: "Still no signal from Alfred."

I used my Batclaw up to the balcony and hurried out of the wine cellar of Wayne Manor and went up the laddwr to the balcony of the grand library of Wayne Manor. I saw Alfred and the other guests being cornered by Penguin's men.

Criminal: "You're lyin', old man."

Alfred: "That book was over hundred years old."

Batman: "Dammit, Alfred."

Criminal: "So what? Who wants some old book?"

Alfred: "Bah. Keep your silly jade statue then, and I'm sure your employer will enjoy the hundreds of dollars it will garner on the black market."

And so, I use my shadow techniques and defeated all of Penguin's men.

Batman: "I have to get these people to safety, but the Wayne crest is blocking the exit."

I hurried to the entrance of the grand library of Wayne Manor and shoved the Wayne crest out of the way and entered the grand study of Wayne Manor.

Batman: "This way."

Vicky: "That was amazing! You just picked those goons apart!"

Civilian: "Shh! Quite! They've got Ferris Boyle in the next room! I - I think they're going to kill him!"

I entered the grand hallway of Wayne Manor and saw Penguin's men with Ferris Boyle.

Criminal: "We've got Boyle. Come in."

Ferris Boyle: "Don't do this."

And so I defeated all of Penguin's men. I approached Ferris Boyle.

Batman: "We need to get you out of here."

Ferris Boyle: "I - I heard about you."

Then, I was shot by a beam of ice, freezing me in place. Ferris Boyle and I turned to see the same kid known as Carlos Fries, who wore his mechanized suit, holding a freeze gun with some henchmen by his side.

Carlos: "I have no quarrel with you."

Batman: "Then you have crashed the wrong party."

Carlos ignored me as the two thugs grabbed Ferris Boyle and brought him to Carlos while I watched.

Ferris Boyle: "What's going on?! Why are you doing this?!"

Carlos: "The cold eyes of vengeance are upon you, Boyle!"

Ferris Boyle: "I don't understand! Who are you?!"

Carlos: "Come now. Surely you remember the son of your old colleague. Does Fries ring any bells?!"

Ferris Boyle: "Y-You?! How?! What the hell do you... AAGH!"

One of the goons hit Ferris Boyle in the stomach.

Thug: "We're asking the questions here rich boy!"

Carlos grabs Ferris Boyle by the collar.

Carlos: "I just require a moment of your time. Where is she?! Tell me where my mother is!"

Ferris Boyle: "S-She's in the cryogenics lab. I'll take you there, j-just don't h-hurt me."

Thug: "Hey boss, how are we gonna pay us exactly?"

Carlos: "The guests in the ballroom room of Wayne Manor are ruch, just take their belongings. Hurry up, I don't have all night!"

The thugs went back to the ballroom of Wayne Manor and start looting the place. When they finished up, they took Ferris Boyle out of the grand hallway of Wayne Manor.

Ferris Boyle: "Let me go! Help! Help me!"

After they left, I burst myself out of the ice and saw a figure on a balcony, freezing the doorway to the grand ballroom of Wayne Manor.

Batman: "It looks like Mr. Freeze isn't the only one with a cryogenic weapon. This door is frozen shut. I'll need to enter the ballroom through the balcony."

I used my Batclaw to get up to the balcony and hurried to the grand ballroom of Wayne Manor.

As I made it to the grand ballroom of Wayne Manor, I saw the helicopter outside Wayne Manor with a vehicle connected to the bottom of the helicopter.

The helicopter flew away with Ferris Boyle.

Batman: "Mr. Freeze is gone. One of Penguin's goons will know where that chopper's going."

Then, I jumped from the balcony and took down all of Penguin's men in my hand-to-hand combat.

After that, I approached one of Penguin's men and pinned him to the ground.

Batman: "Where is he taking Ferris?!"

Criminal: "I - I don't know. I promise!"

Batman: "Do you have any idea how many of your friends I sent to the hospital on Christmas Eve?"

Criminal: "Look - one of Penguin's dealers. He's doling out the weapons Mr. Freeze gave us. He must know. We were supposed to meet up in South Gotham."

Batman: "You can meet up in the emergency room instead."

After I knocked one of Penguin's men out cold, I called upon one of my aircrafts, The Batwing.

Then, I used my Batclaw to get up to The Batwing and went to South Gotham to put an end to this madness.

Alfred: "You're almost to South Gotham. I hope Penguin's dealer can tell you what this Mr. Freeze has done with our friend."

Batman: "Targeting someone like Ferris Boyle? It's sickening."

Alfred: "I know you'll bring him to justice, Sir."

Batman: "I'll see this one wheeled into Blackgate on a gurney."

I got out of The Batwing and dove through the air to South Gotham.


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