By arios2004

373K 10.8K 7.2K

In which Alexandria Miller is her mother's daughter through and through while her sister Ginny was anything s... More



35.1K 792 1.2K
By arios2004

—1. Scandalous

    It was a normal school day and Ginny Miller sat at the back of her classroom. She sighed as she looked around the class and it wasn't long before she locked her eyes on her twin sister, Alex.

She was everything that she wasn't. She was beautiful, popular, confident. She was friends with everyone and every guy seemed to want her.

Their mother had them when she was their age, fifteen. They had gotten the sex talk when they were seven and while Alex put it to good use when she reached high school, Ginny did not.

It wasn't a normal sex talk, either. But what could they expect from their mother? She was anything but normal and Alex seemed to take after her.

"Sex. Men want it," Their mother would tell them, "And they think you should give it to 'em. But you should never give anything unless you're gettin' something in return."

Ginny sighed as she turned, watching her sister walk up to the boy who sat in the seat in front of hers.

He smiled up at Alex, who had the slightest of smirks on his face. "Hi," He awkwardly greeted her, seeming to be at a loss for words since Alex had come to speak to him, of all people.

Ginny had seen him around the house a few times and recalled watching Alex sneak the boy in through her window just last week.

"Hey," Alex replied, smiling at him and made a motion with her hair that Ginny herself tried to imitate.

"There are two things you can get from with sex with a man. Passion or power," Ginny could hear her mother's advice run through her mind as she watched her sister flirt with the boy she liked, causing her to sigh.

Alex leaned forward, attempting to snatch the pen he grasped in his hand. He pulled it back toward him, causing them both to laugh.

They went back and forth for a short while until finally, Ginny had won and smirked as she held up the pen. "You're such a loser, you know that?" She commented as she quietly laughed.

He smiled back at her, eying her up and down as she gave him a look that was almost seductive before returning to her seat near her friends, who were also popular.

"But you better make sure you're getting something. Otherwise, you're just gettin' screwed."

As the last part of her mother's advice ran through her mind, Ginny sighed in defeat as she watched the boy follow after her sister soon after she had walked away from him.

He wrapped an arm around Alex as she sat with her friends, pressing a light kiss to her cheek. She playfully rolled her eyes at him, causing the boy to smile at her.

"What was that?" She asked him curiously as she lifted her head to look at him.

"I kissed your cheek," He replied in a calm tone and Alex smirked, "Would you rather I kiss your lips?"

Alex laughed lowly, slowly leaning closer to the boy. "Not unless you want a black eye."

"It'd be worth it if I got to kiss you," He commented and Alex's friends giggled while Alex rolled her eyes.

"Is that so?" She asked in a low, seductive tone as she leaned closer to him.

"Mhm," He hummed in response, just before he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers.

She did nothing to stop him, causing Ginny to scoff in disgust and look away.

Their mother never let her guard down when it came to men. She was always in control.

Alex was just like her mother in that way. Wherever they seemed to move, Alex seemed to always have the boys wrapped around her little finger. Most of the time, the boys believed they were the ones in control but in truth, it was Alex.

"Virginia and Alexandria Miller," A teacher called out, causing both sisters to turn to look at the teacher standing in the doorway, "Can I talk to you both in the hallway?"

Alex frowned, exchanging a look with her friends before looking over at Ginny. They shared a look, just before they both walked out of the classroom together.

"Girls..." The woman had trailed off as she led them into a hallway before closing the door, "Your stepfather's been in an accident. Your mom's on her way here with your brother. I'm so sorry, girls. He didn't make it."

Hearing the news, Ginny felt numb while Alex's eyes widened. A small gasp escaped her lips and Ginny gave her sister a weird look when tears filled the girl's eyes.

It wasn't long before Alex began to cry, causing Ginny to look utterly confused. Alex hated Kenny more than she did.

She watched as their teacher engulfed Alex in a hug, wanting to comfort the grieving girl. Alex was a known troublemaker at all of the schools they attended but somehow managed to gain the favor of all her teachers since she managed to still keep up all her grades.

  As Alex hugged the woman back, she continued to cry, but a satisfied smile slowly crept onto her lips, which no one seemed to notice. The crying was all fake.

She was a great actress when it came to faking emotions, just like their mother.


At their step-father's funeral, Alex sighed, looking bored as she stared down at the man. He laid dead in his casket. He was pale and Alex had to admit, no one seemed to have even tried to do a good job in making him look better.

Ginny and Austin walked over and she wrapped an arm around her brother. Ginny did the same and she exchanged a small nod with her sister. The two of them never really got along but when it came to Austin, they were both protective over their younger brother.

"Poor Amber Lynn," She heard a woman speak up as she stood with another lady, gossiping, "I mean, I know they had their problems with the divorce, but still, she must be devastated. Have you seen the new wife? Who shows that much cleavage at a funeral? Tacky. And that daughter of hers, Alex, is just as bad. Like mother like daughter, it seems."

Unable to take anymore, Alex yanked her brother's arm and walked in the direction of the exit, pulling him with her. She made sure when she passed the women to purposely bump into them, causing them to scoff.

"Oops. Pardon me. I tripped," Alex apologized to the women in a sarcastic tone, "Must be the cleavage."

She smirked at the woman, walking away without another word said.

"Kenny was the best," She suddenly heard her mother speak up as she fake-cried, "The best. After being a single mother for so long, he was like a godsend. And he was wonderful with Virginia, Alexandria, and Austin. He treated 'em like his very own."

Hearing her mother's words, Alex couldn't help but scoff and roll her eyes. She was so full of shit.

"He was a generous angel, and I can't believe he's gone," She continued on and Alex tried to contain her smirk.

"Neither can I," She admitted in a soft whisper, a part of her looking satisfied.

Her mother truly did have everyone fooled. Passion, power, men, sex.

Ginny would take her mother's word for it. She was, after all, the expert, and Alex didn't seem too close behind.

Ginny was nothing like her mother. But Alex was. And Ginny hated it. She always felt like an outcast because of it.

Ginny slowly turned her head, sighing when she saw her sister walking in another direction of the funeral service. She purposely bumped into a boy their age, gasping when his drink spilled on him. "I am so sorry!" Alex immediately apologized, a shy smile appearing on her face.

The boy was about to snap at whoever bumped into him. However, the moment he lifted his head and laid eyes on Alex, his eyes softened.

He smiled slightly, eying her up and down. "It's fine," He assured her and Alex practically batted her eyelashes at him, making Ginny want to throw up.

"My bag's out in the hallway," She told him in a calm tone, "I have this stain remover pen that will get this stain right out," She paused, lightly running her finger over the part of his clothed chest that bore a red stain from his spilled drink.

"If you'd like..." She trailed off, smiling as she raised her head to look him in the eyes, "I could get it out for you."

The boy immediately nodded and Alex grabbed his hand, wasting no time leading him out of the room.

Ginny groaned, rolling her eyes at her sister's actions. She knew for a fact removing the stain from the boy's shirt wasn't the only thing that was going to happen out there.

Later that afternoon, Alex returned to the service with a satisfied smile on her face. The boy appeared beside her, adjusting his suit. "Thanks for getting the stain out and everything else," He told her and Alex simply smiled, "Can I get your number or something?"

"No. It wasn't good enough for you to earn my number," She declared, causing the boy's smile to fade as Alex walked past him without a care in the world.

It wasn't long before her mother walked over, holding a glass of wine in her hand. "How was I?" She asked, referring to her sob story about Kenny.

"Almost believable," Alex replied, causing them both to smirk mischievously, "Did you do it?" She suddenly asked and Georgia turned to her oldest daughter in confusion, "Cause it?"

"What do you think?" Georgia answered, giving Alex a knowing look.

"Good. He was trash anyway," Alex declared in a calm tone, "He needed to be taken out."

Georgia smiled at her daughter's word, wrapping an arm around Alex before they began to walk away together.


It wasn't long after the funeral that Georgia had decided to leave Texas and travel elsewhere with her children.

"But she caught me on the counter," Georgia began to sing the song on the radio as Georgia drove.

"It wasn't me," Austin added in from his seat beside Alex in the backseat.

"Saw me banging on the sofa," Alex sang and Georgia smiled in amusement while Ginny looked disapproving.

"It wasn't me."

"I even had her in the shower," Georgia and Alex sang together and Ginny sighed in defeat.

"It wasn't me."

"She even caught me on camera."

"It wasn't—" Austin began to sing, only to have Ginny turn off the radio.

"Hey!" Alex complained, staring at her twin sister in disbelief.

"I'm sorry," Ginny responded with an attitude, "Do you think this song's appropriate for the nine-year-old in the back?"

"Oh, please," Georgia replied, letting out a large scoff, "He doesn't understand any of it. Austin, what's this song about?"

"Doing it on the bathroom floor, getting caught and lying so you don't get in trouble," He explained, causing Alex and Georgia to laugh while even Ginny started to smile.

"Go back to your Harry Potter game," Georgia encouraged her only son and Alex smiled in amusement.

"What are you wearing?" Ginny complained, giving her mother a weird look, "You look like Vanessa Hudgens at Rydell High."

"The fact that your Rizzo is Vanessa and not Stockard is literally everything that's wrong with your generation," Georgia complained and Alex couldn't help but laugh, "I am so glad your sister's an old soul."

"Stockard is great, okay? But Vanessa surprised everyone," Ginny argued before glancing at Alex, "And please, Alex is not an old soul. I mean, look at her. She can't put her phone down for one second."

At the same time, Georgia and Ginny turned to look at Alex, whose eyes were glued to her phone. "What? I'm leaving behind a ton of people, gotta let the boys down easily," She explained, earning an impressed smile from Georgia, "I might be a player, but I don't need to break hearts, you know. I'm not that much of a monster."

Ginny sighed, rolling her eyes at Alex. "I'd say otherwise."

"Can you stop judging me for like two seconds?" Alex complained, glaring at Ginny, "You're always judging me, like, shut up already. Don't you ever get tired of the sound of your own whiny voice?"

"Girls, stop," Georgia scolded her daughters before inching her foot in Ginny's direction, "You like?"

"You look like you have gangrene," Ginny told her mother as she smiled at her sarcastically.

"You're gonna like Massachusetts. It's very patriotic," Georgia told Ginny with a large smile on her face, "Perfect for a fresh start."

"You can't get pregnant," Ginny complained, earning a weird look from Alex.

"You know something I don't?" Georgia asked as she frowned in confusion.

"A baby named Massachusetts or Wellsbury?" Ginny asked, looking disapproving, "It's child abuse."

"Bury is kinda cute," Georgia admitted and Alex nodded in agreement.

"I agree. It has a ring to it," Alex agreed with her mother as she always did, which always annoyed Ginny.

"You said we'd be here for a while, right, Mom? Just the four of us?" Austin asked his mother curiously.

"Remember that trip Kenny took us on to the Great Basin Desert?" She questioned her son, who nodded his head.

"Yeah. It went on and on and on and on," He replied and Alex smiled since she remembered it all too well.

"Well, Momma's datin' life is like that desert. Nothin' in sight as far as the eye can see," She informed them and Ginny rolled her eyes since she didn't believe her.

Alex didn't believe her mother, either, but she didn't care. After moving so frequently, she was used to it. It didn't bother her. She liked to travel and she always fit in wherever they went.

"There was nothing in that desert," Austin admitted, causing Alex to smile in amusement.

"Ugh! There was nothing in that desert," Georgia agreed with her son in a dramatic tone.

"I'll believe it when I see it," Ginny spoke up with an annoyed look on her face.

"You're crabby today!" Georgia exclaimed and Alex nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, who pissed in your cheerios?" Alex asked, letting out a large scoff, "What's wrong?"

"I'm sad," Ginny admitted, glancing between her mother and sister, "I'm a human having an emotion. Am I allowed to be sad?"

"Sad?" Georgia scoffed loudly, "You hated Texas."

"Maybe I miss Kenny," Ginny commented and Alex couldn't help but laugh.

"You hated Kenny."

"Didn't we all," Alex muttered under her breath and Ginny rolled her eyes at her.


At one of the gas stations they had decided to stop at, Alex sat in the backseat as Ginny filled up the tank with gas. Their mother was inside buying them some snacks for the road while Austin was too busy playing his game to pay attention to anything around them.

The two twins turned, watching as a cop car drove past them. He glared at them as he drove by, causing Alex to give him a weird look.

It wasn't long before Georgia stepped out of the store, noticing the cop walking in her daughters' direction. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to remain calm as she walked past them.

"Hi, Mr. Officer!" She exclaimed happily before walking over to her daughters.

"Was that racist?" Ginny asked her mother in concern, "That was racist, right? Guess we're not leaving that bullshit in the South. What was with you? 'Hi, Mr. Officer.' You sound like a bad porn."

"I could use a good pat-down. Been a while," Georgia commented and Alex began to laugh.

"Isn't that right?" Alex spoke up as she smiled widely, "Hopefully, there are some cute guys in Wellsbury. Maybe they'll be some hot single dad for you to hook up with, Mom."

"Gross, both of you," Ginny complained as she climbed into the backseat since Georgia and Alex had taken the front, "Seriously, just gross. Scarring. I'm scarred."

"Oh, please," Alex scoffed and rolled her eyes at her sister, "You're scarred by everything."


As they reached the border of New York, Alex had insisted on them stopping at another gas station, which Ginny was annoyed by. She didn't understand why her sister hadn't just peed at the last one.

Claiming she'd take a while, Alex told them to drive around a bit and while Ginny wanted to question it, Georgia chose not to and simply decided to drive around.

Alex walked into the almost vacant gas station, wearing a hood. She was smiling slightly, looking around as she took in all of her surroundings. There were no cameras. The gas station looked to run down for that.

There was one man working and Alex walked up to the counter, smiling at him. "Hey there, handsome," She greeted him in a calm tone as she placed a chocolate bar on the counter, noticing the way he seemed at a loss for words at the sight of her, "Just this, please."

The man nodded, on the verge of ringing it up when he looked up to see Alex pointing a gun in his face. "And whatever's in the register."

The man stared at Alex in surprise, seeing as though the store had never been robbed before and he wasn't equipped for it. He was young himself, just a few years older than Alex.

     Several moments had passed before Georgia pulled up to the gas station. She watched as her daughter rushed to climb in, demanding for them to just drive.

"What happened?" Ginny asked, seeing that even her mother's expression looked almost concerned.

"Nothing. What do you mean?" Alex replied innocently and Georgia turned, sighing as she watched her daughter stuff a wad of money into her bra.

"Why am I not surprised?" Georgia muttered under her breath as she shook her head in disapproval, "Like mother, like daughter. A little criminal in the making."


    After a few more hours, they had arrived in Wellsbury and Alex already found herself liking the looks of the town.

As they stood in front of their new house, Georgia smiled, her arms wrapped around her three children. "It's a far cry from the walk-up in House and the apartment in New Orleans. Look at it."

"It's just ours?" Austin asked, smiling widely at the sight of his new home, "Just the four of us?"

"Yup," Georgia replied, nodding her head.

"I'm picking the biggest bedroom!" Austin exclaimed as he ran forward.

"Not if I get there first!" Alex shouted, wasting no time chasing after her little brother.

As they did so, Austin ended up shoving Alex as they both rushed for the stairs.

Alex grunted, falling against the wall as she lost balance.

It had been just days before Kenny had died. She panted as she ran down the street, running for her life. Her shirt was torn and her lip was bleeding, tears rushing down her bruised face.

She was just about to turn the corner, only to gasp in fright when Kenny appeared in front of her. "No!" She exclaimed, on the verge of turning to run in the other direction.

Before she could, he slammed her against the wall, just before grabbing her in a tight chokehold.

She tried to fight back, only to get struck across the face. She gasped and stumbled to the ground. She turned on her stomach and attempted to crawl away. "Help me! Please, help!" She screamed as Kenny grabbed her by the ankles and pulled her back toward him.

"Shut up!" He growled, continuing to pull her back toward him, "You keep your mouth shut! You hear me?"

She turned herself onto her back, lifting her foot before she kicked him right in the face. She watched in shock as he grunted and fell back. She took the time to stand up, wasting no time running for the door.

"You little bitch! Come here!" He demanded and Alex continued to run as fast as she could down the street.

It had been going on for months and she never told her mother. She had been too afraid and ashamed too.

But the moment she did, her mother had taken care of it, which was why they were even in Wellsbury in the first place.

And she couldn't be more glad.


Alex is a whole mess 😭😂

She literally slept with a guy at a funeral, robbed a bank, and as you can see...she was abused by her step-dad in the same way that Georgia had by her own step-dad.

You'll find out there's a lot more than what meets the eye with her. :)

Anywaysss, I hope you like this first chapter and continue reading it.

I've seen so many  fanfics for this show with the oc being Ginny's twin sister and as common as that storyline is, I PROMISE YOU this one is gonna be a whole lot different.

If you've read some of my other stories, you'd probably know I have the tendency to make fanfics where I change a bit of the show's storyline.

But I promise, I won't change this one too much as I do with my others. I'll change nothing about the MAIN plot line. 😂

Anyways, I hope you like it!!!

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