Myth and magic

By dutch_daydreamer

219K 4.3K 1.7K

When Sally Jackson gets attacked, Percy Jackson finds out about a secret Sally had been keeping about her sid... More

1. A message
2. Old friends
3. A letter
4. Intruders
5. Goodbyes
6. Introductions
7. The meeting
8. Time to buy a stick
9. The journey
10. Sorting
11. A visit
12. Last day of vacation
13. First day
14. Revenge
15. Old enemies
16. A new teacher
17. Gathering
18. First day of training
19. Chihuahua is big now
20. The truth
21. Facing yourself
22. The voice
23. Buying time
25. Surrounded
26. Darkness
27. Let go
28. Welcome home

24. They will be okay

5.1K 129 20
By dutch_daydreamer

"Like I tried to make clear. I will not join you, not now. Not ever." Percy said.

"My own grandson dare to defy me like this!" Voldemort yelled. Gasping heard from either side of the soon to be battlefield.

"Look, my other grandfather, a literall titan tried to kill me and destroy Olympus. You aint that special."

Voldemort had only pure rage in his eyes when he looked at Percy.

"I am done talking. On this day I get to kill you and Harry Potter." He said with evil gleam in his eyes.

"We could reschedule. The weather could be more dramatic. And maybe a different place. Or like after lunch? I am quite hungry.. you interrupted in the middle of our break." Percy kept talking. It was how he could delay the bloodshed a little while longer. And every second counts during battle.

Like she could read his mind, kelli said. "He is delaying you. He will keep talking if you don't attack."
She looked at Percy wit a grinn. "Let me shut him up forever for you."

"No." Voldemort said. "He is mine."
And within a second percy gets hit with a green flash.

Percy heard screams from the teachers and students.
He felt like he got a punch into his chest.

But Percy stood his ground. He grunted in effort but he held firm.
The green light disappeared. And everyone was silent. Nobody made a sound.

Except Percy. He laughed. He didn't let anyone show how much pain he felt in his chest. There was probably some kind of burn wound.

"How?" Voldemort bellowed.

Percy removed his cloak. He was had his pen in his hand and was wearing his greek armour.

"A wizard never reveals his secrets." Percy said grinning. But he felt like a roasted chicken on the inside. No doubt his hair looked like he got blasted by zeus.

"Let us end him." Tammi said eagerly. "We can make it much more fun." A pack of hellhounds growled next to them. And the minatour flashed it's teeth. A large group of dracanae warriors looking a bit too eager to see his blood. And a lot of cyclops standing. Waiting for the order.

Percy just hoped that Dumbledore did as percy asked. And that it would work.

Percy knew they wouldn't have much patience anymore.
Percy smiled.
"So.. since when do the feared monsters of tartaurus take orders from a mortal?" Percy said.

"Because he would bring us to you." Tammi said.

"And yet. You still don't attack until the bald noseless mortal says so. And by the way, he tried to kill me not a minute ago. So you would have come here. For what? I think he betrayed you."

"He did try and kill him.. even though he told us he was ours." One of the dracanae warrior said.

Some got their attention to voldemort and his death eaters who raised their wands with trembling hands.

"Stop it." Voldemort said. "Don't you see. He is trying to get us to fight each other so he doesn't have to."

Oh well. It was worth a shot.

"If you want him. Do it." Voldemort said smiling.

"Yeah. Try. It's not like I have killed each and every single one of you before." Percy said bracing himself.

"You filthy little halfblood we will make you regret crawling out of Tartarus alive." A dracanae warrior said.

And they charged for the bridge percy was standing on. And Percy smiled.

"Everyone off the bridge!" Percy yelled to everyone behind him. "Now!" He said.
He looked back. Not yet.

Percy closed his eys and concentrated.
Just hold them off. Just buy the students and teachers time. Time seemed to pass so slowly.

Percy uncapped Riptide. He didn't hear of notice the people behind him gasp.

He swung riptide, getting ready for the first blow.
It came way to soon. Percy grunted at the impact.

He was completely surrounded within seconds.
He closed his eyes. He remembered all his friends and family. So much to fight for.
When percy opened his eyes he was ready.

He pushed the dracanae off and began slashing Riptide. He had no mercy, no time to lose.
The number of monsters around him became less and less. Golden dust surrounded them.

He screamed as he felt a stab in his shoulder.
A sword was covered with blood. He killed the warrior a second later with a dagger.

He was pulled out of his concentration when he heard the army of Voldemort charge.
Students and teachers bracing for the battle.

Percy glanced at the school. The students and teachers were still save inside the barrier he asked Dumbledore and the rest of the teachers to make.
But it was getting weaker.

Percy dodged a hellhound.
He had to do something. He got an idea, and he searched for the familiar tug.
When he found it he pulled. Hard.

Percy screamed off efforts.
The ground shook. And the monsters stopped attacking him. They realized too late what was happening.

The sound of water came as a warning.
Some monsters tried to run of the bridge or kill Percy before it was too late.
Percy took a dagger to his side. Luckily not killing him. He screamed in agony, not even feeling as he got attacked by multiple monsters.

Then the water came bursting through the bridge.
Destroying it. Sweat dripped down his tempels.

Monsters fell down screaming.
The army of Voldemort came to an a abrupt halt.
They had no way to get to the castle now. They were save for just a couple extra minutes.

Then with a bright flash behind him he heard voices. And within a second there was someone screaming his name.

Percy almost screamed with relief. If he had anything left insife him.

They made it.
They would all be fine now.

And Percy smiled as the ground beneath him collapsed.

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