
By snromanoff

36.5K 861 85

These are a few imagine stories that I come up with, each chapter will possibly be a different character or a... More

Natasha Romanoff: Shower
Wanda: The past
Wanda: Kitchen
Natasha Romanoff: Mission (NY)
Thor: Alleyway
Natasha Romanoff: Rain
Steve: Movie
Loki: Kneel
Bucky: Nightmare
Natasha Romanoff: Cries
Vormir: Natasha
Pepper Potts: Grief
Maximoff: Uneasy
Romanoff: Bruises
Romanoff: It was real to me too
Romanoff: Forever
Daisy Johnson: Shield

Loki: Monster

937 8 0
By snromanoff

Ashamed and guilty you heave a deep and long sigh. You gaze at Loki's door, your hand slowly inching to knock. Hesitating you give yourself a little shake and try to compose yourself. You can do this. Apologise to him, he deserves it.

Confidently, you raise your hand to the door and knock loudly. A couple of seconds pass, he doesn't answer the door. Getting increasingly worried you grasp your hand around the handle and swing it open. A figure huddled in the corner gazes at you with a rather evil grin on its face. Loki.

He slouches, his head rested on the wall. Giggling at you standing there so awkwardly in the doorway. You carefully close the door behind you.

"You must be truly desperate to come to me for help." He mutters, anger thick in his voice. You look into his dull, empty eyes. Fighting back the tears that begin to crawl into yours. His body hangs loosely against the wall, he looks like he is in agony and pain. 

You breathe in, processing your words.

"I'm really sorry... for everything." You state, watching as an evil smirk paints his disgusted face.

He shakes his head side to side, annoyed and frustrated with you.

"It hurts, doesn't it. Being lied to. Being told you're one thing and then learning it's all a fiction." His face drops slightly at this sensitive topic. His face drifting from yours.

"Loki." You mumble, his eyes meeting yours. A slight glimmer of hope fading from his.

A tear pricks his delicate eyes.

"I am the monster parents tell their children about at night... I am feared." He mutters, facing away from you. You inch closer to him, placing your hand on his shoulder. He shivers slightly from your touch, not used to being close with someone.

You crouch down to him.

"I'm not scared of you, Loki." You whisper, he faces towards you. A sparkle of hope and love glimmering in his eyes. You smile at him, looking so vulnerable and fragile compared to how he acts outside of these doors. God of mischief who despises himself and his origins. 

You bring him into a warm embrace, holding his weak body tightly. A smile crawling onto his fragile, mischievous face. He nuzzles his soft head into your shoulders, as you hear the muffled sounds of him sniffing and whimpering. You grasp your arms around him, making sure he doesn't let go. Holding him as close as humanly possible. His weak hands grazing up and down your back caressing you gently. He rests his head on your shoulders, as you comb your fingers through his dark gloomy hair. Gently whispering "shh", "I'm here for you.", "I will never be scared of you...ever."

You feel his face light up at this, his face gleaming at these words a smile turning up his lips.

He frees himself from your grasp, fixing his eyes with yours. Love and affection evident on his face. 

"You're not so bad after all." He whispers towards you, you cannot resist the smile that paints your face. He smiles back at you, his face rather wet and rosy after crying into your shoulder.

He inches his face towards yours, planting a kiss on your lips. As you nuzzle into him, hugging him softly.


Hi! Please let me know what characters you want to see next, I hope this one is okay for you all. I am pretty tied down with schoolwork at the minute so I am finding it quite difficult to post on here & tiktok so I hope you all don't mind. Thankyou for all the love on the last chapters I massively appreciate it!


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