Gulp Tear of High...

By dragun187

19 1 0

Ma'ken is a young man who loves life, family and a little Takie jam every once in a while. While doing repair... More

The start of it all.

19 1 0
By dragun187

In Silver Valley life is pleasant but you have to put the work in. Most people work for the towns most valuable resource Takie fruit. Takie is a small fruit the only grows in Silver Valley. It's used for many things. The skin of the fruit is fibrous. They twist it and make twine that is stronger than steel, sturdy fabric that can easily stop a spear, and footwear that is capable of providing the wearer with increased grip and stealth. The inside is very sweet and used to make an extract for baking sweets, flavoring hearty dishes, and coloring because of the unique shade of pink. It can also be eaten fresh, normally you don't see folks eating it that way but it happens. Harvesting the fruit early allows for a meat replacement because it hasn't gone through the sweetening phase. It's big business. Most men in Silver Valley work at the Takie factory. Most others work at the docks. Fishing is also big in Silver Valley mainly because some of our local fish, shellfish and cephalopod eat the Takie fruit and as a result become tasty, flaky, and sweet. They also import fish on the docks and keep the stores full of fresh fish. Farming is third in Silver Vally, with it being a town on the shoreline fresh fruits and vegetables are always growing and being sold at the market. There is a big feast where everyone brings something from their home, work, or trade and a festival that can last for days begins. That happens about four times a year with the biggest one around spring. Ma'ken is a 13-year-old boy who lives with his mother and his baby sister. Their home is nice but old and the yard gets a little overgrown some times. with a big back yard and a small garden a few plants or decor would be nice but at least it's close to the docks. Hemi, his mother works part time at the Takie factory cleaning after hours. She is also a seamstress and makes clothing for people from time to time. Ma'ken's aunt Zabora, his mothers older sister looks after them some nights while his mother works she is a wonderful friend and a very honest person. She is overjoyed whenever ask to watch Rose, Hemi's youngest daughter. Rose is a lovely child still being bottle fed cheerful and quiet most of the time. Like most children in the village Ma'ken loves to read and play on the jungle side of the village. He also makes little gadgets he'd tinker up every now and then. He was extremely talented at making bows. To buy parts, tools and other nicknacks Ma'ken works the docks helping fisherman by untangling lines, ropes, and other small task. He's a masterful swimmer as well holding his breath for almost three minutes removing barnacles wasn't fun but the pay was good. Sometimes the old men show him how to clean fish and even get to take some home from time to time. That always makes mom happy because it's a welcomed meal also it was already clean. Captain of the Big Blue decided that it was high time to replace the boards on his outdated dock. "Hey kid!" bellowed Captain Blue. A name he acquired from the townsfolk. Some say it's because that birthmark on his face other say it's because he's always wearing the color blue. "Yes sir?" Ma'ken replies with his mouse like voice and demeanor. "How'd you like to make some real money this week?" Almost instantly Ma'ken asked the captain "what ya have in mind?" Captain Blue reached out his massive hand and palmed the kids already messy mane. "You see that tall feller what looks like a string bean?" He gestured his head in the direction of one of his crewman. "That's Noodle. I need fer you to help em by taking them old boards he's prying up and bringing em new ones out datta way." He pointed his sausage fingers about 20 yards away to a new pile of  deck boards. "Sure thing Captain Blue!" He responded eagerly excited to have any work. Bringing in money, some real money might buy some nice parts he thought. The kid paused for a quick second and said ,"hey would you mind if I kept a few of the old planks to take home?" Captain Blue replied, "sure kid take as many as you need helps me with payin fer the disposal." Ma'ken wanted the boards because the ones in his kitchen were badly worn. These water treated boards from the dock would be a nice surprise and a welcomed upgrade. The hallway had a few bad boards too, if there was leftover planks he would fix those as well. Work had been going on for a while, well over a week. Ma'ken had more planks than he could count. Captain Blue was very impressed with the kids work and even gave him some extra rubies and some fish to take home for the weekend. Ma'ken didn't waste any time and with his makeshift wagon he headed home with five hundred rubies and his haul in tow. Taking a detour by the hardware store he picked up a few things to make his project easier. After paying for his items he scurried home quickly. He'd mentioned to his aunt Zabora what his plan was and she wanted to assist him. She really wasn't much use as far as labor goes but keeping mom distracted was completely necessary, and that she was a perfectionist at. "Hemi!" Zamora shouted. "Grab that little munchkin and ride with me to the textile place."  His mother's eyes got extra wide with excitement. "You mean World Of Wonders?" she murmured as she softly bit her bottom lip. "That's the one!" She paused then spoke again. "So I've been meaning to ask you for help in making my dress for this year's Silver Valley Fashion Extravaganza," Zabora said in a nonchalant tone. Hemi's face lit up with joy as her eyes welled up with tears. "Of course Zaza!" A name Hemi called her sister whenever she was being affectionate. "Well," Zabora started. "I didn't want to overwhelm you. I know you've been busy so I held off on asking. However, sister you are the best seamstress on this entire island." "Aw thanks for that." Hemi replied. "Maybe everyone else will think so and my design will win the fashion show." "Of that baby sister I have no doubt." Zabora encouraged. Hemi hurries to her room to get herself and her baby daughter ready for travel. Hemi, peeking her head from the room door into the hallway speaks, "well what about Ma'ken ?" "Oh he'll be fine here, we won't be but a few. Besides we'd save some money on his ticket and that's just more materials we can buy," Zabora said as she gives Ma'ken a wink and a smile. "Well I guess." Hemi says with hesitation. After a short while mom emerges from the back corridor with baby sister in her sleeper ready for the road. The sun is still bright and high in the sky but daylight will be gone swiftly. Ma'ken thought he wouldn't have time to complete the repairs. As mom approached him he braced himself for the goodbye speech. "Ken, be a good boy and don't get into any mischief OK?" She asked. "OK mother I won't." He responded with a puzzled look on his face "what's mischief?" He asked. Hemi just looked and smiled her warm smile and replied "just be who you always are son" The group headed for the door. "Oh, there's leftovers in the icebox for dinner and a loaf of bread with some Taki jam in the cupboard. Captain Blue will stop by to check on you in the morning and I'll be home by supper," mom explained while being shoved out the door by aunt Zabora. As the door locks click Ma'ken waste no time swinging into action. First he takes his prybar from his box of supplies he got from the shop earlier he begin taking the oldest most damaged boards out. He soon realized that he had way more wood than was needed. He begin to replace them just like he seen Noodle do on the docks. He was almost complete with the kitchen before he even realize he hadn't eaten. "Whew I'm beat!" He spoke out loud. He walked to the icebox and removed the container marked dinner placed it into the warmer for heating. He admired his craftsmanship as he went over the floor visually. A few boards were different in color but he thought it added character to the entire kitchen. Bing! The timer on the kitchen warmer was letting him know his stew was ready. Ah and it was perfection. His mothers lamb stew with the pepper cornbread, that's one of the most mouthwatering meals you'll ever eat in a lifetime. Hemi made this dish whenever the backyard garden produced key ingredients. Which were purple potatoes and mild purple peppers. She'd  stew the meat and potatoes all day with fresh herbs and spices then use the same stock from the meat to make her famous purple pepper cornbread. This dish was a culinary masterpiece! After devouring every last morsel Ma'ken threw his left arm backwards over the splat of the chair and exhaled heavily. "Ughh I'm full!" Using his right finger to poke breadcrumbs from the table and place some in his mouth. It was getting pretty late and He was almost done in the kitchen. Although he was tired, he decided to wash up his dishes and finish the floor in the kitchen. He had enough materials to do the small section in the hallway by his room but chose to wait till morning before taking that task on. Feeling proud and very tired he showered, brushed his teeth, checked to make sure the doors and windows were locked and headed off to bed. His face had barely touched his pillow and he was sound asleep. A thundering knock woke him with the voice to match. "Ayo Bucko! Rise and shine yer aunt told me to come check on ya!" This could only be the captain. He bang  again almost instantly. Ma'ken yelled from his room, "I'm coming!" as he stretched and slid his feet into his house shoes. He knocked a third time. "HAY KID? YOU ALIVE?" Ma'ken swung the door open angrily. "Um I'm here Captain Blue." Groggy and still half sleep he didn't forget his manners. "Would you like some tea or coffee Captain?" "Sure! Tea please!" he bellowed as he ducked into the house removing his jacket and hat to place on the coat rack. Taking a seat at the tiny table he took a look around. "Hey son nice work on yer floor! Heck almost looks better than what Noodle done over yonder." Ma'ken replied, "thanks Cap, Mr. Noodle is a great teacher. I only have a tiny bit by my door to finish." Captain Blue's thick eyebrow rose "well I'll tell you what," he stood to his enormous height with his gigantic feet. "Yur a good kid and your work ain't too shabby how's about I make a little bite to eat while you show me how you work and I just may have a permanent spot for you down on the docks." "Aye aye!" Ma'ken responded as if he already knew the jargon he needed to use in order to be a shipmate. He hurried and got himself together for work. There are only a small amount of boards to replace in the hallway.  Most of the hard stuff was already complete. While Captain Blue sang old sailor songs in the kitchen, Ma'ken went to work starting in the hall and working his way towards the threshold of the room door. As he began prying the last two boards he saw a bright blue light. He moved the last plank and crammed down between the joist was a box with a light shining brightly from the keyhole. "Woah," Ma'ken said to himself in a whisper. He pick the box up and saw that the key was placed underneath the bottom with a folded piece of paper. "Um, Captain!" Ma'ken yells from the hallway. Captain Blue was singing and dancing in the kitchen completely unaware he was being summoned. Ma'ken slammed the mysterious box on the table and yells "CAPTAIN!" The captain whips around and begin to chastise "why you almost made me spill my dr-" he stopped midsentence. "Well what you got there kid?" his whole demeanor changed from loud to calm in a split second. "I, I'm not sure. It was under the boards close to my room door."  Ma'ken replied. "well don't that just beat all?" The captain replied, still in a low calm voice. " Sir your toast is burning." Ma'ken noted. Captain Blue spun around and hit the lever on the toaster. "Ok kid, go wrap up your work." He said as if nothing had just happened he didn't even turn back around. Ma'ken didn't waste any time going back to task, he was distracted but was truly a diligent worker who took pride in his work. As he was wrapping up and putting his tools back in the box the captain spoke for the first time since he turned his back. "Foods ready little guy." He turns and starts walking towards the table with a few plates. "Ok we got eggs, toast, shredded mumu, and some bacon. We also got some Takie jam and some blackberry preserves." Confuse yet hungry Ma'ken sat down wondering why the captain was ignoring the box. "Um Captain Blue sir?" "Yea kid?" " well I was just wondering what I should do about this box." Said the kid. "Welp, Son my Paw used to tell me if'n you ain't find the treasure you best not go putting hands on it." This wasn't the first time he'd heard this, this was a rule most sailors lived by. The ones who don't are called Pirates. The captain stood tall and walked to the door gathering his things on the way. "Bit of advice kid, learn what cards in yer hand before you let others see em." Then he smiles rubbed Ma'ken's hair and was off. After washing the dishes and putting everything back the way it was he carried the strange box to his room. He grabbed the folded paper and flipped it open. It was a letter, or a poem that read;
Part of my life you were destined to be, bonded for life you are one with the Sea.
At the bottom of the phrase was an odd looking name. Ho'okahi Me Kawai. Strange he thought then he grabbed the key and placed it into the box and turned. The content of this box was a necklace with a teardrop pendant, four small bands, and a dusty little black book with a lock that matched the box. It was obvious to him the light came from the pendant which was no longer glowing. He used the key from the box to open the book. "Click." As he begins to open the book he hears his mother unlocking the front door. Quickly he stashed everything back into the box and under his bed for safekeeping. Although it was way too early in the day for sleeping he pretended to be sleep while his mother noticed the repairs. His room door was open quite a bit so when she gasped to herself he heard her. That gave him more joy than any words ever could. "Mr. Ma'ken Highrue get in here now!" Hemi shouted pretending to be mad. "Yeah mom?" He cried from the room also pretending he had just woke up. "Please come here, I have bags in the carriage." When he walked in the kitchen his mother was sitting at the tiny table, his sister on the table top. Mom had the biggest smile. "son, what an amazing kid I have here!" Ma'ken just blushed a little. Hemi continued. "Well, I have wonderful news! I was with your auntie in the World Of Wonders fabric store when none other than Ms. Tye Flowers approached us. She saw my work and asked if she could use my designs in her next show! She even gave me an advance!" His mom was so excited he actually forgot about the box and things. "An advance?" Ma'ken asked. "Yes son 20,000 all in rubies!" That was a lot of money. With that fixing the house or even moving was a simple task. "Oh and I'm so thankful for you! Just the small repair alone makes this house worth keeping. Besides it's our home your great grandfather built." In the mix of it all two things stuck in Ma'ken's mind, one was what the captain said about showing your hand and the other was what mom just said about great granddad building this house. Did he put the box there? Did dad? Mom? Who he wondered. And was all this good fortune a part of him finding the box?
To be continued...

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