A Fakebook Lover

By lifeless_soul

77.2K 2.1K 629

Mariah Wilkerson is a shy and self conscious girl. Her life is completely changed when an unexpected friend r... More

An Unexpected Friend Request
Mark the Cutie Pie
I made a grown man cry
Love me back, please?
Fantasy Fanatic
My First Kiss
Bloody Rumours
Sour Lemon
A Dead Doppelganger
A Second Chance
A Painful Birthday Present
Heartfelt Confessions
Jumbled Mess (Mark's Point of View)
Undying Love

A Shocking Past

3.4K 106 35
By lifeless_soul

“Class, today you guys are going to write an impromptu essay on a passage from George Orwell’s novel “1984”” Michael announced with this annoying grin on his handsome face.

I can tell, he really enjoys teaching English, it’s adorable, but there are still so many things I don’t know about him. Like, his family, or his past relationships. I tried several times to make him talk about Samantha but he doesn’t budge, he always says “It’s in the past, it doesn’t matter now.” Mark is still “inspecting” Michael, but I want Michael to tell me about his past on his own terms, I want my boyfriend to trust me enough to tell me these things. I guess I have to wait for him to trust me, I can wait.

My phone vibrated against my seat, making a loud noise, for a second I thought everyone heard that, but everyone was busy asking Michael pointless questions so, the vibrating sound was drowned out by all the talking. I breathe a sigh of relief—I know Michael is my boyfriend, but as long as I am not texting him he will not hesitate in confiscating my phone. I took out my phone.

A smile found its way on my face when I saw I had a text from my boyfriend. It’s crazy how I am dating a teacher. I was never a rebel, I am a bit of a bore actually, I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, never got drunk, I am the ultimate definition of a goody-two shoes. It is surprising how I am illegally dating my hot English teacher while all the other girls are drooling over him.

This is unfair. You can stare at me the whole time in class, but I can’t stare at you. By the way, you look beautiful today and please refrain from smiling your sexy smile in class. I am already having a hard time keeping my hands to myself. Oh, and you’re beautiful XXX – Your loving boyfriend

I had this undying urge to coo in awe and start giggling, but I stopped myself and surreptitiously started typing a reply to my lovely boyfriend’s text. I didn’t even saw him texting, he is pretty smooth. In the middle of typing up a reply, my phone vibrated indicating another text, but unlike the last one, this one was from my dear best friend.

Meme, want to hang out after school today? I found out some things about your boy toy you might be interested in.

I rolled my eyes at how he referred to my boyfriend. Mark has been in a foul mood ever since he read that conversation on facebook. I think it’s all a big fat misunderstanding, but Mark clearly isn’t keen on believing that, not that I blame him.

I quickly gave Mark an affirmative answer and decided to play with Michael a little instead of just blushing like a little girl for once.

You look very sexy in that red shirt Michael, totally ravishing. I feel like taking it off of you, or more like ripping it out of you would be better. And that sexy ass of yours needs a spanking, don’t stare at your students old man. I’ll see you later, most likely while wearing a lingerie *wink wink* ttyl.

I was fairly happy with my text, but my courage was coming short and I couldn’t make my thumb press send. This text is too bold, too flirtatious, that’s not me and that lingerie thing might make him believe I want to sleep with him. I am not ready for that yet and most importantly it hasn’t been that long yet; Michael and I have been dating for roughly two weeks I need more time to even think about sleeping with him.

Someone poked my side, which startled me more than it should have and I jumped from my seat. A familiar chuckle filled my ears and I glared at my twin from a different mother.

                “Curtis Emanuel Henderson! You do not poke me and get away with it, I will get back at you for this, I don’t know how but I will.”

                “Mariah stop being so dramatic and I did this so you would finally get out of “Chace Crawford land” and start writing that essay you only have 50 minutes left to write.”

I smiled my sweet smile at Curt to fool him into thinking I am not at all freaked out about not having enough time to finish off my essay. As soon as he looked away I went on my writing spree and didn’t stop until I had a minute left in class.

I quickly packed all my things and shoved my phone that I found sitting under my desk, in my pocket. The shrill bell indicating the end of the period made a smile find its way on my face because finally the day was over.

The schedule given to us this year was rather absurd. One day we were to have all seven classes of the day in order, but the next day we have all those classes backwards. That means that instead of having English 1st period, I had it 7th period today, so, I get to go home now.

But, of course Michael didn’t wanted me to go home yet, actually I should really get going, I am supposed to meet Mark by the main exit, he must be waiting for me.

                “You know Mariah, you shouldn’t have sent that text to me,” Michael said while locking the door.

                “What text?” I asked.

Michael walked towards me and he kept coming closer until he had me backed up against a wall with one of his hands on the wall by the side of my face.

Michael dug his free hand into his pocket and took out his phone, pressed some buttons and then turned the screen of the phone to face me. It was a text from me, I looked at him confused and he asked me to read it.

As soon as I got done reading horror took over my features and my mind. Right in front of me was the exact same text I typed up in order to play with him, but I don’t remember sending it. When did I send that message?! Gosh, this is beyond embarrassing; Michael is going to think I am some kind of a whore or something.

                “Look, Michael I was just kidding, I didn’t mean to send you such a vulgar text, I mean you do look nice in this shirt but…” Michael cut me off by planting a very sweet and lovely kiss upon my lips. He bit, tugged, licked, sucked, kissed, and overall took my breath away with that kiss. It was so intimate, unlike all the other kisses that are fully lustful, this one was the one I never wanted to end.

                “Mariah that text was very naughty, you took me completely off guard, it seriously made me smile and it was such a turn on. I didn’t know my innocent little girlfriend had such naughty fantasies. I really like this side of you, but please don’t tease me like that while I am in class, teaching. I really don’t like teaching while sporting a hard on,” he concluded in a deliciously husky voice followed by some wiggling of the eyebrows “Unless you want to take care of that problem,” he winked.

The fact that I turn Michael on; just by a text, made my naughty alter ego dance with pride and joy.

Michael was kissing my neck and rubbing his nose on the length of my neck, making me hot and bothered.

                “Mariah, do want to come over? I’ll let you take this shirt off of me.” Michael said with a mischievous smile and a lot of wiggling of the eyebrows.

                “Michael I am hanging out with Mark today, and I am already late, but we can hang out tomorrow if you want.”

As soon as I was done talking, all signs of the previously playful Michael were gone and his mischievous smile was replaced by a scowl that was etched into his beautiful features.

                “So, you mean to say that you would rather hang out with your precious Mark then me?” Michael asked in a mean mocking tone that was so unlike his usual character that I couldn’t understand the reason behind them.

                “Michael it’s not like that, you are my boyfriend for a reason, I like spending time with you, but I already agreed to hang out with Mark.”

                “Oh, yeah? And he is too important that you can’t cancel with him now, can you? Seriously Mariah if he means so much to you, I don’t know why you are going out with me instead of him.”

Because he doesn’t like me back.

                “Okay, look, just imagine that instead of you Mark is my boyfriend,” that would be like a dream come true “and you are my best friend and I am supposed to hang out with you, how would you feel if I bailed on you to go out with my boyfriend?”

The look on his face told me that I won this argument, he realized why I was doing it, but the stubborn glint in his eye told me this argument was far from over. I was done arguing, my best friend is waiting for me.

                “I got to go Michael, call me when you are done acting like a little cry baby who didn’t get his way, bye.” with that I left his class room.

Mark was in the parking lot leaning against his beautiful car with his arms against his chest, pouting and looking very impatient. It made me want to laugh.  I walked towards him and as soon as he saw me he ditched his pouting face and engulfed me in a big hug that immediately got rid my previously foul mood.

                “Okay Meme, sit down fast let’s go to my house, I need to tell you things!” Mark exclaimed.

I quickly got in the car and Mark drove off towards his house.

                “First of all, your dear Michael is pretty normal considering all that he has been through. Second of all, why are you sitting all the way over there, come sit next to me?”

 I got off the comfy chair and went to sit next to Mark when he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into his lap.

                “Mark, let me go! You can’t do things like that now, I have a boyfriend” I said

                “So, we can’t even sleep together anymore?” Mark asked while pouting.

I rolled my eyes at him, he reluctantly let me go. I could see in his eyes that he was upset about letting me go. Not because Mark likes it when I sit on his lap, but because now he wouldn’t be able to hold my hand in public, or sleep with me, all the things we use to do, we are not going to be able to. Being in a relationship has its ups and downs, but not being close to Mark as much as I used to be will definitely be my least favorite part.

As soon as I was sitting next to Mark he took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers. I was about to say something but let it slide, it’s not because I enjoy the feel of his warm large hands, but because old habits die hard, we’ll get rid of one at a time.

                “Mark, start talking now, I am getting very curious.”

                “Patience is a virtue my friend,” I glared at him “okay, okay, here I go, well, Meme the poor guy has been through a lot of shit. He was abused when he was young, but that thankfully stopped after the Simmons’ adopted him. Well, since then things were going great for him, but then one day some people kidnapped Samantha, his girlfriend of 4 years.  He loved her more than anything; they were very much in love. After Samantha was kidnapped Michael looked for her everywhere, but couldn’t find her.  After about a month Samantha came back herself, somehow, the kidnappers left her at Michael’s house. Sadly, the day after she got back, she hanged herself and died.”

At this point, tears were streaming down my face and Mark had me in a comforting embrace and he was stroking my back.

                “You know, that girl Stacy that was commenting on Michael’s relationship status,” I nodded my head “she told me this whole story, she is close friends with Michael and she was Samantha’s best friend. She is trying to be happy for Michael and you, but you know she can’t be magically okay with you going out with the person that was her best friend’s only love.”

                “I understand that Mark, I feel so bad for Michael, he is carrying so much pain within himself, and he never shares any of this with me, it’s heart breaking,” I sobbed into Mark’s chest.

Mark comforted me for a while, when he was sure I was okay, he decided to drop me home.

                “If you ever need to talk all you need to do is call okay, not that you don’t know that already, and smile please, your beautiful face is meant to be smiling all the time, okay sweetheart, now bye I have to get ready for my hot date tonight.”

Mark has a date? I should be happy for him right? So, why is it killing me to think of him with someone else? I am such a hypocrite, I have a boyfriend, but I can’t seem to let go of my best friend, he deserves to be happy I hope he isn’t going out with some bimbo.

                “Oh, have fun on your date” I tried to sound nonchalant, but I obviously failed because Mark chuckled.

                “You’re so cute when you get jealous, calm down I am all yours, even though, you already have an older boyfriend and all. But, what can I do? I can’t get over you, I am smitten by you,” he said and then winked.

I giggled and got out of the car. I waved goodbye until Mark was completely out of sight and then walked to my front door. I rummaged my purse for the key, when I found it I unlocked the door and got in.

The house was empty and very eerily quiet. I know my daddy was on one of his business trips again, but where was my mother? I haven’t seen her this whole week; she had been gone and only gets back at night. Oh, well at least she hasn’t been on my case, now that is something I am definitely not missing.

I knew my brother will be back at about 9 after football practice, so, I decided to go make myself something to eat instead of waiting for him to come back. School requires so much sweat and blood that it starves me.

As soon as I set foot in the kitchen my cell phone started rocking “Hero” by Enrique Iglesies, telling me that someone was calling me. I breathe a moody sigh, mad that I am still food deprived and went to get my cell phone from the table by the living room.

Without looking at the caller id I picked up the phone and said a “Hello” with clenched teeth.

                “Um hey Mariah, how are you?” a deep voice that I know as my boyfriend’s asked.

               “I am hungry, now if you’ll excuse me I need to go eat before I end up dying out of starvation, I’ll only blame you if that happened,” I said in a snobby tone.

                “Mariah, wait, I am outside your house, let’s go eat out tonight, please?”

I was so hungry and I really didn’t feel like cooking, so, of course I agreed and who says no to free food? Well, I am hoping he’ll pay.

I hung up and went upstairs to get ready.

I decided on wearing something casual so I wore a peach colored camisole with a long-sleeved white and peach plaid shirt over it; I paired it up with my white skinny jeans and white flats. After applying a thin coat of eye-liner and mascara and braiding my hair in a nice fish-tail braid, I was ready.

I got out the front door, locked it, and started walking towards Michael’s gray Chevrolet.

As soon as he saw me he got out of his car with a rose in his hand and walked right up to me. He gave me the rose he was holding and engulfed me in a bone-crushing hug. When we parted he held me at arm’s length and he was gazing deep into my eyes with a look so intense that it knocked the breath out of me. Without a second’s hesitation his lips were on mine in a kiss so passionate that I was miffed about sharing it in such an open area, that kiss was meant to be shared privately. His soft, full lips were moving with mine in synch and Michael wasn’t one to hold back because soon there were tongues involved and we were fighting for dominance.

After openly making out in my driveway we pulled apart, I was breathing heavily and Michael was looking in control but satisfied.

                “I shouldn’t have fought with you, I am so sorry Mariah,” he cupped my face in his face “I acted like such a dick, I was just jealous when I know I shouldn’t have been, I am sorry love, please forgive me,” he finished and started kissing all over my face and neck.

                “If you weren’t forgiven, I wouldn’t have made out with you seconds ago,” I replied in a husky voice that sounded nothing like mine.

Michael noticed the effect he has on me because I felt him smile against my neck and he bit the same spot he was kissing previously. That is going to leave a mark.

                “Well, now that that’s out of the way, let’s go, I made reservations for us,” he said and quickly lead me towards his car.

Like a gentleman he is, he opened the door for me and after I was comfortably settled he closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side and took his seat.

The whole ride to wherever we were going to was quiet entertaining. Michael and I kept singing all the teeny-pop songs playing on the radio and Michael kept stealing kisses from me, it was adorable.

20 minutes of driving later, we were at Spinner’s Shack. Michael opened the door for me, held my hand and we made our way towards the entrance.

Once we were in our seats, Michael started telling me how beautiful I am and how lucky he is to have me as a girlfriend, but all I could think about was all the bad things that has happened to him. I wanted to share his pain with him, but today is not the day. Today I am only going to enjoy a date with my gorgeous and amazing boyfriend.

A/N: The song on the side is one of my favorites, it's adorable and has nothing to do with the chapter lol it's just there because it is cute :D

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