The Last Time (Camren)

By BabeLoRegui

102K 3.2K 4.6K

They were once best friends before the lying, cheating, and betrayal. After 5 years of being apart, will Laur... More

Prologue (Part I)
Prologue (Part II)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Final

Chapter 6

3.8K 192 126
By BabeLoRegui

"What do you mean?" Lauren looks back between Dinah and Cami. "No, I-I don't know. I have no idea why Jason appears to look so much like me."

Lauren tries to seem unbothered, eating her food and shrugging it off. Just because she owns her own business and has a lot of money, doesn't mean she has all the answers in the world. In fact, there were still plenty of things out there she had no knowledge of. Starting with this.

"You sure about that?" Dinah asks.

"Yes, DJ," she huffs, slamming her fork down. "I literally just met the kid not that long ago. We share similar features... I'm just as surprised and curious about it as you are."

"Just saying... the last time you slept with Camila was five years ago. You slept with another girl around the same time and impregnate her. She gives you Olivia. All while Camila conceives a child with 'Shawn' within the same month or so. However, that kid looks so much more like you," Dinah explains, only frustrating Lauren more.

"Goddammit," she swears under her breath and buries her head in her hands.

Cami rubs her girlfriend's back. "I'm sorry, baby, but Dinah's right. This is something to be concerned about. And I hate to say this... I really do... but... isn't it strange that Olivia doesn't share very many similar features as you? At least physical-"

"Fuck, you don't think I know that?!" That's all it takes for Lauren to snap, moving away from her and getting up from the table.

"Lauren, please."

"I can't fucking deal with this right now. I'm too fucking busy," she storms out of the dining room to head to her own bedroom.

"Shit," Cami just sits there with regret. She pushed Lauren too far as the latter was clearly not ready to hear something like that.

Obviously, the CEO knew she and her daughter weren't a spitting image of each other. Hell, Olivia's hair was growing blonder with each passing year; a genetic trait that must come from her biological father's family.

But did Lauren have any clue as to why she couldn't pick out a single thing they shared in common? No. Why? Because she's been lied to from the start. Ever since she first found out about Olivia being conceived.

"Babe?" Knocks are heard on Lauren's bedroom door.


Cami steps inside since it isn't locked. "Baby..."

"I don't know what you and Dinah want from me. I don't have all the answers to everything," she mutters into her pillow as she lays on top of the comforter.

"We know that, Lo. We know that you're in the dark, too. I'm sorry for pestering you but I can't help but wonder," Cami sits on the edge of the bed and places a hand on her back.

Lauren turns to face her girlfriend, not being able to ever stay mad at her. Surely they may get annoyed with each other and have arguments here and there but just like now, they talk it out as quickly as they can.

"I love you, baby," she says softly, appreciating that her girl is so loving and caring. She is so lucky. "Thank you for caring."

"I always will," Cami tells her, leaning in closer for their lips to meet.

Clearly, this situation couldn't be ignored, meaning Lauren was going to have to get to the bottom of it. And she was going to have to be prepared to find out some things she just didn't expect.


The next school day that Lauren is able to take Olivia to school starts out like it usually does. Mother and daughter walk hand in hand like the adorable duo they are, but only to become confused when they see Jason in the classroom without his mother.

"Hmm..." Lauren frowns and lets Olivia go join him. "Hey, Jase, where's your Mommy?" she asks him since it'd be weird for the mother to leave her child all alone. Jason just looks toward the bathroom door and points.

Seconds later, Camila exits with tissues clutched in her hands. "Oh... hi, Lauren," the teacher stops in her tracks as she greets the confused woman. "Sorry, I wasn't expecting you so soon."

Lauren frowns even more. "I always come early," she steps closer to scan Camila's eyes that had definitely been tear-filled. She sets down a cup of coffee for her on the desk.

"...Right," the teacher bows her head. "Sorry, it's been a rough morning already. Thank you for the coffee." She slowly picks it up and takes a sip.

"Do you... wanna talk about it?" Lauren still isn't sure where their boundaries lie. They were once best friends for years so it was difficult to just forget about restarting their friendship since they knew each other so well before.

Back in the day, Lauren would be the first to know about Camila's problems. The latter would sometimes run over to her best friend's house at midnight if something were troubling so much that it would disrupt her sleep. She and Lauren would stay up for hours talking about it because all Lauren wanted was for Camila to be okay. Then they'd fall asleep together right around sunrise.

Similar to now, Lauren is concerned for Camila. She hates seeing her cry and had promised that she would kill anyone who caused Camila's sorrowful tears.

Camila is reluctant to open up to her old but sort of new friend. She's unsure of their boundaries as well but at the same time, she doesn't recall having any other friends she can open up to. "I... uh... took a pregnancy test earlier and... it was negative."


"...Did you want it to be positive?" Lauren asks even though duh, of course she wanted it to be positive.

"Yeah," Camila slowly nods. "Shawn and I have been trying for the past few months. I called him about it just now while I was in the bathroom and he was pretty upset."

"Not like it's your fault," Lauren shakes her head.

"I know it isn't but... it's just so weird how Jason was conceived the first time we did it," the teacher tells her in almost a whisper. "Now we can't after trying for a number amount of months."

The CEO looks down, not really knowing just what to say. She wasn't in Camila's shoes. She and her girlfriend weren't trying for a child and quite frankly, her own daughter wasn't planned whatsoever. She doesn't think she'll be wanting another child for another few years after she and Cami tie the knot.

"I'm sorry, Camila," Lauren sits down in the seat across from her. "And I'm sorry Mendes is giving you shit about it. You want me to talk to him?"

Camila eyes her carefully, knowing damn well Lauren wouldn't just "talk" to her husband. She chuckles, "No, it's okay, Lo."

The familiar nickname makes the latter's heart twinge. A smirk spreads across her lips.

"In a way though, I'm actually relieved," Camila says while taking her own seat.


"I mean, I definitely want another child so Jason can have a sibling but if I can wait just a bit longer, that would be ideal," she explains. Her eyes land on her son's precious face. "You can relate, right?"

Lauren frowns. "Waiting to have another kid? Oh, yeah, of course. Cami and I aren't even engaged yet."

"But like you and Vero weren't even ready to have Olivia back then, just like me and Shawn. I just feel like I was rushed into this parenting life too soon." Lauren nods, relating wholeheartedly. "Even though I got to go to college, it still wasn't the normal experience. I felt like being a mom defined me those four years. I was always known as the girl with a kid who lived off-campus with her husband. I wish I got to go to all those wild parties, rushed a sorority, had a close-knit of best friends. But in their eyes, I was just on a different level... another stage of life even though I was the same age as them."

In a way, Lauren didn't have a typical college experience either. For one, she was also a mother of a small child, preventing her from moving into dorms and befriending people. She had her fair share of "friends" but only to take to bed. Besides that, she really started working on her business and didn't stop until it became a reality. She spent long hours over four years to get to where she is now.

"I only remember having one good friend from cheer but we don't talk as much anymore," she sighs, running a hand through her hair. "Now, I'm just confined to Shawn. It's like I just have him to confide in and nobody else. And if I do talk to others, he gets jealous because they're taking my attention away from him."

"That's super toxic, Camila," Lauren furrows her brows. "Shawn doesn't own you. Doesn't matter if you're his wife, you're your own person who still has boundaries."

Lauren never wanted to smack the hell out of Shawn more than she does in this very moment. This boy was straight up insane. He's creepy, possessive, and doesn't deserve this woman by any means. The millionaire just knows that Camila wouldn't be with him if he hadn't impregnated her five years ago. She would be off, living a much better life. Not to say Jason is some sort of burden or mistake but she said so herself, she wasn't ready to have him when she did. She wants to slow down and just live her life.

"And I usually talk to him about it but whenever I feel like we make progress, something happens and it just gets fucked up. Like when you and I started becoming friends again," Camila says. "He won't let it go."

Lauren closes her eyes. "Vero's the same way. But you know that. I mean, she's always been even before we had Livvy. Like I was hers and hers only. We would always fight whenever I had a friend over... especially if it was a girl. Even when I wasn't sleeping with them, V would be cold to them. She wouldn't allow anyone to hold Olivia."

Camila is surprised to hear that although she shouldn't be. "Well, at least you don't live with her anymore."

"It took way too long but I survived," the CEO smirks. "I'm more grateful that she finally fell out of love with me. Or so I think. I guess it's still complicated as long as we have our daughter. But once she turns eighteen, I don't want anything to do with that woman. I won't have to see her during holidays, birthdays, school functions... well, maybe when Olivia graduates college or something but, other than that, I'm just waiting for the day I never have to see her again."

"Wow, Lo," Camila breathes and chuckles at her brutal honesty. And she hopes that for her friend as well. Vero is a nightmare. Anyone can see that. Lauren doesn't deserve to put up with a monster like that. Camila feels bad she has another 13 more years to go.

The two move on from the topic and discuss the next playdate for their children. Camila mentions that Shawn is supposed to be taking a three-day business trip next week if they want to do it at their house. Lauren agrees as it could prevent another Vero incident.

It's sad they have to kind of sneak around to do this but again, it's for their kids. They would do anything for their happiness.


It's a Saturday evening and time for Lauren to pick her daughter up from her playdate. This time, Olivia played at Jason's house. Of course, it's not as fancy or upscale as the Jauregui household but young Livvy absolutely adored her time spent with her best friend.

They played with all of Jason's toys. Yes, even the "boy" ones because they weren't just for boys. And Olivia's "girl" toys weren't just for girls. Lauren and Camila very much appreciated that their kids could play with each other without gender coming between them. It used to be a thing back in their own days of childhood so it's refreshing to see a change among today's youth.

Camila also took the kids to the park where they spent hours swinging on the swings, sliding down slides, playing tag, hide and seek, soccer, and basketball. Olivia even encouraged Jason to finally get over his fear of the monkey bars. With the help of his mother, he climbed across the whole thing without crying!

They eventually all headed back where Camila served up Jason's favorite food-- pizza. Pretty much the only thing the kid likes to eat. Olivia, however, is just like her mom and will eat anything. Or at least try anything. She's gotten pickier while growing up but of course, she doesn't hate pizza. Who doesn't like pizza?

Overall, the day was a success and Olivia couldn't wait to tell her mother all about it on the car ride home. Lauren listened immensely to everything her little girl was saying. They even stopped for ice cream along the way even though they have an ice cream machine at home. There's still just something about going out for the treat that's special.

One thing that still bothers Lauren is... well... Jason. She just can't stop thinking about him. Every time she looks at him, she sees a reflection of herself. Every time she speaks to him or he speaks to her, they share one voice. It freaks her out and she cannot let it rest.

It's on her mind even while she gives Olivia a bath that night. Also, while she gets her changed into her pajamas and is combing her hair. "Honey, how do you like having two mommies?" she asks while hearing Livvy praise her and Vero.

One of the things Lauren adores about her daughter is how kind and sweet she is to others. Even at just 4 years old, Olivia has never spoken meanly about anyone. Sure, she throws a few tantrums here and there but she's a little kid. She still has a heart full of so much love.

"I like it a lot," Livvy smiles at her mom in the mirror. "I like it 'cause we can all be princesses and do our hair all the time."

Lauren laughs as she finishes up. "You like having princess mommies?"

"Yeah, and I'm your little princess," she turns around, wrapping her arms around Lauren's neck.

"You sure are my little princess," she kisses her daughter's temple. "You are so kind, you know that? You have a heart of gold." Olivia just nuzzles into Lauren's embrace and the latter carries her into her room.

She was going to read to her, but by the looks of it, the 4-year-old is probably going to pass out any minute.

"I love you, Mama," Olivia coos as they cuddle together.

"I love you, baby girl," Lauren whispers back. "You're my whole world." She gets a good look at the little one this time, staring into her eyes that sadly look like anything but hers. Olivia's orbs are hazel with different shades of brown and green mixed in. And yeah, her hair might as well be dirty blonde at this point.

Lauren tries to look for traces of any similarities but can't find one. Not even in her bone structure. This crushes her to no end since she always wanted a daughter that would be just like her. Or at least look like her. Unfortunately, all she could see is her ex's traits within this precious, small gem. Maybe when she gets older?

She watches her daughter until her eyes finally close and she can kiss her one more time before turning off the light. But on her way back to her own bedroom, she promises to ask Camila more about Jason. As much as it is strange, it's still going to forever annoy her if she doesn't start asking questions. For her own peace of mind and so her heart can rest.


The next morning that Lauren gets to take Olivia to preschool, they arrive early. Like they always are. But this time, it's different.

"Good morning, Lauren," Camila smiles at the way Lauren places her Starbucks on the desk.

"Good morning, Camz," she greets gently.

The teacher's smile widens. "That's very cute."

"Don't think I didn't hear you drop my nickname the other day," Lauren smirks as she pulls up a chair to the desk.

"You caught that," Camila nods slowly. "It just seems more natural."

"I agree, Camz," she repeats which causes the other woman to laugh louder.

A long time ago, Camila decided that she doesn't want anyone but Lauren to call her "Camz." And hearing it from her lips once more makes her feel things all over again. It's like a song she grew up listening to that brings back sweet nostalgia.

Lauren's eyes fixate themselves on Jason who is busy drawing on a chalkboard with Olivia. She, again, can't look away. They not only have the same eye color but the same shape as well. Down to the nose, lips, and chin.

"They're so cute together," Camila follows Lauren's gaze. But Lauren just keeps staring the boy down. "...Lauren?"

"Huh?" she turns back around.

"You were just staring so intensely," the teacher giggles.

"Oh, just making sure Olivia is playing nicely," she lies with a charming grin.

Camila waves that off. "You don't have to worry about that. Livvy is always so nice and well behaved. She's actually gonna be star of the week next week so she'll need to bring in something she likes to share with the class. Like a favorite toy or something."

"Noted," Lauren nods and focuses back on Camila.

"But yeah, I definitely have to keep an eye on my little guy," the teacher shakes her head. "He can be a troublemaker at times. Sweet but definitely mischievous."

"How so?" Lauren turns around to glance at him again.

"I don't know, he'll like... refuse to eat his food and feed it to Tarzan or make funny faces during class and tell jokes. He's like a little prankster."

Lauren grins, thinking about him pulling pranks and whatnot. She can remember when she and Dinah would pull pranks on each other when they first started living together. Dinah got her into it and for a week straight they wouldn't stop pranking one another.

"His birthday's coming up, too, right?" the CEO asks as it's the perfect time to ask more about him.

"Yep, December twenty-third," Camila answers. "We started Christmas and birthday shopping for him already."

"I should start looking for a gift for him myself," Lauren says. "What does he like or dislike?"

"Well," Camila thinks hard seeing as how he's only four almost five. "You obviously can't go wrong with toys. But he especially likes Spider-Man and loves sports. I mean, he's not very good yet but he's really fast at running. Probably gets it from Shawn."

Jason's fast at running. Lauren's also fast at running. Okay, many people are fast and she's trying so hard to make connections but admittedly, it is something. It could be from her or from Shawn but she wants to believe it's from her.

She sighs and chuckles, "I've always been faster than Mendes. It's why I was captain."

Camila laughs, rolling her eyes. "Anyway... if you want to get him a new soccer ball or something, he'll love it. We might sign him up for it next year."

Just a soccer ball? Lauren could get the kid an entire soccer stadium if he wanted one. But whatever... she'll start small.

"Also noted," the green-eyed woman smiles.

"I do find it so nice that you care about his interests. It's sweet," the mother nods.

"Well, I have to if our kids end up marrying each other," Lauren jokes, causing Camila to throw her head back in laughter.

"Would you stop?!" she cackles. "I don't even want to think about Jason with girls in that way... practically ever."

"Kidding, kidding," Lauren waves off. "Livvy's not dating till she's fifty."

"I'll have to make sure Jason is a respectful young man who doesn't try anything funny," Camila sighs. "At this rate, I already know it's gonna be tough. I'll need help from his dad."

"Hey, if Shawn doesn't keep him in line, give me a call," Lauren smirks adorably. At least that's how she looks to Camila.

She's always been cute, yes, but there's something about her now that is even more captivating. Lauren just has one of those faces that you could look at for hours and never get tired. It's just easy on the eyes.

"So, is Jason having a birthday party?" the CEO asks, trying to wrap up since other parents were starting to show up with their children. She would have asked about more intimate details of her pregnancy with Jason but lack of time got in the way again.

"Um... you know, I think it might just be us three with his grandparents," Camila says awkwardly. They've never done anything super big despite that trip to Disney since they couldn't afford it every year.

"Well, I was thinking... since Olivia and Jason's birthdays are only thirteen days apart and they're best friends, why not have a combined birthday party?" Lauren suggests. "It'll be a big celebration right in my backyard. We'll have loads of food, the pool, a bounce house, petting zoo, everything."

Camila's eyes widen. "Oh... really? One big party for the two of them?"

"Yeah, if you're down," Lauren shrugs. "Vero and I were gonna postpone her party till after Christmas anyway 'cause we really wanted to do something big for her after the holidays."

"That... um... sounds like a great idea, Lauren," Camila starts but is not 100% convinced. "But... with Shawn and Vero being so... the way they are about this, do you think it would be the best decision?"

"Camz," Lauren now rolls her own eyes. "Shawn and Vero clearly come in between our children's happiness and we have to stop that. The kids would absolutely love to have a party together. Fuck what the others think."

It's easier for Lauren to say that than Camila. Camila and Shawn are married. They make decisions for their son together as a married couple that has equal input. Unlike Lauren and Vero who just bicker and can never agree on anything.

"I know it's different for you, Lo, but I have to talk to Shawn about this. I kinda have to care what he thinks. He's Jason's father, too, just as much as I'm his mother," Camila smiles sadly.

But is he? Lauren wonders and can't hide the grimace on her face.

"Fine, I get it. And I guess I should talk to Vero about it, too, even if I don't want to," Lauren sucks it up and decides to go the mature route as well.

Camila stifles a chuckle, eyes traveling to where other parents and kids were entering through the doors of the classroom. "We'll text," the teacher stands, preparing to turn on her cheerful, bubbly attitude.

Lauren nods and grabs her almost empty coffee cup. She gives her daughter one last hug and Jason a high five before leaving to head out to her car. She quickly dials her assistant's number, feeling the urge to put together this party as quickly as she can.

"Ally, how fast can I book a petting zoo for Livvy's birthday?"


A/N: Heyyyyyyyyy

I'm sorry for making you wait AGAIN but the next chapter will be the chapter you've been waiting for. PROMISE 🥰

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