Here We Go Again

By -ShadowBlazer-

20.4K 617 296

You would think after saving the world, a guy could get a little peace and quiet; get a normal college life... More

Table Of Contents
Never Fuck With A Jealous Bumblebee
Never Let Molly Witwicky Near Edibles Unless You're Looking For A Good Time.
A Party? Sure! I Mean, What Could Go Wrong?
I Love You Too, Cutie

Don't You Just Hate It When The Toaster Oven Tries To Kill You?

2.7K 94 39
By -ShadowBlazer-

"Come on! Lets go you two, all hands on deck!" Our father, Ron Witwicky, called from his place in the garage; the man trying his hardest to get Sam and I moved out as fast as possible. "Come on kiddo's, we're on a schedule!"

"Slow down, dad." Sam called, chasing after our father who currently was shoving one of Sam's boxes into his truck. "Why are you trying to get rid of us so quickly?"

"Yeah dad, seriously. what did you do, rent out both of our rooms?" I asked, sarcasm lacing my tone of voice.

"No," Our father deadpanned, throwing both Sam and I a small playful glare. "I got other ideas for your rooms, and they rhyme with 'Home Theatre' and 'Man Cave'."

My brother and I both rolled our eyes, expecting as much out of our dear old pops.

You see, Sam and I are now officially students of Princeton University, today being the day that we move into the freshmen dorms. And as you can see, it doesn't look like our parents will be missing us much. Well, at least our dad anyway.

I made my way into the kitchen, Sam not following far behind as we tried to collect the rest of our boxes, only to be stopped by our weeping mother.

"Mama?" I called softly, a worried tone taking place. The woman in question slowly turned to me, holding up two pairs of what looked like miniature shoes.

"Look what I found." She sniffed "It's your little baby booties."

"Ma..." Sam and I sighed, giving our mother a warm hug in an attempt to make her feel better and stop crying all over our stuff. "My little baby booty boys."

I turn to our dad, who had just walked into the kitchen. "y'know, this is how your supposed to react when the fruit of your loins goes out into the cruel world to fend for themselves." I mused.

"Yeah, my heart bleeds for ya pal." Our dad shot back, waving his hand in a dismissive manner. "College, Bummer!"

I was about to say something in retort when our mom pulled both Sam and I by the ear to face her. "You have to come home every holiday! Not just big ones, you have to come home for Halloween too!"

"Mom" I started, pulling away from her tight hold. "We can't come home for Halloween."

"Well than we'll come to you!"

Sam's eyes widened as he forced himself out of the large embrace our mother was trying to smother him in. "You are NOT coming."

"Oh come on Sam." I called "At least give her some hope of ever seeing you again."

"Oh for crying out loud would you just let the kids breathe Molly?" Our father interrupted. "Now come on, go pack. There is no way you're packed for a month long journey."

Our mom slowly pulled away from us, giving my brother and I small glances every two seconds as she stalled in leaving the room.

"Come on, chop chop! Lets go, march young lady!" Our father called, giving our mother a quick smack on the ass.

"Okay, dad, did not need to see that." Sam scowled.

"Augh!" I screamed, covering my eyes. "I need to go wash out my eye sockets with bleach after that show!"

"I love it when you call me young lady, you dirty old man." our mother called back, much to Sam and I's dismay.

"Seriously, guys stop!" both my brother and I shouted in sync.

"You ain't seen nothing yet."

"Okay!" I called. "I'm officially scarred for life!"

"Dad, dad." Sam said seriously. "That, that was a really creepy move you just pulled there."

"Mmhm." I nodded.

"Look you two." our dad started. "You guys know that your mother and I are very proud of you both. You two are the first Witwickys to go to college!"

"Now I'm crying again!" our mother called from her room upstairs. "This sucks!"

"Your going to be fine Ma!" Sam responded.

"you know, hard for her to accept that her boys are all grown up, you know going out to handle the world on their own."

"Are those tears I see, oh dear father of mine?" I laughed, earning a sour look from our dad.

"No, no. I just got something in my eye!"

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, giving our father one last pat on the back before making my way into my bedroom, or, what used to be my bedroom.

"Hey gadget." I called softly to the mini bot sleeping on my empty bed. He slowly raised his helm, blinking his optics a few times with a small yawn. "That's it buddy, we're about to leave so I need you to wake up."

All of a sudden, every little bit of exhaustion faded from the small bots faceplate, a look of excitement replacing it. He let out a flurry of excited little beeps and whirls, jumping up and down.

I let out a loud laugh, picking up the excited mini-bot and placing him in the very same satchel bag I was wearing during the battle of mission city. Just as I was about to close it however, something strange fell out.

"What in the pit...?" I questioned, reaching to pick it up. I examined the small sliver of metal carefully, my eyes widening immensely at the strange symbols that adorned the side of it. "There's no way-!"

The Fourteen original Primes

"The names (D/S) Prime, a pleasure to be of your acquaintance"

The Allspark

"Hey Alpha Trion! Whatcha got there?"

The Fallen

"This is Wrong Megatronus, and you know it!"

He Shall Rise Again.

"You need to protect this planet from his wrath (D/S), or should I now call you-"


"What in the hell was-aghh!" I screamed in pain, dropping the shard of the cube within seconds of it burning my hand. "Son of a bitch!"

Gadget poked his head out of my bag, a look of concern on his small faceplate as he lets out a few beeps.

"I'm fine bubs." I wave him off, grabbing a small piece of my shirt to protect my hands from getting burned again. I go to pick up the shard once again before noticing it was gone, a sizeable hole in my wood flooring about to catch fire.



"Shit!" I screamed, causing gadget to jump slightly. The small bot beeps at me but I wave him off once again. "Gadget stay in my bag!" I ordered him, running into my bathroom and grabbing the fire extinguisher.

I quickly spray the open flame, the fire soon depleting into a small simmer.

"Damn." I commented, looking through the hole that the shard burned through my floor. "Dad is going to kill me..."

I heard my door slowly creak open, thinking it was Sam I quickly turn to it, about to explain that found of piece of the cube; but instead of being met with the ugly mug of my brother, I was met with even uglier mugs that belonged to at least 7 mean looking minibots.

"Oh fuck-" I jumped out of the way of what looked like a small missile, the mini explosive hitting a picture of Bee and I.

"You asshole! That was my favorite picture!" I shouted, kicking the small menace with all I had into the wall of my bedroom.

The small bots simply looked at their companion before going back to me with guns blazing, setting of a flurry of what seemed like bullets.

"FUCK!" I cursed, nearly getting one to the face.

I looked around the room, trying to find any place for escape. "ThinkThinkTHINK"

I decided to trust my instincts and jump out my open bedroom window...which was two stories off the ground.

Instincts: Bad

"Incoming!" I shout to my dad and brother who were just below my window, causing both men to jump out of the way as I hit the ground with a painful thud.

Thanks Fam

"You could have at least tried to catch me!" I growled, standing up with a little issue.

"Well why the hell did you jump out a window?!" Sam screamed at me, but before I could answer one of the mean little shits answered it for him by sending a slur of small missiles at us.

"Duck for cover!" Our father yelled, all three of us jumping behind his truck.

"Now do you see why I jumped out of my window Samuel?!" I shouted

Gadget once again poked his helm out of my bag, looking rather shaken up.

"Bubs I need you to stay in the bag!" I yelled over the sound of an explosion.

I looked around for anything to defend ourselves against the little hoard before I remembered something.

My boyfriend is in the garage

"BUMBLEBEE!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and just liked I had hoped, my knight in shining armor came to our rescue.

The bot drove straight through the garage wall, earning a shout from our dad. He transformed and landed gracefully on the ground, both of his servos transforming into cannons as he shot at the little menaces.

Bee was able to shoot all of them with minor damage to the house, and when I say minor damage I mean half of my parents bedroom is missing and my moms rose bushes are on fire.

It's always moms rose bushes

"Thanks cutie!" I called, a large smile on my face.

".:Anytime-" He switched channels ".:Gorgeous:."

"Bee!" Sam shouted. "Get in the garage, now!"


"Sam!" I called my brother in exasperation. "He just saved our asses and you want to send him back into the garage?!"

"(y/n), he destroyed half our house!"

"So what?!" I retorted

"Augh" Sam sighed in frustration. "Just-just get in the garage!"

Bee lets out a few enraged beeps, kicking over one of our garbage cans as he made his way back into our garage.

"Cutie..." I call softly, shooting one more harsh glare at Sam before running after him.

"Bee, come on. You know Sam didn't mean it like that!" I yelled, trying to comfort the bot.

".:He-Hates me!:."

"Cutie, my brother does not hate you." I say softly

Bee looked over at me with a sad expression, my heart clenching painfully at the look.

"Bee..." I tried and it looked like he was trying to say something before he stopped and turned away from me, progressively hitting at his throat.

"He still having voice problems?" I turned around in surprise at hearing Mikaela's voice, the female standing behind me with my brother not to far behind.

"He's playing it up." Sam commented bitterly

"Samuel James Witwicky-" Before I could do anything brash, Bee grabs me by the back of my shirt and pulled me away from my brother softly.

As If sensing the change in atmosphere, Gadget poked his helm out of my bag once again, looking up at me with small beeps of concern. It was almost like he was telling me to calm down.

"Oh not you too bubs." I said, earning a shrug from the smaller bot. Alright smarty pants, come here." I laughed, pulling the small bot out of my bag and laying him down on my shoulder. He instinctively cuddled into the crook of my neck, almost instantly falling asleep.

"Aww" Mikaela smiles, earning a soft giggle from myself.

"I know, he's the cutest isn't he?"

"Anyway." Sam gives both of us a glare, walking up to Bee. "You know about the college deal right?"

".:I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!:." Bee sang, doing a small little dance while the song played through his radio.

"You didn't tell him?!" Sam yelled at me.

"Oh I told him." I growled. "I told him that he was coming to college with me."

Bee nodded with a grin

"(y/n)!" Sam yelled in exasperation. "We can't have cars as freshmen in college! Plus, he's an Autobot. Bee shouldn't have to stay in a garage while he could be out there fighting!"

"Bee chose to stay with us Samuel! He chose to stay with us after the battle of mission city."

"Well I don't want him to come to college with us!" Sam yelled, but instantly regretted it afterwards. "Wait, Bee, I didn't mean it like that."

"I'm going to go wait outside." Mikaela laughs nervously, patting Sam on the arm as she leaves in a good luck type manor.

Bee backed away a little bit, coolant dripping from his eyes as Sam tried to get closer to the bot.

"Sam." I called dangerously, earning a small startled beep from Gadget. "I think you've done E-Fucking-nough." I growled, so close to punching my brother.

"Bee..." Sam tried again, only to be blocked by my form.

"I didn't mean it like that bee. You'll always be my first car and I love you for it." Sam sighs, giving the autobot one last glance before leaving.

"The audacity that kid has, I swear." I growled, turning to Bee with a sad expression as the bot in question avoids my stare.

"Bee, Look at me?" I asked softly, only earning a small beep of denial from the bot. "What's wrong cutie? Was is what Sam said, because if it is I will calmly go out there and give him a swift kick in the balls."

Bee shakes his head, glancing at me for a second before going back to avoiding my gaze.

".:Do you-love me?:." He suddenly asked, earning a surprised look from myself.

"What?! Of course I do!" I shout "Where is this coming from all of a sudden?"

".:Sam-said-" I interrupt him. "Bee, who gives an absolute shit about what Sam said?"

I walk towards the bot, taking his faceplate into my hands and leaning our foreheads together. "Bumblebee, I love you more than anything in the entire universe. You were my first car, my first crush, and my first love. I plan on spending the rest of my lifespan with you weather you like it or not." I laughed softly. "Never, and I mean never, doubt that I love or need you, because I will always need you and I will always love you, even when the world burns around us."

Bee practically melts at my comment, leaning into my touch. ".:The same-said-for you-Gorgeous:." he said, letting out a string of beeps that sounded like laughter.

Apparently Gadget wanted some attention to, because not only seconds after pulling away from the bot, Gadget had latched himself onto the side of my face, letting out a flurry of beeps and whirls.

"Alright, alright bubs." I giggled. "Hold your horses."

I turned my face slightly, giving the small bot a kiss on the helm.

"There. Happy?" Gadget nods his helm excitedly, crawling back down my shoulder and into my bag, probably going back to sleep.

".:Where's-my kiss?:." Bee asked with a few jealous beeps.

"Oh, you want a kiss?" I ask with a small laugh, earning a nod from the bot in front of me. "Alright cutie, come here." I beckoned him to lean down, which the bot gladly did.

I laid a soft kiss right over his mouth piece, making the bot practically melt.

"My cutie..." I laughed with a large smile.

".:My-(y/n):." He simply responded.


I exited the barn, the ghost of a smile still decorating my features as I look around for my pain in the ass of a brother. 

"Sam!" I called after finally catching sight of him; although I instantly regret it when I realized what he was doing. "Quit sucking your girlfriends face and come here for a second, I need your help!"

My brother flushes a bright red, excusing himself away from Mikaela as he made his way over to me. "Listen (y/n), about before-"

"I don't want to hear your lousy excuse of an apology Sam." I growled. "And that wasn't even the reason why I called you over here." 

Now my brother was just confused, obviously thinking I just wanted to yell at him some more. 

Well, I do...But that's beyond the point. 

I grab my brother by the front of his shirt, pulling him close enough so he could her me as I muttered underneath my breath. "I found a sliver of the Allspark in my satchel bag, the one I wore during the battle of Mission City."

Sam's mouth fell open slightly, gaping at me. "You WHAT?!-"

I quickly cover his mouth, a snarl finding its way onto my features. "Be quiet!" I whispered harshly. "Do you want the entire neighborhood to hear you?!"

Sam slowly shook his head, eyeing me wearily. 

"Rhetorical question jackass." I rolled my eyes. "Now, if I remove my hand do you promise to keep the volume to a minimum?" 

My brother just continues to stare at me. 

"That wasn't rhetorical." I deadpanned, moving my hand so it was now gripping his arm as I pulled him with me towards the house. "Now come on, I need your help finding it."

Sam and I weave our way through the crowd of firefighters and police officers, a good couple of minutes passing before we reach our destination: The Kitchen. 

"The fragment burned its way through my floor, so it should be here somewhere." I nod towards my brother, motioning to the right side of the kitchen. "You go right, I can check the left. Tell me if you find anything."

With that, we both get to work digging our way through the trashed remnants of the kitchen. 


"Hey (n/n)!" My brother called to me. "I think I found it!"

"Really?" I turn the corner, my eyes landing on the small sparking sliver of the Allspark. "Perfect! Now just make sure you don't touch it-"

"SON OF A BITCH!" My brother shouted, dropping the fragment onto the ground as he clutched his now burned hand. 

"How am I related to you?" I scoffed, rubbing the bridge of my nose in irritation. 

I grab a small towel off of what used to be our kitchen counter, picking up the small shard and wrapping it in the clothe before putting it in the pocket of my coat. 

"I'm going to have to talk with Bee to see if we can organize a meeting with Lennox, or even Optimus. I have a feeling they are going to want to know about this-" I stop in my tracks, the lost look in my brothers eyes catching me off guard. 

"Sammy...?" I called slowly, kneeling down next to him. "Are you okay?"

My brother seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in, nodding his head in my direction. "Yeah I'm fine." He answered, but I didn't quite believe him. "Just got lost in thought there for a second."

"Okay..." I say slowly, getting up. "Are you sure?"

Sam just nods, getting up himself before making his way to exit the kitchen. "I'm going to go say goodbye to Mikaela, talk to you later (n/n)."

"What the hell was that about?" I mutter, staring at the spot my brother was standing at a moment ago. "Did he...did he see it too?"


Word Count: 3,209

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