แดพแตƒแต–แต‰สณ & แดตโฟแต โžต H. Potter โœ”๏ธ

By hollandspotter

1.3M 47.7K 97.2K

๐ˆ๐ง ๐ฐ๐ก๐ข๐œ๐ก, ๐‡๐š๐ซ๐ซ๐ฒ ๐๐จ๐ญ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐˜/๐ง ๐Œ๐š๐ฅ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ฒ ๐Ÿ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ข๐ง ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž.. ๐“๐ก๐ซ๐จ๐ฎ๐ ๐ก ๐ฉ... More

Hello! 'หŽห—
hello (2)
'หŽห— First Letter
'หŽห— Second Letter
'หŽห— Third Letter
'หŽห— Fourth Letter
'หŽห— Doubts
'หŽห— Fifth Letter
'หŽห— Sixth Letter
'หŽห— Oh Brother
'หŽห— Seventh Letter
'หŽห— Eighth Letter
nineth letter
tenth letter
eleventh letter
twelveth letter
thirteenth letter
fourteenth letter
the meeting
fifteenth letter
sixteenth letter
seventeenth letter
eighteenth letter
nineteenth letter
twentieth letter
twenty first letter
sirius black
twenty second letter
twenty third letter
twenty fourth letter
malfoy twins
twenty fifth letter
twenty sixth letter
full moon?
twenty seventh letter
twenty eighth letter
twenty nineth letter
thirtieth letter
thirty first letter
page 394
marauders map
thirty second letter
lucius and draco
the confession
king's cross
thirty third letter
thirty fourth letter
thirthy fifth letter
thirty sixth letter
thirty seventh letter
thirty eighth letter
thirty nineth letter
real family
fortieth letter
forty first letter
world cup
forty second letter
forty third letter
forty third letter
forty fourth letter
astronomy tower
goblet of fire
forty fourth letter
forty second letter
forty fifth letter
forty sixth letter
forty seventh letter
forty eighth letter
forty nineth letter
dance partner
dance lessons and chaos
fiftieth letter
fifty first letter
best brother award
the L word
fifty second letter
fifty fourth letter
father's visit
in this together
the yule ball
fifty third letter
fifty fifth letter
fifty sixth letter
order of the phoenix
fifty seventh letter
fifty eighth letter
fifty nineth letter
sixtieth letter
drifting apart
sixty first letter
dumbledore's army
last time
bubbles' diary
haz's diary
sixty second letter
sixty third letter
the attack
the argument
valentine's day
goodbye, sirius
back with you
the poem
weasley's wizard wheezes
dark mark
said & done
sixty fourth letter
secret revealed
dinner party
hermione's heartache
the promise
snow angels
draco's diary
christmas party
back to the burrow
date day
ron's choice
late night snack
the wedding
malfoy manor
theo's regrets
goodbye dobby
high enough
back to hogwarts
the fire and whispers
the final battle
looking back
romeo & juliet
Vol 2,
Vol. 2.1 | Four Years Later
Vol. 2.2 | Memory lane
Vol. 2.3 | The Moon
Vol. 2.4 | Telling Teddy
Another letter?
Vol. 2.5 | Runaway (Almost) Bride
Vol. 2.6 | Reunited
Vol. 2.7 | Home
Vol. 2.8 | Ron's Plan
Vol 2.9 | Butterfly
Vol 2.10 | Doe
Vol. 2.11 | Love Train
Vol. 2.12 | Best Friends' Happy Day
Vol. 2.13 | Snatched Away
Vol. 2.14. | Weird Juice
Vol. 2.15 | Pre-Engagement
Vol. 2.16 | The Confrontation
Vol. 2.17 | Potter V Nott
Vol. 2.18 | Draco Malfoy's Help
Vol. 2.19 | Antidote
Vol. 2.20 | Father's Blessing
Vol 2.21 | Unwanted Engagement
Vol 2.22 | The Ring
Vol. 2.23 | The Celebration
Vol. 2.24 | The Dance
Vol. 2.25 | Popping The Question
Vol. 2.27 | Baby?
Vol 2.28 | Mini Potter
Epilogue I
Epilogue II
Epilogue III
Paper & Ink.
the first chapter, rewritten

Vol. 2.26 | Finally.

4.6K 195 1.1K
By hollandspotter

y/n malfoy

It's finally my wedding day today.

After everything that has happened, Harry and i are finally getting our promised happily ever after.

As promised, our wedding is being held at Hogwarts, on summer break, so we wouldn't be bothering the students. So now here i am, sitting in front of a mirror, with Hermione behind me. "You look stunning," My best friend says, resting her hands on my shoulder. I stand up, and hug her immediately. "Thank you," i whisper. "For what, being the great friend i am?" Hermione playfully asks.

We break the hug, and she laughs, "Look at us, being the two married best friends we are." I chuckle in response, as Moony comes creeping up behind Hermione.

"Can't believe you're finally getting married," Moony says, "I remember when you two were in your third year, trying to navigate your love lives, and now here you are. I knew from the way his eyes lit up when he talked about you mentioning the patronus charm, that you mean a great deal to him."

Tears start rolling down from his eyes. I sigh, hugging him, "Don't cry, Moony." He wipes his tears as we break the embrace, putting on a smile.

"My darling.." Molly Weasley pulls me in for a tight embrace. She muffles, "I may not be the one who gave birth to you, but i love you like my own daughter."

"I love you too, mum," I smile at her once we break apart. She caresses my cheek, and whispers, as tears fall down her eyes, "Thank you for choosing me as your mother."

"Whenever you're ready, Y/n," Hermione says, "By the time i reach that altar, you'll have to come out. So just tell me when you're—"

"I'm ready," I interrupt her. She smiles, and gives me another tight hug before exiting the room and walks down the aisle.

"My little girl.." My biological mother comes up to me. She hugs me tight, and says, "23 years ago, the day when you and your brother were born was the happiest i have ever been. But today.. I'm watching my baby get married.. I am so proud of you."

When we break apart, i find Arthur Weasley, and he seems like he was wiping tears from his face. I approach him and give him a warm hug, "I don't want to get all emotional, but it's just hard not to," He says, as i chuckle, "Thank you for everything."

I walk out of the room with my father, Lucius Malfoy. We link our arms together, and proceed to the hall. He says, "I know i wasn't good to you most of your life. But Merlin, am i proud to be your father and walk you down the aisle today."

The doors of the great hall open, and i find it just like the setting of the yule ball years ago. It is very well decorated, and just beautiful in general. As i walk down the aisle, i meet familiar eyes in the crowd and on the altar. Ron's standing by Harry's side as the best man, while Fred, George, and my brother Draco are the groom's men.

We reach the altar, and Harry takes my hand from my father's grasp. "Careful, careful," My father warns. Harry whisper shouts defensively, "I am careful!" My father shoots him a glare, and Harry gulps before correcting himself, "I mean, yeah, of course, Mr. Malfoy."

"You look absolutely stunning," Harry compliments me, and i return it, "You don't look so bad yourself, Potter."

The pastor starts, "Welcome to the most important day in the lives of Harry and Y/n. Today, promises have become permanent and friends have become family. Today is a celebration and we are here to celebrate with Harry and Y/n Thank you for joining us today on such a wonderful occasion."

"We shall begin the ceremony."

"Mr. Harry Potter."

"Yes, sir."

"Are you ready?"

"I am."

"Do you, Harry James Potter, take Y/n Narcissa Malfoy as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"We'll be together even after death, but sure, yeah. I do."

"Do you, Y/n Narcissa Malfoy, take Harry James Potter as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"Same thing he said, but i do."

"Friends and family, i proudly present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Potter."

Harry pulls me in for a kiss immediately, as we hear applahds and whistles from the crowd. "We did it," He says, hugging me tight. I reply with a simple, "Yep."

"We finally did it."


After the ceremony, we all gather around the hall once more. Each guests sit at a round white table with their companions to hear the speech session.

"Good evening, everyone," My father stands up, starting his speech, "I am Lucius Malfoy, father to the beautiful bride, and i am very happy to be standing here today." He smiles warmly, looking at me and Harry.

He continues, "I have been waiting for this moment for over 20 years now. Not that I have always looked forward to it because for most of those years I worked hard to protect my daughter from making this decision too young in her life. But I can truthfully say that I knew that this day would come and have been thinking about what I would say in terms of counsel and wishes for my little girl and her new husband."

"My daughter, Y/n.." He starts again, taking a deep breath as he does so, "I know that i wasn't all that perfect of a father. And i would like to thank Arthur Weasley for filling in that spot for you."

"But you've got to know that i love and care about you. You're married now, to the one you love. And i am so sorry i got into the middle of your relationship. I'm sorry i tried to take away your happiness. I'm very proud of you and how far you both have come. At times, i still see the excited four year old who used to sing twin songs with her brother. And now look at you. A married woman."

He pauses and clasps his hands, turning to Harry and i, saying, "Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Potter." The crowd applauds, as my father comes up and hugs me. "Thank you," I muffle into his shoulder, and he kisses the top of my head before walking back to his table.

And then it was Draco's turn.. Boy am i excited for what this git has to say.

"My twin sister, Y/n.." He starts. He kind of looks like he's trying to hold his laughter and tears at the same time. I didn't even know that was possible, "We've been together since birth, and now seeing you get married is.. An emotional experience for me. But i'm glad that you are happy. And.. Pot—" He stops himself, taking a deep breath before he continues. He turns to Harry, and smiles, "Harry.."

I smile widely at him. That's the first time he has ever called Harry by his first name. "We've had our differences, mate. And i did not like you one bit during school. But i know that making my sister feel special is what you do best. And i thank you for that."

"I'm so happy for you. And i just can't believe we've both grown up. Congratulations. You'll forever be my little sister, Y/n Potter," He concludes his speech, as applauds emerge from the guests. He walks over to my table, and pulls me into a tight embrace.

Draco's the one who has been with me through everything in my life. We spent 9 months in the womb together, we learned how to walk together, we learned magic together. We did everything with each other, like twins do. And his speech
touched me. I begin to cry on his shoulder. Happy tears. As Draco rubs my back and laughs, "You shouldn't be crying on your wedding day."

After we break away, Draco gives Harry a quick but heartfelt hug, and goes back to his table, sitting with Astoria, Blaise, Theo, and Luna.

Harry stands up, grabbing the microphone. He takes my hand, and chuckles, "Y/n.. Y/n Potter. I have loved you since we were fourteen."

"I knew that it wasn't going to be easy," He continues, "I knew that there would be problems along the way, seeing who our families are. But one thing i knew for sure is that we're meant to be. I could feel it. And i was right."

"During all those hard times, we stayed together. And i can't be more grateful to have you as my wife."

"If Sirius was here, he'd tease the hell out of us. If my mum and dad were here they'd be ecstatic. If Dobby was here, he'd be so happy seeing his little Miss Malfoy become Mrs. Potter. But without us seeing them, they're here. They're right her with us."

"I love you, Y/n Potter, you're my chosen one. And i'm so excited to start a brand new life with you."

He pulls my hand up, making me stand. I instantly wrap my arms around his neck, and pull him in for a kiss. Harry smiles against my lips, and puts a lock of my hair behind my ear. Once we break the kiss, we just stare and smile at each other, knowing how much we've wanted this. How long we've waited for it.

"You wanna say a few words, Mrs. Potter?" Harry offers, handing the mic to me. I gladly take it, and start by greeting the guests, "Hello everyone, thank you all for being here."

"I'm Y/n Potter. Oh wow i'm Y/n Potter." I chuckle as the realization hits. My eyes find Harry's, and he gives me a subtle nod. "And i'm incredibly happy to be standing here, among all of you to celebrate my marriage," I add.

"Harry and i were each other's first love. We've been together for a decade. And it has been eventful.. Very eventful. But i'm glad we both had each other during every problem we had to face. I truly do love my husband, Harry James Potter."

I turn back to look at Harry, and smile, "Thank you for everything, Harry." The guests applaud again, as i sit back down beside my husband. Everyone has done their speeches, so now it's time for the feast.

Or so i thought.

Theo had other plans..

Theodore motherfucking Nott, suddenly barges to my table and snatches the microphone. I look up at him with confusion. He doesn't even look presentable. His tie is all tangled up, his wavy dark hair is incredibly messy, and he seems a little tipsy. "Uh.. Ehem," He clears his throat, "Ayo, best friend check. Hey everyone."

"What is he doing?" Harry leans closer and whispers to me, and i merely shrug in response. Because truth is, i have no idea what this fucker is about to do.

"I wasn't supposed to talk. But i'm going to anyway," Theo shrugs, and proceeds to start his speech, "Uh.. Y/n Potter here has been my friend since birth. And i know that we had our little fight phase.. But you know i care a lot about you, and it's just weird seeing you get married when i still sometimes see you as a one year old who couldn't say the word strawberry."

"Y/n was such an insane baby," He continues, as i bury my face in my hands, "One time, we were playing paper planes and our plane fell into a garbage bin and she searched for it with her own bare hands. Smelled like rotten rats after that."

The guests (Including Harry) laugh, while Theo looks at me with a smug proud look on his face. "Um.. Basically, i just wanted to embarrass you at your wedding to be honest. Because that's what besties do. Congrats, i'm so happy for you both. Well, that was me, Theodore Nott, i'm out," He concludes, and drops the mic. As if this was a rap battle.

The crowd laughs and cheers, while i can see Luns scolding Theo. Harry laughs along, and asks jokingly, "Paper planes in a garbage bin?" I roll my eyes, and sigh, "For fuck's sake, Theo."

It's finally time for the father-daughter and the mother-son dance. We all proceed to the lakeside. As Harry and i planned, we wanted our dance to be here, since the place brings back so many memories. My father takes my hand, and glides me around gracefully as the music starts. While Harry is having his dance with Mrs. Weasley.

"I am very proud of you.." My father smiles. He stops for a while, and continues, "... Mrs. Potter."

After a few minutes of dancing, the mother and father passes their kids to their partner. Harry takes my hand, and we begin dancing, as Mrs. Weasley and my father leaves the dance floor.

The lake looks beautiful, truly. The sunset, the sun's reflection on the water, the sound of the splashes of the lake, the breeze of wind running through our hair. It's just like everything i have dreamed of.

"Well.. This is it," Harry chuckles, "Our special day, bubbles." I laugh, and playfully hit his shoulder, "Not that nickname again." Harry laughs along, as we sway to the music. He spins me around, and when i face him again, i whisper, "I'm very happy right now." He replies, "And so am i."

"All those tears paid off."

"And all those months running away from Voldemort."

"I love you," Harry whispers, as i reply, still smiling like an idiot, "I love you too."

"Can't believe we finally did it."

The music stops, and i can hear Ron's voice announcing, "And now for the bouquet toss!" He walks over to Harry and i, and hands over a bouquet of various flowers. "Here you go, Mr. and Mrs. Potter," He teases, as Harry and i take it. We both get into the position, holding the bouquet, our backs facing the women who are desperate to catch it.

"One.. Two.. Three!"

We throw the bouquet of flowers back. And we hear screams of excitement. When Harry and i turn back, i gasp, and join the screams. "DRACO!!!! LOOOKKKKKK!!!! ASTORIA CAUGHT IT!!!!!"

Harry looks excited as well. While Draco slowly comes up to Astoria, taking her hand. He reaches for something in his pocket, revealing a ring box. YES. A RING BOX. Draco gets on one knee, and says,

"Will you do a sod like me the honour of marrying such a brilliant woman like you?"


"BOTH OF THEM NOW?" I hear my parents both shout. I look towards them, to find my mother tugging on my father's shirt, squealing, "LUCIUS, THAT'S OUR KIDS! GETTING MARRIED LEFT AND RIGHT!" My father sighs, "Merlin, we're old, Narcissa."

guess who's back back again ze brother tell a friend. did yall miss me ;)

but anyways my sister said there's still gonna be 2 new chapters + 3 epilogues. so 5 chapters in total. and then she can start crying all day because this fan fiction is over. isn't that just fantastic

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