Thirsty? (Bakugo x OC)

Від ChantalRighter

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Sweet like a lemon, eh? * * * Katsuki Bakugo is ready for his second year at UA to be all about him but the... Більше

notes and updates
One - A Fresh Face
Two - Dorms
Three - Mirio
Four - Sports Festival
Five - Rematch
Six - Katsuki Snaps 🍋
Seven - Nothing Happened
Eight - End of Term
Nine - Ren's Birthday 🍋
Ten - The Return
Eleven - Recovery
Twelve - Granny B
Thirteen - Origin
Fourteen - Perspective
Fifteen - Trial
Sixteen - Chinami-Ren Arakawa
Seventeen - Okinawa 🍋
Eighteen - A Date..?
Nineteen - Attack on the Sand
Twenty - Aftermath
Twenty-One - Journey Home 🍋ish
Twenty-Two - Re(n)venge 🍋
Twenty-Three - Offer
Twenty-Four - Saturdate
Twenty-Five - Endeavour Agency Interview
Twenty-Six - Burns
Twenty-Seven - School Festival 🍋(ish)
Twenty-Eight - Self Control 🍋
Twenty-Nine - Dresses
Thirty - Shattered
Thirty-One - Partners
Thirty-Two - A Todoroki Family Dinner
Thirty-Three - Vantastic
Thirty-Four - Unfinished Business
Thirty-Five - Tobi
Thirty-Seven - While They Dance
Thirty-Eight - After They Dance 🍋
Thirty-Nine - A Bakugo Family Christmas
Forty - Back to the Lab Again
Forty-One - Quirky Adventures 🍋
Forty-Two - Intentions
Forty-Three - Spring Festival Interrupted
Forty-Four - Riled Up Rivalry
Forty-Five - Year End
Forty-Six - Session One
Forty Seven - Session Two
Forty-Eight - Session Three
Forty-Nine - Ren's Summer
Fifty - Dabi's Summer
Fifty-One - Normality
Fifty-Two - The Arakawa Family
Fifty-Three - Plans
Fifty-Four - Breaking In
Fifty-Five - Breaking
Fifty-Six - Breaking Out
Fifty-Seven - Every-goddamn-thing

Thirty-Six - Before They Dance

1.4K 53 25
Від ChantalRighter

Don't do it, Kacchan...

... I'm gonna do it.


"Aaaaaah-! I don't get him, Kirishima!" Ren groaned as she slumped over onto the kitchen counter. "One minute he's brushing me off, calling me a slut and the next minute he's putting himself on the line for me."

"Wait, he actually called you that?" Kirishima frowned at Ren while he filled his water bottle up.

"Yeah. He did. That night I went to Todoroki's..." She sighed. "You know how I told you Bakugo was really jealous of him and I tried to pry it out of him that I wanted some kind of commitment to our relationship and that's why we like, kinda broke up?"

Kirishima wracked his brain as he thought back to the conversation he and Ren had had the morning after she'd beaten Bakugo blue. "...Yeah?"

"Well, turns out his suspicions about Todoroki were right, and that's my bad for being so naive about it, so I tried to patch things up with him. I didn't even get a word out before he hit me with a slew of insults. Asking if Todoroki's dick hadn't satisfied me enough and that he had to warn Ochaco that I'd try fuck Midoriya next." Ren felt her throat run dry as both tears and yells of anger tried to escape her body. She had to press her hands against her forehead to suppress the need to cry and scream at the same time.

"That's not very manly of him." Kirishima pinched his chin between his thumb and forefinger as he thought to himself. Would he really say something like that? Bakugo's not that kinda guy... Sure, he's a dickhead but he wouldn't say that to a girl. Especially not the one he lo-

"Bakugo is... A complex guy." He said after a moment.

"You're telling me." Ren rolled her eyes and stood back up straight.

"The question is Ren, given everything he's said and done, what do you want from him?" Kirishima asked.

"You know what I want." She folded her arms over her chest sadly. "Do you respect me less for that? You know, given what he did say?"

A small smile spread over his lips and he shook his head. "I think you've both been pretty shitty towards one another. And any idiot can see it's cause you're both hurt."

"I've tried to make the first move but- Well, we see where that went." Ren mumbled. "Maybe I've just gotta move on, ya know? I made a deal with myself after that night we "broke up" that I wouldn't let this stuff get in my way anymore. And you heard Aizawa yesterday, I've dropped from 1st in the class to 4th this term all because of the stupid boy drama. Urgh!" She flopped onto the counter again. "I wish he'd apologise for saying that to me at least but the jackass is too damn proud."

"Don't you think the trial, your work study and being comatose for a few days twice may have had an impact on that?" Kirishima asked like he was trying to remind her and reassure her that it wasn't all totally her fault.

"No." Ren said blankly. "Boy drama is always to blame." Kirishima pouted at his failed attempt to cheer her up as Ren sighed. "I appreciate you trying to crack the code of your dumbass best friend's mind with me, Kiri, but I gotta go." She slid back up and gathered a few of her things that she'd had sat on the bench behind them. "Got work study."

"Really?" Kirishima tilted his head to the side. "I thought Todoroki said you'd been given today off cause tonight's the dance?"

"Yeah. That was before I talked smack to Endeavour's face." Ren rubbed her temples. "As satisfying as it was, I don't think I'll get a weekend off until we graduate or I quit from pure frustration. And I think that's his plan."

"That kinda sucks." He mumbled as he walked with her to the front entrance of their dorm building. "I know all the other girls are really excited to get ready for tonight together."

Ren groaned. "Aaaah! 'Shima! Why'd you have to remind me?" She pouted. "I have to get dressed at the agency. Depressing."

Kirishima hated seeing any of his friends so disheartened. "Aw, Ren." He mumbled before he wrapped an arm over her shoulders and gently placed his hand on her head. He pulled her into a soft hug, letting her just lean into his chest and allow her to feel sorry for herself for a few moments. "It's gonna be okay. B-Boy drama is nothing compared to what you've been through already."

"I know." She muffled into his chest. "Thanks, Kirishima."

"I guess I'll see you at the dance tonight then."

Kirishima waved goodbye to Ren as she made her way down the front steps of the building. After he shut the door he hummed to himself as he thought. It was strange to admit to himself but he kinda missed the days when he'd help Ren and Bakugo sneak around, when he and Uraraka would have to coordinate stories with one another to keep their secret safe. It was like they were involved in a top secret mission, and he missed having that little thing that was just theirs. And on top of that, Bakugo was happy. More than anything he missed seeing his friend happy.

He missed seeing both of his friends happy.


His thoughts travelled with him all the way down to the gym where he was running a little late on his session after chatting with Ren.

"Took ya damn long enough." Bakugo growled at him as he entered. Even though it was only a few minutes passed their agreed time, he was sick of waiting and had already started warming up and stretching. "What kept you?"

"I was just filling my water bottle." Kirishima grinned as he shook his bottle around a few times.

"Hurry up and get started!" Bakugo barked at him as he began loading weights onto a bar. "Upper body today."

"You think the pump will make you look better in your suit?" Kirishima asked sarcastically as he began stretching his shoulders out. Bakugo shot him a dirty look because yes, that's exactly what he was thinking. The redhead chuckled to himself.

After he'd suitably warmed up, Bakugo had Kirishima take the first round of bench pressing with his warmup weight loaded on the bars while he spotted for him. They were always trying to one up the other while working out but as it stood, Kirishima could always lift just a little more than Bakugo each time. Something Bakugo refused to let anyone else hear about. They swapped so Bakugo could have his warmup round too and then the real workout began.

Kirishima wobbled a little at first with the added weight but managed to keep himself fairly steady as he pushed. Bakugo usually remained silent when he spotted for Kirishima, occasionally he'd make a note to correct his form but this time he was constantly telling him to adjust his form and reminding him to breathe. Kirishima had just finished his third set when his poor performance had annoyed Bakugo long enough.

"You're not focused. What's wrong?" Bakugo asked as he pulled the barbell onto the stand so Kirishima could slide off of the bench.

"Just thinking." He mumbled back to him as he wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Seems like you're doing the opposite." Bakugo slid onto the bench and got into position underneath the barbell. "What's on your mind?"

Kirishima stood behind Bakugo to spot him and furrowed his brow. "It's Ren."

"Ah fuck." Bakugo groaned. "Don't tell me you like her too?!" He gripped onto the barbell tightly and lifted it up from the stand with Kirishima's help.

"Nah dude, you know I don't see her like that. She's a friend... Why, would you be jealous if I did?" Kirishima wiggled his eyebrows as Bakugo pushed the bar up for his first rep.

"Fuck off." Bakugo huffed. "You only know why it happened cause she blabbed to you. I told you I didn't wanna talk about it." He lowered the bar for another press.

"You didn't tell me you called her a slut." Kirishima's expression and tone suddenly turned dark and serious. The kind of expression Bakugo rarely saw on his normally peppy and cheerful best friend. The kind of expression he'd only given to villains or nasty kids from other high schools they'd competed against the past.

"W-what?! When did I do that?!" He pushed the bar pack up and let out a groan as he slipped it back onto the stand.

"The night she went to Todoroki's." Kirishima said quietly as he lifted the bar back into Bakugo's hands. "Apparently, you said some real nasty things to her that night, man."

Bakugo thought back to that night as he pulled the bar down to his chest. He remembered hearing from Hagakure that Ren was at Todoroki's that night. He remembered how much it hurt his chest to hear her say that.

"Watch your form." Kirishima muttered to him as he helped Bakugo adjust his shoulder.

He remembered going back to his room in a fury. He remembered kicking the bottom drawer of his desk and hearing a bottle clank about in the drawer when he did so. He remembered finding the half empty bottle of rum Midoriya had brought to his room after Ren had gotten drunk the night she found out her father was back in Japan. He remembered taking that first throat burning, gut turning sip and then-

"Dude!" Kirishima gripped onto the bar when Bakugo's right arm wobbled off to the side, making him almost dropped its entire weight on his chest. The two of them slammed the bar back onto the stand as Bakugo tried to catch his breath. "Now who's too much in their own head?"

"I- I did say that to her." Bakugo stammered. He kept his hands on the barbell and tightened his grip on the steel. 'Tch.' I knew I'd done something that night but I couldn't remember. I'm fucking dumb.


"So, what?" Bakugo snapped out of his thoughts and glared at Kirishima.

"So, are you going to apologise?"

"Pfft, why should I?" He went to lift the bar again but Kirishima slammed his hands onto it to keep Bakugo from moving it.

"Because that was really shitty?!"

"Let go!" Bakugo barked at him.

"No, you idiot! You hurt her feelings!"

"And she didn't hurt mine?!" Bakugo felt his hands burning against the steel bar. He used it to pull himself up as he slid off of the bench. "She beat the shit out of me, she went off with that icy-hot bastard and she made it pretty fucking clear that she wants nothing to do with me!"

"You dense dumbass!" Kirishima slapped his own forehead. "She was trying to apologise to you that night! But you're too eager to let your jealousy and your pride get in the way! She realised that you were right about Todoroki and she felt bad that she'd been too blind not to see it. She wanted to apologise, hell, she probably would've seen past the fact that you were the one who wouldn't even commit to your damn relationship!"

"PLEASE!" Bakugo crossed his arms over his chest. "Yeah, okay, maybe she wanted to apologise to me but there's no way she'd wanna get back togeth-"

"OH MY GOD, YOU MORON!" Kirishima slapped his hands over his face before he ran them through his jagged red hair. "SHE STILL HAS FEELINGS FOR YOU! How can you not see that?!"

Bakugo's eyes widened as his arms fell pathetically to his sides. He took a step back, his breath hitching in his throat. "W-what?"

"So are you going to be a man and take responsibility for your own stupid actions?! Or are you going to just be pathetic little boy who let the girl he's in love with slip through his fingers?!"




"Or I could just get it." Masaru said to himself quietly as he stepped over to the door. "Hi Inko, Izuku, great to see you both again. Please come in." He swung the door open widely enough for Midoriya and his mother to step through.

"Thank you for inviting us, Masaru." Inko and Midoriya both bowed politely before they slipped their shoes off.



"It's nice to see that they haven't changed after all of these years." Inko said with a little giggle while Masaru escorted them through to the living room.

"And I don't think they ever will." Masaru chuckled awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ah, Inko, Izuku!" Mitsuki popped into the living room with a bright smile that contrasted the harsh yells they'd heard her exchanging with Bakugo. "Izuku! You look so handsome!" She pinched Midoriya's freckled cheeks.

"Th-th-thanks, Mrs Bakugo." Midoriya squeaked as his cheeks got pulled in every direction.

"I think it was a great idea bringing the boys together before their first school dance." Inko began. "To see how they've changed so much since they were little kids. Oh, it makes my heart so full." She held her hands up to her cheeks and huffed to prevent any more tears from coming. She'd already shed a few proud mamma tears when Midoriya came out of his room all suited up.

"I'll take any chance I get to snag a photo of that dumbass in formal clothing. More material for me to embarrass him with." Mitsuki chuckled to herself darkly.

"Alright, I'm ready." They heard Bakugo groan as he came down the hallway. "Let's just get this over with fast and- are you kidding me?! Dammit Deku! He's wearing the same suit as me!"

"KATSUKI! MANNERS!" Mitsuki exploded at him but he just rolled his eyes and shoved his hands into his pockets. "Get over there so we can take photos of you two boys."

Bakugo groaned and stepped over to Midoriya against a blank wall in the room. "For real, Deku?! First you copy my school, then my moves, now you're wearing the same damn suit as me?!"

It's true, they'd literally bought the exact same suit. A charcoal grey slim fit on both of them, for Midoriya because he still looked skinny in most clothing and for Bakugo because he liked going a smidge too small on clothing to show off his physique.

"I-I didn't realise you'd bought this too, Kacchan." Midoriya stammered as their mother's began snapping photos on their phones. They told them both to smile but only Midoriya listened.

"Let me guess. That dumbass hair-for-brains Kirishima recommended the store to you?" Bakugo groaned and smacked his mother's hand away when she tried to adjust his hair. "I just got it how I like it!"

They'd even done their hair fairly similarly. While Bakugo had spent an absurd amount of time in the bathroom with his mom's hairdryer and a pot of hair gel, swooping his messy and uncontrollable hair back until it laid back neatly. Midoriya, on the other hand, had just kinda wet his hands and slapped them into his head until his messy green mop laid a little more neatly than normal.

"No ones going to notice, they're both just grey. We're wearing different coloured ties anyway." Midoriya reassured him but all he got back from Bakugo was an irritated growl. Hardly, Midoriya's tie was a blue-toned charcoal grey while Bakugo's was a slate grey.

"H-How much longer do we have to do this, mom?" Midoriya asked his mother when they'd been separated for individual shots.

"Why? Don't you still have some time before you have to go?" Inko asked.

"Umm..." He tugged at his collar awkwardly. "Well, it's just that I..."

"He's got a date tonight." Bakugo muttered as he tilted his head slightly to the side while his mom continued to take photos. As much as he absolutely despised having his photo taken, he knew his good angles, he knew he looked good.

"What?!" Inko's eyes widened almost to the size of half her face. "A date, Izuku?!"

Midoriya chuckled uncomfortably as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Y-yeah. I kinda do."

His mother gasped. "Is it with that cute girl you always tell me about, Uro-? Uru-?"

"Ochaco Uraraka, yeah... That's her." Midoriya swallowed the weird and uncomfortable lump in his throat as his cheeks and ears began to turn red.

"Oh Izuku that's so adorable!" Inko squeaked.

"Who are you taking then, Katsuki?" Mitsuki asked.

"Hah?! Nobody, I don't even know why I'm going." He grumbled.

"What about that girl Granny B told me about?" Masaru butted in and immediately Bakugo froze. Midoriya gave him a knowing smirk that just made Bakugo more annoyed and more frozen.

"Sh-She told you what?!" Bakugo barked. "I asked her to keep that to herself!"

"I guess she was too excited to see you'd brought a girl." Masaru shrugged with a little smile. "She greatly approved."

"Aaaaah, so that's why you stopped coming home as often on weekends." Mitsuki said as she crossed her arms.

"No. I stopped coming home cause you get on my nerves." Bakugo muttered.

Mitsuki's eyebrow twitched. "And?"

"And, what?!"

"And, did you ask her?!" Mitsuki tried to grab his head but he ducked out of the way and held his arms up defensively.

"Watch the hair, hag! And no, I didn't!"

"Why not?! What are ya, a coward?!" Mitsuki stomped her foot repetitively on the wooden floor. "I didn't raise you to be a lil' bitch, Katsuki!"

"Oh wow! Look at the time!" Midoriya glanced at his phone before he shoved it back into his pocket. He grabbed Bakugo's arm and began dragging him way from his mother before he tried to explode her skin off. "We better go so I'm not late for my date aha ahaha ha-!"

"LET GO OF ME DEKU! LET ME GIVE HER A PIECE OF MY MIND!" Bakugo screeched as he fought against Midoriya's grip.

"Now, now, Kacchan, you wouldn't want to ruin your hair, would you?" Midoriya said soothingly while he continued to pull Bakugo away. "See you later, mom!"

Bakugo huffed the whole way as he and Midoriya walked through the city from the train station. He kept trying to put a few steps distance between himself and Midoriya but he always managed just to keep up. Constantly cursing to himself that in many ways, even walking, the damn nerd Deku kept catching up to him.

"Stop following me, Deku!" He glanced behind him and scowled at the peppy broccoli.

"We're going the same way, Kacchan." Midoriya sighed. "Besides, you owe me."

"I don't owe you shit!"

"Even after you spilled the beans to my mom that I was taking Uraraka tonight, I helped you escape explaining who Ren was to your mom." Midoriya said proudly. It was a short lived moment of pride as Bakugo instantly shot him a deadly look. After he gulped, Midoriya pushed his buttons again. "Why did you never ask her?"

Bakugo hunched his shoulders defensively and dug his hands deeper into his pockets. "I don't know. I was- It made me nervous."

"I can't picture you being nervous about anything." Midoriya said as he held a finger to his chin.

"Well I was! I just- I kept thinking about this stupid thing that Yubiki said to me. We ran into him once and he was teasing me about Ren being my girlfriend. I dunno it just rubbed me the wrong way, reminded me that I was meant to focus on my goal of being the best. And ever since then I just got really nervous when it came to anything serious in our relationship." As Bakugo explained his shoulders became more and more hunched over and he wouldn't look at Midoriya. "Until I fucked up so bad that I don't think- Ah! It doesn't matter. Kirishima already lectured me about it today, I don't need you of all people to do the same thing."

Midoriya had always thought of and seen Bakugo as a powerhouse, an unwavering and unbeatable beast. Yet one girl had torn that down enough to make him be vulnerable in front of the one person he hated being vulnerable to.

"I had no idea it meant that much to you, Kacchan." Midoriya said softly.

"You better not repeat this to anyone!" Bakugo held a clenched fist in front of him as a threat.

"N-n-never!" Midoriya held his hands up defensively.

"Quick! Somebody stop those guys!" A panicked voice from across the street made them both pause and turn in the direction of the call. A man stood out the front of a tall building pointing and yelling at two masked and hooded figures who were dashing off with duffle bags leaking cash.

Midoriya and Bakugo exchanged a glance, immediately knowing what the other was thinking with a mere look.

'We shouldn't!'

'Oh but we really should!'

'Don't do it, Kacchan. Let the pros take care of it, we have a school event to get to.'

'...I'm gonna do it.'

"Dammit, Kacchan!" Midoriya cried out after him when Bakugo had blasted off after the guys. He activated his quirk with enough power to help him speedily catch up to Bakugo. The guys they were after were fast and probably both had a quirk that improved their speed.

Midoriya called out to pedestrians in front of and behind them to warn them of Bakugo's explosions as they traversed through the streets after the two guys. As they got closer they could see these two were big as well as fast and had two duffles strapped across each of their backs as well as the bags of cash they were carrying in their hands.

"Why haven't any heroes come out yet?!" Midoriya called to Bakugo as they dodged a street light.

"Don't know, don't care! I hope they don't, let's crush these guys!"

As they manoeuvred through the streets a driver passing them while they chased the criminals slowed down, like all the other cars, to see what the commotion was about. Only this person instantly recognised the aggressive blasts, the wild green hair and electric aura of the heroes in pursuit.

"I-is that... Midoriya and B-B-Bakugo?!"

The boys chased the two men into an alley where it seemed like they couldn't go any further. Bakugo rocketed through and tackled both guys to the ground, sending bags of cash flying into the air for Midoriya to catch.

"We got you bastards now!" Bakugo yelled as backed up next to Midoriya, who dumped all eight of the heavily stuffed cash bags behind them.

"We should just hold them off until someone else can help!" Midoriya said to him with a nod.

"Ha! You dumb kids." One of the guys sniggered as he stumbled up to his feet. They could see the other one smirking beneath his mask too. "I think it'd be best if you handed those back to us."

"You wanna try your shit with me?!" Bakugo barked while he positioned himself defensively, both hands displaying popping explosions.

Midoriya and Bakugo eyed the two guys, both pairs trying to calculate the others weaknesses and come up with some sort of game plan. They'd only been standing there for a few seconds when they heard the rumble of an engine starting from within the alley, and a dark car rolled down behind the two guys. Out of the front, another two hooded and masked, heavily muscled guys hoped out, holding loaded shotguns pointed at Bakugo and Midoriya.

"So, kid. You wanna try your shit with me?" The guy Bakugo had threatened a few seconds before asked with a snarky grin spreading onto his uncovered mouth.

Bakugo clenched his teeth. "You think we can still take these bastards?" He muttered to Midoriya.

"We haven't been trained to evade bullets, Kacchan." Midoriya mumbled back. "I don't know if either of us are fast enough to-"

A screeching of tires interrupted the stand of between boys and men as an old SUV skidded over the sidewalk and into the mouth of the alleyway.

"Is that-?"

A stream of flames poured out of the driver's side window and blocked the view of the criminals while the passenger doors popped open to Midoriya and Bakugo.

"Ren?!" Midoriya and Bakugo said simultaneously.

"Get in!" She yelled to them while she ducked down below the window. One of guys fired a shot into the flames. It hit the back door of Ren's car, immediately peppering the side with multiple holes. "Fuck! Move it!"

Bakugo and Midoriya clambered into Ren's car with the bags of cash as another shot blasted into the side of Ren's bonnet. She thrust the car into reverse and spun out of the entrance to the alley as the flames she'd cast as block began to die down.

"They're getting away with the cash! After them!" The criminals scrambled into their own car and rocketed after the three of them in Ren's SUV.

"What the hell are doing out here?!" Bakugo screamed at Ren as he messily buckled his seatbelt.

"Saving your ass! You're welcome by the way!" She yelled back as she began darting between the traffic.

"Uh guys, they're following us..." Midoriya muttered from the backseat.

"I don't need saving! I could've taken them by myself, you Freckle-Freak!" Bakugo yelled back at her while launching himself halfway across the gap between the passenger and driver's seat.

"They're definitely following us..."

"You really think you can out speed a goddamn gun, you Blasty Bastard?!" Ren barked back at him.

"GUYS!" Midoriya piped up from the backseat as a shot slammed against the back of Ren's car.

Bakugo's head snapped behind him to the rear windshield and Ren glanced at the rear view mirror. "Shit." She muttered. "I was hoping we'd get more of a head start." She upped her speed and swung the car onto the on-ramp that merged onto the highway.

"What are we gonna do?!" Midoriya piped out as the swerving between lanes made him roll back and forth, clattering around in the backseat like a rag doll.

"Put your damn seatbelt on for starters, Deku!" Bakugo turned back to him and growled.

"I think I have an idea but we've gotta get a bit further out!" Ren said as she darted her eyes between the road ahead, the cars around her and the pursuing vehicle firing shots at her car. Another shot took out the back window and another took one of her side mirrors. "Let's just pray these guys aren't good enough to take out a tire!"

"Mind telling us what you're thinking?!" Bakugo asked aggressively.

"Maybe if you asked nicely-"

"Guys!" Midoriya butted in as he gripped onto the back of Ren's seat. "Can you two not do this right now?!"

"Hey! Don't lecture me! What were you thinking being a hero the day you're taking out my best friend! Now you're gonna be late, Deku!" Ren swerved out of the way of a truck and sent Midoriya flying to the other side of the backseat.

"What did I say about your fucking seatbelt, Deku?!"

Ren thrust her phone into Bakugo's chest. "Call Hide!"

"Who the fucks Hide?!" Bakugo snarled as he began scrolling through her contacts. "Your new ~boyfriend~?"

Ren rolled her eyes and quickly shifted the wheel so the car would jolt enough to make Bakugo bump his head against the window.

"Do you fucking mind-?!"

"She's my superior at the Endeavour Agency."

"How's that gonna help-?"


Ren swerved onto another ramp that led to another less busy highway, closely followed by the guys chasing their cash.

"Arakawa, what's up?" Hide's voice echoed through her phone's speaker.

"Hide! We got a problem! Get a team together, I'm bringing you guys a gift."

"What does that mean-?"

Another shot blasted through the car and took out Ren's windshield. Now that both windshields were out, they could barely hear the phone or each other in the car over the screeching tires, over pushed engines and rushing wind.

"Arakawa, what's going on?! Are you in pursuit?!"

"Uhh... Kinda the opposite actually..."

"Where are you?!"

"I told you, I'm on my way!" Ren swerved harshly again and knocked Bakugo's against the passenger door so hard he dropped her phone.

"Can you be careful?!"

"You're the one who's driving!"

"That reminds me, can either of you drive?!" Ren glanced between the confused but always irritated looking Bakugo and the mildly beat up and carsick Midoriya.

"No!" The said in unison.

"Shit. This'll be harder then! Bakugo, I need you to take over!" Ren unbuckled her seatbelt.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Bakugo grabbed her seatbelt before it could zip back into place.

"It's easy, okay! It's an automatic so just keep your foot on the pedal and use this to make sure you don't crash into anyone!" She explained while tapping the steering wheel and to demonstrate she quickly overtook another car in front of them.


"Remember what you told me?! You're the best at everything, right?!" Bakugo's voice caught in his throat before he could argue. Ren pried his hand from her seatbelt. "Now come on! I'll use cruise control to maintain our speed while we swap over but after that just keep your foot flat!"

"Fuck, okay!" He grabbed onto the steering wheel to keep it straight while Ren squeezed past him and through the gap between the two front seats. A jolt of the car sent her crashing face first onto the backrest of the backseat, making her curse and swear as much as Bakugo was doing as he climbed into the driver's seat.

"N-now what?!" Midoriya squeaked when they were both in the back.

"Deku, you're with me!" Ren instructed as she rolled the back window down. "Goddammit I can't believe I'm doing this shit in heels."

"Please don't tell me we're about to do what I think you're doing?!" Midoriya crawled up the backseat behind her as Ren swung her arm through the open window and onto the roof of the car.

"Unfortunately, yes, that's exactly what we're doing!" Ren swung her other hand onto the roof and pulled herself through the window. She stared at the car behind them, checking to see what they were doing with their weapons presently. She popped her head back in. "Your quirk is like, strength right?"

Bakugo gulped and glanced at Midoriya through the rear view mirror. "Uh, yeah... Something like that..." Midoriya said uncomfortably. Another shot took out the mirror on the other side of her car.

"Think you can keep yourself and me stable on the roof of the car?"

"I-I think so but we might get shot!" Midoriya ran his hands through his now completely messed hair.

"Don't worry about that, I got it covered." Ren pulled herself back through the window and hoisted herself up. She used the door to kick her legs up, closely followed by Midoriya. He powered himself up as he clambered through the window and onto the roof of the rapidly moving vehicle. A constant nervous cry echoing from his throat.

The metal roof of the car crinkled against Midoriya's 23% powered grip. His other hand lay flat against to keep himself stable while he crouched low against the roof. Ren stood just in front of Midoriya, using him as an anchor to keep herself from swaying around too much as the car zipped between the traffic at its high speed.

She held her arms in front of her and drew a large circle with her hands over and over and over again. Midoriya felt the rushing wind around them change course as a force built up in front of them. The men in the car fired their weapons at duo trying to stand on the roof of the car. One shot hit her reverse light while the other headed straight for Ren's torso and Midoriya's head. The spray of bullets were instantly dispersed away as soon as they hit the force building in front of Ren.

"Told ya I got it covered!" Ren glanced down to Midoriya. "Oh! Tell Bakugo to take the next exit!"

"Kacchan! Take the next exit!" Midoriya called to him through the window.

"How the fuck do you indicate?!" Bakugo screamed to no one in particular. He over-swerved into the next lane, making Ren and Midoriya lose their balance for a second.

"DAMMIT BAKUGO!" Ren shrieked. "TAKE IT EASY!"


"Okay, we're almost there! Think you can hit this at them?!" Ren maintained the ball of wind in front of here while she glanced behind her to see where Bakugo was headed. "BAKUGO, WHEN I SAY SLAM ON THE BREAKS, SLAM!"

Ren leant on Midoriya's shoulder as he held the hand he'd kept flat on the roof to keep them stable up in front of him. He concentrated power into his hand and positioned in front of Ren's ball of wind. Ren glanced behind her again.

"Okay, hit it!" She instructed Midoriya and he flicked his finger to propel the ball towards the pursuing vehicle. "SLAM BAKUGO!"

The car skidded to an awkward halt just as the Deku powered ball of wind collided with the bonnet of the criminals' car. The duo immediately went flying off of the roof of the car, Midoriya thinking quickly enough to grab Ren and power up enough to cushion their landing. The car went rocketing upwards as the force from their speed met with the ball of wind propelled by Midoriya's hit. The car flew over Ren's SUV and came to a sliding, screeching crash, right at the foot of Endeavour's Agency.

Midoriya unfolded his arms to let Ren push herself up and see if her plan was a success. "Thanks for the save, Deku." She smirked down at him and offered her hand so they could pull each other up. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I think so." He nodded as he patted himself down. "I can't say the same thing about my blazer... Or your dress for that matter."

His jacket was ripped to shreds from rolling over the rough aggregate and Ren's dress wasn't in any better condition. One of the sleeves of her blue dress had been torn off completely while the other was hanging by a thread, the skirt of the dress had torn up to her hip and the material that wasn't ripped was dusty.

Bakugo stumbled out of the car. "You reckless idiots!"

"It worked, didn't it?!" Ren immediately matched his tone.

"Arakawa!" A young woman came bolting out of the building followed by a team of Endeavour's sidekicks. "What the hell is going on?!"

"Hide!" Ren waved at her. "There's the gift!" She pointed at the car they'd totalled just as the guys began crawling out of it. She and Midoriya slowly began edging back to Ren's car.

"Arakawa?!" Hide ran her hands through her hair. "What the hell did you do?! You're already on thin ice as it is and-!"

"Hide, I'd love to give you the details but my boy here has a date!" Ren slapped Midoriya's shoulder after the three of them had unloaded the eight bags of cash onto the road.

"Chinami-Ren! I swear you're gonna get fire-!"

"Gotta go!" Ren, Bakugo and Midoriya were already back in the car, and she was waving to Hide from the driver's seat as they sped away back the way they'd just come from.

Hide sighed before she looked between the duffle bags of cash and the four guys groaning as they crawled away from their destroyed vehicle. "That idiot... She did all the cool stuff and left the paperwork to us..."


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