The Boy Next Door...Literally

By urperfectpenny05

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Allison (Ally) Ford is a great student and daughter. She behaves and never has a problem with distractions. S... More

Chapter 1: Incoming
Chapter 3: Pathways and Tears
Chapter 4: Jealousy jelly
Chapter 5: Jealousy jelly (part 2)

Chapter 2: Tag along

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By urperfectpenny05

This chapter is a tad bit longer. Let me know if you like chapters like this long or if I should cut them short.


Dylan didn't come out of his room the rest of yesterday but I have to wake him up for school and I was dreading for him to have to go to the same school as me. 

I woke up at exactly 7:30, like every other school day. Except there is a new addition to my morning routine, well my whole routine. I got up to go and tell Dylan it was time for school. His room was right next door. It was weird to think we shared a wall. 

I knocked and knocked and knocked, no response. Right as I was about to knock once more the door swung open. 

"Can I help you?" 

There he was, Dylan Ruthbee. In a towel, water slid down his muscular body. His hair was soaking wet causing water to slide down his face all the way down to his neck. His well built curves matched his body perfectly. The towel was wrapped perfectly below his v-line.

"You like what you see princess?" 


"No and stop calling me princess" I rolled my eyes. It's a good nick name don't get me wrong, but not when it's coming from someone who's zero percent interested in you. 

"Why don't you want to be called princess, princess?" he gave me a seductive smile. How do I know it was a seductive smile? well because it was working alright.  

"Be ready by 8:15, there's breakfast in the fridge" I glanced at his powerful body once more. Who knows the next time I would see a body like that.  

"Yes ma'am" he stood in military form. 

"Shut it Ruthbee" I rolled my eyes as I walked away. I could feel eyes on me. Once I shut my bedroom door I heard his shut. 

Was he checking me out? 

Oh relax, the world doesn't revolve around you. Don't be an attention whore. 

I'm not. 

Sure you're not. 

I jumped in the shower, letting the hot water burn my skin. I stood underneath the shower head to let the water run down my face. I let my worries wash off into the drain. 

What if he embarrasses me

What if he get's in trouble?

What happens if he steals?

Or fights? 

Or ditches?

Or sets the school on fire? 

I don't even know why he went to Juvie in the first place. 

Suddenly I snap out of my gaze and back into reality because the water started to get cold. 

Great, now he's taking all the hot water

"Thanks for leaving me hot water!" I yelled from the inside of my room as I exited my shower. 

"No problem princess"

I shook my head in disbelief. Then I realized he sounded a little too close. I wrapped my towel around my body and tuck the remaining towel under my armpit. I exit my bathroom to see a nosy Dylan snooping in my room. 

"What are you doing in here? I'm naked!"

"Relax, you have a towel on. I'll throw you a dollar for something I haven't see before" he said as he took a closer look at everything on my walls. All four of my walls are covered with pictures, awards,words, ideas, letters, proud grades, and random junk I think is cool. My walls were filled with my thoughts and memories. 

I scoffed at what he said, "Well can you get out?" 

"Why would I do that?" he took a step closer. 

"Because it's my room and I need to change" 

"Well go ahead and change, I promise I won't peek" he said as he covered his eyes with his hand and opened his fingers so he could see through one eye. 

I just stared at him, waiting for him to stop playing his little games. He took another step closer and was now in front of me. 

"Well princess if you can't dress yourself. Maybe I can help" he started to get close to my neck, so close I felt his breath. Them I started to feel kissing invading my neck. My heart started to beat a little faster. I tiled my head the opposite direction and then realized what was happening. 

I stepped back, "Show's over Ruthbee" 

"Ahha she's playing hard to get" he looked me up and down. 

"I'm not playing anything, get out we're going to be late" I grabbed my phone to check the time. 

"8:30, shit!" I shoved him out my room and quickly dressed myself. I grabbed everything I needed for the day. I ran downstairs and quickly grabbed a muffin. 

"Let's go!" 

"I haven't even ate yet" he huffed. 

"I'll give you half my muffin, maybe next time you'll stay out my room and get ready for school" It came out bitchy. 

"feisty, I like it" he grabbed his backpack and we both headed out the door. 

"Get in" 

"No way, I'm driving" he argued. There was no time to argue, especially because we were running late. 

"No, it's my car. We're running late and I have a French test so get in the car now" I said frustrated. I was now sounding like a baby but I'm never late, I have perfect attendance and no late warnings. 

"Whatever you say princess" 

I did not have time to remind him to not call me princess so before he could even close the door I started driving. 

"Seat belt" 

"Aww thanks for the heads up" he rolled his eyes. We were half way there when he broke the silence, 

"Je ne savais pas que tu avais suivi un cours de francais"(I didn't know you took a french class) he stated. 

"Oui, la famille de mon père est d'origine francais mais encore une fois tu ne me connais pas"(yes, my dad's side of the family has a french background but yet again you don't know me) I gave him a weak smile. I had no clue he spoke french. 

"Are you going to ask me how I know French?" he asked while looking at me. I was trying so hard not to look at him and give him the idea that I like him because I don't. 

"No because either you have a french background or you learned it at school" I said as I kept my eyes on the road. 

"Wrong and wrong again. I learned in Juvie...a friend taught me" he looked out the window and in the corner of my eye I could see him staring at me again. I nodded my head as if I understood. 

"You wan't to know don't you? Go ahead..ask away", I quickly glanced at him because he sounded disappointed. I did want to know, should I ask him?. I shook my head no, "It's not my business...we're here"

I hopped out the car waiting for him to get out, he was reaching for his back pack in the back seat. His shirt lifted up as he bent backwards and I saw his abs once more. I took a deep breath trying to control myself.  

"So you gonna give me a tour or what" he threw his backpack over his shoulder. 

"Yeah... no. I have a French test remember?" 

"Right, well see you later" he pulled a piece of paper out of his back pocket. We were walking down the same hall, he was just a few step behind me. 

I kept turning around hoping he would make a turn but he kept following me, "Why are you following me?" I snapped.

"Relax I don't want you that bad, my class is down this hall" he was looking around at each door for his room number. 

I let out a frustrated sigh, "Give me the paper" I gave him my hand so he would give me the paper.

"118, Great you have French with me....Along with Astrology. C'mon" I took his hand and practically dragged him down the hall. You would think that since he's tall and his legs are long he would walk faster, but no. He's like a human slug.  

"Bonjour Ally, we were just about to start the test. Have a seat.... Who's your friend?" 

"He's a new-" 

"Bonjour, Enchanté. Je máppelle Dylan Ruthbee" he rudely cut me off then winked at me. 

"Bonjour Dylan, your accent is beautiful. Take a seat. You may read chapters 3 and 4 while the rest of the class takes the test" Ms. Oakley stated, even she was falling for Dylan. Along with half the girls in this class were already batting their eyelashes. whores. All anyone at my school thinks about is sex and parties.

As he walked past me I coughed, "Suck up". He playfully nudged me with his elbow. 

Around lunch Dylan managed to get the 'clovers' numbers and started to hangout with the jocks. The 'clovers' at my school are the three popular sluts, Samantha, Katherine, and of course Melissa. Everyone at school calls them the 'clovers' because you're one lucky dude if you get to sleep with them and also because clovers always have three petals and sometimes there's a fourth. Whenever there's a fourth Melissa kicks them out the group in less than a month.  

"Can you believe he's already at the top of the food chain" Ashley said in disbelief. "We worked so hard to get to the middle, we're known but no one really pays attention to us. I mean I get that he's hot but that is not fair" 

"Yeah  look at him, he doesn't even have to try" I rolled my eyes as I ate my food. Surprisingly the food wasn't half as bad today, probably because I was actually hungry. Dylan decided to eat the whole muffin in the car.  

"Hey guys" a familiar voice approached our table. I turned around to see Hardin standing over me. 

"Oh heyy...Hardin" Ashley  rolled her eyes and motioned for me to sit next to her so he can take my spot. Ever since Hardin and I broke up Ashley's hated him. She did warn me though, but I obviously didn't listen. 

"So did you guys hear about this huge party at Melissa's house on Friday?" he practically almost fell out of his chair when he mentioned it. Hardin loves to party, especially at Melissa's house. She throws the best parties since her parents are never home and she lives in a mansion. Melissa doesn't actually invite people, she posts the information on her story and who ever see's it goes. I've only been to her parties twice. Even though I hate her guts, I'll admit that she does throw sick parties.  

"Yeah, I'm not sure if I'm going" 

"Why?" they both said at the same time. 

"I'm just not up for it. My parents might want us all to hangout and have dinner or something" 

"What time did they say they would be back?" Ashley read my face. She knows that once my parents set a date on when they come back they always arrive two days late. 


"Bitch they wont be here until Saturday. You're going to that party. You need to loosen up" she demanded. 

"I'll see if Dylan has plans. If he does I'll go but if not my mom would want me to keep him company" I said disappointingly. I somehow feel like a babysitter now. 

"Dylan? the new guy Dylan? Why do you have to see if he has plans?" Hardin said sternly. "Yeahh he lives with her now" Ashley shot a petty look at Hardin to make him jealous. 

"Wait why is he living wi-" the bell cut him off and I quickly got up to head to my locker. 

"Ally?!" Hardin called after me. I shot Ashley a look saying 'Explain to him' and she yanked his arm to fill him in.  

I had Astrology next so I had to get my materials from my locker. As I was getting my things I felt hands creep up around my waist and a familiar voice whispered, "You look good princess". 

"I know" I shoved his hands away. "What do you want Ruthbee" I slammed my locker shut as I turned around. 

"Well, I believe we have Astrology next m'lady" he gave me a smile that I've never seen. 

"Ugh, Right" 

We started walking down the hall and everyone was just staring at us, well people turned their heads to look at Dylan. Girls stop to touch his arm or invite him some place, Guys nodded their head towards him. I on the other hand was barely surviving to stay by his side, the crowds would throw me left and right.  He must have saw that I was struggling because he yanked my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, trying not to lose me. 

"Did you hear about Melissa's party on Friday?"  


He was eyeballing me like I hadn't finished my sentence, "..Well?" 

"Well what?" 

"Are you going?" 

"I don't think so, Are you?" 

"Hell yeah, you should go" he beat me to opening the door. "After you m'lady" he bowed down and I rolled my eyes as I walked in. 

"I'll think about it" 

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. I told Ashley if he had plans I would go to the party.

I guess I'll tag along. 

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