Junk stories

By lonely_clover

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Multiple stories that I am in the process of making. Most of them are from my google doc or apple notes. Ya... More

Criminal Minds OC. Vol 1 & 2
Marvel Parent Fic. Vol 1
The Real Dick Grayson

S.H. x J.W.

2 0 0
By lonely_clover

"We don't need to bother the ill man, into Mary's and your's mess." "It's been three weeks, he's still running a pretty high fever. John is back from the honeymoon." Irene stated to the building caretaker.

"Irene, please don't bother them.." "Don't step forward Mr. Holmes-!" Mrs. Hudson tried to say before Sherlock lost his balance and fell forward down the stairs.

It made Mrs. Hudson and Irene to run over to the feverish man. He had a small cut over his eye.

"Call John! He's needs medical attention!" Irene yelled. She was propping up his head.

"What's the issue!?" John and Mary run into the door.

"He's-" "Don't you dare, Irene" She placed a alcohol cover rage and placed it on the cut, causing him to hiss. "He's had very high the last three weeks." "I'm sorry, you have to had met three days." Mary looked at the house keeper, Irene and her shook their head no.

"You where sick at our wedding? Why didn't you tell anyone?" Mary spoke. "I yelled at you for being drunk, and you didn't protest at all?" Sherlock looked down at the ground. "Holmes, let John examine you it least." Mary insisted.

"I'm fine." He insisted back. "Then walk to me, without help." John stated clearly "John-" "No, if you can I won't examine you."

He barely even got up without having to get help. Irene gently helped him sit back down. "You win." He admitted.

"Mary, can please get my medical bag-." "You mean this." She hummed showing the bag behind her back. John gave her a nod, and given a weak smile. John helped his friend back on his feet, "Let's go, buddy."

"You cleaned the place up?" "Irene helped mostly." "I figured the way you've been moving." The smaller man let out a chuckled. "What medication have they given you." "Mostly anything and everything, I have been unsettled during rest. Much of the medication isn't working." "Have you smoked?" "No, been to tired."

"Lay on your back." John help his friend lay on the bed. He felt the man's breathes picked up putting pressure on his rib cage. "Is your head spinning still?" "Yes, hurting as well." He moved his hands down to the man wrist and then back up to his neck.

"Your pulse in slower than normal, I am going to get you some herbal equivalents." "Alright, I am going to keep a close eye on your sleep patterns." "Please, I don't babysat. I am fine." "No, we both know you won't be sleeping well with those broken ribs and concussion. Also you have ways to trick people to think your fine."

"John can you stay in the chair for a while? I want to know how the honeymoon went, the distance was strong between you two lovebirds." "Mary and Irene to seem to hit it off pretty well." John proclaimed putting his friend under the covers. "I wouldn't have introduced-" "I know you wouldn't of, it just I have more of a life beside you, she has more of one with Irene." "What about having a family?" "Adoption." He shrugged. Sherlock looked at John with heavy amounts of guilt.

"Just rest..." John took the old chair in the corner of the large room. 

John watched Holmes' eyes began to heavy to keep open. Not even ten seconds, the man was asleep. John smiled and grabbed a neighboring book and opened it.

Sherlock woke up to someone applying damp cloth to his forehead. "Hello, Sherlock." Irene smiled. "Would you like something to eat?" "Where's John?" He asked. "In the kitchen helping Mrs. Hudson."

"Mary and him had a fight, I will probably being staying with Mary at the house." "He can stay at the in the guest room if he needs."  "Let's not talk about this right now." John spoke.

"John?" He made a 'hmm' sound as a response. "I brought up the soft pastries and water, like you asked Mr. Watson." "Thank you dearly, Mrs. Hudson."

"I don't feel like eating." "Well to bad, you must get your strength back." He smiled taking the tray from the landlady. "Can you go buy the herds, Irene and Mary can assist you."  "Certainly sir." She smiled closing the door. He placed the try on the end bed, and got comfortable against the headboard before grabbing the tray and propping on his lap.

John pulling Sherlock into a rest position against the other's body. The two stayed silents there, eating the soft biscuits. Not talking, no interacting, just sitting there silent.

"We are leaving now, we'll be back in a couple hours." "Alright." John called back. The sat for another ten minutes in silence.

John kissed Sherlock's temple. "Darling?" "Yes?" "Do you have the energy?"

John's kissed traveled down the other's neck. "Not anything too intense." "Alright." The man moved the tray away from the bed, and onto the side table. John moved the smaller man down on to the mattress again.

Sherlock felt the man get under the covers with him, the intensity of the other man weight on top of him was painful.  "We can stop." "No, please don't. I can handle it."

John's hand travel down the other's body. Sherlock felt the his trousers getting pulled down. "You know the deal. Just tell me when your adjusted or to stop." Holmes gave Watson a nod.

Watson laid closer to the man's face, Holmes let out a deep gasp of air. "Relax I got you, just like normal." He felt the man's member enter his anal cavity. He placed his arm around Watson's neck. "Put your leg on my hips." Watson whispered seductively into Holmes' ear. He did just as was told, as a result felt John drift deeper inside of him. "Almost all the way in." John pushed in farther causing Sherlock to hold a sharp breath. "It's alright, I'm in, you can readjust. John felt Holmes' under him move and squirm. "When is the last time you prep yourself." "A week before the wedding." Sherlock stated uneasy. John chuckled. "Don't laugh at me, I been sick most of the time, or I was to tired too. "Sorry, I thought you said you could handle yourself without me living here." John started to thrust inside of him slowly, it caused the Sherlock to whimper.

"I am being gentle as possible." "Alright." John quickly found Holmes' sweet spot. It made the man crumbled under him. John purposely hit it again, Sherlock fell on the bed. "Unfair. You know I haven't prepared myself for that." "Making it fun." John smiled, easing his way into a kiss. John hit it again, he felt the man under him get hard. He hit it again, causing the man to whine and cut away from the kiss. "Stop,  I am going to cum before you release." He hit the spot again, "Maybe that was my plan." Watson smirked at the detective. Holmes let a small moan feeling Watson twitch inside of him, he just smirked at him. His thrust became to fall out of rhythm and fasten, but kept so controlled. Watson kept hitting Holmes' g spot.

Watson pulled out, leaving a a trail on cum on the blankets. Holmes left there painfully hard. Watson pulled over the man's shirt and then his own.  He stroked Holmes causing small deep moan, "You did well, even being feverish."

Holmes released on his own chest and into Watson's hand. "Feel better?" Holmes nodded. Watson got off the bed, pulling up his jeans. Holmes pulled over one of Watson's old tunics, and on his own briefs. "We'll wash you up later." Watson eyed his white tunic on the man, he just smiled. "Why did I give you that again?" He smiled buttoning up his recently bought ones. "I had poison all over mine, and I need a change of clothes quickly."

Watson watched his closet friend pull up his jean, it seemed difficult for him, but he did it. He felt a body wrap around him. "You want to sleep?" He felt a head nod against his back.

He picked up the man, and carried him to the full bed. He laid the man on the opposite side he was laying originally.  He walked to their old linen closet to get a fitted sheet and sheet.

He pulled off the sheets, gently transferring Sherlock back to the onto the side once he was done. Pulling it off the rest of the way he threw in onto the floor. He finished replacing  the sheets and put them down the laundry shoot. He covered the male with the sheet and quilt. He laid in bed next to him, even tough above the blankets he could even feel the heat. It worried him, yes.

Irene and Mary came upstairs to see why the men didn't answer any of their calls from down stairs. The both of them where asleep, Sherlock was tucked under John. Sherlock barely looked restless, as he did the last three weeks.

"They seam comfortable?" Mrs. Hudson snickered.

After a few day, Mary sat in Sherlock's room reading a book. She was watching the busy streets.

Sherlock walked in, she looked at him. "I can leave-" "No, please stay. I think we should talk." She looked over at the chair a crossed her.

"You and John?" "No, not really..." "Friends?" "Somewhat more." 

"Mary, I never meant to split you two apart when I wanted you to meet Irene that day." "I highly doubt that." She hissed. "I wasn't thinking." "No doubts there."

"Mary, he did tell me no funny business. All I did was that." Irene spoke calmly. Mary eyed her, with a happy-go-lucky smile she said, "Darling, if he knew the result why would he do that." "Because I wanted to meet you, I would have followed him anyways."

Sherlock relaxed in the chair, he let a small wince. He eyed the doorway, "Good evening, John." "Feeling better today?" He asked. "Always could do better." Sherlock responded  lightly smiling at his friend. "Mary?" "Quite well actually, we where just talking." "About?" He eyed Holmes' expression. He looked sorry and guilty.

"Mary, we talked about this, he had no part of Irene. He told her no, she followed anyways." "That's what I told her, but she didn't believe me." Irene seconded. "He never had anything to with this." Mary looked at him, he was quietly dozing off.

She eyed John, then eyed back at Sherlock. John just snickered,  "Holmes, go to bed if your tired." Hudson spoke walking with tea and scones.  "I have to deny." Sherlock commented with his eyes still closed.

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