Splicing of Changes (Editing)

Da Growling_moon

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Change was what Kristina Monroe wanted the most. A change of scenery. Maybe even going to a different town. B... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
The Poem
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 15

124 5 0
Da Growling_moon

There are a few things I hate but at the top of that list is staying at a hospital. Unfortunately for me, I am currently stuck at one at the moment. The walls are barren, devoid of any color. They seem to be painted a sad, white color. Devoid of emotions. This coming from a person who does not have her emotions in the perfect bearing is saying much. It has a distinct smell of disinfectants, which makes my nose itchy and then makes me sneeze, making the nurse Nic question if I have something more. When she asked, I told her that too much disinfectant is making my nose itchy. She smiled but still checked my temperature. I get that it is her job to keep me safe but it just felt irritating that she blatantly disregarded my honesty. But alas, I cannot do much but lay here, and look at the sad, lonely pathetic walls and hope they release me soon. To be honest, I am confused why I am even stuck here. Considering I just had a shot of pain which made me pass out. I get that the doctor is doing some tests but I did not need to stay here overnight. Like Geez! It's not a new pain, the accident happened 2 years ago, I had operations after that. I am used to the damn pain by now. I just hope they release me sometime today. Never in my life did I think I would even imagine this but damn I miss school.

A shiver runs down my spine with that realization. Damn you hospital, and your disinfectant smell and sad walls. You made me miss the hell hole. Okay, in all honesty, I suppose school is not that bad, especially here considering my friends go there too. And Charlie is there. Shit, my friends, they must be concerned and confused about what happened to me. I would tell them if someone did not take my phone away. Tori, my sister, seems like did not take the news of my accident that happened two years ago well. I get that she told me she had no idea about it but I can't seem to believe her yet. I mean in a way that makes sense, because if she didn't care about me enough to come visit me then, then why would she show this much care now. It does not add up. But neither does what she said. My parents, as in our parents, never told her that I was in an accident. Like how is that possible. Okay, same parents who erased her from existence, but still. That's such a heartless thing to do.

Tori, in her fear, urged the doctor to run tests, who in turn asked me about my doctor back in Wisconsin to get all the medical details from them and now here I am. Stuck in the hospital room. I mean I knew Tori is rich but she didn't need to waste her money on me, in hospital bills. Like come on girl. I tried to convince her to not let me stay here but she did not budge and the doctor did not help either because he suggested keeping me here overnight for observation. As if that is not code for cough up money. Argh! I hate hospitals. That's it.

I just remembered the doctor called my doctor back home to get all my medical history, well then he will inform Tori about the extent of my injuries. I mean she as my guardian should know but I do not want her to know. I would have said I am not ready, which is true still, but after yesterday's reaction, I don't think Tori is ready to know either. I would rather let her know slowly in time. Tori, I do not know how to react to her. I know she is my sister by blood but... the twelve years were huge to create a huge distance between us. I see her as a stranger related to me by blood. And she apparently sees me as the sister she left behind. If what she said is indeed true that Mom and Dad threw her out then... still I do not understand why they would do that. I mean they were weird but still Tori was brilliant unlike me. She was their golden child, I am... well whatever I was... ended with my accident. So, I don't understand and I want to ask Tori but I cannot because I am stuck here. Dammit. How many times will it piss me off?

The doctor waltzed in slowly, smiling at me. "How are you feeling today Kristina?"

"Kris. And I feel fine. When can I go home, Doc?"

"Not so fast. So, I got your medical report back, and the tests and everything yesterday suggested that you should not do any stunts. So no more cheerleading." I shrug. I expected as much. "Also, it says here you stopped going to your physical therapy two months back why? You need to continue, you cannot stop well anytime soon considering this setback."

"I had to stop. My uh... my parents were in an accident and they died so after that I had to take care of those stuff before uh moving here. And as you gathered yesterday my sister does not know about my injuries, well did not know so I did not want to tell her to take me to PT. And I was doing well, almost no more limping."

"Okay. How is it that your sister does not know?"

"It's not related to my injury doc." He nods.

"Fair then tell me were you with your parents when they had their accident?"

"If I was, would I be here Doc?" I ask snarkily.

"Possible, if you sustained minor injuries. I have no idea what happened to them." I huff, irritated.

"Doc do me a favor and don't tell my sister about my injuries. Not any more than what she found out yesterday."

"I cannot keep secrets but since you are my patient I am not allowed to say anything more than what your current symptoms are. I will have to tell your sister about Physical Therapy and you have to start right away if you want to continue to walk without a stick. Would also suggest a stick for now to relieve the pressure but something tells me you will not follow. So, instead I will do 4 days PT and then a check-up every other week. Is that okay with you? Also, I upped your pain medication dosage. You have to take them, Kristina."

"I guess that is better than a stick. Also, I don't need pain meds doc. I am okay."

"No. You are not. At least for a week please take them. I do not want you to put more stress on your already stressed spine and leg which are still healing." The doctor tells me, making me sigh. He seems patient and knows how to talk to me even if he is way too cheerful for my taste. I nod anyway knowing that I might as well take the meds now instead of trying to oust the pain again. I do not want to pass out again.

After my accident, initially, I was stuck in a wheelchair. And because my accident happened Labor Day weekend right before school started I was late in joining freshman year of high school. Basically I did my first semester from home.In between my operations and physical therapy, there was no way I could ever join school and catch up. Homeschool helped but it also made me hate high school even more. Because when I did go, I was the new student but I had no one struggling like me. Also, being the new student with a stick did not bode well with my peers. They looked at me with pity. They knew, almost everyone knew. Unlike here, where I was finally able to put all of this behind me until yesterday. If only I never did the stunts.

I just realized that the doctor did not tell me if I can leave now. I should be allowed to, all tests are done and he already got my past medical history. Maybe he can discharge me once Tori comes to pick me up. I mean she is my legal guardian so she has to sign me out. Also, I am pretty sure she will be informed about PT. Dammit. I feel like I am going backwards. I was supposed to be done with PT altogether instead I have to go four days a week. Like what the hell? What scares me is the pain meds, they used to make me so groggy and then I got used to them and started having a little too much fun. Of course, my parents had no idea. I needed them. I just maybe took them a bit more than I was supposed to. I mean I was pushing myself more than I was supposed to as well. Ditching my wheelchair, as well as my cane. So in a way, I needed my meds but still, they scared me a little. Especially now that Doc said he is increasing the dosage. How will that affect me? Guess we will find out.

"Knock, knock." Golden blonde hair peeks through the door. I frown, who is it? The small senior steps in. What was her name again? It's uh...Amy. Yep finally, remembered her name. "How are you doing Kris?"

"How did you know I am here?" I ask instead, confused.

"Umm... Alex is my brother, Tim's best friend," Amy explains. I sigh.


"So how are you doing?"

"I am good, been better. Wanna get out of here. Hoping soon rather than later."

"You hate hospitals?" I nod.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah, your tone and voice gave you away. So what happened?"

"Nothing much just passed out. Possibly from lack of fluids or something." Amy frowns.

"And that's why you are admitted here?"

"Probably scared my sister a little too much." I offer with a sheepish smile. Amy nods still not believing me.

But before she can say more, another person knocks. Now her, I never expected to see and most importantly how in the hell did she know I am here?

"What are you doing here Diane? And how did you know?"

"Oh, it's simple, I followed Amy over here. I came to see how you are doing. You gave me quite a scare. You are the talk of the school, unfortunately. I know how much you hate it." I sigh.

"Woah you two can talk like normal human beings without tearing each other's throats," Amy comments. I give her a tight smile as Diane raises her eyebrows at her.

"So I presume there are rumors and stories. Let me know some of them. I am bored here and also want to be prepared." I ask diverting both of their attention.

"Oh, there are rumors alright. Some of them are downright funny. All of them are lies, but some of them are like cherry on top, out-of-the-world type." Amy says, laughing.

"Don't laugh there is one about me pushing you, which is impossible considering I was absent and you tripped on your own. Which reminds me, how is your pain, Kris?" Diane asks. I look at her shocked. "What? You clutched your leg, that's what Grace told me."

"Oh, I am not in pain. It was just some fluids and stuff." I tell her. Diane just looks at me and then looks at Amy. They seem to have a silent conversation where Amy replies with a shrug but neither of them says a word. "So tell me one of you, what are the most outrageous ones?" I ask intrigued. At least something to distract me from the damn walls at this place.

They both shake their heads as they start telling me the stories. They range from simple ones like Diane, Grace or even Julia pushed me, to ones like I had an accident, or it is related to the accident that happened with Eliza. Apparently, that story resurfaced. They seem to love making up these stories because no one really knows that Tori is my sister and that Eliza is my sister-in-law. How cool is that? Anyways, they continued to tell these stories. It includes that someone cursed me, then I am a vampire or a werewolf and things like that. Those are the outrageous ones, where I am either a supernatural creature who someone fainted, or I was cursed. It's funny when I realize how wrong they all are. I mean I am going to lie about it being I was tired and needed fluids and stuff.

I laugh when I hear about the supernatural ones. "It is funny, I told you," Amy says.

"It is. It's also just wow. Like how do they even come up with stories like these? Damn." I shake my head before looking at Diane. Something strikes me as odd.

"Diane, I know you and Amy are not friends so how did you know that she was visiting me?"

"Oh umm... it's cause I overheard Amy talking to someone about her plans to visit you after school. I knew about what happened and I was thinking of visiting you myself but then you were not in school today so that made it difficult. You know as your team Captain it is my duty to see how the members of my team are doing. So naturally when I overheard Amy talking about you, I knew I had to follow her. I just did not expect her to visit you in a hospital." Diane shrugs.

"Diane, first of all, it is rude to overhear other people's conversation, which I presume was private. Surely you must know that. And secondly, come on you and I both know the truth, no need to pretend. You didn't have to come visit me."

"What truth?" Amy asks, frowning.

"That I am in the cheerleading team," I reply with a straight face.

"Oh, you are not? That's weird then why were you practicing with them yesterday?" Amy asks. Diane smirks.

"Umm... long story?" Amy shakes her head as Diane continues smiling. A real full-on smile. Her smile is beautiful, why does she not smile more often? I keep staring at Diane as she smiles, not at all noticing my stare.

"Umm... Kris, can I use the bathroom real quick?" Amy asks, suddenly moving around weirdly. I laugh before nodding. She just rushes without waiting for another second.

"Guess she had to go," Diane remarks, still smiling.

"You have a beautiful smile, Diane," I tell her. Diane looks at me with wide eyes before a shy smile overtake her features.

"Thanks." She replies, shyly. Very unlike the Diane I have gotten to know these few weeks I have known her. Weird.

"Why don't you smile like this more often Diane?" Diane frowns at me.

"What do you mean Kris? I smile."

"No I mean, okay how do I say this? At school, you behave like the stereotypical head cheerleader, you are known to be mean, rude, with a side of bitchy attitude, someone who most people don't like. Also, you have two posse following you around and following your order, like not as your friend but as someone under you. Like you know Regina George." I widen my eyes as the end to emphasize.

"Why do you keep referring to me as Regina George? I know who that is, but why? Like how do I remind you of her?" Diane asks, seeming genuinely curious.

"Diane, you must know how you behave right?"

"Yes, I have to. I am the Captain, I have to uphold my reputation. How does that relate to you know?"

"Diane, you can be a good person and a caring Captain too. If not, you don't need to show that everyone should love you just because you are Cheer Captain. They can like you as you. Diane Mckenzie. Just saying. You kind of took the bad parts of Hollywood representation of Cheer Captain and made it your personality."

"Kris, are you sure?" I nod. "Well, I didn't realize. I just knew that I had to show them that I was someone they had to fear. Who am I if not Cheer Captain who everyone is afraid of? Anyways, why am I telling you this? You are not my friend and we are not close."

I laugh. "You are right. We are not friends. But today I got to know the real Diane a little and I like her. She is cool. Has a very beautiful smile. So, that's good for me. Also, on another note, I need to quit the team, not that I was part of it anyway."

"Huh? Way to segue, Kris. But you can't quit now. Not after you passed out."

"Oh but of course." I roll my eyes.

"Yes, my reputation and the team's depend on it. Because you passed out during practice. No one knows what really happened but everyone knows that you passed out so if you quit now, it will put the team in jeopardy and I as a Captain cannot let that happen. So, under strict orders from me, you stay, as before." I roll my eyes. "You are not bad to look at either, so that doesn't hurt." Diane casually says.

"Excuse me? Did I hear that right?" I ask, smirking.

"What? Are we overlooking the fact that you called me cool and complimented my smile?"

"No, of course, not. But circling back, to what you said. So you like looking at me. Hmm... can't say that it does not boost my confidence but Diane that is so bad considering you as the Captain. You do not concentrate on how your team is performing but you are instead busy checking me out." I tease her.

Diane gives me a shy smile but her eyes are sparkling with mischief. "Who says I don't see both? Also, who said I don't check you out at other times?"

"Damn girl. I like this Diane. She is fun and sexy and weirdly shy too." I reply, making her blush before she controls herself hearing the bathroom door open.

We are still smiling and looking at each other when Amy steps out, looking at us weirdly. Understandable considering we usually always just fight. Well, not really it's just that I like getting on Diane's nerves so I always reply snarkily.

"What's going on here?" Amy asks skeptically.

Before I can answer her a little human flies in, flinging her arms and throwing a bright grin my way. She just jumps on the bed hugging me tightly. "Kiss." She seems way too excited to see me. I smile.

"Hey, little monster!" I ruffle her hair as she settles on me.

"Sorry Kris, she just ran. I tried to stop her but... oh I am sorry I didn't know your friends were here." Tori says walking in.

"Victoria Beaumont? You know Victoria Beaumont Kris?" Diane asks with wide eyes as she looks at me and Tori interchangeably.

I laugh. "Yes, I know Tori," I say casually. I look at Tori, "So Beaumont huh Tori nice." Tori shakes her head.

"Who are your friends Kris?" Tori asks, rolling her eyes.

"Tori, that's Diane, Cheer Captain and that's Amy. And guys that's my sister Tori. Or Victoria." I say, smiling already knowing how they will react.

"You are Victoria's sister?" Amy asks, shocked.

"Girl, why are you shocked? You know Alex is my niece and she is Tori's daughter."

"Yeah, but it's still shocking," Amy replies, sheepishly while Diane seems to be starstruck.

"Babe, did you manage to catch Alex?" Liz walks in with James. "Oh I am sorry, I didn't know Kris told anyone that she was here." Liz pauses looking at Diane, staring at her without blinking and at Amy who seems shocked too.

"I did not, Liz." I turn to Alex. "Someone here told their best friend." I tickle Alex as she smiles. James pulls his hand away from Liz and runs to me. He tries to lift himself up the bed but can't, as Alex helps him up.

"Kiss!" He exclaims and puts a sloppy wet kiss on my cheek.

"James that was full of saliva," I tell before pulling him to me. I know I scared him yesterday. I am happy to see that he seems okay now. He giggles.

"You are related to, Victoria?" Diane asks. Her head seems to be spinning with this new information. I nod but laugh seeing her reaction.

"You okay Diane?" I ask as she shakes her head.

"No way. I... wow. I am sorry. It's nice to meet you Victoria and Elizabeth. I will go now. I...uh... will see you in school. Just... yeah." Diane splutters words before rushing out.

"Wait for me," Amy screams before bowing for some reason and rushing out. What the hell just happened?

"Why did that girl just bow?" Liz asks.

I laugh. "I think they are starstruck and forgot how to behave like a sane person."

"Starstruck, why?"

"Oh Liz, you don't know?" She shakes her head. "Umm... you both are sort of celebrities in this town. People love you, adore you, admire you and many of those people go to school with me, including Diane and Amy." Liz laughs.

"I am no celebrity," Liz replies, laughing. Tori looks at me.

"So, how do you know them?"

"Umm... Diane is the cheer captain as I told you before and Amy well I met the girl beside my locker. I won't say they are my friends per se. They are both seniors first of all, and second Diane and I barely get along. Amy is weird but cool." Tori shakes her head.

"We need to talk when we go home but it seems like the talk about the past can wait and I should, we both should make an effort to get to know each other now. You and I have a lot to talk about, don't we?" Tori asks. I shrug.

"Kiss told me," Alex mumbles in a whisper but both Liz and Tori hear her. Tori widens her eyes in shock but Liz seems to be cool.

"At least you talked to someone then. Would prefer if that someone was an adult instead of my toddler daughter. But I suppose someone is better than no one." Liz tells me as she hugs Tori and kisses the side of her head. I smile. They are cute. They are perfect for each other and their love is so pure. It's sweet. It makes me miss someone suddenly. I know my smile turned into a sad one but no one commented even if they noticed it. I just shake it off or try to as I take in the fact my sister is actually in a happy relationship and that is all that matters. I am ready to go home now with that thought, no matter what our talk might include. 

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