The Past Is In The Past(Joliv...

By hsmtmts_endgame

109K 1.5K 4.2K

Innocent love, right? Joshua Bassett and Olivia Rodrigo get cast in the same show, and feelings start buildin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73

Chapter 11

1.4K 20 45
By hsmtmts_endgame

-February 2019-

Josh's POV:

It's 5 AM, I have this horrible head ache due to the stress of everything that happened yesterday. I tried sleeping for a bit but it only made the head ache worse. And now I have to get to set.

"I heard that coffee takes a head ache away." Said Claire, she couldn't sleep either so she Face-timed me. 

"Ew, I hate coffee, I don't know how mom and dad like it." I responded, brushing my teeth.

"Yeah, I guess..." She said.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" I asked, knowing she wasn't paying attention to our conversation anymore.

"I don't even know." She sighs. "You know, I always thought I wanted to be a cheerleader. I grew up with that. But now that I got kicked out of the team... I realized I'm not really passionate about it."

"Oh." I responded. She can't quit. She loves cheer-leading! "I know how you feel. I felt the same once." I connected with her.

"You wanted to be a cheerleader?" She said trying her best not to laugh.

"No, silly! I felt the same with theater. When I auditioned for my first musical I really didn't know what I was doing. Gosh, I was 8! I'm 18 and I still don't know what I'm doing! Image me back then!" I realized, making her laugh. "I didn't think much about becoming an actor. But then Winter went off to college, and told me her friend was looking for auditions for a car ad. So I gave it a shot, aaaaand I didn't get it." I laughed. "But those producers introduced me to other people who were also giving auditions, so I auditioned, but I didn't pass any of them. To be honest, I never thought of why I kept auditioning if I knew I was going to get a no. But like I said, I've never really had any idea of what I'm doing! Anyways, Winter called me and convinced me to audition for a Disney show. She told me I'd fit the character perfectly, so I auditioned and got the part-"

"Oh, stuck in the middle?" She asked.

"Yep. It was a nice experience. But after the show was over I didn't have anything to do. I didn't have a job or anything like that, so I went and auditioned for a couple of other things, but I didn't get anything. So I quit. I missed it for a day or two, but I wasn't going back because I kept getting 'no'." I said pausing to get in the car. "Buuuuuut, one of the people I met in my first audition called me. They were like 'Hey, our team thinks you have potential and we want you to audition for another Disney project.' and I was of course going to say no, but then I realized I had no life so I auditioned." I explained, making Claire laugh once again. "And I got the part! and now I'm here, a main character in a Disney series that doesn't even have an official tittle yet! And I don't know what I would've done if I had rejected the offer!" I finished, parking to get Starbucks.

"Seriously, all that just to tell me not to quit?" She asked yawning.

"No, I made you laugh too." I said taking more credit. "I didn't tell you not to quit. I'm just telling you to not let what other people say or do get to- wait hold on, I'm about to order." I paused. I could hear Claire crack up. I don't know why she laughed so hard, but it made me laugh a little too.

"Anyways," I said when I got back in the car. "Don't...."  I paused realizing that Claire was still laughing. "Why are you laughing so much?" I asked.

"Becuase...." She said calming down. "When you were about to order you shifted your camera to the right, so I was able to the see man behind you..." She started laughing again. "He.... He didn't see your phone right away......And he was picking his nose..." She started laughing even harder. I started to laugh too. "But then...he.... he saw me..... and realized I was he ran... he ran away!" She said in between laughs. I was kind of dumb but the way she said it made me crack up with her.

After a few minutes that we both calmed down I started again, "Don't let other people change what you wanna be. If you really don't want to be a cheerleader then ignore the last 10 minutes were  I totally wasted my life. But think twice, it's easy to make an impulsive decision just because of the drama." 

"You have smart advice Josh." She said with a smile. "Thanks, I really appreciate it."  

Olivia's POV:

I woke up, still in Ethan's arms. He was sleeping peacefully, and I know he's tired from everything that happened yesterday so I didn't wake him up, leaving him a note.

Hi babe
 I'm on set, I'll be there until 8, call me if you're going to come or not.
            luv u
Ps. My mom is still very mad. 

I called Matt and asked him if he could pick me up, I know I won't survive being in my mom's car for 30 minutes without crying or arguing. Fortunately, he said yes. I tried being as quiet as possible to not wake up my mom, but I was going to face her later anyways.

"Olivia." She said, right before I was out the door. I froze, knowing she called me by my first name. I turned around slowly. How in the world did she get here? I never saw her! 

"Yes?" I asked, hoping for the worst.

"I don't ever want to see what I saw yesterday. Specially while you're still a minor." She said firmly. I nodded my head and went out the door, without letting her say anything else.

"Hi Matt." I said dryly.

"Liv? You okay?" He said, switching his gaze to me.

"Uh, yeah? why would you even ask that?" I said hiding my mix of emotions.

"I'm not sure, you seem a little.... off." He responded shrugging. I guess I make things too obvious.

"Oh. Well, how are you?" I asked while he started driving.

"I don't know." He responded almost in a whisper.

"Why?" I asked looking at him. His eyes were red and puffy. 

"It's been really hard for me to do a distant relationship with Brookelynn. We Face-Time each other everyday, but... I- I really miss her." Matt said tearing up.

"Aww, Matty. You don't have to cry. I know how you feel. I'm in a relationship too. But I promise you this will only make you guys have a stronger bond." I say rubbing his arm. Then, I felt guilty for totally lying to him, saying that I was fine. So I told him what happened. The rest of the car ride was us comforting each other.

I was walking to my trailer when I saw Julia walking, so I decided to say hi.

"Hi Juj-" I paused to see that she was crying, so I immediately hugged her. "What's wrong?" I asked pulling away.

"My guinea pig died!" She said sniffling.

"Oh no! Willow?" I ask

"Yes! My poor baby!" She sniffled once again

"I'm sorry Juj. But those things only last like a year." I say, trying to make her feel better.

"WILLOW WASN'T A THING! SHE WAS MY DAUGHTER!" Julia responds with sass and sadness at the same time.

"Oh, sorry." I responds realizing I only made her feel worse.

"I'm gonna go to my trailer." She said walking away. Well.... That happened. I was standing in the middle of a bunch of trailers alone, I had no idea what to do. I'll guess I'll just go to my trailer.

While I was walking I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Josh, so I smiled at him.

"Hi Olivia." He said uncomfortable. "Uh, Excuse me." He shifted me to the side and kept walking. I didn't even get a chance to salute him. And 'Olivia'? What happened to our nicknames?

Larry's POV: 

"I hate my life!" Sofia complained.

"No, you don't. Sof, it's just a C minus." I responded.

"But I had a perfect score Larry! Now this C dropped my overall grade!" She complained. 

"I know, but you can't always be perfect, Sof." I said opening my arms for a hug.

"I know! But It's a C!" She whined.

"It's going to be fine." I said hugging her. "You'll be able to get you're grade up. Trust me." I said looking at the clock. "But, I have to go to the Hair and Makeup trailer now, I'll see you in a few." 

I was walking to the Hair and Makeup trailer but then I saw Dara sitting in the stairs of her own trailer.

"Dara? Are you good?" I asked walking up to her.

"No! I forgot to rehears my lines because I went out with my mom last night, so Tim had to cancel all my scenes today! I feel terrible!" She told me.

"Oh. I'm sorry-" I was interrupted.

"Hold on, Frankie is calling me." She said. After she hung up she told me that Frankie wasn't coming because he caught a cold. 

"Wow, today is not the day, I guess." I said.

"I know right." Dara responded.

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