Across City Skyline [Larry St...

By payne_kinks

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Louis Tomlinson meets Hollywood Heartthrob, Harry Styles when he walks into Louis' little bakery one day. Imm... More



422 7 3
By payne_kinks

Harry comes in a few days later, looking cautious with a frown on his face. He looks like he's confused about something but feeling sorry at the same time.

He hasn't come the past few days. Louis suspects it's because of Ethan. When he approaches Louis, he clasps his hands in front of himself unsurely.

"Hey," Harry greets Louis quietly.

And see, Louis has had time to think. He knows Harry isn't at fault, really. Maybe he threw a flirty line here and there but he never led Louis to believe they're anything more otherwise. So by being cold to him, it does nothing.

"Hey," he sighs, trying for a smile.

"You okay?" Harry asks.

"I'm fine. And you?" Louis asks. The conversation, since the first day Harry walked in here, is small talk and it's not as comfortable or flowing as it usually is.

"I'm fine. Um, spending time with Ethan these past few days. I don't know if you saw your messages..."

Louis sighs again. "I did. Sorry. I just wasn't feeling it this past week or so. Um, so Ethan huh? You never mentioned an Ethan to me before," he says, trying not to sound accusing or bitter about it.

Harry bites his lip and shrugs. "I didn't realize I didn't or that I had to."

Harry stares at him like he's waiting for Louis to react. Louis doesn't. Not really, at least. He simply nods. "I just-- we spoke about ourselves and our lives and you didn't mention him at all."

Harry shrugs again, looking down. "Sorry, I'm---I guess I just didn't realize I didn't say anything."

Louis let's out a breath. "So... he's here then?"

"Yeah, he came to visit. He won't be here for too long which is why I didn't come the past few days. Sorry."

"You don't have to apologise, Harry . You didn't make a vow to come here everyday," he meant to say it softly, maybe in a teasing manner, but it comes out a little harsh.

Harry frowns at him. "I know but I have my routine. I-- I like coming here. I like talking to you."

See, it's when he says things like that that Louis feels confused. But that's just Harry being Harry isn't it? Fucking hell.

"Yeah, sorry. Um, are you taking it away today then?"

Harry shakes his head. "No, I'll sit here for a bit like always. Ethan is sleeping in today."

Louis clenches his jaw. He's seriously jealous of this guy he's barely met. He needs to control himself. It's ridiculous.

"Oh, all right. So coffee and the usual pastry?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

As Louis makes the coffee, Harry speaks again.

"Hey, are we okay?" he asks. Louis turns to him, placing his coffee down.

Louis looks at him. He genuinely looks upset and worried. He sighs. "Yeah, we're fine," he smiles again, this time not as forced.

He doesn't want to upset Harry. Harry doesn't even know why Louis is upset. It's not fair, is it?

"Okay..." he picks a thread from his coat, "um , can I hug you?"

Louis wants to say no. But he can't because Harry still looks so concerned. Louis smiles, nodding. He's planning to go around the counter but Harry beats him to it. And soon enough, Harry's arms are around his shoulders and he's being pulled into a hug.

Louis relaxes into it, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist. Harry squeezes him tightly. "I don't know what it is you're going through but I'm here for you if you want to talk, okay? Even if you want to call me."

Jesus this boy is too fucking sweet. Louis smiles despite himself. "Thank you. But I really am okay. Just having a weird few days," he says, pulling away.

He misses the warmth and his smell. He smells like old spice and vanilla. It's dangerously intoxicating.

"Okay, if you're sure," Harry squeezes his shoulder and pulls away.

"I'm sure," Louis says, smiling again.

"And the hug was okay?" Harry asks, with that cute pinch between his brows.

"Of course. We're friends aren't we?"

Let it be known that Louis Tomlinson is a masochist.

Harry finally smiles, the pinch between his brows smoothening out. "We are. So you can always talk to me."

"I know and same goes for me, I hope you know."

And he means it. He doesn't want Harry to feel like he can't talk to him or pull away from him.

"Good," Harry finally pulls away, going back to the other side of the counter. Louis let's out a breath, grabbing a pastry and handing it to him. Same old routine now.

And it proves to be just that; the same old routine. He comes in the next few days as usual and leaves to go to film the movie. He says the movie is going well and Louis tries to avoid any conversation about Ethan. It's easier and more comfortable that way.

On Friday, Harry looks extra excited as he walks into the bakery. He's extra bouncy on his old boots.

"Hello?" Louis laughs a bit, noticing his perky mood.

"Hi," he grins, "I have to ask you something."

"Okay?" Louis stops the task at hand to listen to him.

"My birthday is on Sunday," he sings, "and I was thinking about having something small and I wanted you and Niall to come."

Louis turns to look at Niall who's looking right back at him. Louis shrugs. "Um , I don't see why not. After lunch time, I'm guessing?"

"Yeah, in the afternoon and I'll send you the address, of course. Don't leak my address," he adds playfully.

Louis laughs breathily. "Wouldn't dream of it."

"Great. Um, it's not going to be too many people. Just some of the crew and co-stars. And then Ethan of course."

Louis' mood dulls a bit. "Great. What do I bring?"

"Just yourself, Lou," he laughs softly.


"Well, knowing Louis he'll bring something anyways so good luck with that," Niall chuckles.

Harry smiles. "Well then whatever makes you comfortable."

"Well, what can I get you today then?"

"Coffee but with one of those croissants, please?"

"Oh, changing it up?" Louis teases, "chocolate or plain?"

"Chocolate. Always chocolate," Harry says.

"Well, how old are you going to be on Sunday then?" Louis asks, preparing his order.

"Twenty-five," Harry says, fiddling with a napkin, "how old are you?"

"I just recently turned twenty-nine," Louis says with a small grimace.

"No way, so did Ethan. When is your birthday?" Harry asks.

"Christmas Eve," he replies, hoping Ethan doesn't have the same birthday as him. God, that would be a slap in the face.

"Oh, his was on December twentieth," Harry says, "you seem like a Capricorn."

Louis laughs, relieved. "Astrology nerd, huh?"

He nods enthusiastically.

"Typical Aquarius," Louis tuts.

Harry barks out a laugh. "And you're a typical Capricorn. Though I have to say one of the few that believes in astrology."

"Now wait," Louis gives him his coffee and croissant, "I never said I believed it in necessarily."

"Then why do you know about it?"

"I think it's interesting but I don't believe in much of it," Louis shrugs.

"Well did you do a birth chart?" Harry asks eagerly.

"No, but I'm guessing you want to do one for me," Louis drawls out.

Harry nods, taking a small sip of his coffee. "Absolutely, your moon, Venus, rising— they all affect you and your personality."

"Okay, I'll pretend I understand some of that, at least," Louis mumbles.

"I can't wait to do yours. You know your time of birth, right?" Harry asks, taking a bite out of his croissant. "Shit, this is good," he says, mouthful of croissant.

"You should expect everything I make to be good by now," he replies with a cocky smile, "and yes, I do."

"Haha," he says dryly, swallowing some of his croissant with coffee, "message me with your time of birth and I'll do one for you and we can talk about it, okay?"

He says it so seriously that Louis wants to laugh. He resists. "Sure," he clears his throat, "what would you like for your birthday though?"

Harry shakes his head, leaning against the counter. "Nothing, honestly."

"Somehow I feel like you love to be spoiled," Louis narrows his eyes, "anyways, it's fine, I'll think of something."

Harry glares at him for a second before sighing and going back to eating. Louis notices that he has a weird thing he does with his tongue when he eats, like he wants to lick it before putting it into his mouth. And god, Louis needs to stop looking at his mouth. As soft, pink and plump as his lips look, he has to stop. He has a boyfriend for gods sake.

Louis has a feeling there's going to be quite a bit of this happening if he plans to remain friends with Harry while Harry is with someone else. He let's out a small sigh, smiling at Harry instead who smiles back at him goofily.

God, he hopes his heart stops fluttering every time Harry smiles. That's going to stay for a quite a while too.


Louis is dreading this party/get together thing Harry is having if he's honest. He's only met Ethan the one time and they've hardly said anything to each other. He kind of planned to not come into contact with him for the rest of the time he's here but he supposes with Harry, it's impossible to not see him again. He'd rather just rip off the bandaid now and get it over with. He still gets to see Louis at the bakery and Louis gets to talk to him longer on days he's off or has half a day off. It's fine.

"Why chocolate cupcakes?" Niall asks beside him as he knocks on the door.

"He likes chocolate," Louis shrugs.

"Chocolate cupcakes and an expensive coat," Niall raises his brow, "lucky Harry. Isn't he supposed to be getting you sweets and expensive things?"

"No because he has a boyfriend to do that for," Louis grumbles bitterly.

Niall sighs, patting his back. "Maybe not for long. You never know."

Louis shakes his head. He's not going to hold onto false hope. Even if they do break up, who's to say he'd go for Louis. The idea is entertained no further when Harry himself opens the door.

"Hi," he beams.

"Hello, birthday boy. Happy birthday," Louis says, moving the container and making a brave decision to hug him. They hug now. It's fine. It's normal. They're friends. Friends hug each other. Stop smelling him, he scolds himself and pulls away.

"Happy birthday, Harry," Niall says, clasping their hands together and pulling him in for a short hug. Okay, maybe that's how friends hug. Is he is overthinking this? Probably. He's nervous.

"Come in," Harry says, stepping aside. And wow, is this place fancy. This is exactly what he pictures any famous person to stay in. It is still homey though, which makes Louis happy. There's mismatched rugs in the hallway, he notices and there's already pictures of Harry and other people on his walls and on a side table next to a loveseat.

"Hang your coats and come meet everyone," Harry urges. Louis hands him the container.

"Chocolate cupcakes. I didn't know about a cake so I just got you cupcakes."

Harry grins. "Thank you. I'll probably stash these away," he giggles to himself.

Louis shakes his head. Harry leads them to the kitchen first where he puts away the cupcakes. "Did you get me a present too?" Harry asks, eyeing the bag in Louis' hand.

"I did. Here," he hands Harry the present sheepishly. Harry is still smiling as he takes it.

He leans against a counter a few steps away as he opens up the present.

"A new coat," he almost shrieks, "oh my god, what the hell? Louis, this is amazing."

Louis blushes. "Uh, yeah. I know you have your comfort clothing or whatever. But I figured you'd need another one eventually."

Harry grins, walking up to him and hugging him. "I really love it," he says, pulling away and grabbing the gift bag again, "you really didn't have to—it looks so expensive."

It was expensive but as soon as Louis saw it, he knew it would look great on Harry. Louis shrugs instead. "Don't mention it, think of it as a payback for the many danishes you've bought over the past month."

Harry chuckles. "You don't need to pay me back. I'm just being supportive because you deserve it."

Louis resists the urge to sigh and wipe a hand over his face in frustration. He can't keep saying things like this or else Louis is going to implode.

"Babe?" Ethan calls out, stepping into the kitchen. He's dressed in a black dress shirt and black dress pants and pales in comparison next to Harry's burgandy jacket and wide-legged trousers.

"Hey, look what Louis got me," Harry says, holding up the coat proudly.

Ethan passes Louis and Niall a nod of acknowledgement and a short smile before walking to Harry, placing a hand around his waist. Louis scowls.

"Oh," Ethan says, frowning.

"What is it?" Harry asks, placing the coat down.

"No, it's great. I just---I also bought you a new coat," he says with a sigh.

"Oh, well, it's okay. I can have two," Harry laughs.

"Hmm, maybe. You definitely need new ones," he says, though there's no teasing tone to his voice. Harry frowns, forcing out a laugh if the way his dimples hardly show is anything to go by.

"Anyways, maybe you and your friends should come to the patio where everyone is waiting," he says with a tight smile.

"Right, sorry," Harry clears his throat, "come on, let's head out."

Louis passes him a small smile and follows behind Harry and Ethan, Niall by his side. He's thankful Niall is with him. It's... Annoying, seeing Ethan keep an arm around Harry's waist the whole time, his grip looking a bit too tight for Louis' liking.

They reach the balcony area of the flat that's fairly large and holds a few people. It's not a lot, like Harry said, but enough to make Louis feel a bit out of place.

The producer of the movie, Heather, Louis remembers, does greet him though and two or three other people that he unfortunately doesn't remember the names of do the same. Louis introduces Niall to them since Harry is busy with Ethan, talking to two men and laughing about something.

The whole time, Ethan's hold on Harry's waist doesn't let up. Louis frowns. He even follows behind Harry, placing his hands on his waist this time, practically pressed up against him when they walk to stand behind a table where a cake is placed in the middle.

He takes his place next to Harry again, keeping an arm around him as he announces that they're going to sing happy birthday for Harry.

Harry looks unbothered for the most part, preening under the attention as everyone sings happy birthday for him which makes Louis smile at least. Seeing Harry smile like that is enough to make him smile. It's been that way for a while now, he realizes.

Of course after he's done blowing out the candles, Ethan insists that he cuts the cake with Harry and feed it to him. It's a vanilla looking cake, Louis notices. He feels an odd sense of victory in his stomach. Harry likes chocolate over vanilla any day. How does his boyfriend not know that?

Still, Harry takes a small bite of it and, before he can even swallow it properly, Ethan wraps both arms around his waist and pulls Harry in for a kiss. Harry is clearly taken aback, placing his hands on Ethan's chest. He kisses back though and Louis feels a knife twist in his gut.

It goes on for much too long which spurs most of the people to make 'oos' and 'ahs' at them. It only makes Louis' grimace harder to hide. Though Louis can see Harry pull back, placing a hand more firmly on Ethan's chest when he tries to go back in for more. Harry's cheeks are pink, an awkward smile on his face as he places some distance between them.

Ethan frowns but still keeps his hand on Harry. He did that to make a show of it, almost. Louis is sure. Maybe to prove a point. He's not sure what point but it's probably something stupid if Harry looked that uncomfortable at the end of it. For some reason, Harry's eyes meet his, as if he was looking out for Louis' reaction.

Louis schools his previous grimace and gives him a thumbs up instead. Harry smiles softly.

"What the hell was that?" Niall leans closer to whisper to him.

"I don't know," Louis mumbles, Harry's eyes on a couple in front of them, taking photos of Harry and Ethan.

"A bit much, innit?" Niall asks, "and he didn't look too happy about it when Harry pulled away."

"Well, he clearly overdid it and made Harry uncomfortable. Why does he get to be all upset about it?" Louis grumbles, teeth gritted.

"Yeah, seems a bit... Possessive, doesn't he?" Niall asks.

Louis glances at them again. Ethan is leaning into Harry's space even more, kissing his cheek and squeezing the flesh of his hip while they're being photographed. Louis shakes his head. Harry looks slightly uncomfortable still, lips pursed into a forced smile.

"Yeah, he does," Louis agrees, "and not in a... Healthy way, If Harry's uneasiness is anything to go by."

It's understandable to be a bit protective over someone like Harry. If it were Louis in his place, he'd also be all over him, but not if it clearly makes him uncomfortable. And not in that way either. It doesn't seem sweet or genuine coming from Ethan. It's just like he wants to prove a point. It's gross.

Before Niall or Louis can say anything else, Harry is calling them over, beckoning them to the table with one hand.

Louis takes a deep breath and trudges up to them. Ethan gives them a smile that looks faker than Louis' nan's dentures.

"I wanna take some photos with my friends and stuff," Harry tells Ethan, "that okay?"

That okay?

Why would he need to ask his boyfriend if he can do something as mundane as take photos with his friends? God that makes Louis feel so unsettled.

Ethan hums and kisses his cheek before stepping aside, still hovering over them like a vulture waiting for it's prey. Louis takes Ethan's place on Harry's right, placing his hand on Harry's waist instead. Only with Louis, his grip is not tight or harsh. It's softer and after the photo, he pats Harry's hip gently, giving him a smile.

Before he can walk away, Harry stops him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Thanks for the gift and thanks for coming, Lou."


"You're welcome," he smiles.

"Don't go yet, okay? Have something to eat and drink. I'll come talk to you and Niall soon."

Louis nods. Truth be told, he doesn't fancy staying here for too long. But since Harry asked so nicely, he probably will stay for longer than he'd initially planned.

"If we're going to stay here any longer, I'm going to need a drink," he murmurs to Niall, already heading to the drinks table.

"Guess I'm driving then," Niall sighs.

Louis doesn't have it in him to feel sorry about it. He simply shrugs, pouring himself some of the Jack Daniel's on his table.

An hour later, Louis is on his second drink and Harry finally does join him and Niall. They're sitting in the living room, a couple opposite them making out on the couch. Louis is not very bothered it, probably because he's feeling a slight buzz right now.

"Hi ," Harry stands in front of them, glancing at the couple, "do you guys want to go outside? Or at least in the kitchen?"

Niall stands up. "Please," he huffs.

Louis sighs, pushing himself off the couch and following them to the kitchen.

"Your couch is comfortable," Louis comments, leaning against his island. His island is much bigger than Louis'. And it's more posh, with the marble counter top as opposed to Louis' cheap-looking wood.

"Thanks," he says, letting out a small laugh, "what are you having to drink?"

"Jack," he replies, downing some more.

"And coke?" Harry asks, head tilted. He looks so good like this. His cheeks are slightly red and his eyes are greener somehow, his lips look plumper, probably because he's been drinking too. Why is he so beautiful?

"Straight," Niall answers for him with a grimace, "not even I'm that intense and I'm Irish."

"Jesus, okay," Harry says with a short laugh, eyebrows raised, "thanks for staying in---I know you guys have work tomorrow."

"No problem. You're the birthday boy," Louis says with a small smile.

"Well, now I'm flattered," he grins, moving closer to Louis, "are you drunk yet?"

Louis shakes his head. "Just buzzing," he replies honestly, "are you?"

Harry shrugs. "Halfway there, I think," he furrows his brows.

Louis laughs. "Where's your boyfriend then?" he can't help but ask.

"Outside," Harry replies, looking down.

"Doing what?" Louis asks, because he's just had some alcohol and his filter is slowly slipping away.

"Socializing, I don't know," Harry shrugs, "why do you ask?"

"He just seems to be by your side a lot; thought he'd come in here with you too, that's all."

"I think you should have some water and something to eat," Niall speaks up, clearing his throat.

"We can have some of your cupcakes?" Harry asks, excited.

"Didn't you have enough cake?" Louis asks, eyebrow arched.

"No, not a huge fan of vanilla," he says, scrunching his nose in distaste, making his way to the fridge and pulling out the container, "what icing is it?"

"Fudge," Louis replies, watching Niall pour some water into Louis' now empty cup.

"Ah, great," he says under his breath, taking one out and biting into it. He leaves the container on the island, urging them to have some.

Niall grabs one and hands it to Louis with water.

"I'm not drunk," Louis mumbles, frowning.

"I know," Niall says, still giving him a pointed look.

Louis rolls his eyes, biting into his cupcake anyways before looking up at Harry again. Harry is devouring it, finishing it up licking his lips.

He let's out a short giggle. "It was good," he says.

"You really will love everything I make," Louis laughs softly, "has there been anything I made that you didn't like?"

"Not yet," Harry says, bunching up the cupcake paper and throwing it away in the bin that Louis thought was actually a cupboard.

Louis rolls his eyes. "I wouldn't count on you not liking anything I make. Zayn even said you didn't like danishes before."

Harry's cheeks turn redder. "Zayn is a liar," he says, wiping his mouth one last time.

"Where is Zayn and Liam?" Niall asks. Louis keeps forgetting that he's here.

"They're outside," he frowns, "well, I thought they were."

"I haven't seen them since I came," Louis frowns.

Harry sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, "They were in Zayns room..."

"Oh," Niall frowns then his face twists in realization,"oh."

"Is it your birthday or his?" Louis quips.

Harry snorts. "They're just in love."

"How long have they been together? I didn't even ask."

"Almost ten years," Harry says, crossing his arms over his chest, "known each other for years before that though---since elementary school."

"That's cute," Louis smiles.

"Cheesy," Niall grimaces.

"Um, are you guys having fun?" Harry asks, almost unsure.

"Well, I've had alcohol and chocolate. I definitely am having a good time," Louis says. It's half a truth.

"Is it awkward now? Having your boyfriend and Zayn and Liam here?" Niall asks.

Louis tries not to flinch at 'your boyfriend'. God, this is just supposed to be a crush. It shouldn't be bothering him this much. People are supposed to get over crushes easily, aren't they?

"No, not really," he shrugs, "we have our own spaces and Ethan likes Zayn and Liam together."

Louis bites his tongue to say anything. "We should probably get going," he says. For many different reasons.

One, because he's going to want to drink more and that only means he'll run his mouth and say something he may regret and two, the conversation is dry and a little tense and Niall being here, bless his soul, doesn't make it any easier. Oh, and they do have work tomorrow so, that's a valid excuse to Harry.

Harry frowns, straightening up. "Oh, okay. Let me walk you guys out then. Are you sure you don't want to stay longer?"

He looks so unsure and a little sad but Louis can't give in to everything he wants.

"Have to be up by half five, sorry, love," he let's the pet name slip. It's different now but somewhere deep down, it feels okay to say, as messed up as it sounds. He likes the way Harry smiles whenever he says it. He seems like the type to like a lot of pet names.

"Okay, well, I'll see you tomorrow," Harry says, walking with them to the door, "usual time, probably."

"Great," Louis smiles.

"Yeah, um , I should get the car out to the front," Niall says, moving past them, "give me a few minutes."

Louis nods. He sighs, leaning against a nearby wall to look at the pictures again. "I thought this is supposed to be a temporary flat."

"It is."

"Then what's with all the picture frames?"

Harry shrugs. "Zayn and I decided to make it a little more homey. We're going to be staying here for a while after all."

"Oh, yeah," he frowns, "when are you guys done filming?"

"Probably in just over a month," he says.

Louis' heart sinks. He's not looking forward to not seeing Harry again. As much as he doesn't look forward to seeing Harry with Ethan, he'd rather see Harry than not see him at all.

"But we'll keep in touch," Harry says earnestly, "I would like to, at least."

Louis grins. "I would like that too."

"Good, 'cause I'll be staying in London more often than not, probably, after finding a place, and you're not too far away..."

"I'm almost three hours away from London," he deadpans.

Harry shrugs again. "Worth the drive."

Louis gulps. "Um , I should head out front to wait for Niall."

"Oh, yeah, okay," he nods , "oh, Louis, wait."

"Yes?" Louis looks at him again.

"Your chocolate cakes are way better than the birthday cake I had," he says with a sheepish smile, "just thought you should know."

Louis let's out an airy laugh. "Thanks, H," he sends him a salute, making a move to turn around again before Harry stops him once more.

Before Louis can ask what he wants to say this time, he's being pulled into a hug. What, is this like the tenth time he's hugged Louis just today? Surprised, Louis takes a moment to hug him back, patting his back.

"Are you okay?" he asks Harry when he pulls away.

"I am, I just--I know it sounds weird---but I like hugging you. Sorry, if that, um, makes you uncomfortable or anything."

Louis shakes his head. "It's fine. You're a good hugger," he smiles.

"Okay, thanks. You are too," he smiles back, "so, I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Counting on it," Louis says, finally turning around and walking away. There's still a heavy sinking feeling in his heart and he's guessing that won't go away any time soon. This big stupid fat crush is proving to be harder to get rid of as the days go by. And it's only been eight days.


It's Louis' lunch break on the following Wednesday when he sees his sister walking to the bakery with a smile on her face and a brown paper bag in her hands.

He furrows his brows, confused but smiles anyways. It's his sister so he'll always be happy to see her. The sign is turned to on a break so there's no one else inside and Niall went to subway to get them something to eat.

He opens the door, immediately pulling her in for a hug. "What are you doing here?"

He steps aside to let her in, closing the door behind her. "I thought I'd surprise you," she shrugs, setting the bag down onto the counter.

Louis eyes her suspiciously, passing her a stool. "Just because? All the way from London?"

"I was in town..."she says, avoiding his eyes, taking out the contents from the bag.

The small bakery is immediately hit with strong spices and a delicious aroma. He walks to the opposite side of the counter to scan the items.

"Chicken curry, butter naan..."he looks up at her again,"these are all of my favourites... What is your motive here?"

Lottie sighs. "Does there have to be a motive?"

"Apparently," he raises an eyebrow at her, sitting down on his own stool, "Come on, spill. Why are you here?"

She sighs, getting out two forks and handing one to Louis. Louis grimaces . "Why would you eat curry with a fork?"

"Jeez, fine, don't use one," she mumbles, dropping it back into the bag. She opens up the two curries and starts digging in already. "I brought you lunch."

Louis rolls his eyes, breaking of a piece of naan and dipping it into the gravy. "I can see that. Thank you. But why?"

Lottie sighs again. "Niall told me you're heartbroken so I thought I'd come and cheer you up. Who's the man? Where can I kick his arse?"

Louis exhales. "Niall is exaggerating. I'm not heartbroken. I'm just... Upset, I guess. And the guy is Harry Styles."

She chokes, covering her mouth. Louis pats her back worriedly, passing her a bottle of water. She gulps it down and clears her throat, staring at him incredulously.

"You did not just casually say to me that Harry Styles is the man who broke your heart."

Louis sighs through his nose. "He didn't break my heart," he says indignantly.

"But it's The Harry Styles?" she asks, eyes wide.

Louis nods. "He's been coming to the bakery practically every morning for a month and some now 'cause he's filming a movie not too far away from here."

"You've known Harry Styles and you haven't said anything to me?" she hisses.

"I've only known him for, like, a month and some, like I said, " he rolls his eyes, "anyways, I'm not heartbroken."

"My God, my brother got his heart broken by a famous guy," she laughs, almost giddy, ignoring him.

Louis places his piece of naan down. "Lottie, he didn't break my heart. We became friends, I got charmed and developed a crush on him and I didn't know he already had a boyfriend the whole time. He doesn't know I like him and that's that. We're friends and I'm fine. I'm upset but I'll get over it."

Lottie pouts, eyes sympathetic. "Ethan Stewart, isn't it?"

Fuck, Louis forgets most other people know a lot about Harry's life.

"Yeah," he comes back from the short bristle, "I don't even know his surname but yes, Ethan."

"Yeah, I remember seeing an article saying they're back together like a few months ago."

Louis ignores the hurt in his chest. "He's a dick," he blurts out.


"No, Ethan," Louis shakes his head, "I've met him twice but he's so... He's so possessive over Harry and in like an unhealthy way. He barely let Harry leave his side when I went for his birthday party."

"You went for Harry Styles' birthday party?" Lottie gasps.

Louis gives her a pointed look.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm just still finding this hard to believe. Like my brother has a crush on Harry Styles and not just a celebrity crush, like an actual crush 'cause he met him and is friends with him. It's crazy. He has like ten million followers on Instagram."

"Huh, I didn't even know that," Louis juts out his bottom lip, impressed. He knows Harry is fairly well known but ten million followers on Instagram is a lot.

"You haven't Googled him?" she asks, sounding shocked.

Louis shakes his head. "I don't find the need to. I know him personally. Why would I need to Google him?"

"To see what's been going on in his life," she shrugs, "drool over some pictures on Instagram."

"I can drool over him in real life," he says without a second thought.

She barks out a laugh as his cheeks turn red. "Jesus, look at you fantasizing over a celebrity like a sixteen-year-old fangirl."

"He's not a celebrity to me," Louis mumbles, "he's just Harry, this sweet guy with a nice smile and a great sense of humour."

She's quiet which makes Louis look at her again. "What?"

"It seems like you really fancy him," she says with a small smile, "I'm sorry he has a boyfriend."

"Me too," Louis pouts, "and I was working up the courage to tell him---ask him out maybe."

"Shit," she frowns, "so, now what?"

He shrugs. "We're friends, I guess. As much as I hate seeing him with someone else, I still want to see him and stuff. I wanna be his friend."

Lottie searches his eyes. "You hate seeing him with someone else?"

Louis tongues the inside of his cheek. "I didn't mean it like that," he murmurs.

"You've met this guy twice and you hate him," she says dryly.

"Yeah because he's a dick. Anyways, not heartbroken, we're friends and no you cannot meet him."

"I wasn't going to ask," she mumbles, "also, it's okay to be heartbroken over a crush. Though from what you've said, it sounds a little more than a crush."

That's ridiculous. "No," he scoffs, "I mean I know the guy for a month; it's just a crush."

"Okay," she sings, "anyways, Niall says I have you for the rest of the day."

"He what?" Louis blinks.

"He said he can handle the rest of the day. So, we are going shopping after this."

"Shopping?" Louis asks with a groan.

"Yes, shopping. Doesn't matter what it's for. It's free therapy and I heard you need new bed sheets anyways," Lottie shrugs.

"How do you know that?"

"You and Niall are too close," she snorts.

Louis flushes. That may be true but he can't help it. Niall is just an ace guy and they got along immediately.

"So, tell me more about Harry," Lottie says, resting her arm on the counter, head propped on her fist.

Louis sighs. He wants to indulge her though; he's sure Niall is tired of hearing about him talking about Harry all the time. It switches from complaining about him or swooning about something he's done.

"He's great, like I said. He's really humble and he loves everything I make so it's a huge ego boost," he chuckles.

"Maybe that's why you have a crush on him," she laughs.

"You know, maybe you have a point," he laughs, "but, seriously, he's kind and he's cute. Like he does cute things, you know? He has this weird frog-like smile and he sticks his tongue out before he eats something, and he like pinches his eyebrows together a lot. I don't know why but he does. Do you know he pouts a lot too? Like yes, he's hot. He has a great physique and a cocky smile and whatever but he's cute. Like under all that--- he's cute."

Lottie blinks. "My God you are whipped," she breathes out, "I don't even talk about my own boyfriend like that--- I never have."

"Well then maybe you should rethink your relationship," he grumbles, "I'm in really deep aren't I?"

Lottie purses her lips into a smile. "I think so."

Louis sighs.


Louis starts to notice something as Harry comes in maybe every second day to the bakery. He claims he's spending time with Ethan most mornings which is why he can't always come to the bakery. Which-- Ethan can come with him, but anyways.

Louis notices that he spends more time on his phone. Now, before this, he did the same thing. But he put it aside to talk to Louis after a while. Louis remembers him frowning at his phone a lot in the beginning but he's doing it more.

It's not until he's sweeping up the floors one day while Harry is typing away on his phone that he sees who he's talking to and why he's frowning.

It's Ethan. Of course it's Ethan.

But Louis can see at least five consecutive messages coming from him at a time while Harry tries to type out a reply. Harry let's out a frustrated huff.

"Everything okay?" Louis asks casually, moving closer to him.

"Huh?" Harry blinks at him, "um, yes. I'm sorry I haven't been talking much to you. I'm just---I'm a little stressed out."

Louis purses his lips together. He has noticed that too--- he's not smiling as much. He smiles at Louis and he'll laugh at Louis' jokes but the happy mood doesnt last as long as it normally does. Louis hates to see him that way and he knows it's because of Ethan. Of course it's because of Ethan.

"Why?" Louis asks gently.

Harry picks at the wooden table, chewing the inside of his cheek. "Um, it's just... Stuff."

"Harry, you said I can talk to you about anything and the same goes for me, remember?"

Harry sighs, looking up at Louis hesitantly. "I don't want to bother you. It's really---it's nothing, honestly."

Louis sighs, placing his broom to the side and sitting opposite him. "Lay it on me."

"Fine. But you have to tell me about you as well. Because I know something is going on with you too."

Louis bites his lip, nodding. He won't tell Harry, honestly. It's embarrassing and messy and just... Stupid, so, that won't happen. But he can make up something.

"Okay," he exhales, "Ethan and I have been hanging out since he got here and it's been great. I've missed him and stuff it's just..."

"Just?" Louis prompts.

"He's being a little much right now. He messages me a bit too much and I get that he missed me but if I don't reply within a few minutes then he gets all... Weird. He'll message me like five or six times till I do reply."

Louis frowns, anger bubbling in his veins. "Does he not know you have work to do? And didn't you see him only a few hours ago?"

Harry's cheeks go red. He looks down, sighing. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. It's so stupid. I just have a boyfriend who cares about me and loves me."

He sounds more like he's convincing himself and Louis--- he wants to say so much but he doesn't even know where to start.

"I talk about myself too much, honestly," he laughs it off, "um, what's up with you? You seem a little...distant. Is it because I haven't been coming here as often? Or did I do something else wrong?"

"No, God," Louis sighs, shaking his head, "you didn't do anything--- I'm just stressed out too. Um, the prices to buy some stuff for the bakery have gone up and I haven't been sleeping well--- it's really nothing to do with you."

Harry searches his eyes. He doesn't look like he's convinced.

"Hey, look, if you're free on Saturday for lunch how about we take a walk to a nearby food truck? Not the chippy this time," he chuckles.

Harry smiles. "Um, I guess so? I'll ask Ethan first. Though, I think he has a Skype meeting during lunch time on Saturday, so we should be okay."

Louis clenches his jaw. He shouldn't have to ask his boyfriend to hang out a with a friend. "Hey, you know anything you feel isn't stupid."

He ignores the fact that he thinks his crush on Harry is stupid in the first place.

Harry smiles, hands finding his coffee cup again. "Thank you. You're a great person, you know?"

"I know," he replies playfully. Harry laughs, shaking his head. "Let me warm that up for you, yeah?"

"Thank you," Harry says, handing his coffee cup to Louis.

Louis gets up, smiling at him one last time before turning to warm his coffee in the microwave. As he warms the coffee, he turns to look at Harry again. He really just can't stop looking at him, if he's being honest with himself.

He's not frowning anymore, not as much as he used to at least. Hes fiddling with the napkin and pressing his fingers into crumbs, then sticking it into his mouth. Louis smiles, biting his bottom lip. He's a little odd, though Louis noticed that almost immediately about him. He's just becoming more and more endeared by it.

"You're staring again," Niall sings, walking past him and to the display unit. He gives Louis a look as he starts to pack donuts on a tray.

"I know I can't help it," Louis huffs, "what the hell do I do, Ni?"

Niall gives him a sympathetic smile. "Like I said, he could always break up with Ethan..."

"Not going to count on that happening, Niall. I'll just be hurting myself," Louis says just as the microwave beeps.

"I really wish I was in this situation," Niall says, voice hushed, "because then at least I'll know how to help you."

"Oh is Harry's boyfriend not affecting your crush?" Louis teases, getting out the cup.

Niall rolls his eyes. "That kind of crush is different and you know it."

Louis waves him off. "Whatever, I'm going to give him his coffee."

Niall shakes his head and gets back to doing his work while Louis gives Harry his coffee again, this time warmer.

"Don't wait too long this time," Louis says.

Harry's eyes twinkle, green hue sparkling. "I'll try not to be as slow this time. I do need to get to work soon anyways."

"Right, well I have to get to the kitchen so I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Uh, maybe," he says, tone unsure, lips pressed together.

Right. He'll have to ask Ethan.

"Either way, good luck and I hope you have a good day today and tomorrow, I suppose."

"You too," he smiles and he looks---he looks so soft and genuine and God, Louis is so fucking screwed. He hates this.


Harry comes in earlier the following week Tuesday than he has since Ethan has been here and Louis is happy. They'd gone for lunch on Saturday and it was actually really nice.

He's smiley like Louis remembers him to be which puts a smile on Louis' face.

"Hello," Louis greats, "you're early today."

Harry shrugs. "Ethan is sleeping in and I didn't want to wake him so I thought I'd come in a little earlier, like I was."

Ethan, Louis mentally scoffs.

"Okay, well, the donuts are fresh out of the oven if you want one. Have you tried the plain glazed one?" Louis asks.

Harry grins, like he's fond of something Louis said. "Um, yeah, I guess. Do you want to... Maybe sit with me?"

"Uh, I'm technically working, love," Louis says apologetically.

Harry's face falls. He clicks his tongue. "Shit, you're right. I'm sorry."

"No, hey, um, you could sit on a stool here?" Louis pats the stool next to him.

Harry plays with the sleeves of his coat. Still the same old coat he's been wearing. Louis tries not to be offended by it. He probably just really does like his comfort clothes. There's nothing wrong with that. If he doesn't want to wear Louis' coat yet, it's fine. Louis is just being sensitive. He's not wearing Ethan's either.

"Are you sure?" Harry asks, biting his lip.

Louis sighs. "Harry, come and sit here. Maybe you can make your own coffee for once, Hollywood."

Harry's eyes brighten at the playful dig. "Fine, just to prove a point," he marches to the other side and stands next to Louis, his smell invading Louis' nostrils. Extra vanilla-y today.

"Right, know how to work a coffee machine then?" Louis asks, folding his arms across his chest.

Harry scans the machine. He shrugs. "Sure," he replies.

Just then, two people walk into the bakery. Louis smirks at him. "Well then, maybe you can make your own coffee and coffee for these two people."

The two people are the couple who own a nearby bookstore. They're elderly and do not give a fuck about who Harry Styles™ is so they are oblivious to the fact that a millionaire is trying to work the coffee machine to make their coffees.

Louis knows Mrs. Thomas, the lady, doesn't particularly like coffee though so he tells her, "I'm just trying to get to him to practice. Hope you don't mind coffee this morning, Mrs. T."

She laughs, looking at Harry struggling. "I don't mind," she replies.

"You know these new employees need it," Louis sighs dramatically, "and he's very, very new. Aren't you, Harry?"

Harry turns to glare at him momentarily before trying to place a filter in. Louis purses his lips, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Oh, help the poor boy out, Louis," Mr. Thomas says.

Louis chuckles lowly, "If I keep helping them they never learn, do they?"

Harry huffs. Louis doesn't know what he does next but it causes the foam from the machine to spray out and wet Harry mostly, though Louis gets some on his arm and apron.

Louis hears Mrs. Thomas squeal, the couple taking a step back. Louis stares at Harry, wide-eyed. Harry sighs, eyebrows furrowed, looking like an angry gerbil.

"Well, now you've done it," Mr. Thomas says with a small smile.

Louis sighs. "You can go clean up in the back. Let me handle it."

Harry passes one last glare to Louis before huffing and puffing under his breath as he walks away. Niall peeps his head through, watching Harry walk passed him.

"Is everything okay?" he asks.

"Fine, just a coffee machine mishap. Mind serving Mr. and Mrs. Thomas while I wipe up and help Harry?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," Niall frowns, coming out of the kitchen fully and walking to the counter.

Louis pats his shoulder as a thank you and waves at Mr. and Mrs. Thomas briefly before walking into the kitchen.

"Harry?" Louis asks, the boy's back facing him.

He turns, a frown still on his face, a dish cloth in his hand that he's using to wipe furiously at his coat.

"Jesus, you're a little spoiled, aren't you?" Louis laughs a bit, walking up to him and grabbing the dish cloth gently out of his hand. Louis tries to push away the fire that ignites his body as soon as their hands touch.

"I'm not spoiled," he argues, "that's a hard coffee machine--- I can do things by myself."

"All right, love. I know," Louis says, rolling his eyes. He steps to the sink and wets the cloth before handing it back to him.

Harry huffs, wiping some of his face too. The stains on his coat, however, seem to be stubborn. Louis winces.

"All I asked you to do was make coffee," he shakes his head, "you're going to have to dry clean that."

"You think?" Harry snaps, grumbling under his breath. Louis knows he's a little upset but he kind of looks cute so he can't take Harry seriously. He looks hot too but he always look hot. Angry Harry is extra cute though.

"You do have two new coats, you know? I think you'll live. That, and the fact that you're millionaire and can afford like hundreds more," he says dryly.

Harry narrows his eyes, jaw clenching. "I know I can afford more. It's the sentiment behind it that matters. I'm not that superficial."

"I know. Just a joke," he mumbles, "you've come into my little bakery almost everyday since you've come to town when there are so many other places you could have gone to. Hell, you even bothered to get to know me and become a friend. I know you aren't."

Harry's shoulders sag. "Sorry, I get defensive over stuff like that. I'm-- it's one of the last things I got from my step-dad before he passed away."

Louis swallows. "Shit. I'm so sorry, Harry. Fuck. You can leave it here---I'll get it dry-cleaned for you."

"It's fine, Louis," he says softly, smiling a bit, "I'll get it cleaned. It's not that big of a deal."

Louis bites on his lips guiltily. "Are you sure? I really didn't know."

He was just being insensitive. God.

"Yes, it's fine. You can teach me how to use that coffee machine so that doesn't happen again."

Louis chuckles. "Yeah, I can do that. Still want a donut?"

Harry nods excitedly.

"Okay, come on," Louis says in a laugh. He wipes whatever splashed onto him before heading out the kitchen. There's two more customers now, the older couple having evidently left.

They're both sitting down at a table and pay no mind to Harry and Louis coming out of the kitchen. Louis goes to the coffee machine and Harry sits down on the stool Louis previously offered him.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Niall asks. He's sorting out something at the register, half-focused on Harry.

Harry nods. "Yeah, I'll have to have it dry-cleaned but it's fine. I blame Louis."

"Hey," Louis says, offended, Niall laughing in the background.

"It's your fault. You asked me to manage something I didn't have any experience on," Harry smiles.

Louis rolls his eyes, turning to the machine to see if it's broken.

"I checked. It's fine," Niall says, "made coffee for those two and Mr and Mrs. Thomas already," he says, looking at the two ladies sitting down briefly.

"Oh, okay. And thanks for wiping up as well," Louis murmurs, noticing nothing is sticky on the machine or the floor. Bless Niall. "Should have made Hollywood heartthrob clean up," he mumbles, smiling to himself.

"Hey," Harry drawls out.

"Only joking," Louis says, pressing the button on the machine and turning to Harry, pinching his cheek.

Harry swats his hand away, rubbing his cheek. "Felt weird," he grumbles.

"You have pinchable cheeks," Louis shrugs.

"Cheers, thanks, Nan," Harry says dryly.

Niall laughs, like barks out laughing. "It wasn't that funny," Louis grumbles this time, "besides, I'm way hotter than your Nan, I reckon."

Harry lifts one shoulder in a shrug. "True," he agrees.

Louis swallows. He turns around again to get Harry's coffee though his mind is reeling over the fact that Harry basically said he's hot. Technically, right?

"Thank you," Harry let's out a breath, taking the coffee.

Louis gives him a short smile and bends down to retrieve a donut with the tongs. He places it in a napkin and hands that to Harry too.

"You know, if I keep coming here I may look like a donut eventually," he says, mouth still stuffed.

Louis smiles fondly. "Well, look at you, you need to fill up again. You've gone so thin, dear."

Harry laughs, spitting out some of his donut. Louis gags. "Harry, Jesus," Louis grabs more napkins, handing it to him.

"Sorry," he says, laugh dying down, drinking some coffee, "you really did sound like my Nan."

"Good, I was trying to," Louis says, eyebrow arched.

"No, she's said the exact same thing to me when she was feeding me a pie the last time I was there," he explains, wiping his face, then some off his shoulder where some of the donut landed.

"Oh," Louis chuckles, "I think most grandmothers say that."

Harry waves him off. "Well, one day, when you become a nan, you'll be a great one."

Louis laughs. "Thanks, I appreciate it. So will you."

Harry smiles through his donut, then continues to chew.

It's when Louis is finishing up serving a new customer that Harry recieves a phone call. Niall is in the back because he needed the bathroom so it's only Louis and Harry left when the customer he was serving leaves.

Harry frowns, answering the phone and pressing it to his ear. Louis wonders if its someone on set asking him to come to work. Though he knows he only really has to leave in about half an hour.

"Hey, E," Harry greets.

Louis suppresses a grimace. Ethan. Right. He's about to turn around to do something else when he's startled by a booming voice.

It's Ethan, he realizes. And he's shouting on the phone at Harry. Louis' eyes widen as he watches Harry's face fall, skin pale.

"E, I didn't---" Harry tries but he's interrupted by Ethan's booming voice again.

Louis catches certain words because that's just how loud Ethan is. He hears, 'Leave me', 'didn't say', 'stupid'.

That one makes Louis angrier because he knows it's directed at Harry. Harry glances at Louis, cheeks red, before looking away.

"Don't overreact, Ethan. I only came to have coffee," Harry finally finds his voice, though his tone isn't harsh or irritated. Louis doesn't know why. He would be irritated. He is irritated.

Is he really mad about Harry coming to get coffee? He can't be serious?

Louis swallows, trying to look away because if he doesn't, he might do something stupid like grab the phone out of Harry's hand and tell Ethan off.

He hears a few other things from Ethan before Harry finally gives a, "Fine, I need to go anyways. We'll talk later."

Then he hangs up. Before Louis can even say anything, Harry is getting up abruptly and pushing his phone into his coat pocket, rounding the counter.

"Harry," is all he gets out before Harry is walking out the bakery quickly and his figure is disappearing beside the bakery.

Louis makes a move to maybe follow him but then Mrs. Gray walks in, already spouting out her order and Niall is still in the back, which leaves Louis helpless.

He sighs, helping Mrs. Gray and then taking out his phone to text Harry.

Hey, I'm just checking in on you. I hope you're okay. Please talk to me.

The last sentence might be a little too desperate but he doesn't care. Fucking Ethan was rude and he clearly made Harry upset. The way he spoke to Harry was so uncalled for. No one should have to be on the other end of that. Harry didn't even do anything wrong.

"What happened?" Niall asks, eventually with Louis again.

"Ethan called him and started, like, yelling at him," Louis says with a frown, still angry that Ethan even felt like he had the right to talk to Harry that way.

"Yelling at him? For what?" Niall asks in disbelief.

"I think it's because he came here to get coffee? For some reason," Louis shakes his head, "does it even matter? He had no right to do that."

"Yeah, what the hell? How is he doing? Did he leave to go on set?"

"He left after the call. Like, quickly. I don't think he wanted to talk about it or he didn't want me to see him upset, perhaps?"

"Shit," Niall sighs, "he really is a dick, isn't he?"

"Yeah," he mumbles.

And God, does he deserve so much better. Ethan is a dick head.


Louis doesn't see Harry for three days. His texts go unanswered too and Louis is worried until Harry does come in, his usual coat on and a smile on his face. It not as big as it usually is though. When he sees Louis, his smile turns sheepish---apologetic.

"Hi," Harry starts, chewing on his bottom lip.

"Hey," Louis says. And he really wants to be angry. Part of him is. But he's more worried than anything. "Are you okay?"

Harry let's out a breath, probably relieved Louis isn't angry at him. "I'm fine. I'm really sorry I didn't reply to you. I have no good excuse. Ethan was just upset and we were talking things through."

Louis purses his lips. "He yelled at you..."

Harry looks down, stepping a little closer. "He was upset. We spoke about it and he apologized."

Louis stares at him incredulously. So just like that he's forgiven? You don't just yell at someone like that for nothing. And he can't just forgive him after that. It was horrible if his reaction was anything to go by.

"I know. He's not---he's not always like that. He was upset I didn't tell him where I went."

"He yelled at you to the point where you had to flee from here. Harry, you looked like you were either on verge of crying or punching something."

Harry huffs, twiddling his thumbs. "I know. But we spoke about it. I know he just got worried about me. I should have told him where I was going."

Louis flares his nostrils. Bite your tongue. Bite your bloody tongue.

"Um, are you free for lunch today? We can get something to eat and we can talk a bit. I'm really sorry for not replying to you. I know you were worried too."

He thinks Louis is upset because he didn't reply to him. It's partially true. Though at this point he's mad about a good few things. Louis looks up at him and sighs. His eyes are wide and his lips are extra pink from where he was biting at them.

God, he'd do anything to kiss him right now. He wishes he could.

"I'm free. Where do you want to go?"

Harry let's out a deep breath and smiles tentatively. "I was actually hoping you'd have a place in mind. I still don't know much about the area. You would think I do because I've been here for over a month but I've been here so much and I--"

"Harry, you're rambling," Louis says, cutting him off.

"Sorry," he apologise, cheeks red, "um, I don't have time to stay for too long today though. I can only take a coffee."

"Okay," Louis passes him a smile and turns around to get his coffee ready. He has so much to say but he doesn't know if it's his place to even say anything.

Harry reaches at 12 exactly, just as Louis turns the sign around on the door. He smiles at the other end of the glass door, showing Louis his bunny teeth and deep dimples.

Louis can't help but smile back. He holds up his hand and turns a bit. "Leaving, Ni," he calls out.

"Bye, Louis," Niall says.

"Need anything?"

"Not asking you to get me food again after the last time."

Louis winces. "Valid. I'm going then."

Harry steps aside as Louis comes out. "Where are we going today?"

"Café. It's a little pricey--"

"I'll pay," Harry says.

Louis sighs, pulling on his jacket. "You don't have to."

"Stop it, I will. I asked you out anyways," Harry shrugs.

Louis squeezes his eyes shut briefly. Poor phrasing of the sentence on Harry's part but it's not like he knows why. He decides not to argue, mostly because he's not particularly in the mood to and he's sure Harry isn't either.

"They make a good seafood pasta," Louis says as they walk down the pavement.

"How do you know that? Aren't you allergic to shellfish?"

"I am but Niall swears by it," Louis smiles.

Harry laughs, shaking his head. "You know, I really thought you two were together when I first met you."

"Really?" Louis laughs. "Even though he was crushing on you?"

"It wasn't a crush," Harry scoffs out a laugh, "well not a real one anyways."

"Well, what is a real crush then, Mr. Styles?" Louis asks, amused.

Harry exhales, looking up in thought. "With Niall, he didn't really know me, you know? He liked me from what he saw on TV and other forms of media. He didn't know the real me."

"What is the real you?" Louis asks softly.

"What you see," he shrugs, "that's the most me."

Louis wants to punch a wall. Why does he say things like that so casually? Is his aim to kill Louis?

"So if he had a crush on me now, then I'd understand," Harry laughs.

In Louis' mind, he's hitting his head on a table repeatedly. Thankfully, they reach the cafe before Louis could do anything.

They get a table in a corner, Harry still a little paranoid that there'll be too many people who'll recognise him and might bombard him.

Harry does end up ordering the seafood pasta and Louis orders a simple chicken and mayo toasted sandwich. Harry is rambling on about other things which Louis can tell is a tactic to avoid talking about Ethan but Louis feels like it needs to be talked about.

"Are you going to tell me why your boyfriend lost his shit on you?" Louis blurts out, swirling his straw in the lemony water.

Harry stops talking, demeanor shutting down. He leans forward, resting his head on his propped fist. "I told you, he was upset because I didn't tell him where I was."

"So he yelled at you like you were incompetent?" Louis asks incredulously.

Harry sighs through his nose. "It is my fault, in a way, 'cause I should have told him. But I did tell him he can't speak to me like that again and he apologized."

"Did he speak to you like that before?" Louis asks, heart in his throat.

Harry shrugs, avoiding his eyes. He's trying to be causal about this. "Once or twice before but he doesn't, like, have a temper or anything..."

"Harry," Louis breathes out the word, a little frightened and a lot angry, "has he touched you... Like gotten physical with you?"

Harry's eyes widen. "No, God, no," he shakes his head, "he'd never---no."

That at least brings some sort of relief to Louis, even if it is minor. He sighs. "He shouldn't be treating you badly and you shouldn't be taking it."

Harry frowns. He fish mouths once or twice before speaking again. "He--- him and I, we've been together for a while and it's complicated. But he promised he'll get help if it persists."

"The fact that he's already done it more than once means it's persisting," he says softly but firmly.

Harry's frown deepens. "Yeah, I know. But he's okay. He treats me well, I promise. He's not, like, abusive or anything. He worries about me and he's protective."

Louis can see that this conversation will go nowhere so long as Harry remains in denial. Louis is sure he's trying to convince himself that Ethan is a different person to who he actually is.

"Controlling," Louis bites back, "just... It sucked to hear him talk to you that way."

Harry wipes a hand over his face. "I know. He seems like a horrible person to you right now, doesn't he?"

"Not just me. I mean Niall knows too..." Louis says, looking at Harry, "I know we don't know each other for too long but I'd like to think that I know you well and as a friend, I just wanna know the person who's supposed to be treating you right actually is treating you right."

Harry's eyes turn soft. "Thank you," he says, sounding breathless, almost like he's in awe, "you're... You're such a good person. Thank you."

"Yeah, well you're my friend, aren't you? Mr. Hollywood Heartthrob?"

Harry smiles, letting out a small laugh. "We're friends, Danish guy."

Louis grimaced. "I think you need to change that nickname."

"Why? It's cute," Harry says with a point.

"No, I sound like I belong in a porno," Louis scoffs out a laugh.

"Oh and Hollywood Heartthrob doesn't?"

Louis laughs. "Point. But you are an actor, you know? It fits."

"That's rude," Harry says, dramatically offended, "it's fine, I'll find another nickname for you."

"Thanks, much appreciated," he says dryly.

"Hey, um, what about you? Any love interests now? Someone wooing you? You wooing someone else?"

"You asked me about boyfriends not that long ago, you know?" Louis says, finally digging into his sandwich. It's getting cold now but Louis doesn't really care; he's starving.

"I know but that was weeks ago. Something could have changed."

Louis' heart leaps to his throat. A few things have changed. Louis' little crush turned out to be a big crush. Maybe a little more than a crush but that's just semantics.

"No, I'm... Busy," he answers vaguely, shoving his mouth full of bread so he doesn't have to elaborate.

"Busy?" Harry pinches his brows together, "well, have you tried those apps? Tinder maybe?"

Louis' lips twitch up. "I actually was on Tinder for a bit but I got bored within like two weeks. Hooked up with one guy and that was it. Not really an app for long term relationships, believe it or not."

"Hmm," Harry bites his lip, "well, there's no rush, I suppose. You're still young. You look young too."

"Oh, do I look younger than twenty-nine then? I wasn't aware twenty-nine was even considered as remotely old."

"I said young!" Harry laughs.

"But you said I look young too. Were you expecting me to look old?"

"I mean, Ethan is twenty-eight and he looks like he's in his early thirties at least," Harry says.

Louis blinks. "Don't wanna judge or anything but yes, he did look older. Nothing wrong with looking older though, is there?"

Harry shakes his head. "No, not at all. Though , when you grow out your stubble you look older. Not in a bad way. You look good. I mean, you look good either way---anyways," he laughs, blushing a bit, "how's your sandwich?"

Louis smirks a bit. That surely counted as flirting didn't it? Does he know that he does that? It seems like he does since he changed the subject so quickly.

"Thanks for saying I'm good looking," Louis digs the knife deeper, watching Harry grin, cheeks red, "and my sandwich is good, how is your pasta? Was I right about it being good?"

Harry nods, wiping his mouth with a napkin before going back in. "Technically it was Niall who said it was good though."

"Right," Louis waves him off, "semantics."

"You don't like being wrong, do you?" Harry asks, amused.

"I'm shocked you've only just figured that out."

"I thought as much," Harry mumbles, "now I know."

Louis rolls his eyes then let's out a laugh. "I still can't believe you thought Niall and I were together. I mean, I even gave you a breakdown of my boyfriend history and presence."

"I know I just thought that maybe you didn't want to tell me yet. I don't know," he cringes.

"Well, he's gonna get a kick out of this," Louis snorts.

Especially because he knows how whipped I am for you, goes unsaid.

"God, that's so embarrassing. Ever since he can actually talk to me, he's a little shit," Harry grumbles.

Louis laughs, covering his mouth. He didn't expect Harry to say something like that. "Don't tell him that. You'll break his heart."

"I think he's at the point where he won't take it to heart, don't you think?"

Louis lifts a shoulder. "Maybe."

"Hey, I know you guys probably don't think very highly of Ethan right now..."

Louis hums. He'd rather not speak right now. He keeps his eyes on his food and waits for Harry to finish.

"And he's leaving soon so you guys probably won't see him... For some time? Maybe?" he shakes his head, "anyways, I'd love if you guys come to meet him like properly? Like, for drinks. Zayn and Liam will be there too obviously."

Louis sighs. "I don't know..."

He just doesn't know how long he can bite his tongue and if he does act like a dick in front of Louis towards Harry, Louis won't be able to hold back any longer.

"Please? He's really not that bad. He's under so much of stress from work but he's dealing with it. He's a good guy."

Harry really looks like he's pleading with Louis. Sighing, Louis places his fork down and nods. "Yeah, okay. I'll tell Niall."

Honestly, the stress thing is a load of bullshit. It's an excuse. A shitty one at that.

"Wait, what does he do?" Louis asks, blinking, realizing he has no idea. Lottie knew who he was but that doesn't necessarily mean he's famous too, does it?

"He owns a record label," Harry says and he actually looks proud. Louis scowls on the inside.

"Oh, good for him," he mumbles.

"Yeah, you can ask him more about it if you guys do come and meet him..."

"Yeah, I told you, I'll tell Niall and let you know. You'll answer your texts this time?"

Harrys cheeks turn pink. "I will, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Just playing with you," Louis shrugs it off.

"I know. Um, thanks by the way. For, like, everything. I really appreciate you being my friend," Harry says with a soft smile.

Louis smiles back. "I should be thanking you, Hollywood Heartthrob."

Harry chuckles. "No, trust me. You're... You're great, Louis. I'm lucky to have you as a friend and thank you for caring about me. I know that you were just worried about me and I---I don't know. It's nice."

"To have someone worry about you?" Louis asks slowly.

"Yeah," he shrugs, "I mean my family does but they're a bit much sometimes so with you it's... I dunno... Different."

He looks at Louis intently and Louis looks back. The statement, for some reason, feels loaded. And maybe it is. He has other friends, doesn't he? Zayn is his best friend. Surely, he worries and cares about Harry too. Not to mention his boyfriend...

Instead of voicing out his thoughts, Louis simply gives him a kind smile and Harry returns it.


It feels weird, being here. Niall said he didn't have to agree to come that way Louis wouldn't have to either but Louis felt bad. No, he wasn't looking forward to seeing Ethan again but he isn't doing it for Ethan, he's doing it for Harry.

So much about their relationship raises red flags in Louis' mind and it's the same with Niall. But maybe--- maybe--- they're judging too quickly?

He sighs. There's no way they're judging someone too quickly if they spoke to their partner that way, right? Niall said if it were Louis, he would have kicked the guy's ass by now and honestly, Louis felt the same about Niall.

He just hates that someone like Harry is with someone like him. Two times was two times too many to meet the guy. Now, they're making it a third.

Harry is great. He's kind, he's funny and he's sweet. Ethan seems like just about the opposite of that really.

Louis knows it's not just his feelings getting in the way of disliking this guy too. If Niall says it, he knows he's not being biased. Though, the fact that he does like Harry also comes into play as much as he hates to admit it.

"Why am I willing to bet that this guy will be just as big of a dick as the last time?"

Louis puffs out air from his cheeks as they reach the front door. "Honestly, I am too. Every time I think about him, I just hear the way he spoke to Harry and I see Harry's face. I don't know how the hell I'm going to meet him again and pretend like nothing happened."

Is he overreacting? He really doesn't think he is. But he is overthinking. That's what he does best though.

And really, at the end of the day, he's no one to say who Harry should and shouldn't date. He's here to be a friend and a friend he shall be.

Harry answers the door with a smile on his face. He hugs Louis and Louis hugs back, still doing that weird thing where he smells Harry. It's weird but he can't help it because Harry always smells so good.

When Harry pulls away, Louis finally blinks back to the real world and smiles at him. He hugs Niall too and Niall grins widely. It's crazy to think that only a few weeks ago, he could barely get a word out to Harry and now here is, hugging him like he's an old friend.

Louis greets Zayn next. He likes Zayn. He's only met him a handful of times since that day on set but he's a cool guy. He has a very... Calming vibe to him. Liam seems great too, Louis thinks as he greets Liam too. He seems a little obnoxious but not in a bad way really. Harry can be obnoxious too but Louis finds it endearing anyways.

Not that he finds it endearing on Liam per se...

When it finally comes to Ethan, Louis holds his hand out stiffly for a handshake. Harry joins Ethan, standing next to him. He watches the interaction carefully, like he's scared of what'll happen. As if he's watching a lion meet a zebra for the first time.

"Good to see you again, Louis," he says, shaking his hand firmly.

Louis' grip tightens on instinct before pulling away. "You too," he mumbles, trying for a smile.

Niall is little less stiff and closed off but that's just Niall in general. Even Ethan doesn't seem so standoffish with Niall as he is with Louis. Maybe he sees Louis as a threat. Huh. Good then.

It's a little bit tense and Louis notices as they exchange small talk and snack on crisps, that Zayn and Liam don't really interact with Ethan either. They're not... Hostile towards him. But they don't go out of the way to talk to him either. Hell, they know Niall and Louis for less and they seem to be having more of a conversation with them than Ethan.

It seems clear that he's not very well-liked in general then. Louis wonders why they haven't said anything about it. Or if they know about his little outburst the other day. Maybe they know about more? If so, Louis hopes they've at least done something to end the relationship. It seems toxic for fucks sake. And it's killing him to see Ethan, once again, keep a hand on Harry's waist throughout everything. He's so... He's controlling. Surely that's not healthy and something everyone can see.

Louis huffs under his breath. He's just getting frustrated about this.

"Hey how about charades?" Liam suggests, getting up, "there's an even amount of us now."

"Well, are Harry and Louis going to be on the same team again?" Zayn asks, sighing tiredly.

Louis smirks at Harry who's smiling back.

"Again?" Ethan asks with a small laugh.

"Yeah, they were on the same team for pictionary and they won," Liam explains.

"Oh, well, Harry and I make a pretty good team don't we, love?" Ethan leans in, kissing his cheek. Harry doesn't look uncomfortable. He smiles and leans into Ethan even more.

Louis does scowl this time but hides it in his cup as he takes a sip of his drink.

"Well, we can do teams of three?" Liam suggests.

Louis squeezes his eyes shut. They're going to put him on the same team as Ethan and Harry, aren't they?

"I'll be with Harry and Ethan," Niall volunteers, "since I was with you guys the last time..."

Zayn shrugs, looking at Louis. "That fine with you?"

"Yeah," he says, letting out a breath. He sends Niall a short thankful smile.

So they play charades. It's a little less tense and Louis suspects it's because of the alcohol as well. It's just... It's weird. You would think that a couple who have been together for years would be in tune with each other but they really aren't.

Niall is more in tune with Harry than Ethan is. And that's saying a lot. Hell, Louis is too. He's not too bad, playing with Liam and Zayn, honestly, but he knows he can be better with Harry.

Every time it's Harry's turn to act out something, Louis knows what it is. It's at the tip of his tongue.

By the time round five comes around, Louis doesn't hold it in anymore. Niall and Ethan are struggling to catch on and he has no patience, so, he blurts out the answer, "Opening a gift."

Harry points at Louis, grinning widely and high-fiving him. "Thank you," he says and looks at his teammates, huffing.

"Sure you're an actor, babe?" Ethan tries to joke it off.

"Haha," Harry replies sarcastically, "whatever, it's Louis' turn now."

Louis takes a turn and he gets a relatively easy one. He thinks that Zayn and Liam will get it pretty easily but he's wrong.

The time is ticking away on timer and they still haven't gotten it. Louis' heart rate increases as he fills with more adrenaline and frustration.

"Hide and seek?" Harry is the one to blurt it out this time.

"Yes," Louis let's out a relieved breath.

"You know those points shouldn't count since you guys aren't on the same team," Niall huffs.

"Yeah and since when is you looking like you're playing peek-a-boo mean hide and seek?"

"He was trying to hide," Harry defends him, "I got it."

"Exactly," Louis sits next to him, bumping their fists, "and I got yours."

"The funniest thing is that Harry and Zayn are both supposed to be actors," Liam snorts.

"Hey," he says, offended.

"Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?" Zayn asks eyebrows furrowed, facing him.

"Babe, you couldn't even act out opening a window," Liam deadpans.

Louis chuckles.

"No, neither of you could guess it," Zayn huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Charades and actual acting are very different, okay?" Harry says defensively, sitting back on the couch, looking disgruntled.

"Sure, babe," Ethan smiles, hand around his neck and massaging it.

Harry sticks his tongue out at him and Ethan's grin widens. He leans down to kiss Harry. And it's another kind of pain, watching Harry smile into the kiss. Louis swallows the growing lump in his throat and gets up.

"I'm going outside for a bit. Need some air," he announces.

Harry looks up at him. "Okay, um we'll neaten up here in the mean time and get some more drinks."

"I'll join you," Zayn says, getting up too.

Louis doesn't fancy being with anyone right now but he nods. They walk side-by-side to the balcony and close the door behind themselves. Zayn pulls out a joint from his pocket and a lighter, igniting the end of it and taking a hit.

"Want some?" Zayn asks, holding out the joint.

Louis nods, letting out a breath. Maybe some weed will help him relax. He sucks a little in, because it's been a while since he's done this. Sure enough though, he does cough a bit.

"You okay, mate?" Zayn asks, amused.

"Fine. It's just been a while," Louis clears his throat, handing it back to Zayn.

"You okay otherwise?" Zayn asks him, leaning against the wall nearby.

"I'm okay. How are you?" Louis asks, looking at him curiously.

He takes another hit, shrugging. "Fine. So, you don't like Ethan, huh?"

Louis almost chokes on nothing. Well, he can blame it on the weed. "Am I that obvious?"

Zayn chuckles. "Kind of. I only suspected it but now I know," he smirks.

"Sorry," Louis apologizes. He feels like he needs to.

"Nah. Don't be. No one likes him," Zayn says nonchalantly.

Louis frowns, turning to him. "Okay, why?" he has to ask if they notice the way he is with Harry, if they know about what he does, if that's why they don't like him.

"He's too possessive over Harry," Zayn frowns too, "and it's worrisome but Harry is so blind to it."

"Yeah, well, love is blind," Louis let's out a humorless laugh, "and I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that."

"It's not love anymore... Not in my opinion," Zayn murmurs.

The kiss he witnessed minutes ago didn't seem like it's not love.

"Harry---he's someone that finds comfort in things. He likes to keep things around him that are familiar and he clings to it as much as possible."

Louis blinks. He's right, if Louis thinks about it. It's obvious, with the way he acts. That coat of his that he holds onto, the old ratty boots he wears more often than not. He can tell this is who Harry is as a person.

"He's familiar with Ethan. They were friends before anything and they fell into a romance and he didn't look back. Ethan was there for him through a lot, trust me, I know it. And he wasn't... Bad, like at all. They were good. But, as Harry became more and more famous, he became more controlling and jealous. Within the last year or so, I'd say."

Louis shakes his head." Why didn't you guys say anything to him then? As friends, I mean."

"I've tried to. Liam has too. But he gets very defensive and he changes the subject. Honestly, ever since he's come here though, it seems like he's finally... Thinking for himself. I love him, but he hasn't seen things for the way they are when it comes to Ethan."

"Are you sure? He practically begged me to come today to give Ethan another chance after I heard him yelling at Harry the other day. It just seems so unhealthy, for them to stay together."

Zayn sighs. "He yelled huh?"

Louis nods. "Has he done it before?"

"Yeah, once," Zayn nods, "that I know of at least, and Harry told him off."

Louis feels a swell of pride in his chest. Good. He deserves to be told off.

"Aren't you guys scared? I mean it seems so toxic," Louis huffs.

"Yes, but like I said, he doesn't listen. You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. But, I also said that since he's come here, I think he might be seeing things differently."

"Differently, how?" Louis cocks his head to the side.

Zayn regards him carefully. "He listens to you. And you mean a lot to him. That's why its so important to him that you like Ethan, I think, " Zayn says, puffing out some of the smoke.

"How is him wanting my approval for Ethan mean that he's looking at things differently?" Louis asks, confused.

"I know it seems confusing but it's the way he's acting. Like, he's not as attached to Ethan and willing to do whatever he says. He's standing up for himself and he has more of a backbone and they're fighting more because of it."

It's feels a little dirty, hearing all of this. Like they're teenagers gossiping about a classmate.

"Is that a good thing?"

"Yes," Zayn breathes out smoke, "because I think he can finally see what he deserves."

Louis sucks in a breath. "What do you mean?"

Zayn rolls his eyes, passing the blunt to Louis, a smile on his face. "I know you like him, it's pretty obvious."

Louis takes a hit, thinking of a good answer. "You can?"

"Yeah, and I'm glad. He's going to end it sooner rather than later because, yes, they have their good moments like just now, but you always will with a partner you've had for so long, you know? The bad is out weighing the good now though, and little by little, he's realising it. Their relationship wasn't always bad. It's only within the last year or so that it's gotten so bad, like I said. And the denial part is the hardest thing to overcome with anyone, especially with someone that means a lot to you. I mean, he wasn't always like this with Harry so I think Harry is holding onto that part of Ethan that he remembers but doesn't exist anymore."

Louis hums, then let's out the smoke. " I really hope he does realize it then. Not just because I want him to be with me or whatever. But because he deserves better than that."

"I know you're a good guy. And I'm glad you're in his life. I think it helps, seeing a fresh perspective for him in terms of his relationship. So, thank you. He really likes you."

"I know, he says as much," Louis smiles, handing the last bit to Zayn. "So do you think he... Might like, like - like me?"

Zayn chews on his lip. "I don't know. He hasn't been this way with any friend of his before though."

Louis huffs. "Well, I'm going to be there for him as friend then, before anything else. If what you're saying is true and he's realizing it more and more as the days go by, then he'll need a friend there for him."

Zayn smiles. "You're a good person, Louis. I'm rooting for you two."

Louis' heart flutters. "You're a good friend," he returns.

Zayn grins. "I know."

Louis shakes his head. He has hope in Harry. He can end it with this scumbag and Louis will be there for him. The only thing is the matter of when, now. He hopes, for Harry's sake, it isn't dragged out for too long because he really does deserve better.

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