The Steam Powered Hero! - New...

By -Ishimura-

3.8K 111 263

This is the possible sequel for The Steam Powered Hero! Right now, it's just a single chapter, a prologue of... More

The Steam Powered Heroine!

3.8K 111 263
By -Ishimura-

Seriously, hear that song before reading. I don't know about you guys, but it hypes TF out of me!

Shout out to NagitosShoesOfficial for providing us with a cover art! You made an author's day a whole lot better!

Hello there, everyone! Welcome to another, VERY special chapter today! Some of you wanted to see a sequel, where we could see our favorite non-canon character, Steampunk, as a husband, and as a father. Well... ask and you shall recieve! I present to you the (possible) sequel for The Steam Powered Hero! *cheers*

God, this was such an awesome chapter to write, a hard chapter as well. For when you think about it, a possible new generation of My Hero Academia would be extremely in favor of the heroes, we have Class 1-A, Class 1-B, The Big Three, and a ton of other Pros around, (or at least I think so, maybe some of them will die in the manga, let's hope that doesn't happen) and I didn't even mention Midoriya and One For All, you have to really think hard about something that will happen where the heroes are in real trouble.

So here we are, my own little take on a possible sequel. Mind you, this isn't the official sequel for the Steam Powered Hero, it might become, but untill I am certain that anything I write here will be coherent to the original source (the manga) I can't simply write as I see fit, that would fall into the category of AU, and that's not something we want... right? And I don't think I can manage two stories, I've got my hands full lately...

So yeah, I hope you guys are happy with this single chapter for now... and I hope you like what I've come up with! As always, let me know what you think in the comments! I'd love to hear you guys opinion!

That's about it! Good reading!


It's an ordinary morning, like any other. The sun shines bright, the birds chirping outside, and the unmistakable sound of Punk Rock playing, the blaring alarm to wake her up in time.

A/N: Play the song while reading for maximum immersion ;).

It's a music themed bedroom, one might even mistake it for a certain Punk Rock girl's room when she was younger, the musical instruments, the album covers of various bands, this 'Rockin' vibe is a common theme throughout the bedroom. But other other than the musical theme, the room also has a few Steampunk decorations, gears, goggles, a costume, even a few gadgets.

She slowly woke up, her shoulders weight heavily, yawning as she stretched her arms, lazily looking around for her phone. It took a second for her to actually find the damn thing lost in the middle of the covers. When she finally grabbed the phone to turn the alarm off, she was alarmed! It's 8 AM and today is the big day!

"I'm gonna miss the Entrance Ceremony!" She hastily got up, clumsily falling off the bed, landing on her face for some reason. Donning a familiar Deep Dope tank top and shorts, she quickly ran through the room looking for her school uniform, after a minute of looking through all that mess she finally found it setting to the side and making her way to the bathroom.

She cleaned her face, somehow managed to fix the short purple hair with white highlights.. And as she looked in the mirror, those onyx, lazy-looking eyes, that hairstyle with a reflection shaped like a small cloud of steam and the Earphone Jacks hanging from her earlobes make one thing clear.

"My name is Kyomi Atsuhito... I'm the daughter of the two coolest Pro Heroes in Japan; Earphone Jack and Steampunk.
And this is my story. The story of how I became a Hero myself."

"Kyoooomi! You're gonna miss the Entrance Ceremony!" She heard a man's voice from outside the bathroom.

"I know, I know! I'm working on it!" She replied as she finished getting ready to leave.

Kyomi rushes out in a hurry, returning to her room to dress up in the school's uniform, meeting her father midway. He was nonchalantly leaning against the wall, tapping his wrist, in a gesture to show she's late.

"C'mon Rock Star, you're late!" He pulled her to a kiss on her forehead. "G'Morning!"

"Morning dad!"

She stopped just to hug her dad, then continued to her room.
In the meantime Kaito headed downstairs to meet his wife, who had set up the table with a beautiful looking breakfast.

"Didn't expect to see you here." He said, walking up to Kyoka, who was distracted. "They said at the Agency you left earlier."

"I couldn't miss Kyomi's first day at U.A- Uhn- Kaito..." She shuddered, taken by surprise by a hug, and a kiss on the neck.

"You look beautiful, as always..." He said softly.

"Kaito..." Kyoka blushed a little, turning back and looking up to meet his gaze, as she leaned forward to kiss her husband..

"Eeew... Not in front of me." Kyomi had a disgusted look.

The two looked over to see Kyomi already sat down donning her uniform, white shirt with a red tie, green accents on the shoulders, and green skirt, savoring a cup of coffee.

"Morning, Rock Star!" Kyoka broke from the hug, Kaito frowned. "Did you sleep well?"

"Well... Sorta." Kyomi looked a little stressed. "I'm kinda nervous..." She rubbed her right arm, looking around. "I don't want to let you both down. You went to U.A too, so..."

"Don't worry! You'll do great, Kyomi!" Guaranteed Kaito, giving her a thumbs up with a positive grin.

"Uh-Huh..." Kyoka nodded in agreement. "Today is not about us, it's about you. Your father and I may have joined U.A when we were your age, we were nervous too, it's natural."

"Don't let thoughts like that hold you down, the sky isn't the limit when your mind is clear!" Kaito added, striking a hero pose, Kyoka giggled. Even after all these years he hasn't changed too much from the goof she fell in love with years ago.

Kyomi looked more relaxed, lighting up a bit.

"Right... I'll do my best!" She grinned.

Kyoka smiled when she saw a little bit of Kaito in that grin.

"Ooh, but before that we need to make sure you get there in time!" Kaito checked the time, then hastily headed out. "Honey! Where's my costume?" He asked.

"I... Uh... Put it over there?" Kyoka looked over at Kyomi, shrugging, Kyomi giggled.

""Over there's doesn't help at all!" He insisted.

"Have you looked where you always leave it?"

"Of course I have!"

"Have you, really?"

The two girls awaited his response.

"Oh... He he, funny, I could've sworn I looked over here."

The two looked at each other, shook their heads, and giggled.

"Alright!" Kaito returned, now in his classic hero suit. Goggles, gauntlets, greaves, victorian style coat and waistcoat, all that fancy stuff. "Let's go, Rock Star!"

"What?" Kyomi looked over, confused.

"We're late already, the only way we can get there in time is FLYING!"

"Really?!" Kyomi was excited.

"Of course! C'mon, let's go!"

Kyomi kissed her mother on the cheek, grabbed her bag and quickly made her way to the door.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Kyoka asked.

"Nope!" Kyomi answered with conviction.

"Are you sure?" Kyoka smugly crossed her arms.

"Yeah! I'm not 9 years old anymore, mom!"

"What about that?" Kaito points at what she forgot. Kyomi looked back to see her mother holding her school blazer. That's a... little nod for you, reader who remembers little details.

"Oh..." Kyomi shyly hopped over, grabbing her blazer. Kyoka held her arm, pulling her into a warm hug.

"We're proud of you... Rock Star."

Kyomi blushed a little, smiling. She the ran to the door, making one final stop, turning back.

"I'll do my best!"

Kaito gave her a small heapat, then looked over at his wife.

"Aren't you coming with us?"

"Oh no... I'm alright, thanks! Besides..." Kyoka walked over to her husband, giving him a quick smooch. "Flying is for droids..."

Kaito looked wordlessly.

"Did you just-...? That's why I love you!"

"I know!" Kyoka smugly added.

Kaito and Kyomi headed out, Kaito handed his daughter a pair of goggles to fly safely. He lowered his own, and as he did, a collapsible helmet made of brass closed around it. He held Kyomi close, preparing to take off, but not before another thing. He looked over at Kyoka who waved them goodbye...

"You complete me!" He said, taking off, as the Steam Powered Rocket he is.


The two flew over the buildings of the main city, the beautiful blue sky and and sunny day make things perfect. Flying has something Kaito has always loved to do, learning to do so with Hawks when he was younger. Naturally, that was passed down to Kyomi. Ever since she was a little girl she loved when Kaito took her flying around.

Unfortunately for her, that's something she can't do on her own. Kyomi inherited her quirk from Kyoka, but didn't inherit her father's quirk. Even so, just like her mother, she was accepted into U.A's hero course with just her Earphone Jack quirk, something she was proud of. Although Kyomi doesn't have her father's quirk, she inherited something more special, his attitude, his will and his energy.

As they flew through the blue sky, something caught their attention. A huge explosion a few blocks away, down in the streets, leaving a huge cloud of smoke. Something isn't right.

"Woah..." Kaito stopped, looking over the event. "That doesn't look good." He recieved in the radio built in his helmet the news on what was happening.

"Attention, any heroes around the area! We have a villain attacking! This thing is a monster! Watch ou-!"

"That's not good..."


"I'm gonna get you down, then I'm going to head over there."

Kaito descends, leaving Kyomi on the safety of the ground, and away from any harm. A bunch of people was already running away from the scene, embarking in the first train away from there. But Kyomi wasn't, she's just as stubborn as her father, if there's trouble brewing anywhere, she's charging straight for it, and that's exactly what she did.

Meanwhile, The Steam Powered Hero arrived at the source of what's happening.
A bunch of buildings collapsed, as well as a few Pro Heroes downed. The cloud of dust from all that debris make it seem impossible to see at first what did that, but the rumbling sound and shaking ground made one thing sure. This isn't your old run-of-the-mill villain he's dealing with here.

Out of nowhere something comes flying out of the cloud of dust. The spiked red hair and the familiar costume gave it away who it was.

"Kirishima!" Kaito saved his old friend, stopping his momentum. "You ok?"

"Damn! This thing is tough!" Kirishima shook his head. "Oh, hey Atsuhito! How's the family?"

"They're doing good. What's happening?"

The ground shook once more, this time, the answer became clear. Slowly emerging from the cloud of dust, standing almost 20 meters tall, it's steps shaking the earth itself. A giant, black, muscled body, teeth protruding out of it's face, no eyes whatsoever, only it's brain showing. A GIANT NOMU!

"Ah, you gotta be shitting me! I thought these things were dead!"

"I thought so too!"

The monster continues to advance, stomping anything on it's path. Kaito dodged out of the way, carrying Kirishima with him to safety.

"Do you know what quirks does this thing have?" Kaito asked, still focusing on the threat.

"Well, gigantification is the least of our problems here! This thing has some sort of super regeneration and some sort of shield, I can't explain!"

"Great! Let's do this the old fashioned way, I'll burn it so hot it's regeneration can't keep up!"

"Sounds like a plan! You still need an opening, though!"

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Kirishima goes UNBREAKABLE.

"Yeah, you do!" Kaito grabbed his hand, spinning around with the help of his steam, launching Kirishima at the monster.

"Red Riot! UNSTOPPABLE!" Kirishima used the momentum to punch the monster on it's jaw, making it lose it's balance, almost stumbling to the ground.

Kaito used the opportunity to approach, when out of nowhere, the monster grew a pair of eyes, swatting the Steam Powered Hero in the air.


The Nomu punched the distracted Kirishima to the ground, luckily his hardening still held strong. On the monster's hand, a bunch blades made out of brass came out of his grasp, slicing his hand and fingers in pieces. Kaito freed himself from the monster.

"I'm late for my daughter's Entrance Ceremony! Aaaaargh!" He aimed his quirk at the villain. "Flashfire Steam - Powered Cannon!"


Kyomi ran towards the scene, she could hear the sounds of battle getting closer. When suddenly, the sound of explosions, but not sounds of explosions coming FROM the battle, but coming FOR the battle. She looked up, and saw everyone's favorite Explosion Boy. DYNAMIGHT! Blasting his way towards the battle!

Kaito's cannons of steam damaged the Nomu good, the visible burns from his steam appearing in it's arms. Still, it's regeneration was too strong, in order to defeat it, Kaito would have to get close, but seeing the monster's brute strength, that's easier said than done.

When suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere...


"I know that voice..."

"IMPAAAAAACT!" Bakugo blasted the Nomu with a point blank explosion, hitting it like a missile, engulfing the monster in a cloud of smoke.

"Bakugo!" Yelled Kirishima.

"Explosion Boy!" Yelled Kaito.

"I already told you to stop calling me that, Flyboy!" Barked Bakugo. "It's Dynamight!"

"Tsk... Says the guy calling me 'Flyboy' all the time."

"You two are kidding me, right? Can't take care of a single small fry of a villain?" Said Bakugo in a mocking tone. "You're so weak!"

He said that, but overlooked the fact that the smoke cloud started to dissipate, revealing the Nomu very much unscathed, for it had defended itself with a very familiar looking CRUST shield.

"That is-!"

"Crust's quirk!"


The Nomu roared it's fury, launching at them the shields, Kaito and Bakugo dodged with ease, combining their quirks to attack the villain.

"Steam Powered-!"


Their combined power seemed to be damaging the monster, and at least slow it down, putting it in a defensive manner. Still, the monster still had a few tricks in it's pockets, as it literally started to throw up a bunch of weaker Nomu on the streets, DISGUSTING!

"That's not good..." said Kaito.

"No shit Sherlock!" Retorted Bakugo. "Shitty Hair! Heads up!"

"Gotcha!" Kirishima got ready to fight the monsters as the bigger one kept his attention on the flying heroes.

"Any ideas?" Bakugo asked.

"You? Asking for my advice? What's this? The end of the world?"

The Nomu swung it's arms to attack them, both dodged.

Meanwhile on the ground, there are just too many Nomu for Kirishima to deal with alone, he manages to stop a good part of them, catching their attention to keep them occupied, but another bunch of Nomu simply ignored Red Riot to cause some trouble on the streets, destroying the cars, buildings, stands, anything on their path.

That and, another person was there in the middle of the chaos, Kaito barely got a glimpse of her, but it was definitely his daughter.

"Kyomi!" He called her attention. She looked lost in the middle of all that, those monsters, she only heard stories about these things that caused trouble for her father and his friends years ago, but to see these things in the flesh is another thing entirely.

That small window of distraction was enough for the bigger Nomu to connect a solid hit in, he finally managed to hit Kaito, swatting him out of the air like a fly, violently launching him to the ground below.

"Atsuhito!" Both Kirishima and Bakugo yelled, there was nothing any of the two could do to stop it.

Bakugo kept fighting the big Nomu, if he stops now, this thing will definitely attack the buildings, and that's something they don't want. If Kirishima stops now, the same thing will happen, the other Nomu will attack the public.

Kaito was launched at a nearby car, this time, however, he didn't fell on his face, but on his back.

Kyomi was paralyzed, she looked shocked. Her father was downed, a bunch of monsters he only heard stories of wrecking Havoc on the streets, she was trembling as she kneels down. Her quirk is only a support type quirk, it's a magnificent asset that she uses proudly as her mother does, but she can't do anything now, stronger heroes have tried, including her father, someone she looks up to, someone she wants to become. Kaito seemed to be knocked out, the Nomu creeping closer to the defenseless hero, Kyomi looked around...Time seemed do slow down...

A/N: *Play the epic part of You Say Run here for maximum immersion.*

There are stories about great heroes, about how they became great... But there is something in common in their stories... Their bodies moved on their own before they could notice.

Kyomi got up, teary eyes, when something magical happened. Her tears steamed away as she run towards her father, standing between him and the monsters, ready to fight!

"S-Stay away from my dad!" She raised her hands pointing at the monsters. And just as she did, something unusual happened.

She felt her heartbeat getting stronger, she felt the trembling sensation coursing through her arms, her arms getting hotter for some reason... The steam flowing around her. And finally!

BOOM! Two blasts of heated soundwaves, blasting and burning the Nomu away!

(In Earphone Jack's voice)
Kyomi Atsuhito! Her quirk - Heartbeat Heat! She can blast overheated sound waves from the palms of her hands! The perfect combination of both of her parent's quirks! She also has her mother's Earphone Jacks and her father's Steam!

"That's... Steam-Punk's..." Bakugo got a glimpse of what happened, never though I'd narrate this, but he was impressed, even feeling a little nostalgic of his teenager years fighting alongside Kaito.

Kirishima too got a look of what happened, and he was really impressed, the grin on his face speak volumes.

She did it, she blasted the threat away, just like her father before her! Even so, it's the first time Kyomi has done something like this in her life, it takes a toll on her body.
Kyomi fell on her knees, panting and looking at her hands in confusion.

A couple of Nomu managed to survive their attack, and made their way to attack again, but this time, something else blasted them away, a gust of air pressure.

"It's ok, Young Atsuhito... It's fine now..." Kyomi looked back to see that messy green hair, and unmistakable green suit. The No. 1 hero, Deku, and one of his sidekicks, Eri. "We are here!"

"Took you long enough, damn nerd!" Yelled Bakugo.

"The Nomu?" Midoriya looked around. "But how?"

"C-Can you... question that later?" Kaito slowly got up, recovering his conscience. "We have a job to do here, y'know..."

"Atsuhito!...I-I mean, Steampunk!"

"Steam!" Eri jumped over towards Kyomi and Kaito. Her costume is a mix of Lemillion, Deku and Steampunk. The red cape, green costume and brass goggles are a clear reference to these three. "Are you ok, Kyomi?" She asked.

Kyomi was still a little bit taken back from all that had happened, so she just nodded.
Eri then ran over to the downed Kaito.

"Steam, are you ok? Let me help you..." Eri helped him get back up, using her quirk to heal her old friend.

"Thanks, Eri... Please, take Kyomi away from all this mess." He urged.

"W-Wait... Dad..."

"Just go! We'll be fine!" Kaito had a thumbs up along with a smile.

Eri took Kyomi to safety, she could only hear the sounds of the battle, but one thing was for sure, it wasn't going to last long now, not when those three fight together.

To Midoriya's surprise, the bigger Nomu managed to tank even his attacks using One For All. Given, they weren't at 100% to not damage the city, but still, the fact that the monster managed to tank the attacks is still impressive.

"Deku! Steampunk! Let's finish this right now!" Yelled Bakugo, in both annoyance and hype.




With their powers combined, there's no villain out there capable of surviving.




After the monster is down, the three naturally take a closer look. It's body was lifeless, the monster seemed to be taken care of.

"A Nomu? I though All For One made these things, and now that he's out of the picture..." observed Kirishima. "I thought they were all taken care of!"

"Yeah, we thought so too..." added Kaito. "Any ideas, guys?"

"Maybe that bastard had this one stored away somewhere!" Barked Bakugo.

"Maybe this is the case..." said Midoriya. "We'll need to investigate that further, we can't have these things popping everywhere."

"This one had Crust's quirk..." Observed Kaito. "You guys don't think it..."

"No, it can't be..."

"Maybe we can interrogate this one?" Suggested Kirishima. "It's kinda dead right now, though..."

"Eri, can you give us a hand here?" Midoriya asked, Eri hopped over to help. But for their surprise, the monster started to twitch.

"Stand back!" They retreated, expecting the worse.

And then!... The Nomu began to melt away in some sort of brown, black-ish goo! And even that seemed to simply disappear in thin air, leaving no traces behind, impossible for Eri to rewind it. It looked like it was made for that purpose.

"Great... now we don't have anything to investigate!" Kirishima yelled his frustration.

Kaito looked around the buildings. At the top of one, he could see a mysterious, hooded figure. The figure noticed he saw them, creepily grinned, and with an arm movement they simply disappeared, Tobi style.


"Alright, here we are!" Said Kaito, the two were finally at U.A. Luckily for him, he has a few friends in the school, that managed to buy them a few precious minutes of time just so they didn't miss the ceremony.

Kaito looked at the entrance arch, the U.A's symbol standing proudly, so many memories of this place flooded his mind. He then looked down to his side, to see his daughter. She seemed nervous, so he squatted down to her level to talk.

"Kyomi..." he called her name, she looked over. "We're so proud of you..." he gave her a little head pat. "Your mother and I love you more than anything. So don't be afraid, we'll be here for you...always..." he grinned, that grin of hope.

Kyomi was about to cry, when she hugged her father.

"I love you, dad!"

And he hugged back.

"Oh, there you two are!" Kyoka joined them. "I was worried sick! They said a Nomu attacked!"

"Yeah, we're ok! That was handled, and it's being investigated right now." Said Kaito.

"I'm glad to see you two are ok!" Kyoka hugged them both.

After what felt like years, they finally let each other go. The signal of the school blared, indicating it's time.

"Oh! Better go!" Kyomi ran to the school. "Thanks mom! Thanks dad! I'll do my best!" She waved, running.

They waved back, the scene reminds them both of their childhood.
Kaito breathes deeply, that caught his wife's attention.

"You Alright, honey?"

"Yeah... It's just..." Kaito wipes a single tear away. "Out little girl will become a hero, just like us..."

"Awn..." Kyoka hugged him. "That's why I love you!" She buried her face on his chest, just like she used to do when they were younger.

"You think everything will work out?" He asked.

"I'm sure of it!" Kyoka gave him a smooch. "With a teacher like you, I'm sure this will be the best generation of heroes U.A has ever had!"

"Oooh, right! I almost forgot!" Kaito looked at his wristwatch. "I gotta go!"

"Aren't you forgetting something?" She said in a sultry tone. Kaito looked back with a sly grin. Kissing his wife, for reals this time, like... woah, chill Kaito, this is a family friendly story. She blushed hard, even she didn't expect that hot, steamy kiss.

"Kaito Atsuhito!" She said in a surprised tone, breaking the kiss.

"Hehe..." he grinned, seeing her reaction.

"Don't 'hehe' me!" Kyoka blushed harder, touching the tips of her earphone jacks. "I-I-I...uh..."

"You?" Kaito leaned closer to hear.

"I love you! Idiot!" She buzzed him with her quirk.

"Yeoouch! I know!" One last smooch on her forehead. He grinned, that grin she fell in love with years ago. "See ya!" Y/n blasted his way to the school.

Kyoka watched him go, feeling nostalgic as she saw Kaito heading to U.A with the same energy and attitude he had when the two were young heroes in training.

"This guy..." Her right hand reached the left side of her chest, as she felt that different heartbeat she always felt around him.

After the ceremony, Kyomi headed straight for her classroom, and wouldn't you know it? Class 1-A it is! A few familiar faces around, sons and daughters of her father's classmates in the past, some new faces too. She was excited, as was the entire class, eager to meet their teacher.

The door slowly opened, the expectation building up, the class shuts up immediately, they were eager to meet their teacher!

"Hello there!" He said, entering the class, Kyomi could not believe her eyes, it's him!

"My name is Kaito Atsuhito, but many of you might know me as the Steam Powered Hero: Steampunk!" The students gleamed. "I'll be your homeroom teacher this year!" He strikes an epic pose.

"So welcome... To Your Hero Academia!"

And the class cheered.

*Unknown Location.*

"Seems like your operation was a success..."

"That Nomu was strong, but not strong enough. Doesn't matter, it was just a clone of the real thing."

"Your mission worked out just as you predicted."

"Yes... Deku, Steampunk and Dynamight. Those three are a huge problem, but soon they won't be anymore. How are the necromancers doing?"

"They managed to find the resting place of more Pros, but it's not gonna be easy to get to them."

"Doesn't matter, we will get to them in time."

The figure walked over to a framed art of All For One.

"Youdeemed me a failure, but I won't fail like you did... I will finish what youstarted." The figure destroyed the framed picture. "No one can standin the way of... None For All!" THUNDERING SOUNDS!

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