Thaw [Loki X Reader]

By 3rinisasimp

267K 7.2K 5.7K

Completed! Can you thaw something that's been frozen for thousands of years? Loki Laufeyson is a coldhearted... More

Meet the team
Return to Earth
Long Process
Up Late
Waiting game
Fightin' on Titan
Gauntlet Removal Service!
Space Princess
Sleeping Insomniac
Power Stone
The Beginning of the End-Game.
That one word....
Faded, for good.
A Soul for a Soul
A u T h O r S n O t E
Cooling down
Mission: Entertainment. [VOTE NOW!]
Luxry Cruise!
The Ship has Set Sail
When Life Gives You Lemon....
Hypothermia Cruise
Everything, I suppose.
Vlogs and Mischief
A Question from the Author
The Big Day?
The Big Day!!!
Princess of Asgard
After Party

Space Battle

7.5K 205 100
By 3rinisasimp

I was looking out the window, taking in the veiw. I had seen a lot, but never anything like this. I had never imagined that I would be sitting in a spaceship, in space, on a mission with the Avengers.

"First time in space?" Loki asked, smiling.

"Yeah." I nodded. He motioned for me to join him at the front of the ship. I walked to him and he pointed to a strip of stars that had a planet at the end of it.

"I've been to that planet, and all that's there is a small village. The planet is 10 times smaller than Midgard- or-Earth." He said.

"That's cool!" I stared at the planet, realizing that it wasn't the perspective making it look small. Peter walked over.

"Space is so epic! I'm so glad Mr Stark let me come. Oh, thanks, Y/N, you convinced him to let me." He said. I smiled and looked back at him. He was a smart kid, but young, I could understand why Stark wouldn't want him coming, then again, he shouldn't have made Peter an Avenger if everything was 'too dangerous'.

"Oh, no problem. He really should let you come more, if it weren't for your idea, we would be in trouble." I said.

"There it is." A voice said from next to me. Loki was peering out at another ship. It was huge, with a window spanning the entire front of it. Thor walked to where we all were.

"Okay, let's go." He said, walking to the door. Loki stood and joined him.

"Wait, what about the others?" I asked.

"Right. We have to speak to Stark before we go." Thor said, walking back to the window. He moved the ship on top of the other's, linking the two together. A port opened in the floor and Tony crawled in.

"Okay, Thor, come with me. You three are going to get the people off the ship safely. Let's go!" He went to go back in the hole.

"Excuse me, why am I on babysitting duty?" Loki asked, walking to him. His face was confused and annoyed.

"Hey!" I said.

"Sorry, why are we on babysitting duty?" He corrected himself.

Peter looked up. "Hey!"

Tony motioned to Loki "They are your people." Tony motioned to me, then Peter. "you're new, and you're not ready to face these kinds of guys yet."

"Mr Stark, I can-"

"Kid, we dont know what these punks are capable of. I dont want you getting hurt."

"B-but-" he started, distraught. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, weve got the best part, we get to help people, without having to hurt anyone." I reassured him. He gave me a weak smile.

"I guess you're right." He said, looking down.

Tony nodded to me and hopped down, followed by Thor. Loki sighed and brought the ship behind the other's. They linked their ship to the captured one, and after a bit, moved. Loki brought the ship down and opened the port. I walked to it and looked down, it looked safe from where I was standing, which was good. I looked to Peter, who had pulled his mask on. Loki was standing behind him.

"Adios!" I said, saluting them and hopping down in the hole. I landed in what looked to be a hallway. A window spanned the long walkway. I moved out of the way and Peter came down, followed by Loki. Shouts were coming from the end of the hall. I glanced at Loki and began to run toward the sound. I rushed through the corridors, following the sound. I stopped at a door that looked battered from the inside. Muffled shouts were coming from behind the door. Loki and Peter stood next to me. I stepped back.

"Get back." I said, forming a large ball of energy in my hands. The ball was dark and all kinds of colors swirled around in it. It glowed in my hands.

"Whoa." Peter said, from behind me. I brought my hands back, building up more energy. I quickly thrust my hands forward and blasted the door. It shook, but didnt move much.

"This thing's tough." I remarked.

I formed another ball. I moved my hands in a circular motion around it, adding more energy to it each time. I tossed the ball up in the air and kicked it, straight forward with my foot, toward the door. It crashed against the door, knocking it completely down this time. I heard an impressed hum from behind me. Behind the door, were thousands of people, in clothes similar to Thor and Loki's. I'm glad it's them, and not the guys that trapped them in here. I walked in and the people murmured. Loki walked in after me, and they cheered.

"Hello, everyone! Im back! Did you miss me?" He asked, walking the crowd of people. A woman with a blue Cape and armor stomped up to him.

"It took you long enough!" She said, smacking his face. I let out a quiet laugh.

"Was that really necessary?" He asked, rubbing his face.

"Yes. We have been stuck here for hours!" She growled. She turned to me and Peter and looked at us, puzzled.

"We're here to get you on a safe ship, while the others deal with whoever took this one over." I said, smiling to her.

"Oh, well, I hope you said goodbye to your friends, because they're as good as dead." She looked back to Loki. "Their leader is a Titan." She said. Loki's face turned completely white once again. He had to know something that everyone else didnt. He ran to the door. I grabbed his arm, keeping him from leaving. He whipped around to face me.

"Where do you think you're going? Stark specifically said to help the people." I said.

"You can manage." He pulled his arm away and ran down the hall. Seriously? What is his deal? This is no time to go against orders. I turned back to Peter and the woman. She made an annoyed face.

"Dont worry about him, hes an idiot. Where is this ship?"

"That way, but first, how many of you are willing and able to stay back and fight if necessary?" Nearly every person in the room shot their hand up. I blinked, astonished by the large  amount. "Okay, well, I need all children, elders, and anyone who cant fight to come with me. Everyone else, stay here." I ordered. I looked to Peter and motioned for him to come with me. I led the people back down the hall and to the port.

"Peter, you think you can make, like a ladder or something?" I said, looking at the hole in the ceiling of the ship. He nodded and started to make a string of web. A clamor of footsteps sounded through the hall. I turned to face the  noise, hoping Loki had decided to come and do the one job he had. A woman with blue hair and skin ran into veiw. She had a mask with horn-like pieces on either side. She stopped and stood, staring at us. She raised the spear she had in her hands and launched it at me. I swerved, and it barely missed my neck, sticking into the wall a few feet behind me.

"Get in the ship!" I shouted to the people. I ran towards the woman, forming a long bar of dark energy. She ran to me, at a superhuman speed. She hurled her fists at my head, missing only by an inch, thanks to my reflexes. I dodged her and swung my bar to try and get the fight away from any innocent people. I quickly glanced back to Peter, who was helping people get up, frantically. When  I turned back, I was met with a fist to the face. I fell back, dropping my weapon, stunned. The woman plucked her spear from the wall behind me and held it to my neck.

"Why would they send two children here?" She said, in a ponderous voice. I slowly formed the bar of energy into a ball, bringing it up behind her, and sending it rocketing back, down the hall. She slowly formed her mouth into a smile and raised the spear, lining it up to my neck.

"Because, we can kick some serious ass." I replied, sending the ball careening into the back of her head. I shoved her spear away, in just enough time to not get stabbed in the neck. Unfortunately, my shoulder wasn't so lucky. The blade pierced my shoulder as the woman fell forward.

"Shit!" I shouted in pain. I pulled the spear out of my shoulder and stood up, the woman was knocked out cold.

"Oh god! Y/N are you okay!?!?" Peter shouted, worried. I turned to him, he was holding a little girl in his arms. He looked more terrified than the girl. I nodded, holding my shoulder.

"I'm fine, get the rest of these people up there, I dont know how long she'll be down for." I looked back to the woman, and formed two large balls of energy around her hands, attaching her to the ground. I picked up her spear, knowing I wouldn't be able to destroy it, I walked down the hallway and threw it far away. I returned back to where Peter was, and began to usher the people towards him.

"How many more can fit?" I asked. He popped his head in the ship.

"I think we can get all of them in, but no more than that." He responded. I nodded.

"I'm going to go back and check with the fighter group. Maybe they can help the others, will you be okay for a few minutes?" I asked, hoping he would be.

"Uh, yeah, as long as she doesn't wake up." He pointed to the woman. I added a few more restraints to her and rushed off. I entered the room and the other woman looked at me, concerned.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Some blue bitch attacked us." I responded.

"Where are the other Asgardians? If you let her so much as touch one of them I'll-"

"Shes out, for now. The ship cant hold any more. We can get another ship, but it will be a bit. Since they know that we are here, they're going to send more people to try and stop us. Just be ready for anything. We will be back for you all." I said, walking to the door. The woman followed me.

"Wait!" I stopped and turned to her. "I'm going with you." I looked to the room. Tons of strong looking men and women all stood there. They would be able to defend themselves if anything went wrong. I nodded and walked out with her. We got back to the hall and saw Peter, cornered by the blue woman. Not good.

"Hey, smurfette!" I shot a small rod of energy at her and it bounced off her back, like nothing. She turned around, smirking. The woman next to me readied herself to fight.

"I have more important things to do." The blue woman ran forward, flying past both of us, and down the hall. I formed a large wall, blocking the hall off. I turned to the woman, who looked surprised.

"Nice." She remarked. I rushed to to Peter.

"You okay?" I helped him sit up. "Did she hurt you?" I asked. He rubbed his head.

"Uhhh...." He groaned, sounding shaken and dazed.

"Take your mask off." I instructed. He shook his head.

"I-I cant." He croaked, sounding pained and breathing heavily.

"Yes, you can, shes on our side." I said. He slowly pulled off his mask. I looked at his face, his left eye was already turning black, and his nose was dripping blood. His breathing was slowing and quickening, sporadically. "Deep breaths, Did she hurt you anywhere?" I put my hands on his shoulders, steadying him. He pointed to his throat, then his stomach. She must've really went off on him. "Alright, its gonna be okay. Just breathe, I know it hurts, but you gotta breathe." He nodded and winced. I helped him stand, slowly. I was thankful that I got rid of the blue woman's weapon, she probably would've killed him if I didnt.

"Get in the ship, we have to switch. I hope that someone is still on Quills ship." I helped him into the ship, followed by the Asgardian woman. She was halfway in the ship when she was dragged down by a blue hand. Shit! I whipped around to face Peter.

"Detach the ship! Get them away from here!"

"I cant fly a ship!" His voice was strained.

"Yes, you can, Peter! I know you can!" I hopped down to help. The Asgardian was fighting viciously. I formed ball of energy and whipped it around. I tossed it up, kicking it with all my strength, and sent it flying into the blue womans chest, shooting her backwards. I ran to the other womans side.

"Link arms with me." She said, stepping behind me and putting her back to mine.

I did as she said and she lifted me up, as the blue woman stood up. I kicked a rod of energy at the woman and hit her shoulder. I was set down and the Asgardian woman stepped next to me. The blue woman started to fight back, sending her fist straight into my shoulder wound, I grabbed it turning to the side, in pain. The asgardian woman kicked the blue woman back. She rushed over they both began fighting, hand to hand. I ran to help. I finally put my training to good use and could tell the blue woman was struggling. Although she was losing, she was still getting in good hits on both if us. Her fist sailed into my nose. I'll definitely feel that in the morning. I kicked her in the side. After what seemed like forever, she started to get less and less hits in, and we got more, she was clearly outnumbered and overpowered. I formed a ball of energy, ready to knock her down for good, and as I did, a man with a hood and light, wrinkled skin walked into veiw.

"We have the item." He said. I shot the enegry at the man, it bounced back to me, hitting me in my stomach. I doubled over, hit by my own weapon. The Asgardian woman launched herself at the now distracted blue woman. The blue woman threw the her to the ground. She turned back around and walked to the man. I went to help the Asgardian warrior. The two disappeared. I helped her up. We were both extremely battered, but thankfully, still alive.

"What was that? She just-just stopped?" She said, trying to catch her breath. I swiped a stream of blood from under my nose and looked down the hall.

"Dont know, we have to get the others out of here." I said, walking to the porthole, hoping Peter had taken the ship to safety. I was happy to see that he did. I looked out the ship's window to see our ship, floating safely outside, on top of the other. A figure in the ship's window waved. I waved back. The empty ship flew over, moments later and attached ot the port. Peter hopped down.

"You totally kicked her butt!!" He said, exitedly. "That was so wicked!"

"Uh, you flying a SPACESHIP was wicked!" I replied, high fiving him.

"You two just had a freaking epic space Battle, and it's only Y/N's first day as an Avenger!" Peter looked at the woman next to me.

"Right." The woman smiled. "I never formally introduced myself. I'm Brunnhilde."

My love for Brunnhilde will never die. Shes a total badass and CONFIRMED lesbian, she could LITERALLY ✨punch me in my face✨ and I would say thank you.

Me, to Brunnhilde (and you😘):

Dooooble memez

Peter, trying to fly the ship:

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