~Blood Red~ American Horror S...

By Kara_Smith1

2.1K 43 4

Crimson Reid is a young woman who's goal in life is unclear. She is a successful model, but yet feels her li... More

Chapter 1- Welcome To The Hotel Cortez
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

192 3 0
By Kara_Smith1

"What do you mean?" I ask the countess after her rather random comment.
"Please honey, stay away from James Patrick March, he is dangerous, and he will hurt you if you don't." She explains.
"Do you know each other? You and March?"
She sighs, "yes, we used to be in a relationship, and he nearly destroyed me..."

"Why are you telling me this?"
"I can see it in your eyes when I mentioned his name, you are starting to fall for him, and he has already fallen for you."
Part of me wanted to jump in excitement, March likes me?? She wasn't wrong about me starting to fall for him.
"We've only talked once, I barely even know the man let alone wanting to be with him, thanks for the advice I guess, but I shouldn't need it. I only plan on being here for a few weeks."

Her expression darkens, she cups my face, "I want to help you Crimson, just while your here, stay away from him. In a few weeks a lot can happen, and people tend to stay here longer than intended..."
I begin to feel uncomfortable at how close she is to me, but her touch felt so gentle and reassuring.
"Fine, I'll keep my distant, assuming I ever even see him again. Thank you for the..." I look down at the leftover coke, "the stuff."

She smiles as her phone buzzes, she picks it up and frowns, "I need to go take care of something, but I'd love to do this again." She gently kisses me on the head, "I'll see you again miss Crimson."
Her words felt a little to literal, despite it being a normal fair well.
She walks up and opens the door for me, "Donovan will show you out."

She practically disappears the moments she exits the room, leaving me alone in the gorgeous penthouse.
Man the people are weird as shit here.
I walk out to see Donovan just sitting on the couch, looking very annoyed.
"Hey, your girlfriend quite a treat." I try and make conversation as I sit down with him.

      He refuses to make eye contact and continues to stare at the floor dramatically, "yeah... she really is."
"Are you ok?"
He laughs, "listen gorgeous, if you wanna stay at this hotel than your going to have to stop being a little bitch, I've seen you, we all have, stop pretending to be something your not."
I jumps on his feet and walks towards the door, his words leaving me shocked.

     "And by the way Crimson, you should leave, before you can't." I can see the pure pain in his eyes as he runs down the hall, angry.
I stand up, shocked...
Why the fuck are these people so weird and scary, and why do they know so much about me.
Usually this kind of behavior would send me running, but I find myself being even more intrigued.

     A couple hours go by as I find myself sitting once more, at the bar, alone.
Thinking of all the things said to me in the last few days, the people I've met, everything seemed so odd. 
Liz was on break so was just alone, sipping on a drink of whatever was leftover that I could reach.

     A man sits down next to me, looking as confused and stressed as I am.
"Is the bar open?" He asks, looking drained and tired.
"No, the bartender is on break, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I stuck passed and grabbed you something, as long as you payed of course."
"Yeah could you do that, grab me a whiskey," he trails off on his words as he stares at the table.

      I jump over the counter and fix up a glass for him and hand it too the stranger, "thank you."
"No problem, Crimson."
He looks up at me and smiles, "John Lowe."
"What are you doing here? Staying at the Cortez." I ask.
"Umm there was a murder here a few weeks ago, I'm a detective trying to figure out what happened, but so far I've found nothing."

     "I'm sorry, I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually, there is a lot to explore here, there's gotta be something to help you out."
"I sure hope so, my job depends on it, what about you?"
"I was originally here for Will Drakes fashion show, I work as one of the models, but my boss decided to buy the place and I've just stayed around here ever since."

     "Damn, your reasons seems a lot more fun than mine."
"Eh I can't complain, modeling is quite enjoyable."
We spend the next few hours just talking and talking, he tells me about his wife and his daughter, and about how his son went missing awhile back.
I tell him about me and Tristan, my mom and my dads death.
Both of us drunk on stolen beverages, which I'll have to pay Liz back for tomorrow.

       He seems like he needs someone to cheer him up, and I needed someone who wasn't speaking in Morse code and warnings.
It was midnight, and we have both became really great friends over a couple drinks.
"Ahh I gotta head to bed, I have no real fucking idea how this case is gonna go, but I need to show up to work anyways for it." He snickers.
"Good luck."
"Thanks I'll need it, see you around Crimson."

    I give him a little smile as he walks off to go to his room.
I'm alone with just my thoughts, and a empty glass of alcohol.
I probably should get to bad too, maybe meet up with Tristan tomorrow.
I get in the elevator and head to my floor, and begin walking down the hallway.

"Hello again darling."
The voice scares me, I turn around in surprise to see a familiar face standing behind me in the hall.
James Patrick March.
"Oh umm hi, sorry did I wake you up?" I ask innocently, trying to pretend I'm not freaking out on the inside.
He's here!!! He's here!!! Don't make a fool of yourself!

      He smirks, amused at my questioned for some unknown reason, "no kitten, I've been awake for awhile trying to build up to nerve to speak with you."
The way he said kitten...
My pussy feels like it's gonna explode, butterflies race around my entire body.
He's been nervous to talk to me!?!?! AHAHHA

     "Ok." I don't know what else to say, I try to avoid blushing as much as I can.
"I've been keeping a close eye on you, I've seen you've met my dear friend John."
"Yes, great dude, I didn't know you knew each other."
Annoyance flashes in his expression, "do you find yourself liking my friend?"
"Yeah, he's been nothing but cool to me."

      "Would you say your interested in him as a partner?" He asks casually.
I furrow my brow, is he asking me if I want to sleep with John, this man is bold.
"What? No, not at all. And I'm pretty sure he's married anyways, I'm no home wrecker."
March smiles, pleased with my answer, "good, I didn't expect anything less from a goddess like yourself."

      Ahhhh his words are gonna kill me!
"Um thanks?" Stop being so awkward, be confident! No one has ever had such a strong effect on me.
"I wanted to ask you to join me for dinner on Friday, I want to know more about you, in a place better for conversation than a empty hallway."
I want to scream yes so loud everyone in the hotel can hear me, but I also wanted to say no.
After Liz and The Countesses warning...

     I give in, "Sure, you want to go to a coffee shop or something?"
He chuckles, I can still hear his accent in his laugh, "I have a better place, I'll send you a dress to wear to our dinner."
"Oh no that's fine, I have plenty of clothes-"
"It wasn't a offer it was a statement kitten, a creature like yourself shouldn't be clothed in whatever filth they have in stores these days."

      Despite being fine as hell, he is kinda weird...
"Ok." I don't really know how to reply to that.
He meets my eyes as he steps closer to me and holds my chin with his fingers, pulling my face close to his.
"I'll be counting the minutes until our dinner Crimson, I promise you won't regret it."
He stays silent for a minute, his grin getting wider and wider as he stares deeply into my eyes.

     Then he lets go of me and walks off, I'm left frozen, shocked at how amazing his hands felt on my skin.
"Wait March I-" I turn around to ask where I am supposed to meet him only for him to be gone.
I look down the hallway, no sign of any doors opened, he just disappeared.
That was weird...

      None the less I scored myself a date with March, this was amazing news.
I could feel his fingers still on my skin, I want to relive that moment with him over and over again.
I don't get why everyone was so scared of March, but I wasn't scared.
That's all that matters now.

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