Happy New Year

By Nicole9714

161K 7.1K 910

New Years, the celebrations of new beginnings, People starting diets, homes, careers the list goes on. For Se... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (Last Chapter)
Note From Author

Chapter 19

3.7K 182 22
By Nicole9714


" I really had a good time with you" I said to Khalil.

It felt good to get out the house but I miss my babies.

" Me too" Khalil said looking down at me.

I stared up at him looking into his eyes.

" Maybe we can do this again"

" Not anytime soon I still have my babies think about"

"of course but whenever you down let me know beautiful"

He kissed me on my forehead before descending down the stairs.

I grabbed my key unlocking my door still flustered.

" I take as you had fun"

I quickly jumped back while holding my chest not realizing Ju was on the couch.

" What are you doing still up" I said while taking off my heels.

He only shrugged his shoulders.

" I was just finishing feeding Sincere"

" by the way you need to pump some more milk" he said smirking.

" Did you have to say it like that" I said scrunching my face up.

" Whats wrong with what I say it's the truth"

I only rolled my eyes.

" Well I'm bout to head in the shower and get ready for bed"

" Shidd me too" he standing up.

" Go somewhere" I said pushing  him back down on the couch.

I stoped by Sincere seeing him and Kiana still sleep. There room is split into half n half.

Definitely going to be finding another place to stay but that will be once I graduate from dental school which is very soon.

Once leaving his room I went to mine quickly slipping my dress off. I grabbed a towel wrapping it around myself heading to the bathroom.

I turned on the hot/warm water lathering up in my favorite sugar scrub.

After only being in the shower for 10 minutes is when I heard the door opening and toilet seat lifting.

On hell no.

" Julian you couldn't wait"

" Man hell Nawl I need to take my leak"

I sighed annoyed knowing I wasn't going to finish my shower.

I turned off the water only to realize my towel was on the counter and he was still in here.

I peaked my head out from shower curtain see he was about to wash his hand.

" Can you grab my towel"

He looked at me through the mirror.

I watch as he was thinking about it when a curve went across his lips.

" Why you can't get it"  he said now leaning against the counter.

Why does he want to make this sooo hard

" Julian I'm not playin pass me the towel"

He picked it up.

" Here"

I smacked my teeth knowing I would still have to step out in my nakedness because he was still feets apart away from me. Just being a pure asshole not to bring it to me.

I took a deep breath since his dumbass was not going to make it any better.

I cringed as my foot touch the cold floor.

" You are such an asshole" I said trying to grab my towel only for him but he put it up over his head.

" Damn girl ion remember you having all that ass" he said licking his lips.

" Julian give me my damn towel"

he finally gave it to me. I instantly wrapped it around me hoping he didn't see anything else that was off limits to him.

" ion understand why I can't see you naked"

" because ..... It's my body it's not like I see yours" I said putting on some cocoa butter on my body.

Mainly for stretch marks.

" Shidd that all you had to say"

I looked seeing him about to strip since his shirt was already off.

" Julian chill" I said quickly closing my eyes.

" com'on Sierra I'm trying to be fair since I saw all your goodies" he said laughing.

He just don't know he was poking with my insecurity.

" it's not funny" I said showing seriousness in my face and voice feeling the need to cover up my body even more since I still had a towel wrapped around me.

" Sierra is not that serious"

" of course it's not to you Julian, you never have to think about what you should wear because you don't wanna be seen as too fat"

Gosh why was I talking about this.

" just forget it" I said shaking my head.

" No I wanna hear this" He said sounding concern for once.

" I don't wanna talk about Julian just forget I bought it up"

" No Sierra I want you to tell me how you feel, you are a beautiful person inside and out"

" what is that you have a problem with"

I hesitated a little before speaking.

" My stomach before it became oatmeal pie is just been something I couldn't get rid of it's guts, than my stretch marks that seem to get higher and higher on my sides"

I think I realize I said to much.

" Well I think it's cute" he slowly start unravel my towel.

I tried to cover up with my arms but he moved them.

" This stomach right here carried my kids for almost 9 months" he said rubbing on it.

" Them stretch make that ass of your even better"

" okay Julian" I said trying to stop him.

" Hush girl lemme finish my speech"

" Real man like real bodies Sierra" he said shrugging his shoulders.

He got on the bed sitting beside lifing his arm.

A large scar was on his side. It actually hurt my heart to see that on him.

" Meet my insecurity"

" What happen"

He took a deep sigh before speaking.

" I was in the drug business when I turned 15 I started dealing"

" when fast money come your way people start to get jealous sooo damn jealous that they would even try to kill you"

" but I made it out though but I have this as a reminder to not go down that road again"  he said shaking his head.

" Im sorry that happen to you"

" It's in the past" he said shrugging his shoulders like it didn't bother him.

" You sure know how to be sweet at a interesting time"

"whatcha mean . . . . . I am sweet"

" The cockiness never seem to die down"

He laughed out loud.

" Aye I can't help it"

" but do you feel better about yourself"

I nodded my head slowly at first.

" thank you"  I said to him.

" you welcome"

After that we went to bed catching some z's.

A week later

Julian ....

"You sure you straight"

" Straight as I'll ever be" I said through clench teeth.

We finally found who hit Sierra in the accident. I honestly shouldn't be surprise but then again why.

I patiently waited for Brandon to park the car so I could get out.

I unloosen the seat belt opening up his car door.

" Aye man relax"

"Fuck that" I said banging on her door.

" coming"

I heard that annoying voice.

She soon open the door with a smile on her face.

" What the fuck is wrong with you" I said barging in.

She wasn't by herself either.

" Julian this is  my place"

" yep that my damn money paying for and you ... how could you let somebody hurt your on flesh n blood"

Claire only rolled her eyes.

These bitches is all could say.

" Julian I'm going to call the cops on you and your friend for barging in my home !"

" do it and we'll see who will be going to jail for a possible homicide"

I watched as Jade spit her water out.

" you fucking killed my daughter" I pointed my finger at her.

Claire eyes admittedly bulged out.

" Jaddde "

" the baby wasn't even born yet" Jade said unconsciously not caring how it came out.

In a instant motion Brandon quickly grabbed  me before I could do anything.

" Com'on on man"

" Imma make sure I get your ass locked up"

" Y'all some sick bitches" I said before leaving.

" She doesn't deserve you like I do Julian"

I looked back almost wanting to throw up.

" And you never did" I said before walking out.

I finally let out a steam of angry tears. How can you meet such an evil person.

At this moment I needed a drink but I knew my ass needed to steer away from that.

All the memories I will never get to make
with my daughter  are gone because of a spiteful bitch.

" you gone be aight man ?"

I looked at him to see him concern about me.

" Its taking everything in me not to take this glock out this briefcase to load this bitch up"

" Aye man imma get Matthew on it"

I only nodded my head.


I smiled as my son cooed in his auntie arms.

" Oooh he's sooo cute Si-Si look at his eyes and cheeks" Destiny said excitedly.

" Now don't you think about having one" Dad said

I almost choked on my water.

" Dad I'm going to get married first" She said playfully rolling her eyes.

I smiled a little remembering I had that same mindset.

" well you better" I said clearing my throat.

" mhm" my dad said low key serious.

" I think it's about time for us to head out"

Destiny smacked her teeth.

" We just got here"

" I know but you know how your mom is" he said shaking his head.

" Facetime please" Destiny said before handing me Sincere.

" I will" I said to her.

I walked them out watching them get in the car.

Once they was out of eye sight I closed my door.

" I guess it's just me and you"

I cut on the tv to watch some show.

My phone instantly vibrating.

Speaking of facetime.

" And why do we owe this call"

" I just want to see y'all"

I notice his eyes looked red . . . very red.

" Ju are you okay"

" yea I'm good" he said with playful smirk.

"  what y'all do today"

I told him my dad and sister stop by and looked around for a graduation dress nothing major.

It was getting closer for graduation.

" damn you growing up on me"

" shut up" I said laughing.

" the only person that is growing is this guy right here" I said showing Sincere who trying to watch tv.

He instantly smiled seeing his son.

" I love y'all" he said shedding a tear.

" okay Julian what's really going on I have never seen you cry before"

" I can't be happy and cry"

" No"

We both laughed.

" There is nothing you need to worry about"

" ok then"

" Oh Julian" I thought quickly.

" Yea"

" We love you too" I said.

He smiled showing them dimples his son inherit from him.

" Say bye daddy" I said grabbing Sincere balled up little fist waving it.

"see y'all later" he said before ending the call.

Later that night ......

I danced around to Beyoncé Dance for you cooking some roast beef with some rice and macaroni.

" I drop it for you bae" I song out the lyrics while Sincere stared at me.

He smiled at me not even knowing what I was doing.

I started to playfully slow wine not even realizing the Julian was in here.

I instantly jumped up.

" Nah keep it going I was enjoying the show"

I quickly grabbed my house coat putting it on.

" When did you get here" I said turning down the music and now done boiled rice.

" Not too long" He said taking off his jacket before getting Sincere.

" I should of got here a lil earlier for the show huh Sincere"

I rolled my eyes at him.

I wanted to say something smart but I stop seeing the interaction with Sincere and Julian

He was kissing on his cheek.

It was adorable, made me a smile a little.

" where is Ki-Ki ?"

" in bed sleep, imma go get her"

he only nodded his head"

I walked in the back seeing her still sleep with her dolls scattered about.

" baby girl wake up" I said tapping on her.

It took her minute but she got up.

We made our way to the living room.

" Da-dddyyy" Ki-Ki said running to him.

Ok now I'm getting a lil salty with all this love Julian receiving .

" Don't hate, you can get some of this love too" he said licking his lips.

" Stop being nasty infront of yo kids" I said walking in the kitchen about to prepare plates.

I fixed a small portion for Ki-Ki while a bottle do Sincere then me and Julian.

" you want me to feed him"

" Nawl I got it" I said.

It all got quiet as we munched our food.

I looked to see Julian deep in his thought.

My mind went back to earlier today.

" How was work"

" It was aight same ol same" He shrugged his shoulders

I knew he wasn't telling the whole truth but I wasn't going to fuss about it because there was something else I needed to tell him.

" Well I'm I think I'm ready to move" I said casually.

" What you mean ?"

" Well I um ... found some little small houses that will be good for me, Kiki and Sincere. I figure once I get me a job I can start putting my money down from my savings"

" Ion know about that Si you just had a baby, don't you think it's a little too soon"

" Honestly I'm ready, and besides you can go back to staying at your penthouse, I know you miss it"

" who said I didn't like staying here with you"

Okay now I was puzzled

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