Catboy | Minsung

By snowy_sxngie

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❝ Why do you love me? ❞ ❝ Why shouldn't I? ❞ ❝ Becaus... More



2.7K 148 108
By snowy_sxngie

When it's these 4 speaking in dialogue:
Jisung, Hyunjin, Changbin, Minho

TW//: This chapter contains made up derogatory language, threats of violences and sexual assault, violence and hate crimes, mentions of trafficking, murder and abuse.

Wattpad please don't ban me I'm not in the mood

————————— 🍣 —————————

Just because someone is scared to give you their heart doesn't mean its not yours.


"Please stop, stop it please," the young hybrid repeatedly blubbered, his whole body quivering in pain as his tail was pulled at and rid of fur. Abusive words that are too appalling and disturbing to repeat out loud echoed in his ears, and all he wished for was for someone to help him; death at this point would be a savour.

A grunt interrupted the men above him's torment, and the ginger haired catboy felt something shield out the light of the sun. He held little strength but got his eyes open, in time to see a porcelain faced figure force a baseball cap down over his hair.

Minho smiled ever so softly at the boy below him as he made sure that the cap covered his ears. "Don't worry, i'm a friend." Jisung, along with Hyunjin and Changbin, hadn't been far behind Minho once they saw him throw himself in front of the ginger boy, and they made swift work of hauling the two men away before they caused more harm.

"Well well," one of the men spat, "couple' catcucks come to the rescue." Catcuck? Jisung had no clue what that phrase meant, but it didn't matter in the moment.

"Piss off or one of these trees will have your ugly face print in it." The brunette may have been smaller than either of these guys, but his grip on the first one's collar must've struck some essence of fear into him.

"C'mon Jaehyun," the other guy, whose hair was swept back with gel, scoffed, "they're just a bunch of hybrid dick-suckers, waste of time." Jaehyun sneered at Jisung, giving him a shove to let go. He shot a look towards the trees where Minho crouched with the other hybrid, his hands balling into fists.

⚠️ TW//: skip the next paragraph if you're sensitive to the mentions of sexual violence

"Your kind deserves to be raped and hung by your fucking ears," Jaehyun hollered, backing away with his friend, "I'll be back to do it myself, freaks." Minho clamped his hands over the fabric of the hat where the other boy's ears would be situated, trying to block out the despicable things that had been targeted at them.

Between his arms the ginger haired boy bawled out great flowing tears, shaking with terror and mumbling the name of someone over and over again. Rather than trying to get him to speak, Minho called over Hyunjin to help pick him up.

"Now what?" Changbin questioned, his facing getting darker by the second whilst he stared at the ruined state the catboy was in.

Minho was the one to answer. "We are gonna take him back to Jisung's house. I'll tend to him and find out what happened, and if he has a home we can take him to."

"Don't you need us to hel-" Jisung began, but he was cut off.

"No, he'll be scared, let me take care of him." Minho's tone was sharp and hostile, but the rest knew it was only because he was concerned. He'd just seen another of his own kind get brutally attacked; something the albino boy was all too familiar with.

~~ 🍣 ~~


The three human boys sat in quelled silence in Jisung's living room. Each had a lot of their mind. Was the boy okay? How was Minho feeling? For Jisung, there were two unique queries that had been troubling him all the way home. Firstly, how could two individuals hate hybrids so much. Jisung thought they lived in harmony, blissfully equal and at peace with their differences. And second, what on earth was a catcuck? Too occupied with not knowing the answer to the latter, the brunette let the question out.

"Guys.. what's a catcuck?"


"The guy back at the
park called us it."

"Did, did he?"

"We don't know."

A frown took over Jisung's lips. Changbin's hurried answer clearly meant he wasn't being truthful, but before the youngest got the chance to call it out, him and Hyunjin had already started to discuss something about the latest episode of Attack on Titan. What are you two hiding from me?

Upstairs in Jisung's room, Minho was wiping down the patches of dried blood from the boy's face and body. He was named Felix, a bengal breed that had come over from Australia with his boyfriend.

"Why were you outside without a hat?" Minho asked, his voice remaining calm and collected whilst he paid extra care to cleaning up the boy's caramel spotted tail.

"I d-did have one!" Felix exclaimed, wincing at the sensitivity of his tail, "but it blew off in the wind. I had arranged to meet Chan at the park after he'd finished work, but when my hat blew away those guys.." Tears gathered at the far corners of Felix's eyes, and Minho caught them with his fingers.

"Don't cry, you're safe now." Forcing back more tears, the ginger cat scanned the details of his new acquaintance's face. He was incredibly pretty, with features inherited by the most ethereal of deities. Though, on further inspection, his skin was dully patched, and those stark, rouge eyes seemed to hold a thousand and one memories of pain and anguish.

"You live with your boyfriend?"

"Yes, he's one of the only humans
to ever be kind to me."

"I didn't even think humans
could be kind.."

"You have those boys downstairs,
are they not?"

That question wasn't answered for a while, as Minho instead focused on taking Felix to the bathroom to get a shower. Hybrid's naturally adapted to be familiar with each other, so neither boy took it as anything when they both stripped and stepped under the warm waterfall. Felix could sense Minho's troubles, and despite them now being physically close, he didn't expect the older to suddenly be so emotionally open. Patiently he let the albino wash and rinse down his aching body, carefully noticing the bruises and scars along his pale skin.

"They are nice," Minho responded after what felt to Felix like an eternity, "Jisung, the brunette one, is my young master, and I work for him and his parents."

"If he's nice then—" the ginger loosed himself from Minho's grip to trace the marks on his arms— "who made these?"

A sigh as deep as a trench and as dense as the ocean that fills it released itself from the older's lips. He had never been faced with opening up to someone before, and it was a scary possibility to confront. However he might not get another opportunity to offload the weight of the last 5 years, 11 years even, from his shoulders. He held no will to make Felix wait, so he told him "I'll finish washing you first, and then we can talk."

Instructing the younger to turn to face him, it was Minho's turn to examine Felix's features. His facial structure was very cat like, more noticeable than any other hybrid the albino himself had come across. The very shape of his mouth and the curve of his eyes and the way his freckles were formed on his cheeks, they all collected around the image of that of a feline.

Apart from his physical attributes, Felix had more typical mannerisms of a catboy. Perhaps it was down to Minho's forced suppression of his true nature, but he didn't purr at an innocent touch of a flannel, or yawn with his entire jaw. Anything he did, Felix did it with more intensity.

After a while of showering, the pair exited the bathroom and hobbled back into Jisung's bedroom. The ginger haired boy's clothes were stained with blood, but other than that appeared wearable, so he insisted on changing back into them. Minho on the other hand, although there was nothing wrong with his outfit, really did not feel like struggling back into his dress. Instead, he shyly pulled some boxers and a shirt of Jisung's from a draw, and slipped those on.

On the bed, the older sat back and crossed his legs to make space for Felix. At first the biy climbed on and settled into a loaf, but upon observing Minho went to switch to a more standard human way of sitting. "You can sit like that if you want to." Minho offered with a giggle. The light in the younger's eyes glowed, and he perked up before going back into looking like bread. He's so adorable.

"So you um, you work here?"

"Mhm, I work as a 'servant'"

"And by that do you mean-

"-slave? Yes."

"Was it through the, the.."

"Yes, I was put into the trafficking
system when i was 14, before that i
had been living in a HDW* since 10."

(a/n: HDW means hybrid detainment ward)

"That's so awful, I've heard stories
of those places."

"The treatment in the trafficking
centre was worse, but it wasn't a
nice place to be alone."


"My parents, they were.. murdered,
an organised hate crime."

"The bruises.. they're from
Jisung's parents?"

"Yes, he doesn't know about them,
he doesn't know that hybrids
are discriminated against at all
since he has been deliberately
shielded from knowing."

(a/n: hybrids are naturally close to one another in physical ways. Minho + Felix showering, being intimate, kissing, is all entirely platonic for them and is a display of companionship and trust. They need that as they have to stick together in this world, so Felix kissing Minho isn't romantic, them being naked with one another is not sexual.)

Lip beginning to tremble, Felix scrunched his fists up to rub over his tearful eyes. Hearing the story of another one of his kind, one that was possibly the most heartbreaking he'd had to be told, sparked an overwhelming response from him. Unfolding himself the younger clambered onto Minho's lap, bumping his head and running it across his chest. "I'm sorry you have to live like this, with these people, I wish i could offer some way of help."

The older was taken aback, as he always was when shown physical affection, but now he felt that he needed companionship in another catboy more than ever. He nuzzled Felix back, shifting the tangerine fuzz of his hair around and licking slightly at his ear. Although they'd just met, both boys hadn't been in contact with another hybrid for so long that just being near each other was awakening some instinct.

Minho moved his face so he was right close to Felix's, now able to press his lips onto the younger's. A baritone purr came from somewhere in Felix's throat as he kissed the older back, enjoying the tentative pokes at his sharp canines Minho made with his tongue.

"I should get you home, your boyfriend is gonna be worried sick."

(another a/n: Chan knows how hybrids show affection to one another and so is well aware that Felix kissing another hybrid is purely platonic. This isnt cheating.)

~~ 🍣 ~~


Jisung accompanied Minho and Felix to the latter's house, feeling an odd sensation in his stomach as he watched the boys in front of him. They were holding hands, the ginger haired boy nudging the older with his head at odd moments. Maybe he just didn't fully understand how hybrids worked with one another yet, or maybe it was because he was jealous. Maybe it was both.

On approaching what was presumably Felix's house, the front door burst open, startling all three boys. A man with towsley black hair came skidding down the cobbled path, almost crashing into the gate that Felix had been trying to open.

"Felix! Oh thank god you're alrigh'!" The boy threw his weight onto the ginger haired hybrid in a tight hug, making Felix screech in pain.

"Chan owh, be careful baby please!" Instantly Chan let go, cupping his boyfriend's cheeks as his face shone with anxiety.

"Tell me those bastards' names, imma hunt them down and.. Oh Felix sweetheart."

Minho had stepped back, giving the couple space to embrace one another. From the moment he'd seen Chan's expression, the albino knew how much Felix meant to him. He knew of course that hybrids had relationships with humans, even if it wasn't a common place, and he felt grateful that Chan was there to love and cherish Felix and treat him as just a person.

Breaking away from the hug, the ginger haired boy rushed back up to Minho to lock him into a strong grip too.

"Thank you Minho, I'm truly
in your debt."

"Never, all i need from you is that you
promise to be careful when outside."

"I will, and I'm sorry I can't help
you in more ways right now."

"It's okay, it's how we must live."

Shifting his gaze about, Felix lowered his head so that only Minho would be able to hear his words. "If you ever are in danger, mark something and trail its scent about, and me and Chan will come find you."

~~ 🍣 ~~


The ride back home was quiet. Perfectly so for Minho but far too much for Jisung. His slight saltiness at how quickly the two hybrids had bonded was still coursing through him. Its not like he cared that they were so affectionate, but Jisung had to put in years to get Minho to even talk to him. Only over the last few days had the albino really bonded with the brunette, after 5 years. But Felix gets in within an hour? It wasn't fair to Jisung.

A small hand gave a cautious yank on the younger's sleeve. At the traffic lights he turned to be met with Minho's pouting face, the small boy giving him those big doe eyes that he'd started using.

"Sungie~ can we eat the sandwiches together when we get back?" Jisung cracked a smile. I guess the five years of work was worth it.

————————— 🍣 —————————

Hiii sorrryyy this was meant to go up yesterday but it didn't.

I came over really really ill for no reason, i don't think it's covid cos I literally had a test earlier that morning and it was negative so. Idk maybe it'll go away.

In other news, I've come out! Again! To mainly just my friends. Wkxbwn so imma re introduce myself: hi, I'm Nix, I'm a femme non-binary trans boy and I use he/they pronouns. My personality has not changed in the slightest so I hope you all still stick around and continue to love my books!

Okie bye wksjwjsj

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