MyStreet: Love~Love Paradise...

By IcicleKun

8.5K 234 49

Ashter confessed to Katelyn! But what will happen to this couple when the two travel with their friends to Lo... More

Visual Trailer.
Chapter 1: Love~Love Paradise
Chapter 2: Summer Fun
Chapter 3: Near Death Experience
Chapter 4: Catching up to do/Keep each other's relationship safe.
Chapter 5: Sandcastles!
Chapter 6: Find Aphmau a... Boyfriend!?!
Chapter 7: Starving Games!
Chapter 9: Magical Boost/Boy Makeover
Chapter 10: Katelyn and Travis' "Date"...
Chapter 11: A Whole New... Secret...?
Mid-Season Notice
Announcement! (Good and Bad)
Chapter "12": Doggie...? Wait, DOGE!
Chapter "13": Waterslide Drama
Chapter 14: I "Spy" Ashter.
Chapter 15: Ashter's Skills
Chapter 16: Dog Parents
Chapter 17: Boy's- Er... Girl's Night Out.
Chapter 18: Surprising Revisit
Chapter 19: Sick, sickly, and confession.
Chapter 20: Seriously, Dante?
Chapter 21: Hiding Behind That Mask
Chapter 22: I still don't trust you. Believe it.
Chapter 23: Potions
Chapter 24: Let's go home... Together... Okay...?
Chapter 25: Big Reveal (FINALE)
MyStreet: Love ~ Love Paradise (Ashter x Katelyn) Book 2 EVALUATION!!!

Chapter 8: Eric Troubles/Dance Competition

300 7 4
By IcicleKun

"Before I became neighbors with Aph, I read so much history on Magic and Spells... It was pretty fun sitting with my friend's dog too... Since Doge had to be sent home after... "The Incident"."

"Well, I won a bet so Ashter allowed me to date you!" Says Travis as Katelyn is heard arguing with Travis.

"Travis! You know that your Magical stuff is what got you in first! Ashter used a sword!" Ashter hears as he sighs, sitting next to Lucinda as she chuckles,

"Travis really has to let her go, it's unhealthy you know," Lucinda says as she bits into an apple she got from the fridge as Ashter sighs,

"Yep, honestly, what could've happened if I wasn't here, or even started dating Katelyn," Ashter says as Lucinda shrugs,

"Everything would've gone normally. Aaron would've met Aph, and everything else... Although I wouldn't have a buddy like you to tease all the time, hehe." Lucinda says as Ashter rolls his eyes,

"Oh har har," Ashter says as the yells of a specific someone rushes into the house, yelling and screaming as Ashter knows that accent.

"Where is that boy!?!" Yells none other than Eric as Sylvana is heard trying to calm him down.

"Teddy Bear! Ashter is a good man! He knows better!" Yells Sylvana as Lucinda tries to hide Ashter.

"Ashter. The escape route is that way-" Lucinda says but it was too late... Eric stands there like an angered bear waiting to kill his next target.

"Oh my... IRENE!" Ashter says, surprised to see Eric here as Ashter tries to play everything off like it's nothing,

"Eric! It... It's good to see you!" Ashter says as Eric yells,

"Ashter! Since when did you start dating my daughter!?!" Eric says as Ashter nervously chuckles, before actually answering Eric's question,

"Maybe for a month or so...?" Ashter sheepishly says as soon enough, Katelyn enters the room.

"What's all this fussing for!?!" Katelyn says as she sees Eric, as her face turns a bit white.

"D-Dad!?! What are you doing here!?!" Katelyn says as Eric became all lovey-dovey with her as soon as she entered,

"Oh, my Suger Pea! I haven't seen you since a few days ago!" Eric says, hugging his daughter as Katelyn chuckles, hoping what Eric was here for isn't what he was here for.

"Oh dad, it wasn't THAT long," Katelyn responds as Eric soon sighs until he started yelling after pulling away from Katelyn,

"Katelyn. Why didn't you tell me Ashter here is your boyfriend!?!" Eric says as Katelyn was not sure how to react, and she thought Eric wouldn't be as bad with this information.

"Eric... Please, out of all the boys I've seen, Ashter is an amazing man, I'm sure he can take care of your daughter!" Sylvana says as Eric stops, before tearing up a bit.

"It's just... My Sugar Pea is one of the precious little things I have...!" Eric says as Lucinda soon buds in.

"If it wouldn't be a problem, I can make sure their relationship is in good hands," Lucinda says as Eric looks at her, despite not knowing the witch, Eric says,

"R-Really?" Eric says in a saddened voice as Lucinda nods.

"Yep, if anyone can watch over these two hotheads, it's me," Lucinda says as Ashter and Katelyn both looked at Lucinda as suddenly, Eric brings Katelyn and Ashter in for a group hug,

"Oh, my little girl is all grown up!" Eric whines as Katelyn was embarrassed but for Ashter, it was awkward.

"Dad... Stop it," Katelyn asks as Eric was all emotional as Sylvana tries to get Eric to let go of the two,

"Awe, my little teddy bear, stop it, yours going to hug them for hours if this keeps up," Sylvana says as moments later, Sylvana suddenly whips her head back as she suddenly yells,

"Aphmau!?!" Sylvana yells as she then growls as Ashter and Katelyn knew what was happened.

"D-Dad! Please let us go!" Katelyn says as Eric sighs, letting the two go as Katelyn rushes off, but as Ashter tries, Eric pulls him aside.

"Ashter. I know... That we never really talked but, if what Sylvana and the orange-haired girl says is true... Then... Then..." Eric says, tearing up yet again,

"Take care of my precious baby!" Eric says as Ashter can only nod, listening to the arguing of Sylvana and Aphmau... Or not arguing more of a,

"What are you doing with that DEVIL!"

Type argument. As Ashter nods to Eric, accepting this sort of... Promise?

"Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to her..." Ashter says as he blushed a tiny tiny bit.

"Because she... She's the only thing I have..." Ashter says as Eric nods, patting Ashter's shoulders.

"You're a good man, y'know. But that better be the case for Katelyn! She deserves all the love and attention she deserves!" Eric says as Lucinda buds in, stating,

"Oh, he does alright..." Lucinda winks as Ashter's face became red immediately with embarrassment as Ashter yells,

"Lucinda!" To his friend as she giggles, stating the obvious.

"Well, you guys watch too much anime! And Katelyn didn't like anime as much!" Lucinda says as all of a sudden, the two hear none other than, Guy.

"Oh ho ho! I see everyone is starting to get to know one another!" Guy says as Dante and Teony appear from behind Guy, a bit shocked and... Scared?

"Now. As the ones who got these tickets may know, this is the start of Phase 2 of the deal on the mainland!" Guy says, confusing Lucinda and Ashter as Lucinda asks Eric what Guy means,

"Hey Katelyn's dad, do you know what Guy means?" Lucinda asks in a whisper as Eric told the two EVERYTHING that happened when they got the tickets. And looking at Dante and Teony, they were scared for that specific reason.

"Hehehe..." Lucinda says before covering her mouth to make sure she doesn't laugh at this, unlike Ashter, who was kinda disappointed that he didn't get to see this whole fiasco happen up close!

"But anyway, here you go everyone, a paper of the clues you need to find the prize!" Guy says before handing Aaron, Sylvana, Aphmau, Dante, Eric, and Teony a slip of paper as Katelyn joins up with Lucinda and Ashter.

"Apparently my dad... Kissed Dante and Aphmau's mom..." Katelyn says as she was a bit... Traumatized from what Sylvana had to explain to her... In details... But soon, everyone eventually left as Katelyn, Lucinda, and Ashter were there in the house, as Lucinda says,

"Okay, you two! We need to go look at some more activities, you know, get our names around!" Lucinda says as Ashter already remembers doing so.

"Eh... I wouldn't say that specifically, Lucy." Ashter says, chuckling nervously as Katelyn was on board, she didn't do a activity here on the island yet so who knows.

"Eh, sure. I haven't spend a day doing anything here besides with this dork," Katelyn says as she nudges at Ashter as he sighs, smiling.

"Hehe... At least I do it better." Ashter says as Katelyn chuckles, pointing finger guns at him,

"Good one good one," Katelyn says as Lucinda soon cuts them off,

"Okay then! I found a perfect place for us to be then!" Lucinda says as the three stands in front of a building with a sign off to the side, as Lucinda announced,

"The Dancing Activity!" Lucinda announces as Ashter wasn't all that excited, but on the inside, his body began to try and make his legs move, but to no avail.

"Uh... Lucinda, you know I don't like dancing, right?" Katelyn says as she chuckles,

"Oh, I know. But this place is for performing and practicing! Right now is the performing stage and those who are willing to can sign up!" Lucinda says as Katelyn thinks about it, before looking at Ashter who holding in excitement.

"Hey, Ash..." Katelyn says as Ashter looks at his significant other as he says,

"Yeah, what is it-" And before Ashter knows it, Katelyn rushes Ashter into the building as Lucinda smiles, following in pursuit as moments later, the two stand in front of Ashter as he sits on a bench wearing new clothes that have been given to by the announcers, as Ashter wears a red outfit with a black strap that wraps around his waits with his combat boots since Ashter loves those things.

"Okay, Ashter! Do you have a dance ready?" Lucinda asks as Ashter nods, nervously.

"But... It's been years since I even danced! Not to mention without instructions..." Ashter says, rendering him playing a game called "Then Dance" (Just Dance rip-off). But mostly on MyTube, as Lucinda gives Ashter a hand motion as she says,

"Don't worry! I know you'll do an amazing job, right Katelyn?" Lucinda says as Katelyn nods nod in approval,

"Yep, and back in Ashter's house he always dances while cleaning his place so yeah," Katelyn says as Ashter's face turns white,

"Wait... You've been watching!?!" Ashter says, regaining his color as he blushes, embarrassed,

"Well yeah! We all have the same windows next to our door, of course, I was going to peek!" Katelyn says as moments later, another announcer began talking on a microphone, announcing their Dance Competition as it begins,

"Welcome one welcome all, to the Love~Love Paradise Dance Competition!" Yells the announcer as Lucinda and Katelyn leaves as they say,

"Good luck!" The two say as Ashter sits there, as many others sit on the bench, many children and many are are adults as they wear different uniforms based on their division, kids being blue as teens being purple and adults being red. Ashter wears a red uniform for a reason as it's able to let the body move freely. Many people went up, as many performed greatly. Many showing different styles of rhythm and dance styles as Ashter was soon up...

"Up next is... Ashter... Lake! Yes, Ashter Lake!" Says the announcer as everyone began cheering on Ashter's arrival but a good amount of people began to keep quiet. As Ashter remembers the signing,

"Do you have any outside objects helping you, Mr. Lake?" Says the announcer as Ashter does nod.

"Yes... Actually, I use Magic." Ashter says as the man nods, writing it down.


Okay, sir, I'll let them know you're a Magic-User. Good luck."

Ashter breaths in... And lets it out. Soon, walking onto the stage as it took a bit as he stands in the middle, looking down... Ashter can faintly remember the feeling of using Magic in this form, he hasn't done it in a long long time... As his eyes turn red as he looks up slowly... And upon doing so, Ashter's arms slowly move to point upwards, as embers sprout from his hands as they soar in the air, twinkling the area with the fire as Ashter smirks, as the crowd began to be amazed at the embers. Ashter began dancing to the song,

As Ashter began to feet the beat of the song, he adds flames and his wind spells to the mix as it sprouts from his hands as the performance wows the crowd, even those who weren't talking began to as they were amazed at how Asher's Magic is being used like this. After a while, Ashter steps as his arms we're now up, as the embers and flames that fly in the air suddenly fade away. Cheering and clapping were heard on the performance, as Ashter takes a bow as he gets off the stage, feeling a bit dead inside as Ashter doesn't dance in front of randos on an island.

"Ashter, that was amazing!" Lucinda says as Ashter blushed a bit, thanking Lucinda.

"Thanks... It was nothing..." Ashter says as Katelyn was speechless, but congratulated Asher on the performance.

"You did... Incredible, Ash." Katelyn says as Ashter smiles, but Lucinda buds in a say,

"Just kiss him already, Kate," Lucinda says as Asher started to feel embarrassed as he yells,

"Lucinda! Now is not the time-" Ashter says, but only felt a peck on his cheek as Ashter immediately froze up, looking to his right as he sees Katelyn chuckling,

"You're such a dork," Katelyn says as Ashter was a bit flustered at the situation... But soon, the three left with a "Good Job, Ashter!" Coming from every direction.

"Man, you should've taken dance lessons, instead of doing that Battle Royal thing," Lucinda says as Ashter shrugs,

"Well, they only have that once per week since a lot of Magic is used up, so I took the opportunity to try it," Ashter says as he includes Zane in the picture,

"Zane was also there too, and he had fun," Asher says as Lucinda was a bit shocked,

"Didn't Zane practically ignore you in High School?" Lucinda says as Asher shrugs,

"Well, I didn't see him in College so yeah. But I mean, I think Aph wanted me and Zane to be in the game... Because... He wasn't so bad..." Ashter says as Katelyn chuckles,

"He's an okay dude, just a bit... Weird." Katelyn says as Lucinda scolds Katelyn a bit,

"Katelyn. You know he's just lonely that's all." Lucinda says as Katelyn sighs,

"Right, right," Katelyn says as this was an okay day for the three of them.

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