Saving Grace

By allie7

138K 6K 6.2K

"Dance with me." While I knew it wasn't a demand, it wasn't a question either. I hesitated and he noticed. ... More

Saving Grace
Chapter 1: Grace
Chapter 2: Colt
Chapter 3: Grace
Chapter 4: Colt
Chapter 5: Grace
Chapter 6: Grace
Chapter 7: Colt
Chapter 8: Grace
Chapter 9: Colt
Chapter 10: Colt
Chapter 11: Grace
Chapter 12: Grace
Chapter 13: Colt
Chapter 14: Grace
Chapter 15: Colt
Chapter 16: Grace
Chapter 17: Grace
Chapter 18: Grace
Chapter 19: Colt
Chapter 20: Grace
Chapter 21: Grace
Chapter 22: Colt
Chapter 23: Colt
Chapter 24: Grace
Chapter 25: Grace
Chapter 26: Grace
Chapter 27: Colt
Chapter 28: Grace
Chapter 29: Colt
Chapter 31: Grace
Author's Note
Book Trailer

Chapter 30: Grace

3.8K 157 188
By allie7

My eyes felt heavy as I attempted to rub the sleepiness from them. Beneath me, I felt Colt stir. I lifted my head from his chest to admire his sleeping form. My eyes roamed his face, taking in his handsome features. He had the thickest lashes, the kind women envied and paid good money for, and such sexy, full lips. I ran my hand down the side of his face and traced them. A blush crept on my face as I thought of what those plump lips had done to me.

"If you're planning on taking advantage of me again, I might need some breakfast first." Colt peered open one eye and smiled.

I buried my head in his chest and groaned. "I thought you were sleeping."

"There's only so much sleep a man can get with a very beautiful and very naked woman by his side."

I laughed, playfully hitting his chest. Resting my chin on my hands, I peered up at him.

"Good morning."

"Morning." He lazily ran his hand through my hair and peered over at the clock. "I don't remember the last time I slept in."

I eyed him incredulously. "Eight in the morning is sleeping in?"

"I'm usually up before dawn."

"Ugh, a morning person. I should have known." I woke up around seven usually, but I was never thrilled about it, and I usually required a cup of coffee before I could even think about functioning.

He chuckled. "Last night was...amazing."

I couldn't stop the grin that was forming even if I had wanted to. Because our night together was more than amazing. Like he had said, it was everything. I had never felt that type of connection with someone before. No one had come close to making me feel the way he had in bed; I didn't even know it was possible to be that sexually fulfilled. But it was more than that. What I felt was beyond just physical. It was a fierce connection I felt with my entire soul. Last night had only amplified what was already there. I was desperately hoping he felt the same.

"It really was."

He raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." We stared at one another, both with cheesy grins on our face. He leaned up, and I met his movement so that he could plant a sweet kiss on my lips. He then slid up the headboard so he was sitting up, and I did the same.

"I'm starved. You almost killed me last night."

"Hey! If anything, you took advantage of me. Not the other way around."

"Damn straight, and I'm not complaining. But I need food in me, because I plan to do it again. And then again." He winked. "Would you like to have breakfast with me?"

"Are you asking me on a date?"

"No, because our first date will be a hell of a lot better than breakfast down stairs. But I am asking you to join me on a prelude to a date."

"A prelude to a date?" I chuckled. "Hmm...." I tapped my chin, pretending to mull it over. "I would love to."

He broke out in a wolfish grin, and I almost forgot how to breathe. He kissed me on the forehead and stood up. I admired his naked torso as he pulled on his boxers and pants. He turned around as he began buttoning up his shirt and winked. I smiled shyly from being caught ogling him. It didn't matter how much we had seen of each other, I was still a nervous wreck around him.

"I have a room reserved for me here. I'm gonna go shower and change real quick and then I'll meet you down in the lobby."

"Okay, sounds good. I'm going to freshen up as well. So, can you give me about thirty minutes?"

"No problem. I'll see you soon." He leaned down, giving me a quick kiss on the lips before walking out.

I sat unmoving for several moments trying to process everything that had transpired. I felt foolish I tried shutting him out because I assumed he had a girlfriend. But with Colt, I wasn't on autopilot; I felt and I felt deeply, and apparently that caused me to react in irrational ways.

I got up and used the restroom before starting the shower. I threw my hair up so I didn't have to worry about drying it, and quickly washed off. I was sore, but it was a pleasant kind of pain; the kind of pain that made me revel in being alive. The kind of pain that had me yearning for more.

Once out of the shower, I dried off and then brushed my teeth and did my face routine. I let my hair down so I could brush through it, then fixed it into a messy bun. Adding a touch of makeup, I went to my clothes to grab an outfit. I decided on a pair of jeans that hugged my body in all the right places and a black, form fitting shirt with a plunging neckline.

I know Colt said it wasn't technically a date, and in all reality, it was just breakfast, but nothing felt ordinary with him. Butterflies danced in my stomach at the thought of seeing him, and he had just left. If that was how I would feel every time I knew I would be in his presence, I was not sure how I would survive.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I fixed my shirt and went to walk away. But something in my reflection had me doing a double take. I walked closer to the mirror and studied myself. Those eyes were mine, but they shined a bit differently. That smile was mine, but it held a different truth. I was not only Grace Campbell the woman--I was Gracie; I was Star. I fought back the sudden emotions, took a deep breath, and hurried out the door to meet Colt.

I stepped into the main lobby searching for the pair of blue eyes that held me captive. Instead, my eyes landed on a pair of familiar, muddy brown ones.


He looked me over, assessing me, almost as though he wasn't sure it was me. But if anyone here wasn't sure who was who, it was me.

"What in the world are you doing here?"

"Is that not obvious? The only thing that could make me come back here, is you. Grace, I came to see you."

He took a step forward and grabbed my hand. I was too stunned to move, apparently losing my ability to speak right along with it. I blinked sporadically just to make sure he was really there and not some mirage. I'm sure I looked certifiable just blinking away and staying silent; I sure felt that way.

I heard a throat clear and looked to the side of Mark. There Colt stood in a white T-shirt and denim jeans holding a bouquet of wildflowers. He was looking down at my hand in Mark's grip. I quickly pulled my hand away and brought it to my chest, clearing my own throat. I backed up, but Mark stepped back with me, scowling at Colt.

"Do you mind? I'm trying to have a conversation with my girl."

I snapped my head in Mark's direction and glared, but it was pointless as he was too busy in a glaring match of his own with Colt.

"I am not your girl Mark. Not anymore."

Mark looked back to me, clearly pained. "Grace. If you could just hear me out. Please. I really want to talk to you."

I looked at Mark and really saw him for the first time that morning. He had dark circles under his eyes like he hadn't slept in days, and it was clear he hadn't shaved either which was entirely out of his character. I didn't know what he had to say, but truth be told, I still had a few things to say myself.

I looked to Colt who was trying to decipher my expression. Pain flashed across his eyes before he quickly replaced the emotion with indifference. He placed his hand on his chest and pressed, grimacing slightly before gesturing to the bouquet in his hand and setting it down on a table next to us. He shoved his hands in his pockets and turned to walk away.

He made it about two feet before he stopped. Just when I thought he would turn back around and say something, he simply shook his head and kept walking. My heart literally plummeted, and I wanted nothing more than to run after him.

I turned back toward Mark with newfound irritation.

"What is it you could possibly have to say?"

"Was that, that Cole guy? The one who got you lost? Are you seeing him?"

"His name is Colt. And he didn't get me lost, he saved me. You know that." I rolled my eyes, completely exasperated with having this same conversation.

"You didn't answer my question. Are you seeing him?"

I crossed my arms against my chest and shook my head. He was unbelievable.

"Did you come all this way to talk about Colt?"

He sighed and ran his hand across the back of his neck. He looked exhausted. I felt a slight pang of guilt for running off the way I did.

"No Grace. I came to talk to you about us. You can't be serious about being over. Hell, you just left without even explaining why."

"I'm sorry I just left that way. But you must know why Mark."

He closed the distance between us, prying apart my arms, and grabbed my hand again.

"Is this because I didn't realize you were missing right away? I tried explaining Grace. I know it was shitty and I'm truly sorry, but you can't want to throw away five years over it."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I concentrated on the noise my exhale made and tried to drown out any thoughts other than my true feelings. I needed to stay strong and validate my feelings; something I had never been able to do with Mark. I silently counted to three and looked back up to his awaiting gaze.

I can do this.

"It was more than just that Mark. It was a culmination of things throughout the years. Like the fact that I never had your time. How I never seemed to come first or how anytime I tried telling you my feelings over something, you just dismissed it with gifts. You treated me like a child who could be bought, and it's my fault for allowing it. Five years I invested in us Mark, all the while you invested in yourself."

He dropped my hand and ran his hands through his hair, pulling in frustration.

"I know I was busy with work. I can't promise you that will change. But if you need me to be more attentive, than I will! If you need me to help out more, I will. If you want to move out of the city like you've been asking, then okay! If I have to do those things, I will. Whatever you need Grace, because I need you. Just please say it's not too late." He grabbed my arms and lightly squeezed. I searched his eyes for any sign of sincerity.

"What's my favorite color?"

He jerked his head back and quickly blinked, scrunching his eyebrows in the process.


"My favorite color Mark. What is it?"

I inhaled, closing my eyes, and counted to three as I exhaled, concentrating on the noise my breathing made before the noise his answer made reverberated through me.

Who would have guessed Mark would show up to win her back??

Me either!

If you would be so amazing to head to the next and FINAL chapter with me, there we will see how it all ends❤

Side note: There is an Epilogue that will be posted shortly as well(so technically 2 more're welcome 😘) Both the last chapter and the Epilogue will be a bit longer than my normal chapters, but I have to give these guys the ending they deserve.


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