๐“๐ก๐ž ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ง ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๏ฟฝ...

By hannnnaaah

1M 26.1K 16.3K

๐€ ๐ฌ๐จ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ฆ๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐›๐จ๐ง๐ ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ ๐œ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐›๐ฒ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ž๐ซ๐ข๐ ๐ข๐ง๐š๐ฅ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐œ๐ก ๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ ๐ฎ๐ข... More

Selena Mae Gilbert
Act One
Katerina/ By the light of the moon
Daddy issues
The last dance
The last day
The sun also rises
As I lay dying
Act two
The birthday
The Hybrid
The end of the affair
Disturbing behaviour
The reckoning
Smells like a teen spirit
Ghost world
Ordinary people
The new deal
Our town
Bringing out the dead
Dangerous liaisons
All my children
The murder of one
Heart of darkness
Do not go gentle
The departed
Act Three
Growing pain
The rager
The five
The killer
We all go a little mad sometimes
The end of the war
My brothers keeper
Living the moment
Oh come all ye faithful
After school special
A view to kill
Into the wild/ Down the rabbit hole
Stand by you
Bring it on
Because of the night
American Gothic/ Picture of you
The End

Before sunset

11.1K 314 102
By hannnnaaah

Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you
Some days I feel broke inside, but I won't admit
Sometimes I just wanna hide 'cause it's you I miss
And it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this

Selena and Caroline entered the Cafeteria seeing her Original bestfriend cleaning. She looked around only to realise she was alone

"Hey Bex" Selena greeted the blonde as she hugged her

"Where's Matt?" Caroline asked her

"He bailed. Got called into work at the last minute" Rebekah answered

"Are you kidding me? So it's juat the three of us" Caroline muttered in disbelief causing Selena shot her a glare

"Yes, and you're late. Clean up committee start at 8 o'Clock" Rebekah scolded causing the girls to stare at the clock

"It's like 8:02" Caroline said and Selena nodded in agreement

"Exactly. I managed to turn up on time and I didn't even get to attend the dance I organized" Rebekah retorted as she took the garbage and Selena sent her a sympathetic smile

"So it's just us" Selena said with a small smile

"I'm sorry about your Mom. I mean, I know you're like guys hated her and everything but still I'm sorry" Caroline told Rebekah causing her to look at her in shock

"Yeah I'm sorry Bex... I killed her" Selena said and Rebekah gave her a sad smile

"I'm sorry about your teacher. He seemed like a nice guy" Rebekah muttered causing Selena to fight back her tears. Since she woke she had a bad feeling she couldn't quite understand

"Yeah he was" She stated and Caroline hugged her bestfriends side

"I'm gonna get started at the Gym" Rebekah said sending a small smile to Selena before walking away

"Are you okay? After what happened last night... After you killed Esther and said goodbye to Ric?" Caroline asked and Selena nodded looking away by throwing one of the cups in the plastic bag

"Yeah I'm fine"

"Selena Mae Gilbert! Did you just lie to me?" Caroline exclaimed and Selena sighed in defeat

"There's nothing to say. I killed someone again and weirdly I don't feel guilty about it. I killed Esther with my bare hands without remorse... I'm becoming someone who I never wanted to be"

"I want you to know that no matter what happens you can count on me as your friend and sister" Caroline said softly "We're package deal"

"I know" she held her bestfriends hand and she smiled as tears welled up in her eyes

The girls heard a loud noise coming from the hall. Rushing in the halls they found Alaric pinning Rebekah against the lockers with a white oak stake above her chest

Caroline sped over to him and shoving him off the Original blonde as they both stabbed him with the stake into his chest but nothing happened. Selena quickly used her magic and sent him away flying

Caroline grabbed Selena's hand sped them towards her car but Alaric caught up to them and he snapped Caroline's neck and he slammed Selena's head into the car's window knocking her unconscious before she could react


"Alaric Saltzman just tried to kill me" Rebekah stormed into the mansion fearfully

"Alaric Saltzman is supposed to be dead" Klaus narrowed his eyes as he was packing up some of his drawings and paintings

"Well he's not and he's a vampire thanks to mother's spell with a white oak stake that can't kill him. He's strong, Nik. Too strong" she explained fearfully

"Where's he now?" He asked her and she remembered that he had Selena along with Caroline

Klaus noticed the frown on his sister's face "Where's Selena?" he asked as his heart began to beat fastly "Tell me she wasn't with you. Rebekah tell me he doesn't have her"

"He does. I'm so sorry Nik I tried to help but it was too late. He's stuck at the school without a daylight ring but as soon as night falls he'll come after us. We need a plan to get Leenie out and leave with her" Rebekah told him desperately

"Fine. I'll collect Elena and get Selena out and then we'll be on our way" he said as he begun to pack

"We'll get Selena but forget Elena. You don't need anymore stupid hybrids!" She snapped

"What I need is protection from Esther's continued assault against us" Klaus faced his sister

"We'll protect each other like we always have only this time we have Leenie with us. Always and Forever Nik. She's part of it" she told him and he stared at her blankly

"I'm not leaving without the doppelganger" he walked past her

"You promised Selena that you would leave her family alone. I'm leaving now after we get her. You can walk out of that door with me to rescue the love of your life, my bestfriend and go or you are on your own" Rebekah gave him an ultimatum and he just stared at her with a look that said he wasn't going to leave without the doppelganger

"Fine trust you hybrids over your family. Let your spite be the death of you. See if I care" she spat walking past him

"Move it sire boy" she yanked Tyler out of her way

"What's her deal?" Tyler asked


Back in Alaric's classroom, Selena opened her eyes to see she was gagged with a wolfsbane soaked cloth. Blood running down her forhead

She groaned in pain and she looked over her right to see Caroline was gagged to with vervain soaked cloth and her hands were staked to the table with pencils

"Right on time" Alaric told the doppelganger when she stepped inside the Classroom

"Leenie, Caroline" Elena murmured fearfully "Let them go"

"Free them yourself" that was the last thing Selena heard before he injected her with snowdrop making her pass out again
Elena took off the pencil out of Caroline's hand but Alaric shove it back causing the blonde vampire to cry in pain

"You said that you would let them go!" Elena shouted at him

"How many times do I have to tell you Elena? Stop trusting vampires" Alaric hissed

"Let Leenie go" she demanded and he shook his head

"She's dangerous too" he sneered "She'll be our destruction. She's dying along with her boyfriend"


"Think you'll going to let me in" Klaus shouted from outside the Gilbert's house

"Elena's car is gone" Stefan stated when he looked through the window

"Selena is not here either" Theo said

"Why wouldn't she tell anyone where she was going?" Bonnie asked "Leenie left this morning"
Suddenly a ball bursted making the door open and Klaus threw a piece of fence towards Damon

"Get down" Stefan demanded and they all duck behind the kitchen

"Missed me?" Damon threw the fence back and Klaus dodged it easily throwing another one

"Missed me again?" Damon taunted only this time Klaus came back with a gaz tank and rolled up newspaper on fire

"Put it out" Stefan demanded as he stood up in front of the hybrid

"Come outside and make me" Klaus challenged him causing the vampire to step outside

"Elena is not here. So is Leenie. He's going to kill them unless you turn yourself over to him" Stefan informed him and they could see the anger twisting in his features

"Now, I know you are not asking me to walk into a certain death" he said

"I really wish we could but unfortunately, if Alaric kills you there's one in four chances that we die too" Stefan stated

"I'll take those odds" Damon smirked not caring about death

"And a hundred percent Tyler dies" Stefan told his brother

"I'm good with that too" Damon shrugged once again not caring about the newbie hybrid

"Why don't we just figure out a way to put Alaric down?" Stefan suggested looking back at the hybrid

"How about Damon sneaks in and distract Alaric. While Stefan grabs Elena and Theo grabs Caroline and carries them to safety?" Klaus suggested

"Huh? That's great idea. What stop me from getting killed instantly?" The elder Salvatore asked

"Nothing" Klaus smirked at him

"Leenie's in there. Aren't you in love with her or something? Or now that your mommy dearest cut off the bond... you're afraid that one day she'll realise how much of a monster you are and leave" Damon said tauntingly as stepped closer to him still holding the picket

"Out of respect for Selena I promised to not kill you but I mever said anything about torturing the life out of you" Klaus hissed angrily

"I'll save my girl" Klaus said angrily he faced Damon and it literally took him a lot of self-control to not rip his heart out

"Oh is that about what happened between me and her?" Damon smirked devilishly

"This isn't really helping much" Theo spoke up breaking the tension

Bonnie opened the door as she spoke "I might have an idea. My mom used desiccation spell on Mikeal that immobilized him for fifteen years. If I can get it. I might be able to use it on Alaric"

"If and might. Your words inspire suck confidence" Klaus muttered sarcastically

"I'll get it and Selena will help" she argued "But even with the spell, we need a lot of vampire muscle to take him down. Including yours"

"Just so we're clear. The sun sets in eight hours. We don't succeed before then, Elena will be dead, I'll be gone with Selena and the rest of you will be left to fend yourselves" The Original hybrid stated

"That if he doesn't kill Leenie along with Elena" Damon argued causing the hybrid to shake his head

"Selena will be safe" he said before speeding away


Selena fluttered her eyes open and saw the blonde whimpering in pain as Alaric tortured her with vervain

The Enchantress tried to scream or use her magic but she couldn't. He grabbed one of the clothes and wrapped it around her neck causing her to yell as she felt her neck burning along with her mouth

"Stop" she whimpered in pain as tears streaming down her cheeks "Please"

"Why are you doing this?" Elena asked him "Let them go!"

"To make it easier for you to put them out of their misery" he answered

"What? No"

"Isn't that what you wanted Elena? For me to teach you how to kill a vampire? Well here's a vampire Elena. Kill her" he held the white oak stake for her to take and she shook her head

"This isn't what I want" She said firmly

"Of course it is. All those hours you spent training, getting stronger but you've never really stake a vampire through the heart" He told her and she just stared at the stake he was holding "Selena is a monster"

Minutes later felt like hours to Selena, she couldn't take it anymore she felt like she was dying. Elena was sitting on the desk as she spoke

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because you need me. Because you're an 18 years old girl without parents or guidance or any sense of right and wrong anymore" Alaric told her and she frowned "Selena already made her choice and Jenna is too soft hearted"

"Look at you. How is this right?" She asked pointing at the girls

"She's a murderer. She told me she killed someone and she liked it. Now, how is that right?" He pointed at Caroline and then he shifted his gaze to the younger Gilbert "And Selena is even worse. From dating Klaus to killing Esther with cold blood... she's a monster just like him"

"Go ahead kill them because I won't kill either of them" Elena told him

"Listen Elena your parents led the council. It was their lives mission to keep this town safe. They weren't dead 6 months ago before you undid it all" Alaric tried to reason with the doppelganger

"You don't know anything about them" She spat in anger

Despite the pain she was feeling, Selena managed to untie the ropes around her wrist while Elena and Alaric were busy arguing

The doppelganger noticed her sister actions as she nodded making her know that she'll be fine and she would save them
Elena turned back to Alaric as she tried to stab him but he was quick to grab her wrist and smirk at her action mockingly

"I thought I taught better than that" he said

"Yeah you did" she replied before grabbing a cup full of vervain and smashing it over his face and stabbing him multiple times in his chest

The doppelganger untied Caroline while Alaric was screaming in pain and Selena ripped the clothe from her mouth as she helped Elena untie the blonde

"Get help" she told them grabbin their hands and pushing them out of the door

"Elena-" Selena began and her sister pushed her towards the door


Selena and Caroline ran outside and they took different ways, the Enchantress stopped in the middle of the halls looking for her bestfriend

She tried to scream when a hand covered her mouth "Shh it's okay. It's okay... It's me You're safe" Klaus whispered in her ear quietly as he stroked her hair gently making her relax against his touch

"Caroline and Elena..." she began

"Caroline's with Theo, We'll save Elena. You go home with Caroline. Stay inside do you understand" he demanded and she stared at him without a word. He turned her around as tears streaming down her cheeks

"Do you understand me?" He demanded and she nodded weakly

"Promise me that you'll come back to me" She said with teary eyes "Please Nik don't leave me... we'll leave just come back"

"I promise you always and forever. I love you Selena" he promised and leaned down capturing her lips

"I love you too" she said before making her way to Caroline's car


"Here" Caroline handed Selena some clothes and the brunette smiled weakly at her before changing

"We survived Care, you know" Selena stated "Somehow we always do"

"How are you feeling?" She asked and Selena sighed

"How are you feeling?"

"I asked first" Caroline stated and Selena chuckled

"Well physically I'll heal. It will take couple of hours but I'll be fine. Emotionally... I live in constant fear of losing the people that I love... Our lives are surrounded by danger. Wherever we go no matter what we do. We will be in danger" Selena stated sadly "But one day we will fond our happy ever after... we promised each other when we were little and I'll stick by that forever"

"You know Leenie... without you I would have never made it" Caroline said and Selena smiled

"I'm sure you would because you are strong"

"You are too... I know that you are going through some stuff lately. I'm your bestfriend Selena let me in. Let me be here for you" Caroline said holding her bestfriends hand and Selena hugged her tightly

"You are" she whispered "Trust me you are here for me"


Selena stepped inside Klaus' art room to see him packing and she made her towards him with a frown

"Where are you going?" She asked as she approached him and the first thing he did was to check if she was still hurt and injured

"We're leaving and it's not a choice, little wolf. You said that you would leave with me and you are at least I make sure Alaric is no longer a threat..." he said and she nodded

"We'll leave" she muttered with a smile and she hugged him "You came back to me, Nik... you came back"

"I'll always be back for you" Klaus kissed the top of her head as he hugged her back

"You're still injured" he told her and she smiled at him as he touched her cheek and then the corner of her mouth

"I don't care as long as you're here with me" she whispered tearfully as she let out a small chuckle

He couldn't believe that he once said that love was vampires greatest weakness. He felt strong when she was with him, she completed him and he complete her, she never made him feel alone. They were made for each other

They did more than loving each other, they challenged and brought the worst and best in each other. They second they laid eyes on each other they belonged together

He rested his forehead against hers staring at her beautiful hazel eyes before leaning down pulling her into a passionate kiss that told her that he loved her so much no matter what happens. They pulled apart after few minutes both of them trying to steady their breathing

They stepped inside the living room and all of sudden a strong arms pulling her away from Klaus when she looked up to see one it was Damon's hand on her arm and the other on her waist

Tyler was holding Klaus's arm as he tried to fight them off, while Stefan shoved his hand on Klaus' chest above his heart before he could defend himself

"Stop!" She screamed as tears streaming down her cheeks freely. She tried to use her magic but she knew she couldn't. Alaric had injected her with snowdrop and it needs at least twelve hours to wear off

"Let him go!" She pleaded desperately "Please..."

She tried to escape Damon's grip when she saw Klaus screaming in pain but she couldn't. She felt useless and weak"KLAUS NO!"

Grey veins started to appear slowly on his skin, making it way to his face and Stefan pulled his hand out of the hybrid's chest and he fell to the ground causing Selena to watch him helplessly desiccate

Damon slowly released her and she rushed towards her boyfriend cupping his face "Klaus wake up. Please" she sobbed

"You killed him" She accused them and Damon shook his head in denial

"He's not dead" Damon stated and she glared at him fiercely

"I will kill you" she hissed at them and they stared at her causing her to scream "I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!"

"Leenie calm down..." Stefan began and she attacked him trying to rip his heart out with her werewolf strength

"You ripped my heart to shreds. You killed me and now I'll gladly return the favor" she sneered threateningly and Tyler was quick to knock her out unconscious

"Why the hell did you do that?" Damon snapped and Tyler raised his hands in surrender

"She'll kill us"


Selena opened her eyes as she groaned in pain, she saw Theo and Rebekah sigh in relief amd she sat up straight when she remembered what happened

"Klaus... they killed him, he was there and then-" she began as tears streaming down her face freely. She stopped unable to speak or breath

"Leenie breath with me" Theo grabbed her arms as he motioned for her to copy his actions "Breath... there you go"

"Where is he? What did they do to him?" She asked them tearfully "Tell me he's not dead please"

"He's not" Rebekah assured her "We'll get him back. I promise... Elijah will be here"

"Leenie" Theo called "Stay strong for him... he would want you to stay strong for him. He would do the same to get you back"

"He begged me to leave town with him last night" she said and Rebekah looked down "I said no"

"It's not your fault. You didn't know"

"I did" she cried "I knew something was wrong! If anything happens to him. I'll never forgive myself"

She looked at them while they remained silent, she let out a sob and fell to her knees crying

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