The Big Dipper

By VibinginIkea

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Ursula Black was only two years old when her mother was killed for resisting Voldemort. She is given to her a... More

Daughter of the House of Black
Toujours Pur
Black Sheep
The Governess
The Funeral
The Letter
Diagon Alley
Platform Nine and Three-Quarters
The Sorting Hat
The First Week
Gryffindor vs. Slytherin
A Sneaky Graduation
The Carnival
The Boy Who Lived
Christmas Carols
New Year's Eve
Care of Magical Creatures
The Norwegian Ridgeback
The End of Year Exams
Heir to the House of Black
Flourish & Blotts
The Writing on the Wall
The Rogue Bludger
The Astronomy Tower
The Duelling Club
The Future Mr. Scamander
Madam Puddifoot's
Valentine's Day
Kittens & Questions
The Chamber of Secrets
The Wedding
The Meeting at the Ministry
The Dementor
The Boggart
The Worst Date
The Animagus
Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw
Wreaths of Silver
Christmas with the Tonks's
The Fight
The Quidditch Final
The Not-so-secret Secret
The Internship: Part One
The Internship: Part Two
Madam Tripe's Visit
The Quidditch World Cup
The Ferret
Mad-Eye Moody
Beauxbatons & Durmstrang
The Arrangement
Charlie Weasley
The First Task
The Patronus
The Yule Ball
The Second Task
The Necklace and the Pocket Watch
The Third Task
Cassiopeia Black
Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place
The Head Girl
Professor Umbridge
Silver Badges
Dumbledore's Army
The Christmas Ball
The Article
The Sneak
Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
The Reason
The Date
The Dark Mark
The Ridgebit Dragon Sanctuary
The Christmas Party
The Engagement
Black Manor
The Vanishing Cabinet
The Death Eaters' Return
The Coup
The Kidnap at King's Cross
Break Ins and Runaways
Players and Pawns
Broken Glass
Escape from Malfoy Manor
The Rehearsal Dinner
The Battle of Hogwarts: Part One
The Battle of Hogwarts: Part Two
The Battle of Hogwarts: Part Three
The Aftermath
The Trial
A Very Important Question
The Perfect Wedding
Alternate Ending 1
Alternate Ending 2
Oliver Wood
Author's Note


604 24 18
By VibinginIkea

Ursula was awake at dawn the very next morning. In actuality, she had never gone to sleep, as the Slytherins had paused their celebration only to go up to dinner, and had partied — well, some of them — until dawn. By the time it was four in the morning the party had dwindled to a select few, but the seventh years had no inclination to sleep, despite their exhausting NEWTs, so Cassius poured Firewhiskey into fancy crystal glasses and they drank like posh people. When at last her friends had decided they were simply too tired to carry on, all claiming they needed an hour or two of sleep before breakfast, Ursula had instead decided to go for a walk. This time, she really was out for a walk, and was not simply pretending so that she could prank Professor Umbridge.

"Professor Dumbledore!" said Ursula, surprised but pleased, when she rounded a corner and nearly ran right into him. "You're back!"

"Yes, Ms. Black, I am," said Professor Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling. "And I must thank you for your prompt patronus. Without it I would not have arrived at the Ministry as fast as I did."

Ursula was enormously relieved, and the knot in her chest dissolved.

"Is everyone —"

"There are a few injuries, and I'm afraid your cousin Tonks will spend a bit of time in St. Mungo's, but everyone else is fine," said Professor Dumbledore. "Sirius told me that you contacted him. It was quick thinking on your part to use the Floo in Professor Umbridge's office."

"I had to warn him somehow," said Ursula.

"I am grateful you did," said Professor Dumbledore. "If I may ask, how did you know about the Veil?"

"Hadrian told me," answered Ursula honestly. "Hadrian Rowle. He came to Hogsmeade before our exams. He, er, attended a Death Eater meeting the week before. That was all he could really figure out. He wasn't —"

"No, Ms. Black, he was not there," said Professor Dumbledore kindly. "I am afraid the same cannot be said for certain members of his family, however."

Ursula nodded.

"Expect an invitation to meet with me soon," said Professor Dumbledore. "I have a few matters I wish to discuss before your graduation. But in the meantime, please excuse me while I fetch Professor Umbridge from the Forbidden Forest."

Ursula was taken aback as Professor Dumbledore walked away. Professor Umbridge was still in the Forbidden Forest?

But yes, Professor Dumbledore strode alone into the forest and returned supporting Professor Umbridge, who had apparently had an ordeal with the centaurs. Her usually neat mousy hair was very untidy and there were bits of twig and leaf in it, but otherwise she seemed to be quite unscathed.

Ursula was so relieved that everyone was alright that her anxiety vanished and was replaced by exhaustion. She stumbled back to her dorm and slept for an hour or so before breakfast. All of the seventh years got up late, but they found less-than-good news waiting for them in the Great Hall.


In a brief statement Friday night, Minister of Magic

Cornelius Fudge confirmed that He-Who-Must-

Not-Be Named has returned to this country and is

active once more.

"It is with great regret that I must confirm that the

wizard styling himself Lord — well, you know who I

mean — is alive and among us again," said Fudge,

looking tired and flustered as he addressed reporters.

"It is with almost equal regret that we report the mass

revolt of the dementors of Azkaban, who have shown

themselves averse to continuing in the Ministry's em-

ploy. We believe that the dementors are currently tak-

ing direction from Lord — Thingy.

We urge the magical population to remain vigi-

lant. The Ministry is currently publishing guides to

elementary home and personal defense that will be

delivered free to all Wizarding homes within the

coming month."

The Minister's statement was met with dismay and

alarm from the Wizarding community, which as re-

cently as last Wednesday was receiving Ministry as-

surances that there was "no truth whatsoever in these

persistent rumors that You-Know-Who is operating

amongst us once more."

Details of the events that led to the Ministry turn-

around are still hazy, though it is believed that He-

Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and a select band of

followers (known as Death Eaters) gained entry to

the Ministry of Magic itself on Friday evening.

For more details of the Death Eaters involved,

see page four.

"Oh shit," said Cassius, as Ursula finished reading the article, which went on to talk about Professor Dumbledore and Harry. "And this all happened last night?"

"Mmhm," said Ursula, turning to page four.

"Sort of frightening, isn't it?" said Gemma, who held the Ministry to an especially high standard as a rule.

"Who was involved?" asked Adrian. Ursula read the article out loud.

The Death Eaters involved in the attack on

the Ministry have all been captured and sent

to Azkaban, although rumors persist that

Bellatrix Lestrange, known Death Eater and

perpetrator of some of the worst crimes of

the first war, escaped, along with He-Who-


Among the captured Death Eaters are form-

er Ministry employees Augustus Rookwood,

a former Department of Mysteries employ-

ee turned spy for You-Know-Who, and

Walden Macnair, the Ministry executioner

named by the Boy Who Lived in his ex-

clusive interview (page nine).

It should relieve the Wizarding public

to know that many of the Death Eaters

who escaped in January have been re-

turned to Azkaban, including Evander

Mulciber, Caledon Avery, and brothers

Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange.

Convicted murderer Antonin Dolohov has

been returned to Azkaban, and Vincent Crabbe

Sr., previously named by the Boy Who Lived as

one of You-Know-Who's followers, has been


Perhaps most surprising and unsettling of all are

the arrests of Lucius Malfoy, noted Ministry

supporter and philanthropist turned Death Eater,

and Montgomery Rowle, wealthy businessman and

former pillar of the wizarding community. Not only

were Malfoy and Rowle involved in the Ministry

attack, but early reports suggest they had been pl-

anning it for months. The magical community

is understandably shocked by this revelation,

which should serve as a reminder to all to be

careful of those you trust in these uncertain


"Well," said Ursula with a sigh. "That's certainly... a development."

"You're not surprised?" asked Lilian in a hushed voice. Ursula shook her head.

"No, I'm not surprised," she said grimly. Ursula knew she and Hadrian had a lot to talk about. Lucius and Montgomery's arrests were major, and the fallout wouldn't be pretty. "I bet Hadrian is facing hell at work today."

"Do you think he knew?" said Vanessa in a hushed voice.

"No," said Ursula, lying through her teeth. "No, I don't believe he did."

"Is the whole paper about the attack?" asked Adrian.

"I think so," said Ursula. "What else is there to talk about?"

She turned the page to see a picture of her cousin, Sirius Black, grinning up at her. The headline read:

Sirius Black: Innocent at Last

"Ah, now this is interesting," said Ursula, scanning the article.

Sirius Black has been proven innocent after nearly

fifteen years. Upon providing what the Ministry

has deemed irrefutable proof that he did not

commit the murders of twelve Muggles and wizard

Peter Pettigrew, he was formally released and no

longer has a criminal record. The Ministry has

no reason to believe he is or ever was a servant of

You-Know-Who's. When asked what he thought of this

belated justice, Mr. Black said, "It's about time."

"So who did kill all those people?" said Lilian.

"The article doesn't say," said Ursula. "The whole paper is just about the direct opposite of what the Ministry has been claiming for the last year."

"Some justice if he's been locked up for fifteen years," said Cassius with a snort. The others murmured their vague agreement.

As expected, the fallout of the events at the Ministry wasn't pretty. On one hand, it was a relief to many students, Ursula included, to know that Death Eaters like Antonin Dolohov were back in Azkaban, although she doubted he would remain there long. On the other hand, two of her uncles had been arrested, as had her aunt, which put any of the stigma surrounding Harry's interview naming the Death Eaters to shame. Lucius was Ursula's uncle and Draco's father, and she had to endure a number of taunts in the days that followed.

Ursula could contain her annoyance, if only because she was slightly relieved. She wished Lucius and Montgomery had not been involved at all, but she couldn't deny that she felt safer knowing Dolohov was locked up again.

"Getting ready to join the Death Eaters, Black?" taunted a sixth year Ravenclaw.

"Are you trying to end your year with a detention, Belby?" shot back Ursula, and Marcus Belby's smirk dropped at once.

Ursula felt oddly in control. Professor McGonagall was, thankfully, back, as was Professor Dumbledore, and Professor Umbridge was out of power. She didn't know, however, that it was Ursula who had practically destroyed her office, and Ursula intended to keep it that way. That was a bomb to drop at a later date. But as she walked around the halls, she felt strangely aware of her power as Head Girl, weirdly as if she had been captain of a ship that had gone through stormy waters. Ursula knew her fellow students respected and, in some cases, feared her. She knew she was a de facto leader for the Slytherins. But it was one of the rare times when she actually felt that way.

There were others who were not handling the situation with the Ministry as well, namely Draco, who was angry and resentful. His vengeful mutterings got to the point where Ursula pulled him into an empty classroom to lecture him.

"Stupid Potter," muttered Draco, crossing his arms.

"Draco, you have to stop blaming Harry Potter for this," said Ursula sternly. "Lucius foolishly got himself caught. You can't keep pretending otherwise, and I don't like seeing you claim he did nothing wrong."

"But Father's in Azkaban!" whined Draco. "All these mudblood-lovers are poisoning the minds of —"

"That is enough, Draco," snapped Ursula. "You can't go around saying such things. You are too young. You don't understand what's really going on."

"I'm not a child!" said Draco hotly.

"You as good as are when it comes to how you've been acting lately," fired Ursula right back. "You need to grow up. This isn't a game."

"The dementors have left Azkaban," said Draco quietly. "Father and the others'll be out in no time..."

Ursula gulped. He was right.

"Even so," said Ursula. "Trust me, Draco. I don't want you to be forced into this."

She left the classroom feeling as though he would be forced into it all, and soon, although the thought made a lump rise in her throat. Ursula had a letter from Hadrian in the evening, which described exactly what she had both feared and expected: he had been interrogated at work, but the Ministry believed him when he said he had no idea what was going to happen.

On Sunday, the seventh years set out for Hogsmeade together, for what Lilian insistently called a girls' trip even though she had also made sure Cassius and Adrian would be coming. The sun was hot as they walked in a loose group, but every so often a cool breeze would blow past them. Cassius led the way, often walking backwards so he could face the others while he was talking. Ursula and Lilian were next, arms linked; Ursula's braids slapped against her back every time she darted forward to help Cassius up after he tripped.

"I'm so excited for graduation," said Vanessa. She gestured to Ursula and Cassius. "Aren't you two supposed to decorate the Great Hall?"

"Mmhm," said Ursula. "Don't worry, I have plans."

"Don't you have to give a speech or something?" said Adrian. Ursula nodded.

"I haven't even started writing it," she said.

"Are you nervous?" said Vanessa. "I would be."

"Honestly? Not at all," said Ursula. "I've never really been afraid of public speaking."

"Lucky you," said Lilian jokingly.

"I heard that the top student in each subject wins an award," said Adrian. "Magical Merit, or something like that."

"The Medal for Magical Merit is for the students who are at the top of the whole class," corrected Gemma. "The Award for Academic Excellence is given to the best student in each subject."

"I'm sure you'll win for Transfiguration and Care of Magical Creatures," said Lilian to Ursula.

"Not as sure as I am that you'll win for Muggle Studies," said Ursula. "Honestly Lils, no one puts more effort into that class than you."

"I can't wait until we get our NEWT scores," said Cassius. "I didn't think I would care this much."

"I know. I'm super anxious to find out whether I've got the job I want or not," said Gemma. "The suspense is practically killing me."

"We've not got long now!" chirped Lilian, as they turned onto High Street. "Ooh!"

They had just arrived at Honeydukes, which had a display window crammed full of their brightest, most delectable sweets. The seventh years were hit at once with the familiar sugary, chocolatey smell as they squeezed inside the crowded shop. The shelves of Honeydukes were being wiped clean as fast as they could be restocked, as everyone wanted to have plenty of candy for the summer. The seventh years were no exception; far from it, in fact, as they bought more than anyone else, half out of nostalgia, and half because they were teenagers who had plenty of money to spend and lots of delicious sweets to buy.

"This is the last time we'll get to come to Honeydukes, isn't it," said Cassius dejectedly, a lollipop in his mouth.

"Then you'd better buy a lot of candy!" said Lilian, who had resolved to spend the last of her pocket money stocking up for the summer.

Indeed, the seventh years bought as much candy as they could carry, shoving their purchases into bags charmed with Undetectable Extension Charms so they wouldn't be weighed down. They stopped in at Zonko's Joke Shop for bits and bobs, not that they really needed them now that Professor Umbridge had been ousted.

Their next stop was Gladrags' Wizardwear, which was, somewhat unfortunately, the only clothing shop in Hogsmeade. Vanessa and the other girls thought it was high time another one opened, but they made do.

"How do I look?" said Vanessa, stepping out of the dressing room in a faded pink sundress.

"Marvelous," said Ursula, as they all applauded. Lilian wolf whistled jokingly.

"My turn!" said Lilian. She disappeared into the dressing room and came back out a few minutes later in a cute pair of embroidered overalls with cuffed pant legs.

"Aww, you look so cute!" said Vanessa.

"Good choice," said Ursula.

"Your turn," said Lilian, pushing Ursula towards the dressing room.

Ursula emerged wearing a short dark green corduroy skirt with her tank top tucked into it. Her friends clapped and Cassius whistled.

"Spin for us!" said Vanessa. Ursula twirled around, and they cheered.

"Alright Gemma, you're up," said Ursula, tugging her out of her seat.

"No, I don't want to. I didn't find anything and this is not my thing," said Gemma, protesting.

"We found you something. Now come on," said Ursula.

Reluctantly, Gemma went, and she was grinning when she came back out in a light blue pantsuit.

"Well? How did we do?" said Ursula.

"Brilliant. I love it," said Gemma.

"Yay!" said Vanessa, clapping her hands.

"Is that it? Are we done?" said Adrian, pretending to be more bored than he was. The girls turned on him, their eyes sparkling mischievously.

"Nope," said Lilian, popping the p. "It's your turn now."

"What — aww, no," said Adrian.

"We found something for you and Cassius both, so you can match," said Ursula.

"Hell yeah!" said Cassius. He clapped a hand on Adrian's back and pushed him forward. Vanessa handed them each a green jacket with white sleeves.

"It's called a letterman jacket," said Lilian. "They're very popular with Muggles. We found a couple here."

"Alright, they are pretty cool," said Adrian grudgingly.

"I'm glad you like it," said Ursula.

The seventh years paid for their clothes and left, swinging their bags around as they laughed and walked down High Street. They popped briefly into Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop and then into Dervish & Banges before turning around and heading back down the street towards the Three Broomsticks. The pub was as crowded as always, but Cassius went and cleared a table while the others ordered their drinks.

Squeezing into her seat at the table with her cherry syrup and soda in hand, Ursula said, "I can't get over how unbelievable it is that we're graduating in less than a week."

"I know," said Lilian, taking a sip of her butterbeer. "I mean, I'm excited and all, but I'm also terrified."

"I'm not," said Gemma. "I'm ready to leave, if I'm being honest."

"Here," said Cassius, setting a tray of small glasses down in the center of the table. "Let's all do a shot of Firewhiskey to celebrate."

"Cassius!" said Ursula. "You're a prefect!"

"What, we're of age!" defended Cassius. "Don't tell me the Head Girl won't do a shot with her friends."

Ursula rolled her eyes, but took one of the shot glasses anyway.

"To us!" said Cassius.

"To us!" echoed the others, before they all downed the Firewhiskey in unison, then gasped and laughed as it burned their throats.


On Monday, the seventh years came up to breakfast with renewed anxiety, as they would be receiving their NEWT scores with the arrival of the mail. They watched the ceiling of the Great Hall for any flap, any flutter, of wings and listened through the breakfast chatter for the soft hoot of an arriving owl.

"Merlin's beard," swore Lilian, as the mail arrived and a huge number of owls poured in. "Nope, I'm not ready. Now I don't want to know."

Ursula squeaked as a large tawny owl swooped in front of her, depositing a thick envelope on her lap.

"I can't open it," she said, picking up the envelope by just the corner.

On her left, Cassius's results arrived, narrowly missing the orange juice. Lilian snatched hers out of the air and then held the envelope in trembling hands.

"I'm gonna do it," said Cassius.

He tore the envelope nearly in half and fumbled with the parchment inside. Then he was quiet for a moment, frowning.

"Well?" demanded Adrian.

Cassius grinned, waving his parchment around and said, "Six NEWTs! I passed everything, with two E's and four O's."

Emboldened by his success, the others took deep breaths and opened their own results. Adrian got all five of his NEWTs, with an O in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Vanessa likewise got six, surprising herself but no one else when she got an O in Alchemy. Gemma impressively received nine NEWTs, six of which were O's, and Lilian got seven NEWTs, with an O in Muggle Studies.

"Come on, open it already!" said Lilian, as Ursula was taking forever with her results.

Her hands shaking, Ursula opened the envelope and pulled out the folded parchment. Fearing she might pass out, she unfolded the parchment and read her results:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Results:

Pass Grades:

Outstanding (O)

Exceeds Expectations (E)

Acceptable (A)

Fail Grades:

Poor (P)

Dreadful (D)

Troll (T)

Ursula Cassiopeia Black has achieved:

Alchemy - E

Ancient Runes - O

Astronomy - O

Care of Magical Creatures - O

Charms - O

Defense Against the Dark Arts - O

Herbology - E

History of Magic - O

Potions - O

Transfiguration - O

"Well?" said Cassius. "Don't keep us in suspense!"

"Eight O's," said Ursula with a wry smile, "and two E's. Ten NEWTs in all."

Her friends cheered. The atmosphere of the Great Hall changed instantly, as the vast majority of the seventh years were proud of themselves and their friends, as well as extremely relieved, having received the scores they were hoping for. Now that they had their scores, they were just waiting to hear back from the places they applied to for jobs.

Lilian had only minutes to wait, as at the end of the arrival of the post that very morning, one last great horned owl swooped in and deposited a letter on top of her toast, stamped with the Ministry's official seal.

"Oh no," she said in horror, staring at the envelope. "Oh, no no no no no."

"What is it?" asked Cassius.

Lilian picked up the envelope, holding it at arm's length. She wiped a spot of jam at the corner.

"Is that the response to your application?" said Vanessa. Lilian nodded. "What are you waiting for? Open it!"

Lilian tentatively peeled back the seal and pulled out the letter, gripping the parchment so tight that she was in danger of ripping it.

"'Dear Ms. Fenharrow,'" she read. "'We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted —' Oh my — I-I've been accepted!"

"Congratulations!" squealed Ursula.

"I knew you'd get it!" said Cassius.

"I've been accepted," repeated Lilian dumbstruck, as her friends offered their congratulations. "I've been accepted."

"What else does it say?" said Gemma.

"I've been accepted as an intern for Arthur Weasley, in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office. It says I'm to start on July 15th — blimey, that's just a couple weeks from now," said Lilian, beaming. "Wow. I can't believe it."

"You deserve it, Lils," said Ursula.

"Thanks," said Lilian. Now that it had sunk in, she couldn't stop smiling. "Wow. I — I'm so relieved, honestly. This is real. This is exciting."

"You'll do brilliantly," assured Adrian.

The general mood around Hogwarts was very pleasant over their last week, even in light of the devastating news that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had returned. Professor Dumbledore was back, their exams were over, and every day more good news came for the seventh years. It all felt right, like things were back to normal and going well again.

Cassius and Adrian's life after Hogwarts was already settled, so they had none of the same anticipation that the girls had. On Tuesday, Ursula heard back from a couple of the places she had applied to, but only her back up options, which were smaller reserves for various creatures other than dragons. She still anxiously awaited news of whether or not she had been accepted into the dragonology program.

Vanessa got good news on Tuesday with the arrival of an envelope stamped with a wand crossed with a bone. She had been accepted into the trainee healer program at St. Mungo's, which was less intense than their years-long program to become a healer at the hospital.

"Oh," said Vanessa, as she read the letter. "Alright. I didn't think I'd actually get in."

"Why not? You got great grades," said Cassius.

"I didn't take Potions, though," said Vanessa.

"Are you going to accept?" said Ursula. Vanessa shrugged.

"Maybe," she said. "But I'll have to think about it."

Gemma similarly received news Wednesday morning from the Ministry of Magic. She eagerly grabbed the letter before it had even left the owl's beak.

"Finally," she said breathlessly, tearing it open at once. "Yes! I did it! I got the job! I'm now a Junior Consultant in the International Magical Office of Law."

"Well done!" said Ursula, clapping her on the back.

"Congratulations!" said Lilian.

With everything coming up roses for her friends, Ursula's anxiety and anticipation were at an all time high. She didn't want to ruin the mood if she didn't get in, but all the same she wanted more than anything just to know. Thankfully, her misery was put out on Thursday morning, with the arrival of a snowy owl carrying an envelope stamped with a purple seal in its beak.

Ursula took a deep breath, her heart thrumming in her ears, and slit open the envelope, pulling out the packet of papers inside. With a silent prayer, she read the first page. She didn't know what she would do if she didn't get in.

Dear Ms. Black,

We at the Ridgebit Dragon Sanctuary are excited to inform you


They were excited.

That was a good sign, right?

that you have been accepted into our internship program.


She was accepted.

She had done it.

Ursula was so overcome that she found herself in tears. Her friends quieted as she put her head in her hands, shaking and crying from joy.

"Ursula?" asked Cassius tentatively.

"I —" she said, half laughing, half crying. "— I got in."

"Then why are you crying?" said Cassius, laughing as he hugged her. Her friends exploded into congratulations, patting her on the back and congratulating her.

"I'm just — so happy," said Ursula, wiping her eyes as she beamed from ear to ear.

Ursula's elation did not dim that entire day. She was congratulated by Professor McGonagall when she met with her that afternoon to discuss the graduation ceremony.

"How are the decorations coming?" said Professor McGonagall. Every year, it was up to the seventh years to choose how they wanted to decorate the Great Hall, with the Head Boy and Head Girl in charge.

"Very well, I'd say. There were lots of requests for flowers and balloons, so we're happy with what we came up with," said Ursula.

"Excellent," said Professor McGonagall.

Professor Flitwick got rid of Fred and George's swamp in about three seconds, with Professor Umbridge in the Hospital Wing and all. He left a tiny patch roped off under the window, however, because it was just a really good piece of magic.

The seventh years got one more treat before graduation that night at dinner, when Professor Umbridge left Hogwarts the day before the end of term. It seemed that she had crept out of the hospital wing during dinnertime, evidently hoping to depart undetected, but unfortunately for her, she met Peeves on the way, who seized his last chance to do as Fred had instructed and chased her gleefully from the premises, whacking her alternately with a walking stick and a sock full of chalk.

Many students ran out into the entrance hall to watch her running away down the path, and the Heads of Houses tried only half-heartedly to restrain their pupils. Indeed, Professor McGonagall sank back into her chair at the staff table after a few feeble remonstrances and was clearly heard to express a regret that she could not run cheering after Professor Umbridge herself, because Peeves had borrowed her walking stick.

On Friday, Professor McGonagall instructed that all of the seventh years stay behind in the Great Hall after breakfast so they could rehearse the graduation ceremony for the next day.

"You will enter the Hall in alphabetical order — Mr. Jordan, put that away — and then you will take your seats in the section reserved for you in the front of the hall," said Professor McGonagall, her walking stick clicking on the stone floor. "Once you are all seated, I will give a speech, and then I will recognize the Quidditch captains and players. After that, I will announce the awards. As you should all know, awards are given to the student with the best grade in each class, and to the students who achieved the most NEWTs."

"That's you," whispered Cassius, nudging Ursula's shoulder.

"Then, the Head Boy will speak, followed by the Head Girl," continued Professor McGonagall, who had not missed Cassius talking while she was speaking and sent him a disapproving glare. "Finally, I will call you up one by one to receive your diplomas. Professor Dumbledore will give a speech and make the pronouncement. You will have time to greet your families, and then Hagrid will lead you back across the lake in the same boats you arrived in. Any questions?"

"Should we wear our Quidditch badges?" piped up Hufflepuff Elizabeth Barrett.

"Excellent question," said Professor McGonagall. "Yes, on your graduation robes, those of you who are Quidditch captains, prefects, or the Head Boy and Girl should wear the associated badges. Any other questions?"

When no one had any, she dismissed them with a reminder to pack today, as they would not have time to do so tomorrow. She held Ursula back, however, and Ursula told her friends to go ahead.

"Ms. Black," said Professor McGonagall, handing her yet another thick envelope. "I received this letter this morning. It is for you."

Ursula opened it bemusedly, then gasped when she saw who it was from.

"The — the Society of Distinguished Transfigurers?" she said. "I've been accepted?"

"Yes, you have," said Professor McGonagall, who was positively beaming at Ursula. "You are the youngest member to be inducted in nearly one hundred years."

"This is a huge honor," said Ursula. "Thank you so much, Professor."

"It was my absolute pleasure to nominate you," said Professor McGonagall. "It's been many years since I have had a Transfiguration student with your brilliance. I will be sad to see you graduate."

Before she could stop herself, Ursula hugged Professor McGonagall, who hugged her back, although with a touch of hesitation. Ursula left the Great Hall, positively beside herself with joy. She waved to her friends, who were waiting across the entrance hall.

"Guess what?" she said.

"What?" chorused Adrian and Cassius.

"I've been accepted," said Ursula breathlessly, "into the Society for Distinguished Transfigurers."

"Really?" said Gemma. "Congratulations! That's really prestigious."

"I didn't think I'd actually get in," said Ursula.

"Oh please," said Cassius, rolling his eyes. "The only thing you're ever wrong about is whether or not you've won something."

"Don't listen to him. Congrats Ursula!" said Lilian.

"Come on," said Cassius, linking arms with Ursula and Lilian and tugging them towards the great front doors. "Let's go outside."

"We're supposed to pack, you know," said Gemma, but she, Vanessa, and Adrian followed without protest.

It was a beautiful, sunny day outside, and the seventh years sprawled in their favorite spot, under one of the large beech trees on the front lawn. They watched as Lee Jordan messed with the giant squid and other students swam in the cool lake.

"I'm gonna miss Hogwarts," said Cassius, leaning against the trunk of the tree.

"Me too," murmured Ursula.

The group of six didn't talk much after that. They simply sat or laid in the soft grass and enjoyed the beautiful weather. They came back in for lunch, but wistfully so, and it took rather a large portion of the afternoon to finish packing, as it proved to be an incredibly slow process. Gemma, of course, finished first, as she was the least sentimental of them all, but Lilian wasn't done even when they headed up for the end-of-term feast that night.

"I am not often one for long, meandering speeches, so feel free to let your minds wander if you must," began Professor Dumbledore as the last bits of dessert vanished. "I simply wish to impart upon you all a few words of what I hope are wisdom."

Ursula could tell that his serene gaze was a bit sad as his piercing blue eyes swept over them.

"Lord Voldemort has returned," he said, and there was a ripple throughout the Great Hall as students flinched at the name. Ursula didn't move. "Just as I declared he had at the end of last year, the truth is out at last. I believe that in order for you to be truly prepared, you must firstly be aware of what you're up against. Many of you have grown up hearing tales of the last time he walked among us, and many of your families have already suffered at his hands or at the hands of his followers."

Ursula's hands clenched, her nails digging painfully into her palms. A great many eyes turned to the Slytherin table with frowns and glares.

"I hope you all know that no one among us, particularly your fellow students, are to blame," said Professor Dumbledore, who had not missed the glares sent to the green and silver table. "Division is not the way forward. Distrust is not the way forward. I ask that all of you, every witch and wizard seated in this hall, consider how you would feel to be blamed for actions you had no control over. It does not do to dole out blame where blame is not deserved, and in the trying times ahead of us, we must unite in order to succeed."

For the first time in a long time, the Great Hall was completely and utterly silent, as the students stared, raptured, at Professor Dumbledore.

"I know you are all young, and if I believed I could spare each and every one of you from the horrors that may come I would," continued Professor Dumbledore. "But I believe that even the youngest among you have a right to know the truth. Remember that each and every one of you has power. I do not mean magic. The power I am referring to is much stronger and deeper. The bonds of friendship that bring us together mean more than any spell ever will. Take value from what you have, and do not lose it or let it go."

His lined, mournful face changed into a soft smile.

"I have talked too much, I can tell," he said. "We have reached the end of another eventful year together, and my last words of wisdom to you all are to go forward in hope. Goodnight."

There was a great scraping of benches as students left the Hall, murmuring anxiously amongst themselves as they proceeded up or down the stairs to their respective common rooms.

"Right, well... I suppose we'd better turn in, and make sure everything's packed and ready for tomorrow, right?" said Adrian. None among them were anxious to go to bed, as doing so meant that they were well and truly leaving Hogwarts.

One by one, they returned to their dorms for a final night, however. Ursula had taken great care to fold her clothes, stack her books, and double and triple check that she had everything off of her desk, out of her wardrobe, and out from under her bed. She had her graduation robes and school uniform laid out for tomorrow, and everything but Agatha and Betelgeuse was packed and ready to go, except for Ursula herself. She wasn't ready to leave Hogwarts, even though she knew that it was time.

Morning came, and Ursula and her friends enjoyed their last breakfast, their last meal in the Great Hall. They put their owls in cages and their cats in baskets, changed into their graduation robes, and shut their trunks so that the house elves could bring them up to the entrance hall.

"Hey," said Lilian, poking her head into Ursula's dorm. "You ready?"

"Yeah," said Ursula, sliding a final pin into her hair. "Just a second."

Lilian sat down on the end of Gemma's bed.

"I don't know how you manage with your hair that long," she said conversationally. Ursula's thick black curls went clear down to her waist when they weren't held up in a ponytail, and Ursula had spent many hours methodically brushing out her hair.

"I'm going to cut it before I go to Romania," said Ursula. "I'm thinking just past my shoulders, and then I can let it grow out again."

Lilian nodded.

"I'm so bloody nervous," she confessed. "I thought I'd be more ready, but I'm not."

"Me neither," said Ursula, adjusting the clasp of her pearl necklace. "And —"

She stopped, fighting to hold back a sudden wave of tears, and put her head in her hands. Lilian came over at once, putting her hands on Ursula's shoulders.

"I wish my mum was here," Ursula whispered.

"I know," murmured Lilian. "I know."

They were both quiet for a moment. Ursula took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Thanks, Lils," said Ursula, dapping at her eyes so as not to ruin her makeup. "You're a good friend."

"I'm the best friend," corrected Lilian, and they both laughed.

"That you are," agreed Ursula. "That you are." She stood up. "Come on. Let's graduate."

They met up with the rest of their friends in the common room, so that they could take a picture with Lilian's camera before heading up to the Great Hall together. Ursula straightened Cassius's tie as they waited nervously in the chamber off the hall for the ceremony to begin.

"Merlin, I'm terrified," said Vanessa, fanning herself with her hands.

"We've got this," said Adrian. "We've gotten through a lot together, haven't we?"

"You're right," said Cassius. "We can certainly get through this."

The door to the chamber opened and tiny Professor Flitwick bustled in, causing many of the students to gasp or grasp hands anxiously.

"Please line up in alphabetical order!" he chirped. "Mr. Foxx, you're behind Ms. Fenharrow, not Ms. McDaniel. Ms. Stimpson, please take your place behind Ms. Stanford. Mr. Towler, Mr. Turner, you are in the wrong order, please switch."

Once they were all in line, Professor Flitwick led them out of the chamber and through the main doors of the Great Hall. Ursula looked briefly at the line behind her and Cassius flashed her a grin over the heads of the other students. The Great Hall had been wonderfully decorated, with a banner over the dais and lots of enchanted balloons floating high under the pale blue ceiling. Bundles of flowers had been arranged to resemble the house crest of each house, and golden confetti would rain down on them at the end of the ceremony.

"It is my great honor to present the Class of 1996!" said Professor McGonagall from a podium at the top of the hall, gesturing to the incoming seventh years.

Their friends and families cheered as the graduates entered, waving and calling out to them as they passed. On one side of the aisle, Ursula saw Narcissa and Hadrian; on the other, Ken, Tony, the Tonks family, and even Remus and Sirius, who, despite being a free man, had caused a bit of a stir upon his arrival. She also spotted the Weasleys, namely Fred and George dressed in a pair of lurid green scaly jackets. Fred winked at Ursula as she passed. Their parents were there as well, as this should have been their graduation.

Ursula was in the front row of the seats reserved for the seventh years. She was a few seats down from Blossom, and about ten up from Gemma and Lilian, who were lucky enough to be seated beside each other. When they were all seated, Professor McGonagall began to speak. Her speech was long and moving, and Ursula even found herself tearing up.

"I have had the immense privilege of teaching some of the finest students to ever grace these halls," said Professor McGonagall as she brought her speech to a close. "There are many among them who I have no doubt will do extremely well in life, and I wish each and every one of you well for the bright futures you have waiting. Congratulations, and good luck."

Applause rang through the Great Hall. Ursula distinctly heard Fred and George whistle and shout in support of Professor McGonagall. When the applause had quieted, Professor McGonagall unfurled the first of several scrolls of parchment waiting on the podium.

"I would first like to recognize the Quidditch players from each house," said Professor McGonagall. "When I call your name, please come to the stage so Madam Hooch may present you with a medal. Captains will stand beside the podium. First, from Gryffindor, I would like to recognize five-year chaser Alicia Spinnet."

The Gryffindors in particular applauded as Alicia blushed and hurried up to the dais.

"Next, as unorthodox as this may be, I simply cannot continue this graduation ceremony without acknowledging two students who should be a party of it," continued Professor McGonagall. "As they are both six-year Gryffindors, I ask that Fred and George Weasley come up to the stage to be honored." She narrowed her eyes at them in the crowd. "Don't try to hide, Weasleys."

To great applause from all of the seventh years, Fred and George jogged up the aisle to shake hands with Professor McGonagall.

"In fact," she said, her eyes gleaming, "how about the two of you join your classmates for the remainder of the ceremony, hmm?"

Fred and George grinned. Professor Flitwick conjured two more chairs, forcing the last three Slytherins in line to scoot down so he could add them in. Ursula suspected Professor McGonagall had planned to do this all along, should Fred and George show up.

"Finally, from Gryffindor, I would like to recognize six-year chaser and esteemed captain, Angelina Johnson," said Professor McGonagall.

Angelina headed proudly up to the stage to stand with the other members of her team.

"I should also mention Lee Jordan, who has been our Quidditch commentator for nearly all his time at Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall, gesturing to Lee. Madam Hooch gave him a small medal as well. "Now, onto the Ravenclaw team. I would like to recognize three-year chaser Dennis Moon, three-year beater Jack Foxx, four-year beater Luca Bailey, and two-year keeper Ivy Lewis. Finally, six-year chaser and three-year captain, Rodger Davies."

The many members of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team headed up to the dais, grinning and high fiving with one another.

"For the Hufflepuff team, I would like to recognize three-year chaser Blossom Ash —" Ursula whistled as Blossom went up to the stage. "— two-year chaser Maya Holmes, three-year keeper Miles Sloper, and three-year beater and captain Elizabeth Barrett."

The girl next to Ursula jumped up and bounded up onto the stage with the other Hufflepuffs.

"At this time I would also like to recognize another student who tragically is not with us today," said Professor McGonagall. "Cedric Diggory was the seeker for the Hufflepuff team for five years, as well as captain for two. He is dearly missed."

The graduation attendees murmured his name solemnly, and Ursula felt a renewed pang in her heart that he was not with them to celebrate graduation.

After a moment of silence in his remembrance, Professor McGonagall said, "Finally, I would like to recognize the following members of the Slytherin Quidditch team: three-year chaser Cassius Warrington, four-year chaser Ursula Black, and five year chaser as well as captain Adrian Pucey."

Ursula grinned and accepted a hand onto the stage from Adrian so the two of them and Cassius could stand together. Madam Hooch presented them each with a green and silver medal. Once they had returned to their seats, Professor Tilcott joined Professor McGonagall on the dais so he could present the first class award.

"The first Award for Academic Excellence goes to the student with the best overall grade and work ethic in Alchemy," said Professor Tilcott. "That student is Vanessa Shafiq."

Cassius was the first to whistle and clap as a stunned Vanessa rose to her feet. Her friends cheered as loud as they could for her. When she had accepted her award, Professor Babbling replaced Professor Tilcott to announce that Lewis Carter was the top student in Ancient Runes. Gemma won for Arithmancy, and then, to no one's surprise, Ursula won for Care of Magical Creatures, accepting the award and an enormous handshake from Hagrid.

Andrew Barker, a Gryffindor, won for Divination, and then Lilian won for Muggle Studies. Dennis Moon won Astronomy, and Adrian whooped when Cassius's name was called for Charms. Deservedly, Angelina Johnson won for Defense Against the Dark Arts, and then Professor Sprout bustled up in her patchwork hat to announce the Herbology winner.

"The Award for Academic Excellence in Herbology goes to Rue Hayes," said Professor Sprout, shaking Rue's hand enthusiastically when she reached the dais.

Hufflepuff Simon Morrow won for History of Magic, and then Blossom won for Potions, which made her blush in surprise, although everyone else in seventh year knew she was going to win. Similarly, not a single person was surprised when Ursula's name was called for Academic Excellence in Transfiguration.

"Our final set of awards go to the students who graduate with five or more 'Outstanding' scores on their Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests," said Professor McGonagall, once Ursula had sat back down and the applause had finished. "This year, we are thrilled to have five such students. Before we honor them, I wish to once again honor Cedric Diggory, as his teachers and classmates have no doubt that he would be among these distinguished students."

There was a reverent second of silence in the crowd. Ursula inhaled sharply. She felt guilty for not thinking about Cedric as often lately, as if she was forgetting him.

"The first recipient of the Medal for Magical Merit, with five Outstandings out of seven NEWTs, is Lewis Carter," said Professor McGonagall, and there was a polite round of applause for Lewis, louder from the Ravenclaws. "The next winner, with six O's out of nine NEWTs, is Gemma Farley."

Ursula whistled as Gemma walked proudly up to the stage to accept the medal, grinning like mad. Lilian high fived her when she sat back down.

"Next, with an impressive seven O's out of seven NEWTs, is Blossom Ash," continued Professor McGonagall. Blossom blushed even deeper as she hopped up to collect her award. "Also with seven O's, but out of ten NEWTs, is Rumina Hayes."

Rue walked quickly up to the stage, looking slightly embarrassed although she was grinning. Fred, George, and Lee all cheered particularly loudly for her.

"Finally, with an astounding eight O's out of ten NEWTs, the Medal for Magical Merit goes to Ursula Black," said Professor McGonagall, who smiled down at Ursula the whole time she was making the announcement. A roar of applause went up as Ursula accepted the award; she saw her father and Tony stand up to cheer for her.

Ursula fanned herself with her hand as Lewis went up to give his speech as Head Boy. He spoke about all of the triumphs and tribulations they had endured, and how much he would miss Hogwarts, and how he felt confident that they would all leave Hogwarts ready to face the world. As he sat down, Ursula took a deep breath, knowing that it was her turn to speak.

"I am honored to be here today," she began as she stepped up to the podium, her eyes sweeping the many faces that stared up at her. "Not just here giving this speech, but here at Hogwarts. Many generations of great witches and wizards have walked these hallowed halls before me, and many more will do so after. I consider myself lucky to be here, now, with such an outstanding group of teachers and fellow students, many of whom I am blessed to call my friends."

Lilian gave her a double thumbs up, and Ursula smiled.

"Throughout our seven years at Hogwarts, we have gone through too many tests of strength and of character," continued Ursula. "We have had seven Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers, some of which we were glad to say goodbye to and others whom we begged to stay."

"She's talking about you, Lupin!" shouted Cassius, as he too had spotted their former professor in the crowd. Laughter rippled through the Hall.

"The one commonality between all our years was a trait all four houses share," said Ursula. "Loyalty. Throughout all our years at Hogwarts, we have all always been unfailingly loyal, to ourselves, to our friends, and to our school. Gryffindors are loyal to their cause. They band together and stick together, willing to fight to defend their friends, who have undoubtedly earned their trust. Is that not loyalty? Hufflepuffs are loyal on the assumption of trust. Their friends prove themselves worthy time and time again, even though their friendship doesn't depend on it. Is that not loyalty? Ravenclaws see the big picture when deciding who or what to be loyal to, but they can be depended on to defend those who've earned it. Is that not just as loyal as Gryffindor or Hufflepuff? And finally, Slytherin."

Here Ursula paused. She had a point to make, and she wanted to be sure that everyone was paying attention when she did.

"Like the other houses, us Slytherins have to earn the loyalty we have to one another, but a certain degree of it is assumed," she said. "What I mean is that when my fellow Slytherins and I arrived at Hogwarts, we had to stick together the moment the Sorting Hat placed us in Slytherin. We knew to depend on each other if at worst we couldn't depend on anyone else. I am not here to put blame on anyone, or drag up problems from the past, and thankfully, we have just as strong friendships outside of our house as within it. My point is that each house, each person here, has that in common. We are connected by the ties of loyalty, and if they haven't broken after all we've undergone or put one another through, there's very little left that could ever shake them."

Her eyes rested just briefly on each of her friends, and then, just for a moment, on Fred, who beamed at her.

"Hang on to those ties, for they are unbelievingly valuable," said Ursula. "Take care of your friends, your family, and yourselves. It is time for us to leave Hogwarts, however much we do not want to, but we can depart with all of the knowledge we have gained and all of the memories we have made. It is time to take the next step, and I wish each and every one of us luck as we do."

The Great Hall burst into applause as Ursula finished speaking. Her friends and family even rose to their feet as they clapped and cheered. Blushing, she took her seat. She could've sworn Professor McGonagall winked at her as she returned to the podium to hand out the diplomas.

"Thank you Mr. Carter, Ms. Black," she said. "You have both been exemplary role models throughout your time at Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall paused to unfurl the last scroll waiting on the podium, which listed their names in alphabetical order. She adjusted her spectacles on the end of her nose. "When I call your name, please come up to receive your diploma from your Head of House. Benjamin Allen!"

Professor McGonagall spoke briefly about Benjamin as he collected his diploma, listing his accomplishments and his plans for the future.

"Blossom Ash!" she said, and Blossom hurried up to shake hands with Professor Sprout. "A Hufflepuff, Ms. Ash has always been an exceptional student. She is exceedingly kind to all who approach her, and is always willing to lend a helping hand. She goes on to study at the Academy for Apprentice Potioneers."

Ursula cheered for Blossom as she received her diploma and shook hands with all of her professors and then Professor Dumbledore.

After four more students, Professor McGonagall called, "Ursula Black!"

Ursula heard her friends and family cheer especially loudly as she headed up to receive her diploma positively beaming. She accepted her diploma from Professor Snape, then went down the line of professors to shake their hands.

"A Slytherin, Ms. Black is dedicated, ambitious, and one of the brightest witches of her age. Rarely have I had the pleasure of teaching such a passionate student," said Professor McGonagall. "She has been accepted into the Society of Distinguished Transfigurers, and she goes on to work as a dragonologist at the Ridgebit Dragon Sanctuary while studying under master Transfigurer Philippa Talbot."

"Thank you, Professor," said Ursula softly as she reached Professor McGonagall.

"You're welcome, Ms. Black," said Professor McGonagall, smiling at her. "And congratulations."

After six more students, Professor McGonagall announced Cedric's name with an honorary diploma. Ursula was glad he was being honored throughout the ceremony, but it did renew the loss, and it made her hurt more that he wasn't here.

"Gemma Farley!"

Gemma grinned and rose to her feet, accepting her diploma with a firm handshake.

"A Slytherin, Ms. Farley is an ambitious, driven, and intelligent student. She goes on to work as a Junior Consultant at the International Magical Office of Law."

Ursula whistled appreciatively and Gemma winked at her as she sat back down.

"Lilian Fenharrow!"

Gemma and Lilian high fived again as Lilian jumped up and headed to the stage.

"A Slytherin, Ms. Fenharrow is a curious, outgoing, and passionate witch who has been a pleasure to teach. She goes on to work as an assistant to Arthur Weasley in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts office."

After Lilian, more than a dozen students were called to receive their diplomas before Adrian. When Professor McGonagall finally said, "Adrian Pucey!" Cassius whooped for his friend.

"A Slytherin, Mr. Pucey is a resourceful and hardworking student as well as a dedicated Quidditch player. He goes on to play as a reserve chaser for the Appleby Arrows."

Ursula knew that Vanessa still hadn't decided whether or not she wanted to have Healer training, so when, "Vanessa Shafiq!" was called, she wondered what Vanessa's career would be announced as.

"A Slytherin, Ms. Shafiq is a charming, loyal, and invested witch. She has been accepted into the Trainee Program at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries."

Vanessa looked pleased with the slightly ambiguous announcement. Her ambition was to get married and have a family, and whether she chose to get Healer training or not, her goal still mattered.

With only five students after him to go, including Fred and George, Professor McGonagall called, "Cassius Warrington!" and the first thing Cassius did when he stood up was flex, earning him a cheer from his fellow students. Gay or not, he was one of the most attractive students in their year, not to mention the most muscular.

"A Slytherin, Mr. Warrington is unfailingly loyal, and is a bright and outgoing student," said Professor McGonagall with a hint of exasperation in her voice. "He goes on to work as a Hit Wizard and as an assistant to Corban Yaxley in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

Once Cassius had taken his seat, Professor McGonagall called, "Fred Weasley!" and Fred sauntered up to the stage, wearing his signature slightly lopsided grin.

"A Gryffindor, Mr. Weasley is determined and ambitious, as well as one of the most mischievous students to ever attend Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall, garnering a cheer with the last line. "He has earned a spot on the list of most detentions ever given, something he himself has admitted to being proud of. He goes on to run Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes."

Fred high fived George as he sat back down and Professor McGonagall gave a similar spiel about George. Then there were only three Slytherins, Daria West, Sophie White, and Alexander Yorke, left, before all of the diplomas had been handed out. Professor McGonagall asked for another round of applause for the graduates before she was replaced at the podium by Professor Dumbledore.

"Eager though I know you all are to be done here, I ask for just a few more moments of your time," said Professor Dumbledore. "This year's graduating class has given more to this school, both in trials and achievements, than any I have seen for many years. Therefore, I have just a few words to say to you all. Those words are: flame, fly, flux, and flair."

He paused a moment to let his words sink in, although that only left his audience more time to grow confused as to what he meant.

"I now present the Class of 1996 as Hogwarts graduates," said Professor Dumbledore, and the entire Hall jumped to their feet, sending raucous cheers ringing towards the arched ceiling as golden confetti burst over the crowd.

Ursula went straight to her father and Tony, giving them both a hug. Her father produced a large bouquet of flowers as a gift.

"Oh, my darling, you were marvelous!" said Ken. "Congratulations!"

"That was a wonderful speech you gave," agreed Tony, who could not stop staring at all the magic around him. For the Muggles in the crowd, Professor Dumbledore had selectively lifted the enchantments surrounding Hogwarts just for their eyes. "God, this place is amazing."

"I'm so glad you both could come!" said Ursula.

"What, you thought we were going to miss this? Not a chance!" said Ken, who looked a bit teary although he was grinning from ear to ear. "Though I must say, it's hard to believe that you're an adult now. It seems like just yesterday I was holding you for the first time."

"I wish Mum was here," said Ursula quietly.

"I know, little one," said Ken. "But she's watching over you."

Andromeda, Ted, and Tonks came over, winding their way through the crowd. Ursula's cousin reached her first and gave her an excited hug.

"It's good to see you!" said Tonks. She looked fully recovered from her time in St. Mungo's, which Ursula was glad to see. Ursula hugged her aunt and uncle as well, before shaking hands with Sirius and Remus, who had wormed their way over.

"It's good to be back at Hogwarts," said Sirius appreciatively.

"How's freedom treating you?" asked Ursula.

"Terrible," supplied Remus. "I keep having to talk him out of going into shops to try to scare Muggles."

Ursula giggled.

"I'll be right back," she said to her family. "I should go see Hadrian and Aunt Narcissa."

They all nodded, though Sirius frowned. Narcissa and Draco were all the way across the hall, in a knot of fellow purebloods. Hadrian was nearby, chatting for the moment with Cassius. Ursula headed for her aunt first, but she was stopped by Fred, who emerged out of the thick crowd as she passed.

"Well done out there, Black," said Fred. "You made a great Head Girl."

"Thanks, Weasley," replied Ursula, grinning shyly. "I guess business is going well?"

"Extremely," said Fred. "I can't thank you enough for selling us the building."

"I was more than happy to," Ursula reminded him. "I assume you came to see Lee and Rue?"

"Yes." Fred looked down and shuffled his feet. "And Angelina, and Alicia, and... you."

"Oh?" Ursula fought a blush and ducked her head shyly, fingering the pearls around her neck. "And why is that?"

"I was wondering... well, I hoped... what I mean is..."

Fred trailed off, blushing like mad.

"This is the first time I've seen you at a loss for words," said Ursula. Fred laughed. "Go on."

"Ursula... will you go on a date with me?"

"I would love to, Fred," answered Ursula, her own blush creeping onto her face. Fred's lopsided, anxious smile was replaced by his familiar grin that stretched from ear to ear. "Let me know when, yeah?"

"Absolutely," said Fred, beaming. "I can't wait."

"Me neither," said Ursula.

She was still grinning when she reached Narcissa, but as this was her graduation her aunt would never know why.

"Congratulations, Ursula dear," said Narcissa, giving her a light hug. "That was an excellent speech you gave."

Ursula could see from her aunt's stiff posture that something was amiss, something more than Lucius being in Azkaban, but now was not the time or place to ask. She spent a few minutes more with Narcissa, then went over to Hadrian for appearances, and finally stole Cassius away and took him and Lilian — who had gotten to meet her new boss, Arthur Weasley — back to meet her parents.

Soon the rest of her friends had wandered over, plus Cassius and Lilian's, and it seemed they all got along marvelously. Lilian's dad got on great with Ken and Tony, and her mother got a kick out of meeting Sirius Black. Lilian pulled out her camera, and soon their parents and relatives were snapping away. They took pictures until lights danced in Ursula's eyes.

Over the din of celebration, Professor Dumbledore announced, "If the graduates would please follow Hagrid!"

Ursula hugged her family one more time, promising to visit them all soon, and headed with her friends towards the doors. She stopped briefly when she saw that Fred and George weren't moving.

"Come on," she said to them. "You're graduates, aren't you? You can't think you'll get out of crossing the lake with the rest of us."

"She's right," said Rue, appearing at George's elbow with Lee on her heels.

Fred and George relented easily and Ursula rejoined her friends. Once they were all assembled by the doors to the Great Hall, the assembled guests cheered a final time.

"Follow me!" said Hagrid in his booming voice, and he led them out of the hall, out of the castle, and down to where they had first arrived in boats much too small for them now. "Four to a boat!"

"Will we even fit?" said Lilian, laughing and trying not to lose her balance as Adrian helped her in the boat. She, Ursula, Cassius, and Adrian managed to just barely cram into one. All around them, their fellow graduates were having similar difficulties, with no less than two students losing their balance and ending up in the Black Lake, although it did nothing to dim their spirits.

The rest of the school, gathered high above, cheered as the boats passed, and the recently graduated students wave back. Fred and George both gave exaggerated bows to the delight of the students above, although they nearly tipped the boat they shared with Lee and Rue.

When they reached shore, Hagrid led them back up the very same steep path they had first come down on, although it was nowhere near as long or as frightening in broad daylight. They soon reached Hogsmeade Station, where the Hogwarts Express waited to take them home.

"Goodbye Hogwarts!" said Ursula, waving towards the castle. Her friends all laughed and said their goodbyes as well, before they located their pets and luggage and hauled it onto the train and into their usual compartment.

The ride back to London seemed shorter than usual, or maybe it was that the graduates didn't want to admit that their time at Hogwarts was finally over. Ursula patrolled the corridors of the train a final time, eventually coming across Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle, who had clearly been waiting all week to get their revenge on Harry without teachers seeing and who had clearly been on the losing side of the DA when they did. Half tempted to leave them fully jinxed, Ursula removed about half the jinxes on each of them to teach them a lesson.

When the trolley came by, they loaded up on sweets, swapping chocolate frog cards and trying Bertie Bott's Every Flavor beans until the green countryside and rolling hills had been replaced by townhouses and busy streets.

As the Hogwarts Express pulled into King's Cross Station, Ursula and the others realized that this was the last time they would be at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters for themselves.

"How do you feel?" asked Adrian, as they unloaded their trunks and owls and cats. "I'm not ready."

"Bloody terrified," said Cassius. "But there's no turning back now."

"A part of me wishes there was," said Vanessa.

"Promise me you'll write," said Lilian. "All of you. And that we'll still see each other, and —"

"I promise," said Ursula. "We won't lose touch, I promise. We're best friends, aren't we?"

"Yes," said Cassius. "We are."

"We won't lose touch," repeated Gemma. "You can be sure of that."

"Should we... should we go through the barrier together?" said Ursula, her heart hammering.

"Yeah," said Adrian, looking just as nervous as Urusla felt. "Yeah, let's go together."

The six friends linked arms, holding tight to one another as they passed through the barrier into their brand new adult lives.

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