
By Shroudzero

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Villain dekusquad AU Heroes have constantly failed the Dekusquad. They have seen the bad in the justice syste... More



953 37 43
By Shroudzero

"He's quirkless." The doctor had barely any emotion in his voice as he uttered those words. A small toy dropped to the floor.

"W-what? Are you sure?" The mother asked while her child sat next to her, staring at nothing. The mother and doctor talk for a few minutes before the child asked,

"Can I still be a hero too?" Those words were barely above a whisper. The child looked up at his mother. The women started to tear up, but as she was about to speak the doctor cut her off.

"Y̸̼̓ò̵̹u̵̬͘ ̴̧̌c̴̡̐a̵̦͝n̶͍͐'t̸̏͜ ̷̖̇b̸̛̰e̶̗͂ ̵̱͌a̶̻̅ ̸̗̐h̵͂ͅe̴̞̐r̶̾ͅo̸͔͝"

That was the day a child's life changed for the worse.

Hello. Im Izuku Midoriya, and that child was me.

I was only 4 years old when I had my entire life ripped from me. All because of one extra toe joint. The doctor could have at least let me down easily. My mother listened to my quiet sobs as I cried myself to sleep that night.

The next day at school, the other kids either ignored me or sent hurtful words my way. Somehow word had gotten around that I was quirkless. Even my best friend Kacchan turned on me.

"Deku. That's what I'll call you. It means useless, which is what you are Deku" he jeered at me before sending an explosion my way. That same day I went home covered in bruises and burns.

Of course my mother , the wonderful woman that she is, noticed straight away and treated my injuries. She tried with all her might, to get the bullying to stop. And she thought it worked too. But that's not what happened.

I had learnt how to treat and hide my injuries before I got home. I didn't want to burden my mother with a useless child like me. I know she never truly believed me when I lied, but she never pushed for the truth either.

I had no friends in school. Everyone bullied me and the teachers didn't care. They had strong quirks while I had none. but, for some reason, I still aimed to be a hero. It was stupid. To believe that me, a quirkless deku, could be a hero. Hah. what a joke.

That didn't stop me though. Because I was stupid. Being a hero isn't about being strong, or flashy; it's about saving people... That's what it means to be a hero... except no one saw it that way. Only I did.

I just had to work harder than everyone else.... Right?

I was always a smart child. I could pick up on the smallest of movements and predict the outcomes of certain actions. That skill only improved as I continued my hero analysis. It started with my classmates and teachers, then it moved to hero fights. But I was stupid. I only analysed the heros. It would have been beneficial to me if I had analysed the villains too.

But I digress. I worked hard. Really hard.

I would run to school (to avoid Kacchan). Practised my stealth while at school (Don't make a noise and don't be seen, they can't hurt you that way). Analysed the other kids (how they used their quirks). Increase my pain tolerance (be beaten to a bloody pulp by kacchan and his lackeys). Run home (to avoid verbal abuse from kacchan). Do my homework (I always made copies as soon as I got them). Used the internet to learn different martial arts. Eat (my mothers cooking is the best). And proceed to learn how to hack and invent. Only after all of that did I allow myself to sleep.

This was how my days went all the way to middle school.

Middle school was worse. It was like going through hell everyday, but worse. There were more people willing to 'practise' their quirks. By that I mean they beat until I was barely conscious. It was hard and had a massive impact on my mental health. Not like I wasn't already tethering on the edge of breaking already.

In short I hated myself. I hated how I didn't have a quirk, how I was too weak to fight back. 

But I wasn't weak. Not even close. I could have beaten all of their asses into next year. So why didn't I? Oh yeah that's right! I would always get in trouble if I fought back and the beatings would be worse.

The only good thing that came from the bullying was the insanely high pain tolerance I had, especially to fire and explosions, as well as my incredible stealth abilities. I could become basically invisible to everyone.

The discrimination didn't stop in school though. Not even close. Those that knew me or someone from my school, knew I was quirkless. They would taunt me as I passed them on the street. Some would even 'accidentally' bump into me to make me fall.

I would constantly get death threats online and would be suicide baited in school. This brings us to the last year in middle school.

The teacher walked into the classroom to see Bakugo blowing me up. He let Bakugo continue for a few minutes before getting everyone seated.

"Midoriya. Sit down and stop being a distraction"

God I hated that teacher so much. 

He ignored everyone else and always picked on me to answer questions, that he knew were a higher level than what he was teaching. Jokes on him, I study a lot. Not like I have anything else to do.

I was about to finish my college level work at home so everything here was easy. Which is why I was always just writing or drawing in my notebook.

There is one day in middle school that I remember clearly. I remember that day being calmer than usual. Kacchan hadn't beaten me as much that day and everyone had chosen to ignore me.

But that isn't what was important about that day.

It was the last lesson. The teacher had walked in with a bunch of papers and went on to say something about high school and Bakugo had gone on a tangent about why everyone was below him and how he was going to be the number one hero. Tch. yeah right. He's too much of a bully to be a good hero.

"Oh yeah Midoriya applied for UA too"

Wow thanks teach, really feeling the love here. I know he did that on purpose. The class erupted into laughter.

"Midoriya. In UA. He'd die in the entrance exam."

"They wouldn't accept a quirkless loser like him."


An explosion landed right in front of me. Kacchan was seething as he went on to tell me that 'A quirkless loser like me is below all these rejects and that I shouldn't even try or he'd kill me' yada yada. I didn't really care what he said at that point and ignored him. 

That was a mistake. He didn't like that and sent another explosion at me... again.

The teacher, however, didn't want to deal with an exploded desk and called Kacchan to sit back down. He did, just very reluctantly.

The end of the lesson arrived. I was packing up my notebook when it was snatched by Kacchan.

"H-Hey give it back, please" My plea was ignored. Why did I even try?

"What'd you got there, Bakugo. His diary" One of the lackeys snickered.

"Hero analysis for the future? Come on" The other said.

Kacchan had enough of me trying to reach for it and exploded it between his hands. I let out a strangled cry as he proceeded to throw it out the window.

He put his hand on my shoulder, which burnt my uniform... again. I don't remember what he said but it was probably something like 'Don't even apply to UA Deku' or whatever.

Once he got to the door he turned around.

"If you want to be a hero so bad here's some advice. Pray you get a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof of a building."

He walked away and I stood there dumbfounded. Yeah he had sent me beaten me before and threatened to 'kill my useless ass', but he had never once told me to actually kill myself. I felt anger boil within me. Who does he think he is telling me to commit suicide? Doesn't he know he that he could be arrested for that?

"What would he do if I actually did do it? You can't just go around telling people to kill themselves"

By this point I had reached the pond, of which my notebook floated around. I flipped through it after grabbing it. There wasn't too much damage, just some burnt edges and some bleeding ink.

I still had to go home, but I chose to go a different route. I didn't want to run into Kacchan again.

That was another mistake. I should have just run into kacchan.

"Ah. A perfect meat suit for me to hide in." I turned around only to be met with a slime like substance trying to cover my body. I struggled as I looked for a weakness. My hands just kept going through the villain.

"My body is a liquid, you can't get rid of it."

'He must have a solid part of his body. Wait. His eyes!' I thought as the slime tried to force its way into my mouth. I reached up to grab his eye.

"Stop struggling. It'll only hurt for a few second- AGH!" I had pulled his eye. This made him release my mouth and I could breathe again, if only for a few seconds. He still had another eye.

He forced my mouth open and I started to suffocate. That was until a "TEXAS SMASH!" was heard. The pressure from the punch splattered the villain all around the tunnel we were under and sent me flying into the wall. The force of the contact made me lose consciousness.

A few minutes later and I awoke to a man slapping my cheek. Not gently might I add. Each slap hurt. When I gained full consciousness I immediately threw up the slime that was in me. The man looked slightly disturbed by this.

"I'm glad you're awake my boy." I looked up and saw...

"A-All Might!" he smiled and laughed his 'mighty' laugh. Not gonna lie, but that kinda hurt my ears.

"I'm sorry for getting you caught up in my justicing young man. But I shall leave now to get this villain to the police" He stated while holding up a bottle full of the slime monster. 'Is justicing actually a word?' I asked myself.

As he was powering up his jump I scrambled to my feet to ask him a question.

"Wait Please All Might. I just have one question" I shouted.

"I'm sorry my boy, but I must get this villain to the police." and he jumped away.

I was stupid. I grabbed his leg as he jumped.

"W-What are you doing? Let go" He stuttered.

"If I let go now I'll die" I shouted back. He paused his attempts to get me off and landed on a nearby roof.

"That was very reckless young man." He scolded while I tried to get my breath back.

"I- I know. I'm sorry. I just had to ask you a question. Just one. Please." He wasn't listening.

"I'm sure if you knock someone will come and let you down" He went to jump again.

"CAN A QUIRKLESS PERSON BE A HERO LIKE YOU?" I shouted. He paused but I had closed my eyes. I started to tell my life story.

It was stupid.

I was stupid.

"Can a quirkless person be a hero..." He muttered. I finally opened my eyes and saw a.... Skeleton? I screamed when it moved and coughed out blood. Ew.

The man(?) sat down and lifted up his shirt. The sight made me stop my mumbling of questions. It was gruesome. A large wound was on his abdomen where his stomach and lungs should be.

He then described how he got it and about his true form. Too much information was thrown at me, that a million questions spiralled in my head. However. What he said next froze all of my thoughts. 

"To answer your question. No. I don't believe a quirkless person can be a hero. It's good to dream just, make sure it's realistic." And he left.

He LEFT! A teenager, whose dreams he had just CRUSHED, on top of a VERY tall building!

I didn't realise I had moved until I was at the edge and looking down. Everyone looked like ants to me. WHat was left of the broken pieces had finally shattered.

 I thought about jumping. It would have been so easy to just... let go. And I almost went through with it... Almost.

An explosion had brought me out of my quickly spirraling thoughts and I looked over to where it came from. It was another villain fight. I left the rooftop soon after. I meant to go home, but my feet just brought me to the fight.

I managed to push my way to the front of the crowd. Perks of being small, I guess.

What I saw shocked me. The heroes were....

DOING NOTHING! They were standing there, keeping the citizens away, while a person was DYING.

The Villain was the same one that attacked me. 'Did I make All Might drop it?' I questioned in my head. 'No' I reasoned. 'I grabbed the leg that didn't have it in the pocket' I thought. I looked into the slime to see who he had captured.

That was the third mistake.

I locked eyes with Kacchan's. His eyes were wide with panic and fear. He was.... Afraid? His expression was familiar to me and after a few seconds I realised why. It was the same expression I have when his hands start popping with explosions.

I felt a buzz in my chest, a kind of Happiness(?) at seeing him afraid. I almost smiled at him, but I didn't want to seem crazy.

So I just watched.

In the end All Might 'saved the day' again. I watched as the pro heroes praised kacchan for his 'great quirk' when in reality it was his 'great quirk' that made it more difficult for them to do their job. The fires were created by him, the damage was created by HIM. WHY WERE THEY PRAISING HIM?

Walking home was calm. When I opened the door my mother instantly pulled me into a hug. Of course she was worried. I was over 2 hours late.

"Sorry I was late home mom. There was a villain fight that I went to check out." It wasn't a lie, just not the whole truth.

"Oh Izuku I was so worried." she cried harder.

"I'm sorry for worrying you mom"

The next day was a weekend and there was 10 months until the entrance exam for UA. Did I still want to go there? Did I really want to be a hero anymore? Did I want to be one of those... those fakes!

No. No I didn't. 

People were only heroes for fame and money and it disgussted me. barely any of them actually cares about the civilians that get killed or about the families they are leaving behind.

Heroes were hypocrites. All Might was no exception.

I stayed up all night that day and researched heroes. I came across a few questionable sights and some hate forums. I had a look into all of them, and surprisingly (not that surprising) people had a lot of good points AND evidence to prove it.

Why was none of this reported?

After a few hours of searching I wound up on a villains forum in the dark web. My username was "Broken.exe"

It was stupid(?) I should have left the site immediately and reported it, but I was fascinated to know the villain's side of the story. There were many posts asking for ways to kill certain heroes and my mind came up with plans for each one. 

It was laughable easy.

I should have felt disgusted with myself for even thinking of these plans. But I didn't. It felt more natural than ever to make plans with my knowledge. It actually made me smile a bit. I frowned however, when I saw someone post prices that they are willing to sell children for. This made me sick.

That night I vowed to make the world right again. After I am finished the world will be a good place. The 'weaklings' of society would finally have a place. If I had to kill people to do it, then so be it.

I will do whatever it takes.

The next day I went out to search for a base of operations. I knew that if I wanted to bring justice to the entire world I would need a place to work in. A place that is hidden, where I can work without anyone finding me.

After searching for half of the day,when it was around 2pm, I found the perfect place. It was an abandoned building that no one goes near. I decided I would stake out the place to see if any heroes patrolled nearby.

Turns out, no hero can be bothered to check this part of the city. That's good for me. I returned home and slept. Once again I had school.

School was the same. Go to lessons, get bullied, leave for home.

Once I got home, I had left as soon as I got dressed. I made my way to the store and bought a bunch of cleaning supplies and made my way to my soon-to-be-base. I had made sure to take as many turns as possible and stop inside a couple of stores to make it look like I was only shopping. Call me paranoid but I was being safe.

First course of action. Clean the entire place.

When I say that this took hours, I mean hours. I spent about 5 hours cleaning and had only finished a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom. There were still: 6 bedrooms, 3 offices, another bathroom, and a large room. Not to mention the fact that there was a basement, which I would later decide to turn into a lab of sorts.

This place was huge, on the inside. On the outside it was only a 3 story building that looked like it would collapse any second now.

This was how my days went for the next week. I managed to completely clean the building, basement included, in around 4 days and spent the last few days that week planning out the rooms.

I decided to leave the bedrooms alone, in case I had to use them. I painted the bathrooms (that took a whole day) and started to fix the plumbing, which took another 3 days (who knew plumbing would be so hard?)

Before I knew it a month had passed. The kitchen was fully working, as well as the bathrooms. The bedrooms were painted the same colour, except one, which had green walls and black carpet and curtains.

In that room was a bed, which was made, a desk and a lot of bookshelves as well as another desk for my computers. On the first desk were plans and my tools for inventing. The shelves were full of my quirk analysis. One shelf was for heroes, one was for villains and one was for other people.

My original notebooks could have easily been taken, so I rewrote them in a code I made up myself. I burned the originals.

I needed materials to finish my lab, which was the basement. So I went to multiple scrap yards and collected as much as I could carry, without looking suspicious. It was tedious work but I managed.

What I wanted to know was how no one knew what I was doing. I'm pretty sure I wasn't that discrete and definitely should have raised suspicion.

One day, when I was gathering materials, I met a girl who was doing the same. She had mentioned getting materials for her 'babies' and agreed to share the scrapyard with me. I wondered if I could buy her inventions. They would definitely help. Not the point.

There was now only 3 months until the entrance exam. Not like it mattered. If I wanted this plan to work I needed to be off the grid. I needed to disappear. And what better way to disappear than to fake your death.

I had planned this for months.

There was this man on the dark web that would create a complete replica of your body. It would be exactly the same, this includes the same DNA throughout the body. Only problem is that his prices were VERY expensive.

In order to afford this, I slowly sold all of my All Might merchandise. Thw total was more than enough to pay for this fake body. I would wait until the end of middle school before "committing suicide" and just to be extra I would make the clone jump off a building in front of lots of people.

Do I need to do it with that many people around? No. No I do not. But I would anyway.

Finally the time arrived. I had moved some of my important things such as a few sets of clothes, my money and my phone. I couldn't take all of my things because it would look too suspicious.

I had bought hair dye and taken it to my base. This is so that once I am announced dead I can have a new identity.

Once I was ready, I met the guy on top of a roof, we were away from the edge so people couldn't see usfrom below. There were surisingly no cameras. No heroes were nearby so it was perfect. I handed over the money and the clone was made. All I had to do was order it to jump.

The man left as soon as the clone was made. I had the clone take off their shoes and I put a couple of notes in them. One was addressed to my mother. It was an apology. The other was directed to 'Kacchan' and all it said was "Your advice was really useful Kacchan."

As the clone stood at the edge, I told it to wait 5 minutes and then jump. Then I left. I couldn't be seen at the crime scene could I?

People below started to notice the clone and a crowd formed. Some people were trying to persuade 'Midoriya' to come down. 5 minutes passed and the clone jumped. People were screaming and running away, while others called for an ambulance or the police.

I'm honestly surprised that many people cared. And since I had left, I never saw the look on Bakugo's face as he stood among the crowd.

I had made it back to my base, while that was happening, and started to apply the hair dye. In all honesty, I loved the result. I had black hair with red tips. My next move was to go to someone who could change your eye colour permanently. I wanted to get one eye turned red.

Turns out such a person does exist. I had enough money to pay her and now I have one red and one green eye. No one could recognise me with my new look.

A couple of days later and my 'death' was on the news. I didn't want to leave my mother but I had to. She would be better off without me anyway.

The weeks were spent with me practising to pickpocket people. I got caught the first few times and had to run away. Luckily I am a master at evading the enemy. I can thank my bullies for that.

I eventually got really good at pickpocketing that I could probably steal from a hero. Scratch that, I have stolen from a hero. They had so much money! I used that money to buy weapons from the underground.

How I found the underground was easy enough. I just had to follow a villain. Before I even stepped near the entrance though, I got a costume. It consisted of a dark green dress shirt with a black waistcoat and tie, a pair of black trousers and a pair of dress shoes. I also had a pair of black gloves. In my opinion I looked great.

The outfit may not look practical but I designed it to be moveable and breathable so that I could fight in it. The shoes were steel capped and my trousers were flexible. The gloves are pretty self explanatory.

When I entered the underground, I had a black mask on. It covered the bottom half of my face as to protect my identity. No one questioned why I was there and I managed to buy a couple of guns, knives, swords, ammo and I even saw a scythe, I didn't get that though. I also brought a few silencers because I don't want to draw too much attention to myself.

I needed to practise using these weapons so I went to a shady shooting range (they had way more types of guns that are allowed) and practised. My first few shots were, to put it simply, absolute shit. I missed the target multiple times. I remember some of the older guys there laughing at me a bit.

I came back multiple times and I am now pretty good with multiple guns. My favourite being a simple handgun and a sniper. My knife work wasn't that bad either. I just practised on some live people who thought that they could take over my territory.

That is how I got my name out there.

I am Kyoufu.

I will reform this world.

And no one is going to stop me.

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