You're My Freedom

By HipstuhhLouis

485K 15.9K 3.5K

Yup no one likes me. I'm a burden but hey, I'm smart and I've got a future ahead of me. When I'm 18 I plan on... More



5K 244 44
By HipstuhhLouis

Oh wow chapter 30 already, let's make this one count! (Comment throughout the chapter pleasee)

Madison's POV

The café was crowded today. It made sense though, it was a pretty cold November. Everyone had their coats on including me. Coffee was probably a good idea to keep warm. Light snow began to fall from the sky as I stared out the window in the booth I was in. I realized just how beautiful Bradford was and how I was going to miss it if I decide to go somewhere else for university.

"Okay, I'm back," Harry announced as he took a seat across from me.

I had a chance to talk to Eleanor the other day and I explained to her everything that happened. She was immediately embarrassed by the way she was acting and everything was alright once again. We would be joining Louis and her for a double date later in the week and I was kind of excited for it. 

I've always seen how double dates played out in movies and I finally get to experience it! 

"Hey since you're the bright one in this relationship would you like to help me with this economics essay?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Is that the only reason why you're dating me?" I joked.

"Of course not," he placed his hands on mine. 

"Then yes I'll help you but, not right now I just wanna talk to you," I told him.

"How's work?" I asked.

"You ask about work a lot," he commented.

"I'm interested."

Harry took a sip from his coffee as his gaze didn't leave my eyes. He licked his lips slowly as he put his cup down.

"It's great," he simply answered.

"Why are you so interested in my work? I thought you hated it."

"I do not approve of it but, it is what you do temporarily and I care about you, Harry."

He bit his lip before answering my remark. He looked hesitant about what he was going to say. I drank my coffee and looked out the window.

"Do you want to come with me on Tuesday to the club?" he asked.

"Isn't that where you work?"


A smile formed on my face. He squeezed my hands gently and brought them to his lips. I felt his chapped lips against the skin on my hands. Harry was beyond charming, sending me chills up and down my body. His hair was pushed back with a green beanie at the top of his head. I realized how many rings he wore on his fingers and noted that I should actually get some too. The look was trending so might as well keep up.

"How's Zayn?" Harry snickered.

"What do you mean how is Zayn?" I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

"I know you are friends with him, I'm just asking," he replied.

"Aren't you guys friends too?" I asked.

"No. We are not. We just have a lot of the same friends," his jaw tightened.

"If you have a lot of the same friends wouldn't you say that you guys have similar personalities? Don't you work with him too?"

"Zayn and I are no where near alike. He's a fücking idiot, I never liked him and never will I," his voice was stern and secure.

"Why don't you like him? what did you do to him?" I laughed at the thought of them fighting for something stupid.

"What did I do him?! Oh no, more like what he did to me. Whatever that's another story," he shrugged it off.

"Tell it to me."

I was interested in what went on between them. It must have been some argument for them to hate each other so much.

"Some other time, I really don't want him to be the topic of our conversation," he laughed.


There was silence between us for a moment and all you could hear were the baristas taking orders and people shuffling and murmuring in the cafè. People's voices filled the room giving it more warmth. The air conditioning was off and the heater was turned up to keep everyone inside from freezing. 

"Would you like to go with me to a wedding?" he asked out of no where.

"A wedding? I've never been to one," I continued to drink my coffee.

"I don't personally know the man getting married but, it is business related and I am invited. I might as well have you tag along with me so it won't feel like I'm on the job, yeah?"

"I don't know if I could I mean I have finals to study for...actually when is it?"

"Baby, it's during winter break. It'll be fun, you'll be with me the entire time," he smiled.

"I'll have to think about, like I mean, I don't want people to actually see me with you. Ew," I playfully said.

Harry frowned and removed his hands from mine. 

"You don't want to be seen with me?" 

"Harry, I was just kidding. I am with you right now aren't I?"


He looked out the window and bit his lip. Oh my god did he actually think I was serious? 

"Harry," I leaned onto the table so I could get his attention. 

He turned his head towards me and swapped the beanie off his head to run his fingers through his hair. 

"Harry, I was just kidding. You're so lovely and it is an honor to be seen with you. In fact I'm scared what people think when they see us together because you are the hot one in this relationship and I don't think I'm mentally capable to handle that," I said truthfully while trying to joke a little.

He cracked a smile. "But, seriously though don't be upset I was just kidding about before. I'll go to the wedding with you. I would love to see you wearing a suit, you'd probably be even hotter," I mumbled the last part.

I could tell he heard what I said because he started to laugh, his dimple showing. He leaned forward to pressing his lips against mine for just a moment. The taste of his coffee was strong and I could now taste it on my lips.

"You're too cute Madison I swear, " he exclaimed.

"I'm not very cute, you should see how I wake up in the mornings," I told him.

"Are you forgetting that you've slept over twice already?" he laughed.

"Right, right I forgot," I laughed too.

"When am I going to receive an invite to your bedroom. You've seen mine already, it's only fair," he smirked.

"Whenever," I shrugged, "actually whenever my parents allow you too. I'm technically not legal yet, so they still have control over me," I laughed awkwardly.  

"Well I can't wait until you're finally eighteen, baby," he brushed my leg with his foot from under the table.

I gasped at the gesture and the redness crept up to my cheeks. He continued to do the same movement.

"Harry stooop," I laughed.

"Okay, I'm sorry," he immediately stopped.

I mentally thanked him and took a sip from my coffee and suddenly I felt his hand on my thigh. I nearly choke on the coffee before getting ahold of myself. As a reaction my hand softly landed on his hand that was on my thigh and he squeezed gently. I gulped nervously as he kept his eyes on me, no expression on his face but, a sly smirk.

"Harry!" someone called out and his hand left my thigh. 

I turned my head to see a girl who had long brown hair that stopped mid waist. She stood with her arms crossed over her chest and she looked at Harry. I turned my attention towards Harry. His mouth was open wide as he looked up and down at her. 

"Harry Styles it's been a long time," she said.

The way she said his name sounded like venom seeping out of her mouth. She had a smile on her face as her hand laid on her hip. She looked about Harry's age and I wondered how did Harry know this girl?

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked her and glanced at me for a second.

My eyes remained on the girl that stood before me. She scoffed and rolled her eyes at Harry.

"It's not like I planned to see you here. I see you've replaced me already, Harry...with a little girl. You could do better," she laughed.

My jaw dropped and I gasped at what she said to me, but I quickly recomposed myself. Harry suddenly stood up and grabbed her arm.

"What? She's just your fück buddy, why do you care about what I say about her?" I heard her say before Harry pulled her away. 

I gulped and looked out the window for a brief moment. She and Harry had a thing going on before. Fück buddy? Crap, Harry was that kind of guy to have séx for crap and giggles. He put his hand on my thigh just moments ago. Is that what he thinks he's going to get from me? 

Shoot. No way will I ever let that happen, I'm only trying to gather information off him to help Zayn. I looked over at Harry who looked upset while he talked to that girl. I saw her laugh loudly as she shook her head. I watched as Harry seemed to be in a heated argument with her.

My breath caught in my throat when I saw that she had pressed her lips against Harry's. Oh my god! Was this really happening right now? And the worst part was when I saw Harry placed his hands on her bum. 

I wouldn't even consider this a real relationship but, that was probably the most humiliating thing that has happened to me yet. I left my coffee on the booth table and made my way out. I don't think I want to go through this humiliating just to help Zayn. I think I'll shoot him a text saying that I can't continue this. 

When I walked out the café the bell softly sounded as the door shut closed. Harry was my ride here but, luckily my house wasn't very far. If I hurry maybe- "Madison!" I heard his voice shout my name. 

I turned around to see him looking at me. I did what my instinct told me to do and I started to run. The cold wind hit my face, but I still ran. Holy crap was it hard to run when you're freezing your butt off. I stopped when cars drove past me. I turned the corner and kept running.

"Madison wait!" He shouted.

And I realized how stupid of me to run. Why was I running? He's just Harry. I stopped in my tracks panting a little. He caught up to be and I stared at the bottom of his shoes.

"Madison," he breathed out.

"What?" I answered sharply looking up at him.

He looked taken back by my response and he shook it off.

"She- she, I don't know where she came from. We had a thing in the past, well you know it wasn't really a relationship. We were kind of just you know, having fun. And she's the one who kissed me, baby," he tried to explain.

"Yeah and then you kind of touched her asś so I don't know what to say to you." 

"Madison, I was explaining to her that you are my girlfriend, like a real girlfriend, no funny business. I told her that we were not fück buddies and that I genuinely liked you and that our relationship was real unlike the one I had with her," he told me and my heart beat began to fastened when he said that our relationship was real.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow," I told him before walking off and crossing the street.

I heard a non-stop honking coming from a car and I looked at the direction of the car that was now nearing me. This all happened so fast and my eyes widened in realization; the car was going to hit me. I'm going to hell.

"Madison, move out of the way!" I heard him shout before I was tackled to the floor. 

The thin layer of snow on the ground sort of cushioned the fall. My head had hit the concrete and I blinked twice trying to regain my vision. I saw a blurry image of Harry next to me. I saw his lips moving but, no words were heard and there was a loud buzzing sound.

"Madison, Madison," I read his lips easily.

I sat up and stared at him. He cupped my face and my vision blurred. There two of him now, no three.

"Madison, are you okay?" My hearing came back to me.

He softly rubbed my forehead with his thumb and I winced. He looked at his thumb and not to my surprise there was blood. Oh god was I lightheaded. I felt like my limbs were heavy, even for a body builder.

"Can you stand up?" He asked.

I noticed there were people looking at us now. The car that was going to hit me  had stopped and I saw a man  scurrying to get out of his car. 

"Harry, there are a lot of people watching us," I mumbled.

"I know, it's okay they are just concerned."

"Oh my god! Are you guys okay? I honked my horn. Should I call 9-9-9?" He asked.

Harry ignored the man, "What hurts baby?"

"My head, but I don't think an ambulance is necessary," I told him.

"We are fine. Instead of just honking next time you might just wanna hit your breaks. Just a thought," Harry told the guy.

"I'm sorry," he said once again before entering his car.

People started to go on with their day and continued with what they were doing before this stupid thing happened. Light snow kept falling from the sky and I shivered. 

"Let's stand up, yeah?" He asked and stood up.

He gave me his hand and I took it before he slowly pulled me up on my feet. After a couple of seconds my head was spinning. Harry had said something again but, I didn't catch what he said. He wrapped his arms around my body to hoist me up.

I began to take some steps bt, found it only possible if Harry helped me. I stopped and clutched my head.

"Harry," I called out.

"What's wrong? Madison, Madison, I'm driving you to the hospital" he continued to say but, I could no longer hear.

I was conscious but, I needed to lay down right now. I grabbed Harry's arm before I made my way slowly on the ground. 

"No you don't," he scooped me up into his arms.

And from there I blacked out.


Hello!!! I've currently got so many things on my mind right now and I'm so stressed out but, it's whatever. btw this chapter has about 2500 words so be grateful and happy belated valentines day. 

Also have you guys seen the video a fan took of a drunk Louis in Australia just yesterday? I'm pretty sure he says "I'm gay, it's quite unfortunate, isn't it Eleanor" but, other people are saying that a fan told him they had the same birthday so he said, "same day, it's quite unfortunate, isn't it Eleanor" since it's on Christmas Eve. I've seen the video and I'm pretty sure he says he's gay, but I don't know what to think. Watch the video, it's on YouTube and Vine and tell me what you guys think?


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