Potter in Forks

By ArmaniSmith5

624K 14.8K 4.7K

(This is not my original story but I saw that it was deleted and then I found it on some website again and I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
I'm gonna do it
How in dae-
Cover for book 2 reveal!!(well you guys get 2 choose you'll see why)
It's posted

Chapter 17

16.1K 379 53
By ArmaniSmith5

Jan 7th

It was finally decided. Delaine Pfeiffer would be the new headmaster. He was known to be open minded and impartial. He was well educated beyond what Hogwarts taught having graduated and then went abroad to broaden and deepen his knowledge. He knew what schools outside of England were like and had ideas of improvement and change.

He had nothing against muggles or muggleborn but he supported the wizarding traditions and was adamant about bringing them back into practice.


Delores Umbridge woke with a terrified cry. Where was she? What was happening? She had been in the hands of those dirty beasts for months perhaps years...she couldn't remember. Time had lost meaning in the dirt pit they had flung her into.

Then a wizard had arrived and she thought she was being rescued. She knew the wizard too. Lucius Malfoy. Pureblood. Excellent lineage. Powerful. He had sneered at her in disgust and made sure to stay out of her reach.

He had said something about a ritual and repairing damage to the lying Potter girl. She had to be imagining that. Surely Lord Malfoy wouldn't help a disgusting half-blood like Potter.

She scooted back across the stone floor she was lying on. It was so cold here without her lovely pink cardigan. She leaned against the stone wall and rubbed dirt encrusted hands over dirty arms.

A thin line of light appeared and she peered into the gloom as the light expanded and two shadowy people entered. "H...help me," she cried out.

A cruel laugh was her only answer.

A ball of light appeared, floating in the air between her and the two strangers.

"We are not here to help you, Delores Umbridge. You are here to help us."

Delores shivered at the dark cruelty in the voice.


Delores screamed as she jerked and flailed on the cold stone floor. Just when she thought she'd die from the agony it ceased. She lay sobbing. "Pl...please I...I can b...be useful. The...the minister...listens to me!"

"Yes, that's one reason you are here." A female voice stated coldly. "I do believe you sent dementors after me."

"P...Potter," Umbridge struggled upright. "I'll see you in Azkaban for this!"

Hari laughed. "Phantasmagoria," she snarled.

Umbridge screamed and began battling unseen foes while scuttling backward. "Get away! Stay away! Get off me!" She screamed and carried on for several minutes before Hari ended the curse.

Tom and Hari cast several more painful curses before leaving the bleeding, sobbing woman in the dark.

Jan 9

Sidney Alexander and Porpentina Whitby escorted Mr. Pfeiffer to Hogwarts early on the 8th. They met with McGonagall in the Headmaster's office.

"Acting Headmistress Minerva McGonagall meet the new Headmaster, Delaine Pfeiffer – Ravenclaw."

Minerva stood from her seat behind the desk and held out her hand. It wasn't this man's fault. Hopefully, he would be a fair and intelligent Headmaster. "Mr. Pfeiffer, pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Madam, the pleasure is mine. I know this is a difficult situation and everyone is going to be wondering about my credentials and personality. I'll be glad to answer questions. In fact, I think it best if I meet staff briefly before breakfast let them get a look at me so to speak."

"An excellent idea." McGonagall murmured.

Sidney clapped his hands together. "Well, then it looks as if we are done here. Headmaster Pfeiffer, all the best and don't hesitate to come to the Board with any questions or concerns. We are here to help."

He and Whitby left the office.

McGonagall and Pfeiffer eyed each other. Delaine sighed as she moved from behind the desk. "To set your mind somewhat at ease, Professor I do not intend to come in and start turning everything upside down. I will take my time and monitor things. I will watch and see what works and what doesn't. I will then discuss the changes I wish to make with the staff and be more than willing to listen to everyone's opinion on most things before making a decision."

"That is a relief to hear, Mr. Pfeiffer. This all came as quite a surprise. The staff is unsettled and so are the students."

"Well, hopefully I will be able to settle everyone's nerves. If possible, we'll hold off on large changes until the new term."

He and McGonagall walked down to the Great Hall together. McGonagall sent house elves out to make sure all the staff came to breakfast as well as students.

The staff was gathered in the staff room behind the High table when they walked in. McGonagall introduced them all.

"We will have a staff meeting Saturday after breakfast." Pfeiffer told them. "I've a few questions to ask and I'm sure you do as well. Like I told Deputy Headmistress McGonagall, I am not going to immediately begin changing things up. I want to observe for a while, but I do have ideas for change...a broadening of curriculum...updating, assistants..." he paused and chuckled slightly. "I'm getting ahead of myself in my excitement."

"May we ask about your qualifications, Headmaster Pfeiffer?" Professor Flitwick inquired politely.

"I graduated from Hogwarts. Ravenclaw." He nodded at the diminutive Head. "I then went to France, Australia, Japan and America and studied at their schools – classes not offered here as well as more in-depth studies on what is offered here. I have been assistant to the Headmaster at Salem Institute in America for two years. I sent Mandy to Hogwarts because she wished to continue the tradition." He looked at the doors. "Shall we go let the students know."

It was more statement than question as he started for the doors. The staff followed him out with mixed emotions. Upset that Dumbledore was gone, but a bit relieved as well since the disturbing facts about Dumbledore's life had come to light. Worry that this new man wouldn't do a good job. Hope that he would indeed change things and for the better.

Snape followed silently his face neutral as ever. Potter had declared publicly she wouldn't fight the Dark Lord practically giving him the win. His bills were passing in the Wizengamot and they didn't even know it since Potter was presenting them. The Dark Lord was appearing as Tom Riddle and gaining acceptance politically. Dumbledore had lost two legs of his power base and was teetering on the remaining one. The Dark Lord had freed the Board from Dumbledore's control and was working on freeing the Wizengamot. Now the Dark Lord had one of his unmarked followers as Headmaster of Hogwarts.

They were winning without massive amounts of bloodshed. And Potter was helping.

The rumors had reached his ears of the witch in the Dark Lord's life. The rumors were intriguing and disturbing. No one dared say anything directly...openly gossiping about his love life was dangerous. It was shocking enough that he had one. The Dark Lord had often satisfied his physical urges, but he had never had a witch or wizard in residence. No one slept in his bed. No one until now.

Finding out at Yule that it was Potter had been a massive shock. Even if he was furious that Dumbledore had lied about her childhood; even if it infuriated him that Lily's daughter had been abused growing up, he still despised Potter. He could only hope the Dark Lord tired of her soon. It shouldn't be long before she ran and hid again. Her constitution was apparently delicate if the small confrontations at Yule had her sicking up. Even if the red streaks in her eyes gave a contradiction to that supposition. Snape couldn't believe that the Dark Lord actually found the Light, arrogant witch intriguing. He wasn't sure how the man managed to have relations with her. The idea made him gag.

He turned his attention back to the present as staff took their places and McGonagall called for attention from the sleepy, curious students.

"The Board of Governors has hired a new headmaster. This is Delaine Pfeiffer. As of this morning, he is the new Headmaster of Hogwarts. Everyone make him welcome."

A smattering of applause sounded from the tables especially Ravenclaw. Pfeiffer smiled. It was a friendly, open smile. "Thank you, especially my House." He nodded at the Ravens. His daughter was beaming at him from the table. "Many of you already know my daughter, Mandy."

Mandy stood and waved and bowed to scattered laughter. She sat with a grin at her father.

"You will all see me wandering around over the coming months. If I must ask for directions, please do not send me to some remote, dusty section of the castle."

Chuckles and sly looks.

"I will be talking with staff and students trying to get a feel of the school and the current attitudes prevalent now. I'm sure things have changed since I was a student here. Please feel free to approach me with any questions or concerns you have."

He sat down and food appeared. Conversations broke out across the hall.

Jan 11

Delaine Pfeiffer watched the staff wander in and take seats for their first meeting with him. The Dark Lord had goals for Hogwarts. He had given him free rein practically on the when and how to implement them. Within the next three years was the broad guideline.

"The first thing I want to say is that we are going to reset the wards once school is out before you all go to well-deserved rests away for the summer. I spent the last two evenings looking at what has been done to them over the years and it's appalling. Suppression wards are layered into them heavily keeping students and staff from telling anyone outside the castle what is going on here. Loyalty to the Headmaster as well as suspicion of anyone not in your House especially Slytherin House are set to sweep over everyone very lightly each night. Those I removed over the last two nights which is why you may see me yawning today. It was exhausting just doing that small bit by myself while still adjusting to the burden of carrying the wards. The defenses have been lowered so that those meaning harm can enter even though the headmaster is alerted to their presence. We will firm up the wards cutting through the Forbidden forest so the dangerous creatures within cannot cross them nor will students be able to cross them within the Forest."

The staff for the most part gaped at him. Finally, Flitwick spluttered, "He's been laying compulsions on us every night?!"

"Yes. To be honest those of you with tenure and the upper level students will need to have a professional come and remove them. I have sent out a letter requesting that help to arrive the last week of school. As soon as exams are over each of you plus every fourth year and above will be seen to before leaving for the year. I expect next year to see drastic changes in most of the personalities."

"I can't believe Albus would do something like that," Professor Sprout murmured, outraged.

"That would be the loyalty compulsion at work." Snape drawled.

Sprout glared at him then transferred her glare to the table. "I'm tempted to send him a rare and not so innocuous plant as a late Yule gift."

Snape snorted softly. Sprout looked absentminded and maternal, but she had a mean streak in her when riled.

McGonagall was scowling fiercely. "Perhaps staff should be seen to sooner. If you could get the professional here within the next week or so and have them clear us over the weekend."

"I wasn't sure if you all would want to deal with it during the school year. It is going to cause severe headaches for tenured staff and you'll have drastic personality shifts at times."

"We will just be upfront and honest with the students about what is happening and why. It will be a unique experience for all of us."

"Very well." He jotted a note down. "I'll send a revised request to the professionals I'm asking to attend to the matter." He cleared his throat. "Now, I know you have all been doing things the same way now for ages." He passed out thin folders. "This is what several of the schools in Europe, Asia and America are teaching. The folders contain portfolios of each subject taught here now and what I want to introduce over the next year or so. They will expand when you open the portfolio. Go over them especially considering the subject you teach. Make notes – good or bad – be prepared to discuss revamping what you teach by end of February and to discuss the new classes I'm proposing by the end of May."

He leaned back and let them peruse the folders knowing that a strong reaction was coming.

Agatha Mosh sucked in a breath and looked up at him. "You're a Dark Traditionalist!"

Pfeiffer met her gaze placidly. "I am."

"You...you can't teach those things here!"

"I can. I will. I've discussed my plans and beliefs with the Board of Governors before I was hired." He held up a hand at the outrage and indignation that erupted. "Silence!" He snapped.

Everyone stopped talking as Power rolled over them.

Snape smirked at the shocked, affronted looks. Oh, yes...realize the days of Dumbledore's grandfatherly, benevolent act were gone. Pfeiffer was a good man. Neutral on most topics. Fair minded. Unbiased...mostly. He was powerful though and educated. He had firm beliefs and he would stand by them.

"I know what most of you think you know about the Olde Traditions and Sacred Days. I am not an extremist. I do not believe in sacrifice and orgies. I am not suggesting that we teach young children the perverted version of the days of celebration and thankfulness. I am willing to discuss my beliefs in detail with you as I did with the Board before they hired me. You will not screech and rail at me like an uneducated fish mongers' wife. Am I clear?"

They all nodded.

Pfeiffer reined in his Power. "I understand that out of fear born from misunderstandings and the desire to fit in with incoming muggleborn and severe reactions due to the Dark Lords Grindelwald and Voldemort that all Olde Ways were lumped together under Evil Dark Rituals. It is time to start correcting those misconceptions. Misconceptions that have led to hatred and bigotry; resentment and vengeful thoughts. Misconceptions that have led to many magicals having to live in the shadows. Misconceptions that have led to an imbalance in Nature and Magic itself."

"Perhaps an explanation of just what you intend to have taught is in order." Professor Keslar declared belligerently.

Pfeiffer sighed and called in house elves to bring in tea and coffee and sandwiches as this promised to be a longer meeting than anticipated.

Jan 12

Snape stepped out of the floo at Westmoor and made his way toward the Dark Lord's study. He wanted to know how Pfeiffer was being received by the staff at Hogwarts. It was easier for Snape to leave the school at the moment than the new headmaster so here he was.

He entered the foyer just as Potter came out of one of the side rooms. "Still here Potter. I would have thought the Dark Lord would have tired of you by now."

"And you'd be wrong as usual."

"What does he even see in you?" Snape asked contemptuously.

"I am vastly intriguing." Hari quipped as she moved past him.

"You are weak and cowardly. It makes me ill seeing you swagger about as if you are actually important."

"Crucio!" Hari hissed having reached her limit of taking his insults.

Snape fell to the floor writhing in pain even as his shocked brain registered that Potter was casting the cruciatus curse on him. He bit his lip until it bled refusing to scream.

Hari laughed coldly. "I've listened to your embittered tripe long enough. You will scream, Snape." She pushed more power and anger and hate into the spell.

Snape screamed. His back arching in agony until he thought it might break.

The agony ended abruptly.

Hari stared down at him a moment. "I am not my father or my mother. Do not insult me again," she finally stated coldly then moved to the stairs and ascended.

Snape lay on the floor shaking and trying to get his breath back. The girl's eyes had turned red! Her crucio had hurt more than the Dark Lord's ever had. How had Potter managed to even cast the curse much less so powerfully? His shocked gaze followed her up the stairs until she disappeared on the third floor.

Soft footfalls sounded near him then the Dark Lord bent and offered him a pain potion. "You'd best open your eyes, Severus. She is not James or Lily. She is not Light. And she is magically more powerful than I am."

Severus' hand shook as he swallowed the potion gratefully. "Yes, my lord," he murmured as his mind reeled. Potter was more powerful than the Dark Lord? Not Light? Since when? The girl had always been blindingly Light and mediocre.

Tom sighed. He had thought he was going to have to intervene earlier. Snape may be caustic but he was valuable. Tom hadn't been certain that Hari wasn't trying to destroy his mind she'd held the curse so long. Just when he had started to step forward she had ended the curse and stalked off without acknowledging his presence.

He reached down and helped his still shaking potions master to his feet. He led Snape to his study. "How was Pfeiffer taken?"

Snape settled into the comfortable chair and smirked. He twined his hands together in his lap to keep them from shaking. "Warily. The staff has discovered he is a Dark Traditionalist and not grandfatherly at all. On the whole though they seem to be willing to give him a chance as long as he doesn't try to introduce the extremes of the old pagan ways." He winced at how raspy and hoarse he sounded.

Tom nodded and proceeded to question Snape for another twenty minutes before allowing the still shaking man to leave. He knew that Snape had special potions in his chambers to offset the after effects of the cruciatus and part of the reason he kept him so long was so he would feel the reality of Hari's magic and personality a little longer.


Umbridge whimpered and cowered into the far corner of the dank dark cell when she heard the door opening. Potter and the wizard with her had been down several times to torture her. She almost wished she was still with the filthy centaurs.

"Today your torture ends, Delores Umbridge." The wizard stated in a voice filled with dark anticipation.

Magic washed over her and she began to scream and struggle as she was lifted onto an altar that rose from the center of the room. Ropes wrapped around her arms, middle and legs tying her firmly to the stone.

"Unus ausus est mater tua, qui videndi Obscurum volutpat. Ecce tibi alter maligne nocuit. Quæsumus, obscura, mater, crudelis, ut secet te transferunt sanguinem in pinna, et filia tua, quæ illata est in turpis venefica eis. Oramus ulta crudelitatis indigno punire." (Dark Mother see the one that has defied one of your favorites. See the one that harmed yours with malicious intent. We plead, Dark Mother, that you transfer the cruel cuts of the blood quill from your daughter to the foul witch that inflicted them. We beg you to punish the unworthy one for the cruelty she inflicted.)

Hari bit her lip as fire flared on the back of her right hand. The silvery scars glowed then lifted into the air and drifted toward the bound witch that was writhing and screaming in agony. Blood dripped from Umbridge's bound hands onto the floor.

Tom wrapped an arm around Hari's waist to support her. He watched worriedly as the etched sentence glowed brightly before lifting from her. He heard her soft exhalation then she relaxed against him turning to watch Umbridge.

Multiple flares of light startled them and they stepped closer. Glowing lines of script began appearing all over her exposed flesh. Blood was now flowing in thin rivulets from all over.

"Everyone she's used the quills on," Tom murmured.

"I do love the Dark Mother." Hari murmured in a darkly pleased voice.

When the other worldly presence finally dissipated Delores Umbridge lay still and cold. Justice had been served. All that was left was removing the evidence.

Jan 13

Patrice grinned as she watched the quill address the letters going out to the families of the newly enrolled students. Basically it stated that there would be staff and breakfast available starting at six am for those whose work schedules caused a conflict with getting their children to the school. In addition, someone would remain with the children after school until six pm and a snack would be provided as well.

She couldn't wait for the school term to start next Monday. She had no doubts that there would be stressful days where she wanted to do nothing more than go home, crawl in bed and sob but the majority of the days she firmly believed would be very rewarding as children who had no hope of an education and a better lot in life began to realize that they now had opportunities they never would have had before.

What none of them realized was that the group of overseers were going around to the different businesses and talking to them about hiring on the older children after they graduated. Those that agreed to consider it would come by the school one week toward the end of the term and discuss the positions open with the students and interview the soon to be graduates.

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