Potter in Forks

By ArmaniSmith5

646K 15.2K 4.8K

(This is not my original story but I saw that it was deleted and then I found it on some website again and I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
I'm gonna do it
How in dae-
Cover for book 2 reveal!!(well you guys get 2 choose you'll see why)
It's posted

Chapter 10

26.2K 604 418
By ArmaniSmith5

Dec 1

"The elementary schools are coming along very well." Tom informed her as they settled at the dining room table for supper. "We've got the buildings completed. Teacher interviews are progressing nicely. We have approximately a third of them selected. The governing board is in place. Four hundred notifications went out. I'm told those that are barely able to eke out a living are ecstatic at having free schooling for their children. Suddenly the future looks a bit brighter for them."

"Children shouldn't have to suffer." Hari replied quietly "How goes introducing muggleborn and raised into our world sooner."

"It is still in the planning stages. We have the lesson plans fleshed out. We need the schools to be operational and successful first."

Hari nodded. "Hopefully that won't take too long. It's horrible having things blamed on you when you have no idea that those things are even possible. I want to highlight the ones abusing their children because they are magical. I want the public outraged to the point they actually do something. I want people offering to adopt these children."

Tom stared at her a moment frowning thoughtfully. "Do you know Light families that would step forward and adopt muggle children?"

"Why not Dark ones?"

"Perhaps a few Dark neutral families. Can you see the reaction if the Malfoys or Notts offered?"

She grimaced. "I see your point. I wouldn't trust in the altruistic nature of Nott."


"We can't leave them in those households though and even if we get magical orphanages which will be the most difficult sell, those children aren't orphans."

"They could become so."

Hari glanced at him sharply. She gave a small huff. "I wouldn't be opposed to the worst of them being killed. I would not have been upset if someone had showed up and offed the Dursleys." She ran her fork absently through the fettuccine noodles before twirling it round and round. "How do you oust a Hogwarts headmaster?"

Tom paused, fork half raised. He lowered it to his plate. "You want to oust Dumbledore?"

Hari looked up at him. "I want to kill Dumbledore painfully while he screams and writhes and begs for non-existent mercy." She hissed, eyes flashing with hatred. "I'll settle at the moment for ousting him."

Tom stared at her. His equal. He joked about it at times. For the first time ever he was serious when he thought it. She was his equal....powerful, parseltongue, determined, intelligent, vengeful, Dark.

Hari's eyes widened when Tom's darkened and dilated. Her pulse sped up. Her tongue darted out to moisten suddenly dry lips. "Tom..."

Tom's gaze shifted to her mouth hungrily. He drew in a sharp breath. "I have never met anyone that complements my personality the way you do. If you weren't sixteen..." he trailed off softly. His gaze met hers. "I would have meant exactly what you thought earlier."

Hari sucked in air to her suddenly starving lungs as her feminine core clenched in reaction to his sensual words.

"Keep looking at me that way and perhaps I'll ask anyway." Tom murmured as her desire filled gaze heated his blood.

Hari suddenly flushed darkly and jerked her gaze to the table. She trembled beneath the onslaught of unaccustomed emotions.

Tom watched as she struggled with the emotions whipping through her body. He was stunned to realize that she was truly attracted to him. Her arousal shook his control. These past few months getting to know Hari had been unsettling and electrifying. "Do you want me to ask, Hari?"

Hari's shocked gaze jerked up to his. She forgot to breathe. "Maybe," she whispered, wide-eyed and vulnerable looking.

He took in her dark, dilated eyes; her ragged breath; her want. "Spend the night with me," he murmured seductively.

Hari couldn't tear her eyes from him. A small whimper of need escaped her throat as emotions she never felt before crashed through her. She swallowed hard unable to speak. She was both terrified and excited at the idea.

Tom stood and moved to stand beside her, drawing her from her chair. His fingers delved into her hair then he was kissing her tenderly.

All day she had been in his home – witty, intense, focused, humorous, irreverent... teasing him, challenging him...completely at ease in his presence in a way no one had ever been. She had never watched her words or her actions around him. It was an exhilarating, novel experience.

She moaned as Tom licked into her mouth and kissed her with such care, such emotion that she never wanted it to end. She was panting when they finally broke for air. "Tom," she whimpered, clinging to him.

"Is that a yes, Hari? Yes, you'll share my bed tonight? Yes, you want me to make love to you?" What was he doing? He never asked someone to spend the night. He fucked them and sent them on their way. This was Potter. Was he truly going to let her stay at his side while vulnerable and asleep? He should seduce her, sate his needs and send her home. Only he couldn't see himself using Hari so callously.

Hari shuddered and trembled. What was she doing?! What was she thinking?! This was the Dark Lord! The man who tried to kill her over and over again....only it wasn't. This wasn't Voldemort. This was Tom. Tom, who argued and debated and teased her in parseltongue. Tom, who had been frantic with worry yesterday when she had been attacked.

She ducked her head. "Yes," she whispered.

Tom's breath hitched then he cupped her face and kissed her hard and fierce before taking her hand and leading her from the room before she could come to her senses and change her mind.

They made the trek to his bedroom stopping to kiss and caress along the way. By the time they were in the room, Hari was a mass of sensitized nerves and full of want.

Tom backed to his bed pulling her with him. A hiss of Parselmagic had the covers drawn down. He trailed kisses down her neck, over her shoulders. He tugged her shirt off and stroked her silky skin. His knuckles lightly skimmed her nipples dragging a moan from her.

Slowly, carefully he undressed her...kissing and touching as he went. Carefully stoking the fire burning within both of them.

Then she was naked and sprawled on his sheets, eyes blown wide with passion as he stroked and kissed and suckled her. His fingers stroked down over her damp curls and slid over the little bundle of nerves.

Hari gasped in shock and arched her body coming off the bed as if hit by electricity. "Tom!"

Tom smirked as he worked her clit until she came. He lowered his mouth to hers plundering it before rising to swiftly shed his own clothes.

Hari panted through the novel experience. Her eyes widened as Tom stripped. She blushed furiously and averted her gaze.

Tom paused at the strangled sound and stared at the blushing young witch. "Hari?"

She shook her head. She would not embarrass herself in front of him. She had never seen a male member before and Merlin it looked big. She had a vague understanding of insert tab A into slot B, but she was certain his large tab A wasn't going to fit into her small slot B.

Tom lowered himself to the bed beside her. His hand rested on her hip gently stroking the soft skin.

She drew in a soft breath and exhaled. "I just....I...never..." she bit her lip. "I'm fine."

"Hari..." He gently brushed her hair back. "You never...are you a virgin, Hari?"

The blush of desire fled before her mortification. "Never mind. I should go. Maybe this isn't the best..." She tried to roll away, but he stopped her.

"Hari, it's okay." He reassured her gently stunned at what she was giving him. "I do know how to be gentle." He huffed when she trembled in his arms. At her small nod, he tugged her to her back and kissed her carefully until she moaned.

He touched her reverently building the desire back up to a fevered pitch. Watching her for signs of resistance, he covered her slender form with his heavier one.

Wedging a knee between her thighs, he paused. "Be sure you want this," he murmured stroking her face. "I refuse to regret it tomorrow."

Hari stared up at him. "No regrets," she murmured tugging him down for another mind drugging kiss.

With a groan, Tom began working his cock into her tight channel. His body trembled with restraint as he tried to lessen the pain of his invasion.

Hari tensed as his huge erection nudged into her small body. "Tom..." she whimpered as the first impression of hurt hit her awareness.

He kissed her. "Let me in, my Hari. Let me have you. I promise I will pleasure you."

His dark, seductive voice washed over her. "It hurts," she replied softly.

"Only a little...only for a moment...only this one time." He promised, holding still with great effort. He rained kisses over her face and down her neck

Emerald eyes met cobalt. The sincerity in his expression, the stark desire on his face reassured her. She slowly nodded.

Tom shifted forward with a groan. The head of his cock brushed up against her barrier. He claimed her mouth in a fierce kiss as he plunged into her swallowing her sharp cry of pain.

He stilled, buried to his balls in Hari Potter. Nothing had ever felt so sweet, so right. She was here because she wanted to be not because he ordered it. Here because she wanted him not something from him.

His hands caressed her, gentling her as he waited for the pain to ease. When the soft gasping breathes even out he raised his head so he could watch her expressions as he began to move slowly.

Hari tensed then relaxed when pain didn't hit her. Tom shifted as he plunged into her and the thick head of his cock rubbed over a spot that shot intense pleasure through her. She moaned and lifted to meet his next thrust.

Tom smiled down at her when she began matching his rhythm. "You feel so good..." he groaned. "So hot...so...tight. He threw his head back with a groan as her muscles rippled along his length. "Hari."

He rolled them so she was astride him. He bucked up while guiding her hips. With cry of wild abandon, Hari sat up and rocked on him.

Tom watched through hooded eyes as Hari embraced their lovemaking like she did everything in her life...with joyful abandon.

"Tom," she sighed as velvet covered steel slid in and out of her making her nerves sizzle with hot pleasure.

"You're beautiful," he murmured stroking her sides before cupping her breasts. "Merlin, Hari...so beautiful.

Hari looked down to see his hot cobalt blue raking over her body. His thumb rubbed over her nub and she cried out and came.

Tom thrust up into her as her muscles clenched and rippled over his shaft. With a groan, he thrust deep and spilled into her.

Hari sagged forward, panting.

Tom pulled her to him and kissed her softly. He magicked the sheets over them as he shifted them to their sides. Cuddling her to his side, he fell asleep next to someone for the first time in his life.

Dec 2

Hari woke wrapped in a warm embrace. A heavy arm lay over her waist, a large hand pressed against her lower belly, someone's breath puffed against her neck...Tom.

Oh Merlin! She and Tom had made love last night! Her heart began hammering in her chest. She had made love to Tom! He had...he...he had...seen her naked...joined their bodies together. She flushed as she remembered straddling his body, riding him while he watched her.

"Shhh, you are thinking way too loud," he murmured tightening his embrace and stroking her belly. He had actually let another person near him while he was asleep and defenseless! What had he been thinking? She could of hexed him or bespelled him or tried to kill him in his sleep. Had he lost all his senses? Letting Potter near him while he slept!

But she hadn't tried anything. There wasn't a prophecy. She wasn't the enemy. She had cuddled back against him and slept soundly in his arms.

Those long elegant fingers stroked over her belly. His burgeoning erection slid over her lower back and her thighs clenched as desire slammed into her. Oh gods...oh gods....oh gods....she had had amazing sex with the Dark Lord himself! She was sixteen! He was...not...not anywhere near sixteen regardless of how he appeared. She didn't care. She wanted to feel him in her again. Alice would know. Maybe even seen knowing Alice.

"Regrets, my Hari?" He asked softly as he brushed his lips over her bare shoulder. She had snuggled back against him and slept the night through content to be in his embrace. As with all things related to Hari, it had been a novel experience.

She moaned and pressed back. "No," she whimpered. "Just a little freaking out."

"Because it's me or because it was your first time?"

"Both," she answered honestly in a tremulous voice.

He pressed a kiss to her shoulder trailing up her neck. "Do you want me to let you retreat gracefully?"

Hari stilled at the slight distance in the previously warm voice. She wiggled over to face him. His eyes were guarded. She reached up to stroke his face gently. "No, just let me be sixteen and a bit freaked out because it was my first time and totally unplanned and it is you and me and..." she drew in a ragged breath. "I'm shutting up now before I really embarrass myself."

His eyes studied hers a moment then he nodded. "Alright."

She burrowed against him hesitantly.

Tom held her close as she trembled.

"I've never even seen a half-naked man before except in your visions and now I'm...very aware that we are both very naked. I haven't a clue what to say or what I'm supposed to do. Do you want me to dress and leave or stay and..."

Tom solved her dilemma by kissing her soundly. She stared up at him wide-eyed.

"I definitely want you to stay," he murmured huskily.

"Okay," she responded softly.

Tom brushed her hair back from her face. "You have never made love to anyone; I have never let anyone spend the night. I believe we both are freaking out a little."

"You haven't? You are? You are definitely hiding it better." She frowned. "Why are you freaking out?"

Tom smirked. "I am the Dark Lord. There aren't many I trust not to try and kill me in my sleep."

Hari stared at him in shock. "But you trusted me?"

Tom huffed and rolled her to her back. He gazed down at the open emerald eyes staring up at him in wonder. "You are remarkably free of ulterior motives. You just want to live and be left alone. You have no political ambitions, no desire to climb the ranks or wrest power from me. You've sworn to not try and kill me."

Hari moaned as his erection slid over her sensitive flesh. He made her sound like Mary Sunshine. She scowled up at him. "I have motives."

"Do you?"

"Yes, very ulterior ones."

Amusement danced in his eyes now in response to her mock scowl. "And what ulterior motives do you have, my Hari?"

She ran her hands up his arms. Her fingers traced over his muscular biceps to his broad shoulders. They danced lightly over his smooth chest. "It was all a devious plot to find out if you were fit under those robes or if you were scrawny or flabby or..."

He cut her off with a laughing kiss. He nudged her legs open so he could settle between them.

The kiss became heated then he was sliding into her carefully. She moaned and at his urging wrapped her legs around his waist. The change in position allowed him to settle deeper into her.

He began to thrust in and out with a groan of male satisfaction as her hot core clung to his cock.

"Tom," she panted as her legs flexed driving him deeper as she met each thrust.

"Do you like that?" He asked huskily as he nibbled her ear lobe. "Do you like my cock filling you? Pleasuring you?"

"Yes," she gasped. "Yes...yes..." She shuddered as her first orgasm rolled over her.

Tom sat back on his heels and dragged her legs from his waist to bend them toward her chest. He rose up on his knees and began pounding into her, grinding his hips against her slim buttocks.

Hari shrieked as pleasure spiraled higher and higher. She thrashed her head side to side and scrambled for purchase on the sheets so she could buck up to meet his downward thrust. "Tom! Yes...oh..." She cried out as she came.

Tom slammed into her amazed at how innocently she responded to him. He clenched his jaw to keep from cumming as she came closer and closer to completion. He slammed in and ground his cock into her pussy and she went over the edge shrieking his name as tight muscles milked his cock.

He shouted and came; his seed spurting into her in thick hot streams. Eventually, he collapsed on top of her laboring for breath.

After a moment he shifted off to her side. He kissed her languidly. Lifting from her mouth he murmured, "I'll be a gentleman and let you shower first."

She flushed as she darted a glance across the room at the bathroom door. "Will you be a gentleman and shut your eyes?"

His gaze heated as it traveled over her slim form. "I have already seen you." He smirked at her beguiling blush. He bent to brush a quick kiss over her lips. "I will shut my eyes."

He rolled to his back and shut his eyes.

Hari scrambled from the bed and rushed to the bathroom Tom's soft laughter chasing after her.


Lucius Malfoy stopped in the doorway of the Dark Lord's breakfast room and stared in open shock at the vivacious young woman having breakfast with the Dark Lord. She wore a shirt that was way too large for her slender frame and denim pants. One bare foot was propped on her seat as she leaned toward the Dark Lord who was listening to her intently.

Whatever she was telling him had him highly amused. His eyes sparkled with laughter as her hands moved energetically. Lucius was certain he had never seen the Dark Lord so relaxed, so...happy.

The Dark Lord shook his head. Then the young witch poked him in the shoulder and scowled at him. Instead of whipping out his wand and torturing her, the Dark Lord nabbed the offensive finger and brought the hand to his lips brushing a soft kiss to the palm.

Lucius cleared his throat.

The two people at the table froze then the Dark Lord looked up at him. His eyes shuttered. "Ah, Lucius I forgot. Come in. Join us."

Hari tried to slip her hand free, but Tom kept a firm hold on it. She blushed slightly and bit her lip. There was a difference between being here with Tom and being seen here with Tom by Death Eaters. By Lucius Malfoy.

Lucius barely got his feet moving as the Dark Lord lowered the woman's hand to the table maintaining his affectionate grasp. Never in all his years of service to the Dark Lord had he ever seen him being affectionate with someone like this. Like a normal wizard flirting with a witch.

"My lord," he murmured bowing his head slightly as he reached the table. He looked inquisitively over at the young witch.

"You do not recognize her, Lucius?" Tom asked leaning back casually dragging her hand down to rest on his leg. He stroked his thumb over the back of her hand. "I can't blame you. She did take a potion to add about six years to her age and one would not assume to see her in my home."

"Well, not at your breakfast table," she murmured cheekily. "Dungeons perhaps."

Lucius stared at her. Bright green eyes sparkled with mischief. The edge of a scar peeked from her... His eyes widened. Potter! Hari Potter was having breakfast and holding hands with the Dark Lord!

"Lady Potter," he managed to murmured after a shocked moment. He inclined his head respectfully. His gaze traveled over her attire again and he paled further. She was wearing one of the Dark Lord's shirts with the sleeves rolled up several times. Suddenly, it dawned on him just why she was at the breakfast table in his shirt. Potter had spent the night here. His gaze darted between the two. Bloody hell! They had slept together!

He choked. No one spent the night in the Dark Lord's bed! Yet here Potter was in his shirt, barefoot and very at ease the morning after. Severus would have an aneurism when he found out. So would Bellatrix.

"Lord Malfoy," she greeted in return. She looked at the Dark Lord. "If you have a meeting, perhaps I should go."

Tom's hand tightened on hers slightly. "Perhaps you should stay," he countered softly.

Hari sighed. "Will I have to be studious and proper?"

Tom snorted. "I would never presume to demand you act properly."

A sunny smile spread across her face. "Alright, if you wish, I'll stay. I won't be insulted though if you kick me out in order to discuss nefarious plots that I shouldn't know about."

Tom gave her an indulgent look and turned to Lucius. "How many?"

Lucius flicked a concerned look at Hari then turned his attention to his lord. If the Dark Lord wished to discuss the situation in front of Potter, Lucius was not fool enough to argue with him. "McLaggen and Kirke refuse to be swayed. Anything put forth by a Dark Wizard will be voted against. Kirke told me to my face that he knew I was a Death Eater promulgating the Dark Lord's agenda and he would not vote for anything that I backed."

Tom sighed and rubbed his thumb absently across the back of Hari's hand. Tom nodded. "Not exactly what I wanted, but better than I hoped. Even with getting rid of McLaggen and Kirk the margin is still too small. It would give us the majority only by two. We need more of the Light camp to stop voting blindly and actually think."

"The margin is still narrow even with cutting Dumbledore's strings?"

"Speaking of strings. How have you managed to become stringless, Lady Potter?" Lucius sneered slightly.

Hari glared at the blonde. Her magic flickered around her for a moment then she drew in a steadying breath. "Mental coercion doesn't work very well on me, Lord Malfoy. I frayed Dumbledore's strings enough that I was able to go to the goblins. They snipped them all very neatly for a price."

Hari sipped her juice turning her attention to Tom who was watching her intently. "I'll continue to work on Sirius. If I can get him past his blind prejudice and get him to use that wily brain of his, you'll have a clear majority as long as the bills introduced are actually good for the society."

Tom gave her an incredulous look. "You may convince him to side with a random Dark wizard's bill for the good of our society, but Black will never vote for a bill he knows comes from me."

Hari dimpled at him. "Then we'll have to be sure he doesn't figure it out until we have the bills we want passed pushed through. I have two more you gave me that will be introduced soon after the elementary schools open. Do you have others pressing?"

"Not at the moment." Tom studied her. Insecurities and paranoia welled up. Black was her godfather. He was the man who killed her parents. Why was she really here? "Tell me what happens when he figures it out, my Hari? What will you choose to do when your association with me comes to his awareness? Where will your allegiance be when you have to openly chose between Black and me? Will you still be mine?"

"Yours?" Hari's eyes narrowed at the possessive, almost threatening quality of his voice. Salazar, she hated it when Voldemort peeked through. "At your side or at your feet...which are you implying?"

"You know which."

Hari stared at Tom as his eyes shifted to red. "Now see, that is what I was talking about yesterday in your library. You know, the 'I'm Lord Voldemort bow and grovel' attitude." She glared at him.

Tom glared back letting his aura push at her. He was the Dark Lord.

Hari arched and eyebrow and let her own aura show, shoving back against him. She never groveled. She was done with people lording it over her. "Don't push me."

"I asked a question." He hissed.

"And I'm willing to answer Tom, but I am not one of Voldemort's minions to be intimidated into staying in my place." Hari snapped back.

Lucius remained very still as the two argued. It was weird, unsettling. No one argued with or defied the Dark Lord to his face. Yet she was. She always had. And the magical power she was showing...where had it come from?

"No you are not, but you are in my home, brought here by portkey and I have yet to see evidence of a wand."

Hari sucked in a breath at the implied threat. "Do not imagine a threat that isn't there and don't try to cow me, Thomas Marvolo Riddle. I left England because I didn't want to fight with you not because I was afraid to. I believe in where you want to take magical Britain. I believe in you. Don't go all Voldemort on me especially after..." She glanced at Lucius then glared at Tom again. "Seen or not I do have my wand on me. I will defend myself if I have to."

Lucius stared at her blatantly. The girl's aura was as potent as the Dark Lord's! Potter was on the Dark Lord's side at the moment. Two magical powerhouses deciding to team up instead of fight. The balance of power just shifted significantly unless the Dark Lord lost his temper and shoved her back over to the enemy's side.

"Do you think you would win against me and my right hand man?" He sneered haughtily.

Hari jerked her hand from his and touched her signet ring. "Quit being an arse." With a hissed parseltongue phrase she was gone.

Lucius paled. She dared to call the Dark Lord an arse?!

Tom jerked to his feet with a curse his chair falling over with a clatter. "Bloody impertinent, arrogant brat!" Potter, get back here!

All he got back was a wave of anger and hurt. He snarled and ran his hand through his hair. "Damn aggravating chit!" He snarled.

She pushed his aura with hers and hers was almost as Dark as his and as powerful. She refused to bow, refused to cower before him. Defying him while at the same time pleading with him not fight with her. She was magnificent. He found himself suddenly with a throbbing erection even as ire filled him at her impertinence.

The Dark Lord's gaze centered on Lucius. "You will not bandy her presence about."

"I shall tell no one, my lord." Lucius managed to stammer.

Tom righted his chair, scowling at the hurt flooding him through their connection.

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