My Cadillac Billionaire (Exce...

By MissLulu004

89.8K 1K 54

When 25 year old Billionaire, Lenora Williams finds a broken man, deep in despair at the park, the sight pull... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

5.3K 214 22
By MissLulu004

"We're here." I said in a singsong voice as I parked the car into the more or less empty parking lot. Joy, this way I'll be free to enjoy quality time with my daughter without being disturbed by the press.

"Yayyy! Let's go Mommy! Let's go!" She excitedly chirped. A softly laugh left my lips at her excitement and cute antics as I turned off my engine and unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Okay, okay." I replied just as enthusiastically even as an uncontrollable smile laced my lips.

I grabbed my car keys and oepend the door which immediately had me squinting my eyes at the sharp rays of light that threatened to blind me. At least I have some sunglasses in my bag. I stepped out of the car, allowing the warm sunrays to caress my bare skin until it felt like I was burning from the heat. A sigh left my lips as I closed my door and made my over to the trunk where I pulled out my sunglasses and a hundred bucks bill before closing my bag then the trunk. I then opened the backseat door to the highly excited child as she bounced in her seat in barely contained excitement. I bit my lip to hold in the giggles that threatened threatened break free as I reached out for our picnic basket and hung it onto my arm before helping the excited girl out of her car seat and out of the car.

"Emma, always play close to where I can see you, alright?" I sternly told the excited child, hoping that she was listening.

She excitedly nodded her head making me doubt her concentration.

"Emina, I'm serious. Play close to where Mommy can see you." I repeated, even more sternly, if that's possible.

"I will Mommy. I promise." She grinned," Can we go now?"

I sighed as I closed the door and locked the car, taking her small hand and securely clutching into mine before guiding her to the almost empty park until we were close enough for me to let go of her.

"Be careful and remember to..." I sternly looked at her all too familiar hazel eyes, waiting for her to complete the sentence to see if she was even listening to me a couple of minutes ago.

"Play where you can see me." She immediately repeated my words with a grin.

"Good girl." I praised with a smile," Now go play." 

Without a waste of time, she ran to the monkey bars as expected.

I sighed, before scanning the park for a nearby shady place to sit and unfortunately came out short there were few trees and all those were far from the playground, so I was stuck with sitting on the park benches, atleast they had shelter from the sun though.

I was about to walk towards one of the empty benches, when my eyes spotted a man with his face dug in his hands sitting on one of the benches. His hands were dug deep into his brunette, curly locks. His body seemed to be rising in patterns, like the after effects of crying and for some reason, he pulled at my heartstrings and before I could even register my movements, I was headed towards his direction. I don't know why, but my body willed me to go to him even as I tried to fight it until I found my sandals standing opposite a pair of black and white Levis'. He seemed to be ignoring my presence or he genuinely was too deep in thought to notice it.

"Hello Sir," I softly greeted, before I could even think." Are you alright?"

I don't know what was possessing me to speak but I sure didn't like it even as a part of me seemed to be genuinely concerned. Maybe it's the motherly instincts in me, I don't know.

He looked up at me and at that moment, my world seemed to stop. My heart skipped a beat and my palms started sweating up a storm. A gasp nearly escaped my lips, but luckily it didn't. 

His eyes seemed to dig deep into mine, an emerald green shining like jewels, but somehow seemed void like the dark. His eyelashes so long and full, making it seem like they brushed his cheekbones when he blinked. His eyebrows perfectly arched and full. His nose straight but not long. His lips plump and full, even in their dryness. His cheeks flushed from crying, but not taking away an ounce of his beauty. He looked so angelic, that I doubted his existence. Wait what?

"I'm okay, thanks for asking." He weakly smiled but I could easily read through his lie.

"Are you sure?" I asked with a smile that I had no doubt showed my concern.

He dodged my eyes and instead looked at the green trees in the distance and after a few seconds of silence, I knew he had no intention to respond which for some reason had my heart dropping at his silent rejection. So I guess he'll just ignore me. I made my way to leave, but stopped in my tracks as his soft, weak voice suddenly spoke.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" He asked, looking up at me.

My heart skipped a beat as dread settled in my stomach at the fear of having been found out as I perked up, but I immediately declined," No. At least I don't think so."

He simply sighed as he relaxed back into the chair, closing his eyes before opening them up and looking up at me," I'm grateful for your concern, Ma'am, but I'm alright. You can enjoy your day, please don't concern yourself with the likes of me." He said with his rough, hoarse voice. He must have been crying for a while.

"I don't think so. Anything that's enough to make one cry is never something miniscule." I stubbornly said," Look, I know you probably want me out of your hair, but I just can't leave. I myself don't know why I'm here meddling in your business instead of minding mine, but here I am. I want to help, even if I will be used as a shoulder to cry on or a listener to vent out to." I weakly said.

His emerald orbs never wavering from mine throughout my whole rant, except when he closed them and ran his hand through his hair before patting the vacant seat next to him.

"I just divorced my wife of five years and she took everything away from me." He began. My heart merely melted in my chest sympathy, pity and a bit of sadness." She was a stay at home wife, and had no form of employment as far as I was concerned, but a couple of months ago the cops knocked at our front door and luckily I was the one to get the door. They were looking for my wife." He paused, never turning to look at me but instead the trees in the distance.

"Turns out she was involved in fraudulent activities. I of course defended her, but no, she admitted that it was true, I was broken but most importantly in denial. My sweet wife involved in crime, never and the next thing I know, all my things are being repossessed to pay back for her crimes and debts. I was drained to the last cent, then you know what happened?" He tearfully snickered," She filed for divorce and told me that she never loved me. Leaving me without a second glance. Basically leaving me for dead, leaving me to fend for myself. As soon as the word got out about my wife, I lost my job. The place I had slaved away for the past 8 years. I lost it like I just got it yesterday. And that's my story."

That 'story' left me out of breath. I was left in bewilderment, in disbelief and mostly in sympathy and sorrow for this broken man. He has been through a lot.

"I did everything for her, from working until late just so we could get the best to paying for anything she wanted without question, just to find out that I was just a pawn in her game. A backup plan." He whispered, his voice cracking and getting less audible with every word.

I had him in my arms in an instant as sobs racked his body. Sobs full of sorrow, loss and undeniable heartbreak. He must have cared for her a great deal...what am I saying, the poor man loved her with all his heart and she betrayed him and used him.

"Aren't you going to ask what she did?" He hiccupped, his voice sounding so vulnerable, like a child who had lost all hope.

"You can tell me if you want to, but you're not at all obligated to do so. I mean, you even telling me this is not easy on you, so why would I want to cause you any more pain?" I softly asked.

"She scammed companies. She was a part of a group of scammers." He whispered in between hiccups as sobs wrecked his body once more.

I just clamped my mouth together and tightened my hold on him in hopes of offering some comfort which I now know he needed. Silence filled our space, except for his silent sobs, but it was not at all uncomfortable.

Minutes passed with me holding him as his sobs decreased, leaving him a hicupping mess, but I didn't feel bothered. As long as I was helping someone, I was okay. Which is probably how the crazy idea popped into my head.

"You said your home was repossessed right?" I softly asked, trying not to pour too much salt on the still very raw wound.

"Yes, I don't have a home." He weakly, but sleepily answered. The crying definitely took a toll on him. 

"Would you like to live with me until you get back on your feet?" I offered, surprising not only him but also myself at my ludicrous offer. 

"Wait, What!" He exclaimed in surprise while jumping out of my arms until he was at arm's length.

"Yeah." I awkwardly answered.

"Are you insane?" He exclaimed, his eyes growing into the size of saucers.

"You know what, goodbye Sir." I said, reaching out for my picnic basket next to me.

"Wait!" He immediately exclaimed, halting me in my movements as I turned my eyes back to him."The thing is, I don't want to be a burden to you." He softly admitted, his hand running through his hair.

"Trust me, you won't. Besides, I'm offering, you didn't ask. Just please let me do this, I won't live with myself otherwise." I admitted with a sigh even as a small, weak smile marred my lips.

This time, he didn't put up a fight as he simply spoke,"T-thank you. Thank you so much, you don't know how much this means to me. I promise I won't bother you at all, instead I'll earn my stay." He stuttered as tears of relief gathered into his eyes as he sincerely smiled at me with nothing but gratitude and relief.

I smiled and opened my mouth to reply when Emma's voice yelled in my direction.

"Mommy!" Her cheerful voice called before she appeared in front of me." I'm thirsty. Can I please have some water?"

"Umm Sweetheart. Aren't you going to greet... Umm." I paused, realising that I have yet to ask for his name.

"London," He answered, smiling at Emma who shyly smiled back at him," And what's yours?"

Emma looked at me, seeking permission, which I granted with a nod and a smile of encouragement.

"Emani, but everyone calls me Emma." She enthusiastically chirped.

"Wow, your Mommy gave you such a beautiful name, Emma." He softly smiled at her, a sparkle that wasn't there earlier appearing in his eyes. It was barely bright enough to see, but upon deep inspection, could be seen.

It filled his eyes with a bit of life. Mr London likes children.

"Mommy, can I have some water, please?" She repeated, bringing me out of my train of thought.

"Sure Baby." I smiled, leaning down towards the picnic basket, opening it and pulling out a cool, bottle of water. 

She struggled with the lid for a couple of seconds before handing the bottle back to me to unscrew it for her which I did before handing it back to her. She immediately gulped the water down like she had not drank some in a long time until only half of the water remained before sighing in contentment as she screwed the lid back on and handed it to me with a grin.

"Thank you." She cheerfully chirped, before turning to London," It was nice meeting you, Sir." With that she shot back to the playground.

"Would you like a bottle of water?" I offered.

He nervously chuckled, but gave a nod, "Yes, please." 

I pulled out another bottle and handed it to him.

He shot me a smile of gratitude before taking the water from my hand and unscrewing the lid. The minute his lips touched the bottle, the water flowed into his mouth as he drowned it without mercy like a man who had been in a desert for days and was in need of water. A weak smile took over my lips as sympathy settled into my stomach. This poor man.

He seemed to feel my eyes because he nervously evaded my eyes before saying," I haven't had water the whole day." He softly said.

Then he most certainly hasn't had any food either.

"Would you like some fruits to nibble on until we get home, then I can have someone prepare some lunch for you." I offered.

"No thanks, I'll just wait. Thanks for the offer though." He said, avoiding accepting my offer.

I chuckled and shook my head before pulling out a packet of grapes from the basket. I'm sure Emma won't mind sharing.

"Here, please have some." I offered with an encouraging smile.

"No, I couldn't. You've offered so much to me already that I couldn't bother you any further." He declined.

I sighed, before standing up from the bench and walking a couple of steps towards the playground.

"Emma!" I called my daughter from the swings.

She turned to me with a smile and swung off the slide before running in my direction.

"Yes Mommy?" She replied.

"Baby, can we go home? We'll come back to the park some other time and I'll ask Blake to buy you a carton of ice-cream later to make up for it." I offered.

Disappointment clearly shown from her eyes but she smiled and nodded.

"Okay Mommy." She answered only a pinch of enthusiasm left in her voice and knowing her, I know that she feigned it so I wouldn't feel bad.

"Thanks Baby. Come on, we're gonna have a guest for a while." I informed.

"A guest? Who?" She curiously asked, cocking her head questioningly.

"Mr London, Darling." I replied as I took hold of her hand and guided her towards the bench.

"Oh, but isn't he a stranger?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, obviously accusing me of inviting a stranger to our home.

"No," I lied through my teeth," He and I used to go to school together." 

Her mouth turned into an 'o' in understanding, before she answered, "Okay." Before humming happily to herself.

We stopped at the bench where London stood, looking up at us as we neared in curiousity.

"Ready to go?" I asked, leaning down and grabbing the basket, hanging it on my arm.

He looked at me in disbelief but followed behind us as we lead the way to the car, with Emma talking my ear off.

I hope Carlos's clothes will fit him. 

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