Élan: A Youngblood World

By rinaXhazurina

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"Beware that you become not the very monster you ought to slay." A shapeless, abstract entity of darkness in... More

◇ P R O L O G U E◇
1 | Evening In The Garden |
2 | Winds And Wills |
3 | In The Mouth Of The Abyss |
4 | The Girl In Midnight Blue |
5 | Commotion In The Calm |
6 | Fight Or Flight |
7 | What Is To Come |
8 | Play The Hero |
9 | A Damsel In Distress |
10 | The Crown Jewel |
11 | Behind Closed Walls |
C H A P T E R 12 | A Daughter's Tale
C H A P T E R 13 | Ambush
C H A P T E R 14 | Duty In Its Truest Form
C H A P TE R 15 | The Tree Of Grief
C H A P T E R 17 | Friendly Sparring
C H A P T E R 18 | Refuge (1/2)
{Character Concepts}
1 | Lost | ( A Sneak Peek)
Author's Note (5/31/24)
2 | The Crew | (A Sneak Peek)
3 | Meteor Showers |

C H A P T E R 16 | In A Quaint Village

19 4 17
By rinaXhazurina

       AS soon as their eyes caught sight of an opening ahead through the gap of the fringe of trees and outlandish plants along their earthy path, the five children paced up their stride. Below the dusk-approaching sky, they stepped out of the shadows of the woodland, when the waiting surprise struck them like a great flash of light; it was what they thought it was.

       "A village? In the middle of this forest?" Kayne said, their entranced eyes glued, touring over the fresh scenery ahead.

       Bolting each of their gazes towards the different angles: the row of small, wooden, or stone-built houses shingled with only a few choices of colors such as blue, green, and vermin lined up at the sides of the central cobblestone street that stretched out before them like a red carpet parade where they are the long-awaited guests; the sets of vibrant, colorful stalls that sell the most outlandish clothes in parallel to the small building, bizarre fruits and confections, twinkling gemstones and other sorts of rainbow goodies apparently unseen from anywhere else; traveling wooden carts driven by men in rugged sleeves, and a lively performance of minstrels playing a jovial beat of medieval music that fits well with the mood of the wee but busy village even under the nighing sunset. A testament to one of the gems untouched by modern influences.

       A gurgling sound set their distraction off. "Are we done sightseeing? My gut's acting up," said Hiro, taking the initiative.

       "A'ight. Let's go." Kayne led the file.

       Treading forward as they scout for an abode to spend the night, the young visitors kept themselves low, eluding any eye contact with the folks everywhere. Cazzie, however, like a child gaping in an amusement park, non-stop drilled her awe at the chromatic things her eyes would land upon, filling herself with curiosity over each unaccustomed object before quickly moving on with another to get snoopy about.

       "It's like being in an RPG game," mentioned Hiro.

       From the left of the village, the receding sunrays are casting a warm amber gleam against the awnings and high surfaces of the buildings, leaving a chilly shadow beneath the lit-up region it touches. The neolithic music played in the background.

       "You think they're aware of the commotion?" Ryeld asked.

       Kayne shrugged. "Maybe not... yet."

       "Hey, Caz," Hiro called for the wonderstruck girl, "wanna check stuff out?"

       "Sure!," replied Cazzie, suppressing the excitement within her response.

       "Don't go wandering off too far," Ryeld spoke before the two could stride away.

       "Yes, mother." Walking their way through, Hiro and Cazzie went for the stalls, which were still open at this time of the day.

       "So, see something interesting?" asked Cazzie, looking at Hiro who was deeply engrossed in the bazaar.

       "I smell something... scrumptious and..." Hiro whiffed the delish aroma over the mixture of other sweet odors floating in the air. "Spicy."

       "Where?!" For her, Cazzie always thought Hiro was gifted with a strange uniqueness himself: the ability to possess an extraordinary sense of smell. A bit more antic than his iron-like skin, another of his odd traits, which spared him from any bleeding scars inflicted by the thorn fences back at the province where they played nearby as children not even Zakuro had such among his Nyrhaean capabilities. A small yet sublime thing to admire about her longtime friend.

       Intaking the redolence once more, his nozzle guided his head to turn, directing out. "There. Come on." Hiro dashed through the throng with snappy haste, too craving for food that he forgot about Cazzie's slow small legs.

       "Wait! Hiro!" Her launching steps halted when a resounding thump caught her hail instead. Cazzie pivoted to the source of the sound behind her and rushed in the opposite direction without a second thought.

       A woman, under a bronze cloak, crawled on her knees after falling on her knees, palms pressing against the ground as her arms served as pillars for her to remain steady, reaching her outstretched fingers out for her stick. Dashing to her side, Cazzie took her gentle arm and cautiously wrapped it around the woman's right arm before slowly hoisting her up on her legs. She grabbed the stick with her other hand and passed over her wooden walking tool to the woman's wrinkly, old palms.

       "Are you okay, Ma'am?"

       The woman set her stick in a suitable position, tenderly replying, "Oh, it's nothing but a small accident. Thank you, deary. Aren't you a kind and beautiful lass, are you? Say, I haven't seen you around this part of the district. You must be passing by then?"

       Cazzie nodded. "Yes, Ma'am." Cazzie could hear the solidity within the antiquing woman's voice. Her silver locks were visible beneath her cloak. Honey eyes as keen as a cat's and ginger cheeks and ripe, smiling lips as creased as a dough.

       "My, it's already getting late. Would it bother you to assist an old lady to her destination? It's not every day she'd be offered the chance to have a simple walk with such a sweet stranger."

       Cazzie, unhesistant, complied, despite her jaunt with Hiro, who had long left anyway. "Well, I don't mind at all. I would be happy to assist you."

       "Thank you, dear."

       Concluding the bantam talk, the two tailed off through the unsuspecting horde as if the recent matter was but a fly passing by, guided by the verbal directions of the graying lady with her thick yet kind tone.


       The spot was simply plain; a small, average, purple tent settled before their eyes were hidden from a clear view with only the gap between the two buildings across its facade could reveal a quarter part of it. Four posts of tall tree twigs stood as the foundations for the four corners of the supersized silk fabric, setting up the canopy.

       It was not the exact depiction Cazzie pictured, but the woman kept a bland face as they got closer to it. The girl could sense the impression of 'home sweet home' across her gentle face. Sliding through the two silk cloths that agilely served as the covered entrance, Cazzie's expression switched to gape out of surprise once again. She scanned the varicolored antiques, porcelains, glass-made items, and anything else inside that seemed fragile yet beautiful even beneath the dim light.

       The lady meanwhile, breaking out of Cazzie's aid and walking deliberately towards the farthest rear of the small space, headed behind an array of collections laid across a square, blue mat on the ground, and there she sat. With a double snap of her fingers, a white gleam lit up the interior of the tent despite the small amount of purple dusk light casting through the fabric walls. Cazzie realized where the light shone from; there were two lampstands on either of her sides. New forms of modern technology she may not have heard of.

       "Now," began the woman, "in return for the benignant act, I will give you whatever you may desire in this fine simple shop of mine. Your unsuspecting kindness has paid for it. Sit"

       "Oh, a-actually, there's really no need for you to do that. It's-"

       "Sit." Her voice quickly went from a soft to an onerous tone.

       Cazzie nervously obeyed with a cross-legged position opposite to the old lady, keeping a respectful face.

       "So," she said as her tone shifted back to its mild level, "among all these delicate items, which catches your curious eyes the most?" She gestured over the objects between them: one was a picked-out rose whose petals, instead of red, had a pale hue with black outlines similar to its thorny stem. Another was a silver ribbon with a property like that of a mirror where Cazzie could see the reflection of her coal eyes in it. A small wooden treasure box, bundles of yarn balls in different colors, a huddle of jewelry such as pearl bracelets, bronze earrings, and necklaces of an unknown black material.

       Cazzie surveyed the trinkets, sensing the woman's stare piercing through her which added to the tension of deciding without wasting time. More than once did she hear that description from Kayne, Ryeld, and Hiro, and she berated herself for her indecisiveness. At the thought of the people subconsciously taking up the space in her mind, her verdict came to a finale. "Do these necklaces come by band?"

       The stranger displayed a warm, confident smile. "Impressive choice."


       Inside one of the abodes, Zakuro, Kayne, and Ryeld were lounging in their inn. Ryeld could not care less anymore where he had spent his pocket cash as long as he did not have to sleep within the confines of the wild. Hiro had bought dinner: roasted peppers on sticks and wooden bowls of rice and cut chunks of steaming beef with colorful vegetable slices. Not long after, Cazzie arrived with the drinks. A simple liquid of sweet grape she provided with an additional brief earful of chastiing directed at the apologetic Hiro.

       Driven by hunger, the five commenced their feast in the small, cozy room. The traditional lemon, garlic, and tahini glazing sauce enhanced the appetizing tang of the meat it was soaked in in addition to the savoring scent of the steam caressing their noses as they took spoonfuls. While the vegetables balanced the sweetness and meaty chewiness of the food, the rice replenished their palates to take another bite the moment they swallowed with none other than serenity, and the soft pulping noises of eating surrounded the quaint space they occupied.

       Once done, the bowls and cups were gathered in the tray with the last of the sticks thrown into the trash bin. Hiro released a monstrous burp, which Zakuro countered with a longer and louder belch, causing the neat Ryeld to be disrupted as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.

       "So," began Kayne as he disrobed himself of his white silk jacket, "mind explaining to us what that thing is, Mr. I'm-Gonna-Test-Out-Something?"

       Zakuro's reply came flat as stone, currently on his undershirt. "It was an inference. The ghouls' bodies are made of unstable shards of dark enchantment, which makes them susceptible to any essence to merge with. That being the whole's piece of consciousness inputted into them."

       "Piece of consciousness, you say. You mean, they're not actually human-sentient?" Hiro asked. "That's one way to feel less guilty when I bash their heads the next time I see them."

       "Definitely," Kayne retorted. "Now I see. No wonder. It's been long since I've seen you feasting. How'd it taste?"

       Zakuro snickered as he let himself flop on the bed. "It wasn't really that bland. Anything tastes just right when you've been starving for too long."

       "Oh. Well, at least it's not as bland as Ryeld's moves on his crush." A soft, brief impact struck Kayne by the nape. His hand instinctually grabbed hold of the pillow before it touched the floor, squeezing the responsible puffy culprit of the offense.

       "You better watch how you use your mouth next time. Unless you want them crisp-fried."

       "Okay, Pumpkin." Kayne put up both his palms in mocking compliance as Ryeld took back the pillow. "Man, I can't believe we're going to have to walk all day tomorrow. Washing the grime off our clothes is already a problem enough if we happen to stumble upon rivers."

       "Easy for you to say. If going out for days under the Sun isn't a death sentence, then I don't know what is," Zakuro said. "This is what you wanted."

       "At least I don't have to wear covers looking like a cultist out in the open daylight," Kayne quipped back to which Zakuro could only deflect a scant grint at.

       Sharing a cycle of small laughs and jests, the group retreated to the serious discussion as the dark skies finalized the complete shroud of the night. Laid out on the table was the map of the delicate region stretching from the nearest town to Vherna from the west to the edge of the mountains inhabited by small villages and forests. A handy school supply courtesy of Cazzie's witty packing.

       Hiro stretched out, yawning. "So where do we head to for our first checkpoint?"

       Kayne spread out the sheet as Zakuro expounded, "Since transport stations are down, we're going to have to take shortcuts across the unfrequented territories from now." He pointed at the dots indicating the Vherna's displacement to the paved out path leading to Calyxia. "We first go by the Four Seasons Pass and climb a few hills. After that, it would be a straight plain field ahead. Hopefully, without any interference from the wild things out there, and pray that the ghouls' had not made themselves comfortable along our way."

       Ryeld held the map from Kayne, intently skimming his eye into it. "How long do you think until we reach the kingdom?"

       "On foot, I say, probably a week or two. At worst."

       "It'd be best if we can get there before the first day of the next cycle," Zakuro continued. "We can't be too sure it'll be a smooth trip, but we should be able to guard our tracks and pass undetected. Time is just as our enemy here, and so we can hope to destroy that tree before it grows and starts eating up the magic from the area. It'll be more difficult to fight through the elements once that happens."

       "Cool. Cool." Hiro yawned, eyes yearning to shut. "So we just follow you."

       "Technically. I wouldn't be bothered if anyone gets left behind."

       By the time everyone had their mouths gaping as the beckoning sleep consumed them, Cazzie bid them a good night's sleep as she went on to her own room.

       The boys picked their respective spots in the bunks. Zakuro and Hiro were on the lower bed, while Kayne considered sleeping on the chair as he further read on their plan. Ryeld valued a space of his own in the upper bunk.

       "So, who wants to hear a bit of a storytime?" Hiro said, a grin tugging at his lips as he waved the small pink book in his hand.

       "Is that..." Kayne queried, thoughts aligning with the mischievous redhead.

       Hiro's smirk widened. "Yep! Cazzie didn't even know her bag got switched so while sorting ours out her diary was peeking out. You already know what happened."

       "Better put that away before we intrude into someone's else's privacy. A girl's, for that matter."

       Kayne suggested too late when Hiro immediately flipped over the pages, stopping at one folded into the crevice. "Dear diary," he began, despite the absence of the phrase. Clearing his throat, he read with a voice like that of a squeaking plushie in an attempt to mimic the owner's voice. "We're going on a long mission today, me and the boys! Though I should be excited to spend a long-term trip with them, this is not one of the cases. The country is at stake under an incoming war from the Nyrhaeans. Yeah, from Zakuro's kin. The 'mythical' creatures! Like in my favorite novels, I can't believe we're actually going to save the world! Though Ryeld and Zak needed a little convincing, we're about to step out of Mahika's gates and set on our quest!"

       Hiro coughed, his voice straining from the grating high pitches but resumed nonetheless. "It's finally happening! Though I didn't expect it at all, this is more than the ideal adventure I dreamed of because I'm doing this with my favorite people in the world!"

       "Awww." Kayne and Hiro chorused. "Favorites, huh? That's one good thing to know."

       Threading through the other pages mindlessly, Hiro stopped at a certain chain of pages scribbled with particular colors of ink distinguishing the pages. Reading through the page with silver ink, he imitated, "Kayne. Often a calm and slick individual genuinely endeavoring his personal interests at heart. Though there are times he'd get on my nerves with his short-person teasing, wrenching my books from me and forcing me to stand on my toes while I try to reach for them, I know it's his ways of annoying or roasting people (like how all the boys show their affection to each other, as told by Ryeld) so I wouldn't put it up against him. He's the composed member of the group, and knowing him too well, causing trouble is the last thing he'd want to do. I'd say, it's good to practice patience on him."

       "Yep. That's me.," Kayne said proudly.

       "Hiro. The are no words nor amount of stars that may amount to anything that can speak of the bond between us share. He navigates the uncharted waters while I steer the course behind the wheel. I provide the fuel for the thrill, he sets the fire to the adventure. Two peas in a pond. Like peanut butter and jelly, yada yada yada..." Hiro rambled through the fillers, tongue clicking rapidly. Zakuro and Ryeld joined in on in their wake. It wouldn't hurt a bit if the owner didn't know they took a peek, right? "But most of all, there could be nothing more blissful in this world than sharing these happy moments with my one, favorite, truly-lovable brother, Hiro Amaerys."

       "How sweet." 

       "Of course. Who else but sweet ol' adowable Hiro?" The redhead clicked his tongue, voice lilting at the sarcasm-glossed words of the Blademaster, who rolled his eyes in mutual geniality. Hiro resumed with the sharp-pitched voice, "Alright. Let's go for Ryeld—ah! Ahem! Ryeld. Kind and rigid. Caring yet cold. Like a layer

       "Zakuro." Hiro cleared his throat, continuing, "Such a smart and silly guy. Emphasis on the smart ... and the silly. Sometimes you just wonder how can someone be so sharp-minded yet thick-headed at the same time? You never know with that guy. Something about his aura is so enigmatic it's ... 'beseeching curiosity.' Shouldn't really snoop around if I don't want to be labeled a creep."

       "Someone seems a little intrigued. Eh, Zak?" Hiro began, in which the Nyrhaean could only look with nonchalance. 

       "Ryeld. Probably the sweetest and kindest of the boys. Always accompanying me in the library, bringing me water even though I've drunk enough in a day, and helping me out with homework and projects; he's like a tall standing puppy (but without the fur). But sometimes, his odd behavior strikes me a bit... Like one time, I was ranting about one of the worst books I've read and he was just there listening. I looked ridiculous and outright insane there I bet he was reeling inside... aaackk! But anyway, if I were to describe him, he's almost like a brother (better keep this quiet from Hiro)."

       "Oooh..." By the time Hiro finished, a sizzling noise escaped from the struggling brunette.

       "That's okay, Rye," Kayne said after swallowing all the laughter inside, replaced by genuine pity. "She'll come around soon."

       "Or you'll just have to confess to her directly," Hiro added. "I prefer to keep my spot on her book, thank you."

       "Just go to sleep," Ryeld responded, exhaustion evident in his voice.

       Hiro deposited the book back into the bag, suppressing a yawn with his cupped mouth. "I'm off to bed now." After switching the lights off, Hiro climbed on the ladder, relying on his sense of touch through the dark before putting himself on the bed's soft envelope beside the slumbering Nyrhaean. "Goodnight Kayne. Goodnight, Ryeld." 

       "Night." The Blademaster retorted.

       At the moment sleep came over them sooner than they realized, a single muse drifted in their minds as one: it will be a long trek tomorrow. And there is no telling whether they would succeed, or fail with thoughts haunting them of the foreboding, uncertain future.

       Thoughts of fate worse than dying.


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