Smg4: Mario Vs YouTubers But...

By Godslayer615

945 16 25

Alright here a happy version of mario vs YouTubers More

Mario Vs YouTubers But with MxM

945 16 25
By Godslayer615

Susan big W: you have all been summoned here to fight in a glorious tournament for my own amusement! The loser will have there channel deleted FOR GOOD!!

Every YouTuber there: Nooo!

Smg4: *steps forward* I don't want anything to do with this you can count me out!

Susan big W: go ahead make my day. *slowly putting her finger on the YouTube remote*

Smg4: *steps back* ok fine but I'm gonna complain the whole time.

Susan wakko: whoever wins the tournament will have to face my chosen champion and prodigy.. *point her finger behind them*

Every YouTuber there: *turn around*

*portal opens to reveal a god*

Pewdiepie: pewdiepie!


Susan yakko: the tournament will take place in one week. I suggest you train till then.

jacksepticeye: *punch his fist*

YouTuber I don't know the name of: I'm going to die.

Other YouTuber I don't know the name of: where are my hands?

Susan dot: good luck and may the odds ever be in your favour!

*In the castle*

Mario: hmm how about Brazil Meggy I heard its great.

Meggy: Nah let's just watch something funny we can focus on this later. *shows tyler1 food slipping off the plate*

Mario: hahaha!

Smg4: *jumps though the door and hits the tv* mario! Take my place in the YouTuber fighting tournament or else I'll get deleted!

Mario: I can't I'm watching videos with Meggy.

Smg4: pleassseee mario I'll... I'll be your spaghetti chef for a week.

Mario: ONE YEAR!

Smg4: two weeks!

Mario: One month!

Smg4: one week!

Mario: deal!

Smg4: this isn't going to be easy though. We're gonna need a look for a trainer.

Mario: I know the perfect person to help me.

Smg4: who's that?

Mario: Meggy of course.

Meggy: thanks mario.

Mario: no worries you ready?

Meggy: yeah let's go!

Smg4: dead! *falls over*

Strength training

Meggy: alright mario you ready?

Mario: mmhm.

Meggy: great punch the punching bag.

Mario: Okie dokie *punchs a few times then gets tired* I'm a tried.

Meggy: will this work? *puts a peach doll on the punching bag*

Mario: *sees the doll and starts punching alot*

Meggy: great job mario.

Mario: thanks Meggy.

*but then the bag hits him and falls on him*

Meggy: mario I'm so sorry *pushs the bag of him*

Mario: marios Okie dokie.

Meggy: great now let's get onto running.

Mario: dammit.

Running training

Meggy: now I know that you're not the best at running so you're gonna try a treadmill.

Mario: Aww man.

Meggy: don't worry mario when you finish this you'll get spaghetti.

Mario: yeah Boiiiiiii! *he goes on the treadmill and starts running really fast so fast that the treadmill start going to going to space*

Meggy: alright mario that's enough running for now.

Mario: Yay. *stops running and the treadmill falls to the ground* AHH meggy help!

Meggy: I got you mario. *catches him*

Mario and Meggy: *blushes*

Mario: thanks Meggy.

Meggy: *still blushing* no problem mario.

Mario: you can put me now meggy.

Meggy: *stops blushing* huh?

Mario: you can put me down now.

Meggy: oh sorry. *puts him down*

Mario: thanks for training me Meggy.

Meggy: and thanks for picking me mario.

Mario: no problem meggy.

Meggy: now it's time for a training battle.

Mario: Are you fricking kidding me!

Training match

Meggy: alright mario it's time to face me in a friendly battle.

Mario: alright then.

Meggy: *quickly* 3..2...1..GO!

Mario: well sh*t. *gets punched*

*Mario gets up then tried to punch meggy but she blocks it*

Mario: think fast!

Meggy: what?

Mario: *upper cuts meggy*

Meggy: nice try but you might want to try harder mario.

Mario: alrighty.

Meggy: *trys punching mario but gets blocked*

Mario: *roundhouse kicks meggy* you alright meggy?

Meggy: *cough cough* yeah I'm fine let's end it there.

Mario: you sure?

Meggy: yeah I'm sure.

Mario: yeah boiii.

Meggy: but we're training tomorrow.

Mario: why?

Meggy: to make sure smg4 doesn't get deleted.

Mario: oh yeah I forgot.

Meggy: right.

Mario: hey Meggy on Saturday can we go back to inkopolis?

Meggy: no we're not going back to inkopolis plus it's one day before the tournament.

Mario: but it's for a good reason.

Meggy: and that is?

Mario: look can we go there I've wanted to tell you something for along time.

Meggy: fine I'll go only because you're my best friend.

Mario: also can I go home?

Meggy: yeah you can go home.

Mario: yeah boiii!!! *leaves the building*

Meggy thoughts: I wonder what mario wants to tell me? *stomach rumbles* but first I'm going to have some chicken noodles. *goes back home*

The next few days meggy help mario train for the tournament now it's Saturday.

Mario: Alright meggy you ready to go back to inkopolis?

Meggy: yeah I guess.

*Mario and Meggy go to inkopolis*

Mario: it's been a few months since we've been here hasn't it meggy.

Meggy: yeah it has.

Mario: so what do you want to do?

Meggy: well we can't really eat anything here so let's go to my apartment.

Mario: ok.

Meggy: you know I'm surprised that your not tried yet.

Mario: well you've been training me for a week so I've gotten used to walk long distances.

Meggy: *shocked*

Mario: I mean oh god I don't want to walk anymore.

Meggy: *giggles* oh mario.

Mario: are we close to your apartment?

Meggy: yeah we're close.

Mario: good because I'm starting to get tried.

Meggy: *opens the door* alright we're here.

Mario: great *drops on the floor*

Meggy: mind if I join you?

Mario: why?

Meggy: well I can get tried as well you know.

Mario: sure you can join.

Meggy: sweet *drops on the floor*

Mario: this place sure is filthy.

Meggy: yeah I'm surprised that someone doesn't live here.

Mario: yeah me too.

Meggy: I guess it's because I'm human.

Mario: it's not because your human Meggy it just because someone hasn't got this place yet.

Meggy: because I'm human.

Mario:*sighs and gets up* meggy let's go to the rooftop.

Meggy: which one?

Mario: the one where we have good memories.

Meggy: *gets up* ok.

*mario and Meggy go to the rooftop*

Mario and Meggy: *sits on the edge of the building*

Mario: meggy everyone doesnt hate you just because your human.

Meggy: say that to the whole of inkopolis.

???: yeah they can be jerks.

Meggy: desti?

Desti: that's me.

Meggy: what are you doing here?

Desti: just came to see how your life without me is going and I see mayo is here.

Mario: it's mario!

Desti: yeah yeah whatever anyway I think mayo want to say something serious to you meggy.

Mario: again it's mario!

Meggy: what do you want to tell me mario?

Mario: meggy...... I love you.

Meggy: really because I love you too. *kisses him*

Mario: *shocked but kisses back*

Desti: get a room you two.

Mario: *stops kissing meggy* oh your still here.

Desti: yep.

Meggy: sorry you had to see that.

Desti: it's alright besides it's nice to know that mayo loves you.

Mario: it's mario!

Meggy: *giggles* thanks desti.

Desti: no worries meggy.

Mario: so are you two friends or frenemies?

Meggy: we're friends right?

Desti: yeah we're friends.

Meggy: great.

Desti: well I'm gonna go now.

Meggy: wait before go could you watch mario kick ass tomorrow?

Desti: it depends who he's versing.

Mario: I'm versing YouTubers.

Desti: hmm sure I'll watch.

Mario: thanks desti.

Desti: no problem mayo.

Mario: it's mario!!

Meggy: see you tomorrow desti.

Desti: see you two tomorrow. *disappears*

Mario: it's nice to see her again. *sits on the ledge*

Meggy: yeah it was even though we will see her tomorrow*sit next to mario*

Meggy: true... I love you mario.

Mario: I love you too Meggy. *kisses her*

Meggy: *kisses back*

Mario: *stops kissing and gets up* come on meggy I've some training to do.

Meggy: *gets up* let's go then.

*mario and Meggy go back to training now and it's a Sunday*

Smg4: Aww my ass.

Meggy: come on mario punch harder.

Mario: I'm trying but I'm tried.

Meggy: just think of toads and there bad puns.

Mario: *looks at the boxing pads and they say a really bad toad pun then he starts punching really hard*

Meggy: ow...ow...ow...ow mario can you stop punch now for my hands sake please!

Mario: *stops punching* sorry meggy.

Meggy: *removes the boxing pads* it's ok

Mario: meggy in case me and smg4 get deleted again I just want to say I love you with all my heart.

Meggy: I love you too mario but think positive thoughts mario.

Mario: ok I'll try.

Susan big W: *hits the bell* let the tournament begin!

Jacksepticeye: * hits the bell more than once* irish noises top of a morning, top a morning.

Meggy: good luck mario. *kisses him*

Mario: *kisses back* thanks Meggy I'll need it.

Mario vs markiplier

Markiplier: hello everybody my name is markiplier. *confusing words*

Mario: your ass is grass and I'm gonna mow it!

Markiplier: *goes to attack mario* bing bong here comes my ding dong.

*Mario kicks him but misses then markiplier kicks him in the face but for some weird reason he starts to sit on mario*

Markiplier: I'm charging up my poo! AHHHHH!!

Mario: *bites his leg*

Markiplier: was that the bite of 87? *kicks mario to the other side and puts on a crown* Todays the day I win because I am the king around here and nobody will take my crown!

Mario: *jumps to markiplier then he just flicks the crown of him*

Markiplier: *starts to melt* NO NO NO fu*king NO NO fu*k you! *stops melting*

Mario: yeah haha!

In the crowd

Meggy: good job mario!

Desti: *eats some ghost popcorn* looks like I missed his first fight.

Meggy: oh hey you made it.

Desti: well I told you yesterday that I was coming.

Smg4: uhh Meggy who are you talking to?

Meggy: can't you see her?

Smg4: no I can't.

Desti: *goes through meggy* hey Blue boi.

Smg4: woah desti what are you doing here and how can I see you?

Desti: well I'm here because I want to see mayo kick ass and the reason you can see me is because I have this device that allows you guys to see me.

Smg4: oh ok.

Meggy: guys round two is about to start.

Mario vs Jacksepticeye

Jacksepticeye: it is on like donkey Kong! *slaps him*

Mario: ow *gets a mushroom and his hand grows big*

Jacksepticeye: *flat lines and falls over* I don't like it I don't like it!

Mario: top of a morning to ya laddeys. *slaps him alot*

Jacksepticeye: ow fu*k my arm!

Mario: *does a huge slap*

Jacksepticeye: *gets slap out of the ring* Nooooooo!

Susan dot: shut your godamn mouth! *mutes him*

In the crowd

Smg4: good job mario for keeping my YouTube career alive so far.

Desti: really do you only care about your YouTube channel right now?

Smg4: well yeah it's the reason he's fighting in the first place.

Desti: so what happens if he loses.

Smg4: my channel gets deleted.

Desti: so?

Smg4: so if he does loses me and mario get deleted.

Desti: so he's fighting for you.

Smg4: yeah.

Desti: *laughs*

Smg4: what's so funny?

Desti: *stops laughing* I'm surprised that you can lose to mario when he can defeat famous YouTubers.

Smg4: hey I won last year.

Desti: right.

Meggy: guys round three is starting.

Mario vs Keemstar

Keemstar: let'sss Gettttt right... *gets kick off the stage* AHHH!

Mario: that was easy.

In the crowd

Desti: that was boring.

Meggy: yeah that was boring.

Luigi: so what the after life like desti?

Desti: it's relaxing.

Meggy: really relaxing I never thought you would say that.

Desti: yet here I am.

Smg4: hey guys the fourth round Is starting.

Desti:alright but it better be some good entertainment.

Mario vs ???

???: *playing Minecraft*

Mario: *walks up to him scared* you playing Minecraft.

???: *turns around to reveal dream then he starts floating*

Mario: oh my god.

Dream: hey sh*tass wanna see me speedrun! *places cobblestone on top of each other then turns into a cannon and fires tnt* fire everything!

Mario: *dodges the tnt then summon a Ender dragon*

Dream: *sees the Ender dragon come towards him* touch. *then he or she dies*

Mario: the hell was that?!

*then dream puts different types of blocks around mario and now he's traped*

Mario: oh no!

Dream: *places tnt* later ohh!

Mario: bi*ch what the fu*k! *tnt explodes*

*Mario is flying high in sky when dream kick him back to the ground*

Mario: *sees his computer but turns his head to hear*

Dream: I just own him, I just own him!

Mario: *does intense hacking*

Computer: *creative mode disabled*

Dream:*falls down* AHHH!

Mario: *kicks dream off the stage*

Dream: what the hell frickin speed hacker!!

Mario: I won.

In the crowd

Desti: that was entertaining.

Meggy: yeah I agree.

Mario: *disappears*

Mario vs pewdiepie

Mario: *appears out of thin air*

Mario and pewdiepie: *intense stare*

Pewdiepie: oh it's on, oh it's on!

Susan big W: final round *hits the bell* fight!

Pewdiepie: come at me bro! *charges at mario*

Mario: here we goooo! *charges at pewdiepie but gets punched alot*

Pewdiepie I have the power of Jesus in my hand! *hits him in the back*

Mario: *runs forward then stops to reveal peach* I filled the basement with spaghetti again.

Peach: *scream loudly*

Pewdiepie: how is that even possible?! *falls over and gets dizzy*

Mario: defeated now bi*ch!

Pewdiepie: and every day when I wake up I use this product *gets on the pewdiepie chair and goes toward mario* AHHH!!

Mario: *in perfect timing he does a backflip* but can you do this? *kicks the chair towards the ground*

Pewdiepie: AHHH! *goes god mode*

Mario: *send flying back*

Meme: *created around mario* has spaghetti aids lol.

Pewdiepie: rating time zero peepee poo poos *0/10 shows up* I'm sorry *gets hit by the 0*

Mario: owwwwww!!

Susan yakko: *gets out the YouTube remote* are you winning son?

Mario: *scared but then has a idea he gets out his phone and types something* hey pewdiepie I dare you to say this word.

Pewdiepie: I can't I'm too stupid.

Mario: your just a little chicken chip, chip, chip, chip.

Pewdiepie: *annoyed* I don't give a fu*k I'm gonna say the n-word. *gets frozen*

Susan dot: out of this house, out of the this house! *presses a button on the YouTube remote and a demonetized button comes out of a portal and grabs pewdiepie then goes back in the portal*

Smg4: oh my god!

*suddenly Susan and mario come out of nowhere*

Susan wojniki: the winner... by some miracle... is mario!

Meggy: he did it he won!

Desti: I have to say he is a good fighter.

Smg4: your damn right desti come on guys Lets see mario!

*Meggy, desti,smg4 and Luigi go see mario on the stage*

Mario: hey guys.

Smg4: three cheers for mario!

Meggy, smg4 and Luigi: hip hip hooray... Hip hip hooray!

Mario: thanks guys for cheering me on especially meggy.

Meggy: no worries red.

Mario: *blushes*

Smg4: mario... Are you blushing?

Mario: um maybe.

Desti: *looks closely* yep he's definitely blushing.

Mario: damn it.

Smg4: so mario do you love someone?

Mario: yeah I do.

Luigi: who is it?

Mario: it's.... Meggy.

Smg4: really is this true meggy?!

Meggy: yeah it's true and to prove it. *kisses mario*

Mario: *kisses back*

Smg4: congrats mario you finally found yourself a girlfriend.

Mario: thanks.

Desti: I'm gonna go now.

Meggy: will I ever see you again?

Desti: yeah but I'll see you whenever I feel like it.

Meggy: * a bit sad* oh ok.

Desti: don't worry I'll look down to see how your doing except when you and makeout or something.

Mario: hey you said my name correctly.

Desti: I did?

Meggy: yep you did congrats.

Desti: thanks I guess.

Luigi: so where do we celebrate?

Mario: how about Meggys house if it's alright with her.

Meggy: I'm fine with that.

Mario: Yeah Boiiiii!

Desti: alright now I'm going.

Meggy,mario,smg4 and Luigi: see you later desti.

Desti: bye. *disappears*

(after that they went to meggys house to celebrate marios victory and that smg4 channel is still alive I guess but mainly marios victory. In the end Meggy wasn't sad because she found a purpose a purpose that will never leave her side)

Mario: I love you meggy.

Meggy: I love you too mario. *kisses him*

Mario: *kisses back*

Thus the pursuit of happiness video doesn't existed because she already found her happiness.

The end

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