The Last Riddle

By LunaModeGreen

272K 8.1K 2.1K

What is it that makes a person good? Is it who they are, or how they are raised? The people around me are a... More

2. Moody
3. Welcome to Hogwarts
4. Blaise Zabini
5. Flying and falling
6. Twins and teams
7. The first match
8. Christmas
9. Fly by
10. Dobby the bad elf
11. No one rescues me
12. To Belgravia and beyond
13. Océane Zabini
14. He did what?
15. Grey eyes and lies
16. "Fly good Potter"
17. You disgust me
18. Halloween
19. That bludger is a bugger
20. Snakes shouldn't speak
21. Christmas Ribbons
22. Doppelgänger
23. Petrified and terrified
24. Taking the blame
25. Tom Morvolo Riddle
26. A familiar face
27. Aunt Marge
28. Dinner with the Malfoys
29. Strange
30. Tutor me
31. First dates and Hogsmeade
32. Why do you hate me?
33. Another year without them
34. Dementor dilema
35. Dont be jealous
36. Be honest with me
37. A Christmas to remember
38. Okay you're like 13
39. Girls need to stick together
40. With the moon comes danger
41. Why is it always you?
42. Summer loving
43. Bulgaria Vs Ireland
44. You're not my saviour Potter
45. That's the guy you named your cat after?
46. Please Cedric
48. Thunder stealer
49. Wordless conversations
50. Its not up to you
51. The Yule Ball
52. Amos Diggory
53. He isn't worthy of you
54. Everyone can be insecure
55. Weighing me down
56. The eve of...
57. Take care
58. The truth
59. Please, please no
60. I dont know who I am
61. In with the new
62. My mother
63. There is no respect, only fear
64. Howlers
65. Weasley is our king
66. Fire on the pitch
67. Be selfish for once
68. Remus and Sirius
69. Cedrics list
70. A New Year, A New Draco
71. New Years Eve Hell
72. The Pink Bow
73. Rosa Angela Lombardo
74. Its okay to forgive
75. Pathetic little boy
76. All we can do is try
77. You have to choose
A second book?
78. A familiar father

47. Sobs and sorry

2.2K 78 13
By LunaModeGreen

I hide for the rest of the day alone in my dormitory, of course word has quickly spread of how I hexed Felix in the corridor and the Slytherin girls in my year sit in the room laughing loudly with each other about it whilst ignoring me completely.

By five o'clock my stomach is rumbling loudly with hunger and my head is spinning with anticipation, tonight they will draw the three names from the Goblet of Fire. Cedric will or will not be the Hogwarts champion, either way I am sure he still hates me for what happened today. I force myself out of bed very reluctantly and head down to the great hall alone. Every student I seem to pass whether they are from Hogwarts, Durmstrang or Beauxbaton's, turns to stare at me their eyes wide.

I hold my wand tightly in my hand worried that a Hufflepuff will try to redeem their friend by hexing me, but of course that just isn't the Hufflepuff way. Merlin knows how Felix got into Hufflepuff, before I met him I assumed they were all patient and understanding. Obviously not, it seems that mean people can be anywhere and everywhere.

As soon as I step into the hall it seems as if half of the Hufflepuff table turn to watch me, their eyes are not cold or judgmental more disappointed. I mean seriously in a school of witches and wizards why is everyone acting like I killed him? I only used a harmless hex, god knows these kinds of arguments happen at least once a week here, why is it so shocking when I do it?

Sighing heavily I walk over to where Blaise is sat with his back leaning against the wall whilst facing all of the other tables, as I sit down heavily next to him he turns to me attempting to hide a smile.

"Sooo" he says dragging out the word dramatically "I heard that you had a fun day today."

I roll my eyes slightly "very funny, where did you hear about it?"

He laughs throwing his arm around my shoulders "oh mon cheri, where did I not hear it from." He chuckles again as he takes his arm away "I mean one minute I am peacefully doing my homework in the library and then next second, Draco has come running to me laughing his head off because you sent that stuck up Hufflepuff brat flying through the air."

Draco sits down across the table from us catching the end of Blaise's sentence, he joins in with Blaise's laughter as he shakes his head "seriously Angelica, I couldn't be prouder of you. That bloody Felix thinks he's Merlin's gift to man, he's a twat. I don't think I've ever met more of a snob in my life."

I smile slightly "wow Malfoy if you're calling him a snob he must be mad."

Draco stops laughing as he waves his hand dismissively "oh please, I have earned my right to be a snob. I come from generations of wealth and perfect breeding, that idiots father won the bloody lottery. Literally! He really won the muggle lottery the buffoon, they spend all their money on fancy materialistic things, in fact from what I've gathered they're close to being broke."

Blaise chortles loudly "lets see how far that dick gets without his daddy's money. He's an idiot who doesn't know basic spells, he's rude and manipulative and I'm pretty sure he buys all of his friends off with shiny new gifts."

I laugh along with Blaise and Malfoy holding a hand to my mouth to try to suppress the noise, heads turn to look at the three of us. I push my hair back and look up to see Cedric watching me his eyes slightly lighter than usual, the corner of his mouth flicks up slightly until he catches me watching him. Quickly he shakes his head, running a hand through his long hair and looks away to the front of the hall where Dumbledore is now standing besides the Goblet of Fire.

Dumbledore calls the hall to attention and slowly it creeps into a heavy silence, the blue light from the goblet illuminates the hall casting demonic shadows against the walls. Blaise grips my hand in his and I let out a thankful breath as I feel my heart begin to speed up.

"Welcome students" Dumbledore's loud voice echoes around us as his eyes flicker in the firelight. "Tonight the Goblet will choose three champions, one from each school, once picked there will be no end until we have a winner. This tournament is designed to push you to your very limits and challenge you, it will make you a stronger and better wizard."

Suddenly the goblet starts to spark and spit out small blue flames, Dumbledore turns to it unaffected and holds his hand high in the air.

"The champion from Beauxbaton's Academy is..." a small slip of paper shoots out from the goblet arching high into the air before landing in Dumbledore's outstretched hand "FLEUR DELACOUR!"

Cheers sound from all around as people start to stand up in excitement, I slowly clap my hands watching the beautiful blonde girl walk from the Ravenclaw table to the front of the hall. Her blonde hair falls behind her like a silky waterfall as she smiles and waves gracefully before taking her name from Dumbledore and heads towards the trophy room.

The hall grows silent as Fleur dissapears behind a door, Dumbledore holds his hand up into the air once more his face serious.

"The champion from Durmstrang Institute is..." once again the goblet spits as a piece of paper lands into his outstretched hand, Dumbledore unfolds it as he yells loudly "VIKTOR KRUM!"

Viktor stands up from a few seats down from us, Slytherin students slap him on the back as he walks towards Dumbledore. His demeanor his heavy and confident as his face remains unmoving, he takes his name and walks through the same door as Fleur.

My heart is racing in my chest as I begin to gasp for air slightly, this is it. My palms are sweaty and I can feel my hands shaking, thankfully Blaise seems to sense my growing panic as he takes my hands within his own turning to me his face serious.

"Listen to me Ang, regardless of who gets chosen" he stares into my eyes "it is just a fucking game okay? They're teenagers, they will be safe."

I gulp and nod my head my face pale and cold, Draco is watching me from across the table. I look away from him and instead focus on the only face in the hall I want to see right now, Cedric. His head is bent down as he stares at the table in front of him, his hair hangs over his eyes as he clenches his hands together. From the way his shoulders are raised I can see just how anxious he is and all I want is to run to him and be with him.

Dumbledore is speaking once again but I tune out his voice, the only thing I am aware of is Cedric, every breath he takes I watch, his eyes flicker nervously around as he bites his lip.

Please, oh please God don't let it be him.

Gasps sound out around me as the final piece of paper flies into Dumbledore's hand, Cedric closes his eyes tightly. I want to do the same, I want to block out the world but I can't. All I can seem to do is focus entirely on Cedric and wish desperately that I was sat besides him right now.

It seems as if Dumbledore is moving in slow motion as he unfolds the paper, my heart is in my mouth and the blood in my head is pounding loudly, and then his name is called.


I feel my heart rate jump from beating a hundred times a minute to slowing right down, students all around me climb to their feet as they scream and shout with happiness. Cedric squeezes his eyes tightly before opening them with that crooked smile on his face, his friends smack him on the back as he stands up running a hand through his hair. As he stands he turns his head staring right at me, as he meets my eyes his smile falls from his face and his expression changes. His eyebrows furrow together and he looks to the floor, he looks up to the front of the hall and as quickly as his expression changed before it changes right back to his usual smile. ,

"Are you okay?" Blaise asks me as he leans close to me.

I shake my head mutely afraid that if I open my mouth I may vomit from pure shock.

One by one the students around me sit down again growing quiet as Dumbledore smiles widely at us all.

"And there we have it, our three champi-" he is suddenly cut off as the goblet grows wild, it begins to spit and ashes fly out dangerously. Dumbledore takes a hazardous step backwards his hands to his eyes as the flame grows brighter and bigger than before.

Murmurs sound as we all try to understand what is happening, suddenly a large flame shoots upwards spitting out another piece of paper like the three from before.

"What on earth?" Malfoy gasps "there are only supposed to be three."

Dumbledore catches the piece of paper quickly his expression unreadable, his long fingers unfold the corner as he stares at the name in front of him.

"Potter" he says it so quietly I am sure I have misheard at first. "POTTER" he yells his eyes looking around, it seems as if simultaneously half of the people in the hall turn to look at Harry and the other half turn to look at me.

I shake my head refusing to believe what is happening, Dumbledore looks quickly at me before turning his burning gaze onto Harry. "HARRY POTTER" he yells out as we all gasp loudly.

How is this possible? Harry is fourteen years old, he shouldn't have even been able to enter his name let alone be called out.

Harry stumbles up his face white and sweaty, Hermione pushes him forward as he trips slightly over his own feet. As he reaches Dumbledore he takes his name and shakily walks towards the door that the other three students walked through.

"HE IS ONLY FOURTEEN!" A sixth year Slytherin yells out angrily.

Soon many other students are all stood up yelling their disapproval angrily.

Blaise looks at me once again his face worried "what was that about? Did you know?"

I shake my head slightly "Harry wouldn't do that Blaise, entering this tournament is the last thing Harry would want."

Malfoy scoffs from opposite me his face cold "oh whatever, you're a shit liar. This is exactly what that drama hungry lunatic would want, you really don't know him that well if you think any different."

I glare at him "fuck off Malfoy, I think I know my twin brother better than you do. We shared a bloody womb, I spent everyday with him from when I was a baby till I was eleven. This isn't what Harry would want, I know him."

Malfoy opens his mouth as if he is ready to respond but instead closes it again, he slicks his hair back and looks away from me as Dumbledore dismisses us all. He stands up quickly and walks out of the hall before many other students have even began to stand up.

"Ignore him Ang" Blaise says his voice low "lets go back to the common room together yeah?"

I smile at him gently before flicking my eyes to the door where Cedric and Harry are.

Blaise laughs slightly causing me to look at him in confusion "okay I will meet you in the common room after you are done here."

I let out a short laugh "you really know what I'm thinking before I even do don't you?" I hug him tightly "thank you Blaise" I lean back and stare at him with tears in my eyes "thank you."

He nods at me before standing up and going to distract the prefect in charge of making sure we all leave together, making the most of the distraction I slip amongst the other students and walk in the opposite direction to the them. At the front of the hall there is thankfully a dark corner besides the entrance to the trophy room, I stay stood here as the hall slowly empties around me. It seems as if most of the teachers are inside the room with Dumbledore and the champions and the ones who aren't rush away with the rest of the students.

Now alone I stay in the shadows as I stare at the goblet of fire as it continues to burn at the front of the hall, its blue light still casting shadows around me. It is almost hypnotic and I feel myself entranced by the movements, suddenly a loud band sounds from besides me causing me to jump.

The wooden door swings open and Krum and Fleur walk out talking to each other about Harry, Krum spots me and his eyes slide over me as he continues to walk out of the hall. More footsteps sound from the doorway and I step forward just as Cedric walks out of the doorway his eyes focused on his feet, he seems to sense my presence and looks up meeting my eyes immediately.

"Hey" my voice is hoarse and croaky as I stand awkwardly across from him.

"Hi" Cedric replies stopping just in front of me as he looks slightly down at me.

We stand in silence just watching each other, Cedric finally sighs "I should be going" he steps around me and begins to walk past me until my hand darts out grabbing his arm.

"No stop" he does as I say and looks at me with his eyebrows raised. I shake my head angrily "listen I am sorry okay? I am sorry for hexing Felix it was stupid and I was wrong. I don't even know what came over me, he was just saying all these awful doesn't excuse it I know but I just need you to know I'm sorry okay?"

Cedric nods slightly "okay."

I bite my lower lip as I let go of his arm "I'm so unhappy Ced" my voice breaks and I look away from him instead fixing to a spot on the wall over his shoulder "I am just so unhappy and I'm so annoyed how we ended things. Being broken up from you is the most awful feeling, and then today is such a hard day for me anyway, and then bloody Felix was in my face saying all this ridiculous stuff about how I didn't deserve you." I sigh loudly and look back at Cedric "it was just too much."

Cedric's eyes widen slightly as I talk, he shakes his head confused "listen to me okay" he steps forward placing his hands on my shoulders gently "whatever Felix said is a bunch of crap. What we had was good, I love you so much Angelica, you're strong and you're kind. But there is one thing that I need you to understand, I am not entering this tournament for anybody else but myself. The things you accused me of entering for were cruel and incorrect, you should know me enough to know that I have nothing to prove.

Yes of course I want to make my father proud, but I also want to challenge myself, I want to become a better wizard and do things I wouldn't normally do. I am excited about this and I need you to be as well, I can't have you on my side if you can't understand that."

I take his hand in mine "I do understand that Ced, of course I do. I said things out of anger and fear, but there is something you need to understand also. I have lost more people than I needed to, and now both you and my brother are in this tournament. It doesn't make me happy, it doesn't make me excited it just scares me. I can't stand the thought of either of you getting hurt."

Cedric squeezes my hand "I'm sorry it must be hard for you us both being in it, and I'm even more sorry that I wasn't there for you today. Whether we are arguing or not I promised you that you wouldn't have to go through anything alone didn't I?"

"It's okay" I mutter overcome with emotions.

Cedric takes my face in his hands as he holds me gently "no it isn't, we both weren't there for each other and that was stupid. We wasted good time together over a stupid argument, but no more right?"

I smile between his hands "right, no more."

Cedric smiles back at me as he slowly leans in pressing his lips against mine, "I'm sorry" he whispers.

I kiss him again before I pull away "I'm sorry as well."

We both smile before leaning in together, our lips meeting and colliding together naturally, they move in sync as our tongues scrape against each other. My heart races but this time it isn't due to fear but instead due to love.

Footsteps sound from behind us and we pull apart in time to see Harry walking out of the doorway his hair messier than usual, Cedric steps back from me as Harry stops walking when he spots us.

"I'll see you tomorrow Ang" Cedric kisses me once more on the forehead before nodding at Harry and quickly walking away from us both.

I turn to Harry my mind now only on my brother and how terrified he looks.

"Harry?" I ask taking in my twin brothers shaking form.

Harry looks up his green eyes meeting my blue ones, his bottom lip starts to quiver as I rush towards him my arms outstretched. As I pull my brother into a hug a sob leaves his body as he pulls me tightly against him, he buries his head into my shoulder as sob after sob leaves his body. I look up to see Dumbledore leading the other teachers out of the room, they all hesitate as they see me hugging a crying Harry but they all pass by without saying anything. Dumbledore remains behind as he watches us for a few seconds longer, he smiles at me softly before lowering his head and leaving the hall.

Harry unaware of the teachers leaves his face buried in my shoulder as he begins to calm down his breaths growing slower, after several minutes he pulls his head up and steps away from me his face red and soaked with tears. I reach into my pocket and feel the handkerchief that Blaise had gifted to me, passing it to Harry.

He smiles at me through his tears as he wipes his eyes aggressively "thanks" he mutter his voice thick. He laughs as he puts his glasses back onto his face looking at the cloth in his hand "is this silk?"

"Mulberry silk actually, its Blaise's of course" I laugh slightly at how extravagant my best friend can be.

"Of course it is" Harry laugh sarcastically, he bites his lip as his smile suddenly drops. "What am I going to do Ang? How the hell am I supposed to survive a tournament made for wizards witches more than three years ahead of me?"

I sigh shaking my head "I don't know Harry, I really don't know."

Harry scoffs his face serious "oh Merlin I'm going to die aren't I?"

I kick his shin gently "no you idiot you're not, not if I have anything to do with it."

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