Good Ol' Shippy Opinions 2

By tmntplay4487

1.6K 77 100

I'm definitely gonna have to use a 2nd one so here it is. Bring on them shippies! Unless, I think you like sh... More

Glimmer x Bow (Glimbow)
Sea Hawk x Mermista (Seamista)
Entrapta x Hordak (Entrapdak)
Bow x Perfuma (Bofuma)
Micah x Angella (Micella)
Rogelio x Lonnie (Rogelonnie)
Adora x Catra (Catradora)
Adora x Glimmer (Glimmadora)
Bow x Sea Hawk (Seabow)
Perfuma x Mermista (Permista)
Spinnerella x Netossa (Spintossa)
Scorpia x Perfuma (Scorfuma)
Castaspella x Shadow Weaver (CastaWeaver)
Kyle x Rogelio (Kylelio)
Glimmer x Catra (Glitra)
Bow x Kyle (Kylow)
Catra x Monika (Montra)
Lonnie x Rogelio x Kyle (Logele)
Hunter x Ash (Hush)
Bosco x McKenzie (Bosckenzie)
Ashes x April (Ashpril)
Donnie x Bosco (Bonnie)
UNTG x Hunter (Huntra)
Hunter x Bosco (Boster)
UNTG x Ash (Nash)
FC x Groovy (FCroovy)
UNTG x JD Ashes (Nasha 2)
Trump x Biden (Brump)
Olaf x Frosty (Frolaf)
Ashes x Writers Block (Stuckshes)
UNTG x FC (Fora)
I'm Alive
Eren x Mikasa (EreMika)
Armin x Annie (AruAni)
Sasha x Conny (Springles)
Levi x Hange (LeviHan)
Levi x Erwin (Eruri)
Mikasa x Sasha (Mikasasha)
Jean x Conny x Sasha (JeanSashCon)
Chisato x Majima (Chisamaji)
Chisato x Lilybell Dude (Chisabell)
Chisato x Takina (Chisataki)
Mika x Shinji (Shika)
Fuki x Sakura (Fusa)
Fuki x Chisato (Chisuki)
Takina x Fuki (Tuki)
Kurumi x Robota (Walbot)
Hibana x Erika (Erihiba)
Erika x Takina (Eritaki)
Kusunoki x Assistant (Kusist)
Charlie x Alastor (Chalastor)
Adam x Lute (GuitarSpear)
Sir P x Cherri (CherriSnake)
Cherri x Angel Dust (CherriDust)
Charlie x Angel Dust (CharlieDust)
Rosie x Alastor (RadioRose)
Sir P x Charlie (RainbowSnake)
Carmilla x Zestial (Zestmilla)
Vel x Vox (StaticPhone)
Val x Vel (MothPhone)
Lucifer x Lilith (Lucilith)
Adam x Niffty (GuitarEye)
Niffty x Sir P (SnakeEye)
Vaggie x Alastor (RadioWings)
Charlie x Vaggie (Chaggie or RainbowWings)
Emily x Charlie (AngelicRainbow)
Vaggie x Lute (SpearWings)
Angel Dust x Husk (HuskerDust)
Lucifer x Alastor (RadioApple)
Vox x Alastor (RadioStatic)
Emily x Lute (Emilute or AngelicSpear)
Val x Vox (StaticMoth)
Angel Dust x Val (AngelMoth)
Adam x Lucifer (Adam'sApple)
Husk x Alastor (RadioHusk)
Vel x Vaggie (Vagette)
Carmilla x Vel (Carmette)
Niffty x Vel (EyePhone)
Val x Vel x Vox (3Vees)
Charlie x Vaggie x Alastor (Chagastor)
Charlie x Vaggie x Emily (Varily)
Charlie x Vaggie x Velvette (Chagette)
Charlie x Vaggie x Emily x Lute (Charlie'sAngels)

Yup... Suggestions...

104 3 33
By tmntplay4487

Well this is the 2nd one now. I'm gonna fill up the first one first, so I'm not gonna use this one until I do 😅.

Yup... so suggestions...?

Oh yeah and I'm still doing the whole scale thing (of course).

Y'all know the drill.

1- Appalling

2- Horrible

3- Very Bad

4- Bad

5- Average

6- Fine

7- Good

8- Very Good

9- OTP

10- Very Much OTP

11/10- MEGA OTP!

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