Break My Heart - A Selection...

By yuvali1234

3.1K 51 43

Maxon and America never heard the crash in the hallway that night. The rebels never attacked. There was never... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 4

274 3 5
By yuvali1234

America's P.O.V.

"Amberly!" I cried, hugging the queen

I started crying and she led me to a couch.

"Shh. Are you ok America? What happened." She asked gently

"I.. I went out to the gardens and, and Maxon was hiding in a bush and Kr-"

"Maxon was hiding in a bush?" Amberly smiled

I didn't smile.

"Continue." Amberly said seriously

"And then Rebel Guards came and took him and Kriss." I cried

"Rebel Guards?!" Amberly cried

She ran out of the Women's Room and called to the guards.

"Rebel Guards are in the palace! Sound the alarm." She called

They nodded and ran off. 

"Get to the safe room. Now." Amberly told me.

"But Maxo-"

"Now!" She yelled

I had never heard Amberly yell. So when she did, I ran.

Maids and guards rushed past me as the alarm went off.

Then I saw Aspen.

He ran towards me, scooping me up and running to the nearest safe room.

"I thought you were fired." I asked

"Shh. Just stay here." He begged, locking the room shut

But then it really sunk in. They took Maxon. I had to avenge him.

I kicked at the door. Screamed and kicked and cried. Nothing.

I was acting like a child but I didn't care. 

After gods knows how much time Amberly rushed in.

I stopped kicking and screaming and just cried

Amberly embraced me.

"Shh. We're looking for him. It's going to be alright." Amberly whispered

"But.... but...... but-"

"What?" Amberly asked kindly

"Maxon's going to be a father. He can't die"  I cried. 

There. I just spilled it.

"You-" Amberly looked shocked

"Accidentally. During The Selection." I cried

Amberly motioned to the guards at the door. 

"This stays quiet" She said curtly

They gulped nervously and nodded

"How far along?" Amberly asked gently

"Two months I think." I sniffled

"To the hospital wing. Now." Amberly ordered, helping me up

"But Maxon and Kr-" I started

"Are being cared for." Amberly said, her eyes welling

"What?" I asked

"I'm going to be a grandmother." She smiled sadly

I returned the sad smile.

When we reached the hospital they immediately took an ultrasound.

"So?" Amberly asked, holding my hand for comfort.

"She is. Those two will have to be killed because they ar-" I cut the doctor off

"Two?!" Amberly asked

"Killed?!" I yelled

"America, honey, calm down." Amberly soothed

"Why would they be killed." I whimpered

"They would be a threat to the royal family." Amberly explained

"NO!" I whimpered, clutching my stomach.

"I won't let that happen." Amberly assured

The room turned fuzzy.

"America. America! I won't let that happen." I heard Amberly promise before I blacked out

Maxon's P.O.V. 

We were slung into a van.

Kriss was bawling her eyes out.

"Kriss. Kriss get it together." I scolded

"We. Got. Kidnapped." She screamed

"I know."

"And you want me to get it together." She gawked 

"You need to be brave." I sighed

Kriss was bit too dramatic. America wasn't. She did what she wanted when she wanted. But not in the spoiled way.

"Maxon. Maxon you're thinking about America." Kriss bawled

How did she know.

"Why would I my dear?" I asked nervously

"You're eyes are lighting up."  She cried

"My dear. She is a good friend. But nothing more." I said

The van came to a stop.

I hadn't realized it was moving.

Two men came and grabbed us and took us inside.

I struggled as hard as I could


They gagged me in response.

I fumed in rage but realized, nobody could save us.

QOTD: Top 5 quotes


"If you don't want me to be in love with you, you're going to have to stop looking so lovely... I'm not kidding. You're too beautiful for your own good."

"Break my heart. Break it a thousand times if you like. It was only ever yours to break anyway."

"I'll love you until my very last breath. Every beat of my heart is yours. I don't want to die without you knowing that."

 "'In those seconds, I was mourning everything I'd lost. How I'd never get to see you walk down an aisle toward me, how I'd never get to see your face in our children, how I'd never get to see streaks of silver in your hair. But, at the same time, I couldn't be bothered. If me dying meant you living' — he did his one-shoulder shrug again—'how could that be anything but good?'"

"Maxon, some of those marks are on your back so they wouldn't be on mine and I love you for them."

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