Lord Of The Skies

By BoneAgentLakoul

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Here we go again. So, a very sexy tank came up to me, and had another idea to give me. Now, I was unfamiliar... More

Raul and Sons
Flying machines?
Secret tunnel
The Prime Tech Remnants
Prime Tech and their prime tech
Mission a-downright success!
The first Prime Tech assignment
Gustav the trader
Operator exchange program?
Oh! A cat!
From recruit to family
The Australium Mine
Gruthar's pack
Big Business! Big cash!
Welcome to Rhodes Island
As American as apple pie
Them's the good shit
Company overhaul
Well...it was bound to happen, right?
A major breakthrough
{See video above for reference}
The Art of Diplomacy
Raul, leader, loyal worker, and father
1st NM Squadron
Class struggle
The Neil Mechanics Civil War
The battle for the SS Tejada
The last chuckle
Remember the dead
The Airborne Misfits
Lords of the skies
Death from above
We're pretty much fucked
Change of plans
You don't deserve to be here
Lungmen Falls
Escape from Lungmen
The Neil Daddies
Back to square one
We're wanted men
Prisoners of war
The council will decide your fate
The android sent by Prime Tech
Thoughts of desertion
Our home! Our people! Our war!
For New Denver...
A bad time
{See video above for reference}
My final stand
We got em'

Home sweet home... I guess

32 3 0
By BoneAgentLakoul

Chapter 41:

[After exiting the catastrophe, the two brothers swerve, and turn, to see what had become of Lungmen...dark clouds loom over the city, striking lightning at the tallest piece of metal it finds. The ones furthest from the giant metal rod, has its lightning strikes explode on impact. It is though as if the God of Thunder is fighting gigantic infected jotunns, and the jotunns are winning. Shaw, upon the demise of her master, weeps and sobs uncontrollably. The yoke stops shaking violently, as the jets cruise into the sky, about to go back to Neil Mechanics... Tanner turns on auto-pilot, to hug and console Shaw. She is their responsibility now. Her fluffy tail was on his shoulder, making it pretty hard to drive, good thing he activated autopilot. He wraps his arms around Shaw, encasing her body, and tail as he kissed the back of her head.]

Tanner: I'm so sorry, Shaw... We could've... I'm sorry...

Tommy: How is she doing?

Tanner: Weeping... And wet. We're all wet. We need to take this off, stat.

Tommy: What about Shaw?

Tanner: Hm... Ahah! The hoodie from my childhood! I suppose it fits her, we are...the same size, if I was a kid.

Tommy: How are we gonna explain to Jesse when we get back?

Tanner: We faced zombies? While also braving through a thunderstorm? And brought back a kid?

Tommy: I'm not sure how Jesse would react to Shaw. I hope he'll be fine with it. What about Crownslayer?

Tanner: ... Tommy.

Tommy: Yes?

Tanner: If she touches Shaw, you're not afraid to hurt a lady right?

Tommy: If there is a valid reason. If that reason is "Punching a cute firefighter in the face", I'll tombstone her butt. Literally.

Tanner: I wonder how crowded Neil Mechanics is gonna be.

Tommy: For sure some of them will be headed to New Denver... I think the war is over now.

Tanner: Not sure about Jesse though... *He looks at Shaw's head, who's sank in her hands, catching the tear drops from her eyes. Her sobs turned to short wails as Tanner's arms are wrapped around hers instead of the yoke.* Shaw?... Are you gonna be alright?

Shaw: No...

Tanner: Me and Tommy will take care of you.

Shaw: How?...

Tanner: We'll find a way. Also, the people there, they're nice. They'll love you, Shaw. But...stick with me, Tommy, Armstrong, Max, and Daisy. I'll introduce you to them later.

Shaw: What'sgonnahappennow?

Tanner: We have to recuperate from that... May take a long time, but trust me when I say, you're gonna have the time of your life in there. Okay? Also, if you see a hooded redhead, and if she starts waving her arms at you, scream our names. We'll come running.

Tommy: Hey, can Shaw hear me?

Tanner: Shaw?

Shaw: Yes...

Tommy: Hey, Shaw! You're gonna enjoy living with us! We're gonna be your dads!

Shaw: Dads?.. Thenwhowillbemommy?

Tommy: Mommy!... Uhm... Tanner?

Tanner: I'm not gonna be the mom... Daisy! She said she once had a son.

Tommy: Think I'm rooting for Phyllis. She has good bedside manners.

Tanner: Her missing and detachable jaw would scare Shaw...hey that rhymes.

Tommy: She'll be used to us and the workers.

Tanner: Hey! Think you can call base now?

Tommy: Hm... Kyne... Come in... Base, come in. Control. Can you hear me control?

Two-Arms Armstrong: Tommy?! Is that you?! You're alive! Where's Tanner?!

*Armstrong's hopeful and loud voice came as some sort of relief to the brothers. Shaw perked her head up, due to the...sudden elderly southern voice.*

Tommy: Tanner's with me! We just made it out of that hell hole! How's everything back there?!

Two-Arms Armstrong: Jesse is fucking pissed off!

Tommy: Armstrong!

Armstrong: What?

Tommy: We have a child on board.

Tanner: And it's not me. Say hi, Shaw.

Shaw: Hi! MynameisShaw!

Armstrong: *Baffled by Shaw's fast voice, that he sputters in his mic. After sputtering gibberish, he only now realised that they have a child on board.* Oh! I'm so sorry! Um, don't say that, ma'am. It's a bad word.

Shaw: IthinkI'malreadyfamiliarwiththose.

Armstrong: Jeez, what kind of parents are you? <He mutters. It was intended to Tommy and Tanner> Just head to the runway, we'll clear it out for ya. I'll announce your arrival...hey...you saved a lot of people in there. They're very grateful.

Tommy: Just doing our job, Armstrong.

Armstrong: *He left the mic on as he goes to turn on the agitator, to spread his message around the landship.* Attention, the Neil Brothers are alive. Clear the runway.

*Tommy turns off the mic for Armstrong. Their landship was already in sight, they could see the workers scattering the ants, clearing the runway, turning on the lights for them. Shaw was astonished by their landcraft.*

Shaw: Woah! Sobig!

Tanner: That'swhatshesaid. <He mutters> Ahem, alright, Shaw, welcome to your new home. We'll take care of you nice, okay?

Shaw: Itrustyou! Especiallyyou! Tanner!

Tanner: Shucks, Shaw.

[The brothers circled around the landship, so Shaw can have a bird's eye view of her new home. Workers scatter like ants along the runway, damaged planes were still getting escorted inside the hangars for immediate repairs. The company's hospitals and clinics were filled to the brim with injured gunners and pilots, not to mention the reunion refugees they saved. The residential areas were filled with vagabonds, those vagabonds are members of the reunion. The NM guards and nurses were taking care of them, despite them looking like ants to Tanner and Tommy...and Shaw. The people were too busy and fixated on their duties trying to organise the masses to notice Tanner and Tommy's arrival, perhaps it is for the best. After giving Shaw a quick tour from above, they slowed down the throttle, and landed on the runway. Their clothes were no longer soaked, instead, it's dried and wrinkled, but still, they have to burn it, or else they'll infect the ship with husk disease... I think... I'm not a virologist. The feeling of finally reaching your home, after a gruelling campaign relieved both brothers of their stress. Furthermore taking Shaw into the jaws of safety once more. She is still saddened by the passing of her master, she must be taken to Phyllis or Daisy, to calm her down of her trauma. Of course, there is also Mephisto, losing literally everyone he ever loved, and loved him, the kid has suffered so much, please let him just have one good day? After they broke out of the canopy, they dash out the cockpit. With Tanner having to be careful as to not hurt Shaw. He hands her over to the maintenance men, who grabs her by the armpits, and hoist her out of there. Tanner and Tommy were frantically taking off their seatbelts, and after doing so, jumps out of the cockpit, and dash to their personal barracks. On the way, they were taking off all of their layered clothing, and dropping them on the runway, the workers witnessing looked at them as if they're morons. You can't really tell the difference if it's these two. Shaw, at the moment, had a thermal blanket draped over her as her uniform was removed, revealing her soaking wet undershirt. She tried to run after the brothers, but, they led her to Phyllis instead. She's too...cold to acknowledge the stony limbs of the workers. Tommy and Tanner rushed into their bunks, and quickly raided their wardrobe after taking out every piece of clothing they have, even their underwear.]

Tanner: Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! We need to take a shower.

Tommy: We already just did.

Tanner: No time for jokes! Not sure if we're infected!

Lyudmila: You're not. Both from Oripathy and Husk disease.

*Tommy and Tanner looked back to see Crownslayer just lounging casually on their bed, her tail wagging excitedly, despite her stoic expression. {I should mention their barracks was upgraded to fit the environment. I was supposed to mention it in the "Company makeover".} Judging by how her eyes are viewing both of them from top to bottom, means she's...liking what she's seeing.*

Lyudmila: I like the welcoming ceremony, you guys~

Tanner: What the!? How are you here?!

Lyudmila: Um... Do you really have to ask me that? Knowing what I'm capable of?

Tommy: True.

Lyudmila: Hey, uh, like I said you're free, you're not infected. Also... I may like what I'm seeing, indecent exposure is still a problem is today's society. Both mentally and healthi...tily.... Put some goddamn pants on.

Tanner: R-right! Of course!

*Tanner and Tommy settled for a plain-Airman T-shirt, some cargo pants, tucked into their boots, and of course, Tommy's other pilot jacket, and tank commander hat, and Tanner's engineer coat. Lyudmila also did her fair share of closet raiding...she...still hasn't taken off her mask, in fact, she upgraded it to a respirator, which sort of gives her a "Muzzled bulldog" look, and changed her angsty looking clothes to an NM mechanic jumpsuit.*

Lyudmila: You guys made all of us worried back here, you know? We thought you were dead!

Tommy: How'd you made it out of there?

Lyudmila: I managed to catch the last flight out of there. Damn legionnaires got there before I did. But hey, I'm here now.

Tanner: Where's Mephisto?

Lyudmila: Ah, yes, him... *She looks down on the ground, and scratches her head, nervously. Pushing one of her wolf ears down.* Your nurses, after getting the report of...what happened to his boyfriend, sent him to the psychiatric ward. I've never seen your landship before, and damn, were you guys busy.

Tanner: Is he alright?

Lyudmila: Take all of the accounts of what happened back there, and there's your answer. No, he's not alright. Makes me feel bad for the bastard that killed a lot of children his age...or...looks as his age.

Tommy: What the fuck have you been doing in Ursus?

Lyudmila: ... Avenging Hosea.

Tanner: Um...you're not staying here, aren't you?

Lyudmila: Got a problem with that?

Tommy: Yes...you're invading our privacy.

Lyudmila: Welp! Doesn't matter. I know where you live. Oh! And by the way. *She takes out Tommy's crowbar from under the bed she was on.* Here, I kept it warm for ya. I didn't exactly...well, you know. Shoved it up my-

Tommy: Thank you, Crownslayer. <He says in a "Done with your shit" sarcasm tone>

*Tommy, instead of politely taking the crowbar, just aggressively yanks it out of her hand. She recoiled a bit, and raised her hands instinctively.*

Lyudmila: Woah, you guys pissed off or what?

Tanner: Just...tired... Yeah. We just want to go to bed.

Lyudmila: Well, you can just sleep now, I kept the bed warm too. Not sure whose bed is which, so I alternate. Well, if you need me, I'll be at the refuge camp. Just...uhm... What's the front of the compass again?

Tommy: North?

Lyudmila: Yeah! North! Beyond the runway. Anyways, see you guys when you're awake. We have a lot of stuff to do here, now that you guys are carrying the last of the reunion.

Tommy: The last?

Lyudmila: We lost everything, basically. Our cities in Victoria, our leaders, yep...shit... We devolved into a ragtag group of anarchists now... Hosea was indeed right. Shoulda stayed with the old man. *Sniffles* *She holds back her tears, going outside the door. She waves goodbye to the brothers before closing it.*

Tommy: Man... I feel really bad for her.

Tanner: Not just her, but the reunion as a whole. I mean... Look! Even we are affected!

Tommy: Let's just...wait, prolly eat a meal. Then let's visit-

Tanner: Shhh...

Tommy: What?

*Tanner goes to the door, and opens it to discover Crownslayer eavesdropping.*

Lyudmila: ...

Tanner: ...

Lyudmila: I was just leaving.

*She then dashes down the runway, inevitably pushing a poor worker into the ground.*

Tanner: That's one weird ringleader.

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