Dear Michael ; muke (BOOK 2)

By Rudemgc

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That's all Luke felt.. Everything is his fault. BOOK 2 {Sequel to Dear Luke} •☹©∞✓ More



688 47 6
By Rudemgc

Dear Michael

I'm getting ready to go out.

I don't know just wanted to say I love you

- Luke

Luke and Ashton were sitting on the couch waiting for derek.

"Hey I'm sorry I'm late" Derek said while opening the door and closing it walking into the living room

"Hey. Ashton this is Derek, Derek this is Ashton" Luke said smiling

"Nice to m--" Derek was cut off

"I saw you before. You were talking to someone in a phone booth. Sound like you were really pissing the guy off" Ashton snarled and Luke awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and Derek looked away

The tension in the room was thick..

"Ok um lets go" Luke said leaving the house


They went to a local small pub. Ashton, Luke and 'Derek' were sitting at a table in the corner of the room. It was very awkward since they left the house.

"I'm going to go dance and get drunk" Luke said while standing up walking to the bar.

"Don't take advantage of him Michael" Ashton snapped while walking to the dance floor. He definitely was gonna get wasted

About a few hours later Ashton was drunk and was dancing with some blonde bimbo and Luke was drunk and was dancing with some guy on the dance floor.

Michael was getting more irritated and upset seeing the sight of Luke with some other guy.. But he lost it when he saw Luke grinding against the guy. Michael slammed the glass of beer against the table causing it to shatter. He stood up and marched over to the intoxicated boy and grabbed his wrist dragging him away

"Hey where are you taking him?!" The guy yelled but all michael did was stick his middle finger up in the air

"Derek what are you doing?" Luke slurred while giggling.

"What the hell are you doing Luke?! You're dancing up against some random guy who's like twenty years older than you!" Michael snapped and Luke rolled his eyes

"it was fun! Are y-you jealous?" Luke asked while hiccuping with a smirk playing on his face. Luke leaned in where his mouth was right by Michaels ear

"Did you want to be that guy?" Luke whispered and teasingly pushed himself against Michael. He slowly brushed himself against michael and michael was trying not to let out a moan.

"Dammit Luke stop!" Michael growled while pushing him away.

"I know you want it" Luke slurred and smirked. Luke pushed himself against Michael but this time Luke connected his lips to michaels.

He was shocked for a couple of seconds missing the feeling of Lukes lips and then slowly kissed back. It was soft at first then started getting rough. Luke pushed him back to a table and caused 'Derek' to sit down and Luke straddle him grinding his hips against michaels in a circular rotation causing michael to moan in the kiss. Michael combed his hands through Luke's hair slightly pulling on it causing Luke to let out moans. He pulled away and leaned his for head against michaels

"Your lips are soft like Michaels" Luke whispered and Michaels eyes widened forgetting he's 'Derek'

"Let's go back to my house to finish this" Luke whispered before michael could say anything.

So 'Derek' drove them home both not caring how Ashton was going to get back. Once they got in the house they immediately attached their lips together kissing each other passionately.

And well they went upstairs and had complete rough drunk sex.

Michael knew what he was doing was wrong.. But it felt so right



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