One shots: Leah x Jordan

By ReadingKing247

46.6K 384 40

One shots of Leah Williamson and Jordan Nobbs. More

Stuck in the elevator
Love(ly) connection
Thinking of you
The real trophy
WWC 2019 - World Cup emotions
First kiss


4.8K 47 2
By ReadingKing247

Leah's POV:

Go clubbing with the team couldn't get more exciting. We're about to leave in a few hours time. This is the night, I'm not going to disappoint myself any longer. Fact is, I've got a crush on Jordan for over a year. I still don't know if she feels the same way and neither do I know how I've managed to hide it from her since we live in the same apartment. Our friendship is pure comedy gold, there's always this bit of banter involved in every day conversations and such. Sometimes I can't stop thinking about how unintentionally funny she is, I mean the girl's not even trying. I let out a chuckle at the thought of it all, I would love to know how she does it. In that moment my bedroom door swings wide open without any warning. "Do I look okay?" Jordan asks nervously. Oh my- she's asking me if she looks okay? Well she's stunning as usual, and in that outfit she somehow manages to look even better. Is she trying to kill me slowly because it sure feels like it. "Does that mean you don't like it? I know it's a bit daring, but it can't be that bad or..." Jordan strikes, once again blowing my mind. Holy shit Leah, now you gotta say what you think or the girl will be devastated. Only problem is I can barely speak because first off she's looking too good for me to handle, secondly I want to tell her she looks absolutely stunning in that dress but I don't know how to say that in a more friendly way not wanting to sound desperate or something. Taking a deep breath, I say "You look decent Jord!". I must be the biggest of idiots this planet has ever seen. Why the hell did I say 'decent' of all the things I could have said. She's way more than decent. "Thanks I guess. Can I wear this to the club tonight or is it not decent enough?" Jordan continues while cracking a smile. Oh my god, if she's wearing that tonight there's no way I'm going to be able to resist that, especially not after I've downed a couple of drinks. Without thinking clearly I spit out "you sure can, decent looks good on you!" "Cheers then! What are you going with Leah?" "Uhm, well I actually don't know just yet but probably something not too fancy" I say.

Later on we're outside the bar catching up with the rest of our teammates. When everybody finally shows up we walk inside. It was a newly built bar and just by walking inside you could tell it was hell of a big one. I better not get lost in here, I thought to myself. We found a table suitable for the whole team and slumped down. I sat somewhere in the middle with Carla on my left and Jordan on my right. The first fifteen minutes was quiet fun. A lot of banter going around the table and people getting drunker for every minute passing by. I enjoyed it so far, until something for me unpredictable happened. "Hey Jordan, don't you agree it's time to get you a proper girl? I mean everyone knows you've been without for the last two years, it's time to start mingle..." Dan says from across the table. "Oh come on Dan, that's not what I'm here for and you know it. I just wanna have a good time with the gals." Jordan responds calmly. "I know you want to, look at all the pretty girls you could get. Any of them could easily be yours, no doubt! You see the girl over there in the black dress? She's looking at you, go talk to her Jord!" "No way I'm going over, I'm not interested anyway. Besides that, I got my eyes on someone else at the moment." Wait a second, me and Jordan are best friends, we tell each other everything. She hasn't even mentioned she fancies someone. I do wonder who the lucky one is. Dan's reply to Jordan made me snap back into reality quicker than ever before. "So what you're telling me is that you have no game? That's a bit lame tho..." "Pfft, it's not lame not to have game but if I need to prove to you that I actually have then fine I guess..." Jordan let's out a sigh before slowly standing up and making her way over to the girl in the black dress.

Jordan's POV:

Dan forced me into this, I tell myself, even tho I know I was the one who did accept the challenge. I'm not supposed to do this, I got another girl in sight. Maybe I can try being friends with her and that's it. If it turns out into nothing at all it will be a flop for sure and I will be embarrassed to say the least. Let alone all the mocking I'm going to get from Dan either way. As I approach the girl, she looks at me like I'm the only one in the room, she completely stares me up and down a few times before reaching out her hand. "Hi, my name is Jenna!" She introduces herself. "Hello, I'm Jordan, but my friends call me Jord so I'm fine with that too." I have to admit that she's beautiful, a blonde with blue eyes. That reminds me of the person I actually do fancy, which makes it easier to resist the beauty of hers. I crack an awkward smile and don't know what more to say. "May I?" Jenna asks politely. "Yes you do." I shortly answer before she grabs my hand and drags me onto the dance floor. "Before we do this, I just wanted you to know that I'm not a good dancer." "Come on Jordan, it will be fun I promise! I don't care if you can or cannot dance, it will be fun either way." "Okay, but this is one of the things not to expect a footballer to be good at, just saying!" "Wait, you're a footballer? That might be why I recognized you. What's your full name again?" "Jordan, ehm Jordan Nobbs" I replied, the alcohol had now started to kick in for real. I took one last glance over to where all the girls were sat. All eyes were on me, constantly looking out for my next move. It's hopeless, I thought to myself, and with that I turned my attention back to the girl in front of me and danced with her just like she offered to.

Leah's POV:

I looked over at where Jordan was and saw her smiling and laughing at, what it felt like, every word that girl said. I don't like looking at this scene, not at all. Clearly everyone else, except Carla, enjoys it. It's understandable in one way because they're also her friends, but they seem to have no clue I like Jordan more than a friend and that bothers me. Carla knows though, but only because I told her. Everyone keeps cheering on, although I'm pretty sure neither Jordan nor the other girl can't hear them. Honestly I didn't know Jordan could dance like that, she always told me she's too shy and that she's so bad at it she would never do it voluntarily. But here we are, her doing what she said she never would do for anyone or anything, ever. She might as well kiss that girl soon enough, you can really tell she's falling for her. At least that's what it looks like from here. "Leah are you okay girl?" I hear Carla's soft voice from beside me. "No I'm actually not, don't you see what's happening in front of us?" I whisper back sarcastically. My anger are slowly getting to me, but I don't want to take it out on anyone else, especially not Carla. I know she only wants to help, but I'm not in the mood right now. This night all of a sudden turned out to be an awful night out from my point of view. Almost comparable with the darkest of nightmares one can possibly have. "Hey Leah, even if it looks like it's more to it, I don't think it's that serious. Particularly not from Jordan's side." "How do you know? That looks kind of real to me." I say, pointing my head to where Jordan and that girl are dancing peacefully in the middle of the dance floor. "Trust me, Jordan isn't interested in her. My guess is she's trying to make a new friend and at the same time not letting Dan bullying her for not having any game. You remember?" "Yes I do, but what's that got to do with it?" "Well, Jordan has her eyes at s-" "someone else. Yeah, yeah, yeah I heard her say that yes... That still doesn't matter as it's not me anyways. She can as well break my heart right in front of me so the pain hopefully will go away quicker..." "I happen to know who the lucky girl is, if that's to any help." Carla explains. "YOU KNOW WHO?? Since when? And for how long have you been knowing?" I say a bit chocked by the fact Carla knew, but not me. "So who's the lucky girl then?" I continue. "I can't answer that I'm afraid, but I'm sure you will find out when the time is right." "When the time is right? What are you talking about Carla? I'm so confused." With that being said, I quickly stood up and made my way towards the bartender to grab more drinks. Not that anyone else in the team needed more because they were all drunk af. I gathered a dozen of drinks and lined them up in front of me. I was going to down them all, one by one, as fast as I possibly could in order to ease the pain I felt so strongly inside of me. I got into my fourth shot glas when someone grabbed my wrist. "Leah please don't, I'm starting to worry a lot about your well being and I'm quiet sure I'm not the only one." Carla begged. "I'm so sorry you have to see me like this, but I don't bother to care anymore. It might sound ridiculous but I really need those shots to let go of the pain." I respond, now in a clearly drunker state. "Can't you see what you're doing to yourself? You're a drunken mess and still expect the girl of your dreams to come get you? Don't you hear how bad that sounds, not ideal if you ask me." "It's ideal for me as long as the pain goes away, the quicker the better! Now please let me finish this so that I won't suffer any longer." "As you wish, young lady, just take into account that you guys are living together. She will be worried as hell if you get drunker than this, or even if she sees you right now. I warned you at least." Carla said and with that she went back to the table with the rest of the Arsenal girls. I had nothing to lose, I thought to myself. That's probably why I keep drinking even tho I know it's not good for me. Never have I ever been this drunk before, but sadly, or however you look at it, I wasn't done just yet. I glanced over at Jordan one more time and for the first time since she left our table earlier tonight we got eye contact. I saw the worried look on her face, but I was too drunk to be able to process it any further. I quickly looked away as the pain filled up my chest once more this evening. The ninth shot it was to be taken, and I couldn't have downed it faster no matter how hard I would've tried. A second later the tenth was downed as well, which meant I only had two glasses left. Maybe it's time to refill the shot glasses soon, I figured.

Jordan's POV:

I had all fun with Jenna, we laughed and joked around a lot. She even made me dance, which made me realize that maybe I wasn't that bad as I've always fooled myself into believing. I do miss the Arsenal girls, so hopefully I can spend some time with them as well before leaving this place. My gaze wandered over the table where the other girls were sat. I felt at peace until I noticed that Leah was gone. My heart started to race thinking that she must be alone somewhere in this big so called bar. Why would she be alone in the first place? She got many friends on the team, something must be up. I continued to scan the room searching for Leah, but without any luck it seemed, until I saw someone sitting all alone in front of the bartender with what looked like a plate of shots that easily would have lasted for a whole weekend if you wanted it to. I still wasn't sure it was her. In that moment Jenna distracted me when she suddenly started to lean in, at the same time the girl with the large shots plate in front of her looked up and we locked eyes with each other. Holy crap, was that really Leah? She looked so drunk and well how do you say it, broken hearted? But why? She knows she can talk to me if there's something bothering her. This behavior is not like her at all. The girl who barely drank during her first night out with the team and now this? It doesn't make sense to me. Sure many things doesn't make sense to me, but this is way ahead of the usual stuff. Just as I was about to push Jenna away slightly to tell her I only wanted to be friends with her, Leah looked away and started downing the rest of her shots. I quickly explained to Jenna that I would rather be just friends which she was okay with. We exchanged phone numbers and I then apologized before rushing over towards where Leah were sat. In this moment I am so scared and clueless to what's happening with her. I don't know the reason to why she's drinking this much, but come on girls... Leaving her totally alone without supervision in this state is unacceptable, poor girl. When I finally arrive there's a new plate of shots served in front of my eyes. I get upset by the sight of it and decide to take the plate away from her so she can't down more of them. "Who the fuck dare taking my shots away from me?" Leah bursts out loudly. "Shh Leah, you don't have to be that loud. It's me, Jordan." "Jordan? That's a cute name. Oh wait... I think one of my friends name's also Jordan. Jordan.. Jordan.. well I might have lost the last name but you wouldn't know her anyway." "Leah do you remember my face from somewhere? Do you remember who I am?" "Well, you told me your name is Jordan, I remember that. Speaking of faces, I think I recognize you from somewhere. It's some kind of sport, am I right? Not handball, not baseball, not swimming. Maybe you're a professional hockey player, that would be quite interesting! Oh, now I think I got it right, footballer, that's what you are! The question now is for which team? Which position are you pla-" "Okay Leah that's enough rambling, time to go home!" "Home? How do you know where I live?" A very confused Leah questions. "Just follow me, I'll explain later." I dragged her all the way onto the Arsenal table to say goodbye to everyone and announce that the two of us are going home. When we closed in the girls went quiet and everyone's attention was directed at Leah. I guess they could have never imagined seeing her in such a drunken state at a teams night out, I can give them that. But no one even looking out for her when she was gone for like maybe an hour? That's what I call lame. "I just wanted to announce that me and Leah are heading home now, so you don't need to look for us when you guys leave. I think y'all have already figured out why... See yous in training in a few days." "Training? Wait, so this is the teammates you talked about? Your hockey buddies, cool! Nice to meet y'all! Some day I wish to be as talented as, your name was Jordan right, yeah as talented as her. We've become mates now so she has to teach me how to skate!" Everyone was in utter shock, no one could believe what they had just witnessed. I apologized for her strange behavior and told them to take better care of her next time, before saying goodbye and leaving with Leah.

When we got out of the cab I had to carry her all the way to our shared apartment. My emotions were so mixed at this moment. I wonder how she will feel tomorrow, and seeing her this drunk breaks my heart in more than two pieces, that's for sure. I feel bad for her, there must be a very heavy burden she's carrying within her. She sure loves a glass of wine or such but that's usually it. She does it for fun, not to end up super drunk in a new opened bar filled with strangers. I gently put her down in her bed and made it comfortable for her. I turned out the lights and was about to close the door when I heard her say "please stay". My weakness has always been her begging me to do something, I simply can't say no to her.  "Okay, I'll just go grab an air mattress. I'll be right back!" "No please don't, no need to complicate things. Just sleep beside me. I need someone to cuddle." Leah was still so drunk, I don't mind it but I hope she doesn't regret it tomorrow morning. I got changed into my pyjamas and got into the bed with her. "Please come a little closer to me, I need a proper hug." I moved closer to her but at the same time I knew how bad this could end up if I wasn't careful enough. I want her, but in this drunken state I can't be sure of what she wants or not. Leah cuddled up to me, the last words I heard her say before falling asleep was "good night Jordan, I promise I will attend one of your hockey games some day to cheer you on!" It was the funniest thing ever, but I'm totally aware that she has no clue what she's talking about right now. I took one last look at her before shutting my eyelids yet again.

Leah's POV:

I woke up to a small glimpse of light hitting my face. My head hurts as hell and I can't remember anything from last night. As I slowly open my eyes, I spot a body next to me. I can't remember how this happened or who it is, but somehow it feels right. Taking a closer look I notice that I'm cuddled up to this mysterious girl. "Good morning sunshine! How you feeling today?" The girl asks. "Please stop screaming, my head hurts as hell!" I whisper back. "Sorry! I thought you might be a little less drunk than yesterday, but turns out I'm wrong." "Is that why I can't remember your name?" I whisper deeply confused, before continuing "You remind me of someone I know by the way. The brown hair, light brown/green eyes, your face... I just can't remember her name. Only thing I'm sure about is that I've met her millions of times before and that I've had a crush on that girl for over a year now." "Erm well you asked what my name was so for the third time in what is it? Ten hours time? I can gladly tell you my name is Jordan. I bet -" "Jordan? Well that's strange because I've met two persons named Jordan recently, and oh I know a third one too!" I let out, obviously very drunk still. "This might be a bit random Jordan, but can I tell you a story? Pleaseee it will be fun!" "Sure thing, go on." I heard her say and started to tell her all about my suddenly reappearing and vague memories of the hockey team theme I've literally snowed in into the last couple of hours. "... And then she introduced me to all of her teammates and she also promised to teach me how to skate. I'm so excited!" I kept rambling on. "Are you sure you're okay? Please do me a favor and give me your name, then I will listen until you finish the story." Jordan says with a concerned expression on her face. "Don't be ridiculous, easy answer! My name is... my name is... erm... Leah?" I not so convincingly stutter out. Thanks to a framed photo of me with my name also framed I managed to get it right. "Okay you were right, but not convincing enough young lady." Jordan said as she looked down at me. "Can I please make one thing clear? The rest is up to you to solve okay? So this other person also named Jordan, from the bar last night, did she mention anything along the lines of having training in a few days?" "Yes why? How did you know?" "Think about it, I'm curious to see if you can solve it or if you're not sober enough for that, Leah." "It's a bit blurry I have to admit, but if I remember right you look a lot like... OMG, are you the same Jordan from the bar?" "Yep that's right, I thought you would never figure it out tho." She responded while laughing at my stupidness, with all right to do so. "Oh, holy crap! That still means there's two Jordan though. You probably don't know her, but we've been friends for years actually!" I proudly stated the facts, or at least what I thought were facts. "Interesting, I must admit. Who's that girl on the right in that framed picture with you? The one where they're lifting the trophy I mean." I turned my head away from the girl's chest to get a proper look at the photo. "Erm, I can't remember really if I'm being honest, but the caption says Jordan, Jordan Nob... Jordan Nobbs? Does it really say 'Nobbs'?" I tried to hold in my laugh, but it was pointless. "Who even has that as their last name? That's the worst that can ever happen to oneself. Poor girl..." "I can't more than agree with you on that, it's the worst last name one can have and somehow I managed to get it. I truly am a poor girl huh?" "Ahah you're also named Jordan Nobbs? That's brilliant! Now I got two buddies named exactly the same thing, only difference is that one is a professional hockey player and the other a professional footballer." I let out before even thinking. Then it hit me, no fucking way, I thought to myself. This ain't happening right now, this is so embarrassing. "Sorry Jordan, I didn't mean that. I think I'm sober enough to connect the dots..." I say rather hesitant. "So what made the trick, if I may ask?" "You as a hockey player, pfft come on! No offense but you can't even skate. Secondly it wouldn't make sense if a hockey player had framed pictures of a footballer with the same name and me in it also... I'm stupid I know. Sorry for everything I said, probably nothing I said was true." "It's okay Leah, as drunk as you were last night it's more than understandable. God I think I've never seen anyone downing that many drinks on a night out, and I never imagined you would be the one making me witness such a mess! But here we are." Jordan said jokingly. "Well I'm so sorry I put you through that, I feel like an awful friend." "Don't worry about it, whatever burden you carry we will take us through it together, I promise. Now may I ask, you said you've had a crush on this girl for a little over a year... is that true?" She asked nervously, biting her lip as if she was scared of what my answer would be. "Yes, it is." I simply let out, not being able to breathe in fear she would laugh me in the face or something. Jordan wrapped her arms around me and gave me a quick hug. She then looked down at me resting peacefully on her chest whilst gently grabbing my chin with her thumb. "May I?" She said glancing down at my lips and then looking into my eyes once again. I had no clue she actually was interested in me so I was in a bit of a chock. I couldn't do anything but nod at the moment and so I did. Jordan slowly leaned in and I felt the shiver in my whole body as her lips brushed against mine. She was gentle but at the same time so passionate. We made out for a while before breaking apart. I put my head back on Jordan's chest when I got another memory back from last night. "Jordan, that girl you talked to yesterday at the bar... what happened with her?" I asked both confused and a bit nervous. "Oh, you mean Jenna? Well she was nice I would say but not my type really, just friends you know. And besides that I was in love with someone else anyway..." She answered, starting to blush a bit. "I only did it because Dan made me, or I would have been bullied for the rest of the night." "But didn't you guys kiss? I saw yous on the dance floor together, but I was really drunk by then so maybe I'm just making things up?" "Me and Jenna never kissed, even though she tried to once. That was when I told her I only wanted to be friends with her. To not disappoint Dan I exchanged phone number with her and that was it!" "Oh, I'm sorry for my assumption, you looked so happy with her tho which kind of broke my heart..." I responded. "So now tell me, who is that someone you fancy?" "There's no need to tell, she's right in front of me." "What?" I said confused. "You idiot!" Jordan let out. "It's you Leah, it's always been you!" "Oh... really?!" "Yeah really. I thought it would be rude to kiss you if I didn't like you that way, don't you think?" "True that, I'm usually not this dumb. I blame it on the alcohol this time and it IS a worthy reason!" "Not worthy enough to waste our time chit chatting, don't you agree, hockey buddy?" "Oh please stop it, I was way too drunk when I said that okay?" "Maybe, but that doesn't make it less fun!" "Fine, as you want... How skillful of me to get myself a hockey player." "Just luck if you ask me." With that said Jordan leaned in for the second time and once again connected our lips. Later on I broke away from the kiss to finally be able to ask the question I've wanted to ask the whole night. "When are you teaching me how to skate, Jord?"

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